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Light adaptation and sensitivity change processes in the human …· 2020-05-09· LIGHT ADAPTATION AND SENSITIVITY CHANGE - [PDF Document] (1)



Tomasz Waldemar Wysokinski

M.Sc., Eng. (Physics) Technical University of Gdansk - Poland, 1989





Engineering Science

0 Tomasz W. Wysokinski 1996


May 1996

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Name: Tomasz Waldemar Wysokinski

Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)

Title of Thesis: Light Adaptation and Sensitivity Change Processes in the Human Retina - Investigating Opto-Electronic Applications

Examining Committee: Dr. John S. Bird Chairman

Dr. Andrew H. Rawicz Senior Supervisor

Dr. Romuald Lakowski Supervisor

Dr. M. Parameswaran Supervisor

Dr. Robert F. Frindt Internal External Examiner

R& k?.ew, Dr. Robert R. Parsons External Examiner University of British Columbia

Date Approved: Mav 8 , 1996

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Real-world image acquisition systems, such as the charge coupled device with frame

grabber and computer, are still very limited in overall performance compared with the bi-

ological visual systems. The work done in this thesis originates from the fact that the solu-

tions implemented by nature are both elegant and efficient, and that they should be the

inspiration for designers to enhance the performance of artificial visual systems.

In the first part of this research, we investigate the phenomena of light adaptation and

sensitivity change processes that allow an eye to operate over 12 decades of light intensity

range. Different adaptation mechanisms are scrutinised, and a model of those mechanisms

is developed. Next we investigate how the visual system copes with light intensities be-

yond its dynamic range when glare occurs. The signal saturation in glare phenomena is

used to reveal the highly complex structure of the retina. By applying a developed model

of signal propagation in the Outer Plexiform Layer and by relating it to the experimental

psychophysical data, we obtain a formula for the density of horizontal cell connections

along the diameter of the human retina.

By studying the architecture, neurology and physiology of the retina, we develop an

equivalent Adaptive Filter/Photosensitive Device Array system capable of coping with a

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wide range of light conditions. The Adaptive Filter mimics some adaptation mechanisms

of the human eye and offers the possibility of extending the dynamic range of operation of

any image-acquiring system without affecting the electronic circuitry of the photo-sensor


In the third part, we describe efforts to build one of the possible implementations of

the adaptive filter, namely an optically addressed Photochromic Adaptive Filter (PAF),

which utilizes photochromic material embedded in a polymeric environment. We success-

fully test the concept of extending the operating range of the constructed image-acquiring

system by using optically-addressed PAF's. The system is modified to determine a Trans-

formation Function of these filters using a simple, fast and easy-to-automate method.

In the appendix we discuss several problems related to this research program. We es-

timate the measurement errors in detail. We also present a new method of preparing thin-

layer silver-halide film and describe other possible implementations of the adaptive filter

using active opto-electronic devices.

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"To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chro- matic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree."

Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species

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I wish to thank my advisor, Dr. Andrew Rawicz, the members of my committee, Dr. Ro-

muald Lakowski and Dr. M. Parameswaran, and all my friends for their many helpful

comments and advice. I also owe a great deal of thanks to Brigitte Rabold and Susan


Last but not least, I wish to acknowledge my most important supporter, Hania, my wife.

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... Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ni

Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... vi

Contents .......................................................................................................................................... vii

List of Equations ............................................................................................................................. xi

List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. xii

... List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... xi11

List of Symbols and Abbreviations ............................................................................................. xv

Introduction ............................................................................................... 1


Adaptation and Glare Adaptive Filter: Concept and Implementation

Contributions Outline


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.......... Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems 6

............................................................................................. Introduction 7

The retina -part of the visual system ..................................................... 7

Signal Flow in the Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL) 9

.................................................................... Adaptation and Sensitivity 13

Adaptation Mechanisms 14 Sensitivity Change Mechanisms 17 Conclusions 18

Glare ...................................................................................................... 20

Neuronal Model of "Dazzling Glare" 2 1

............................................................................................... Summary 31

Part I1 Adaptive Filter: the concept ................... ...... ........... 33

........................................................................................... Introduction

The concept ...........................................................................................

............................................................... Transformation Function (TF)

.............................................................................................. Modelling

Modelling Image Transformation by Different Transformation Functions Discussion of a few special cases of adaptive filters

............................................................................................... Summary

Part I11 Photochromic Adaptive Filter ................... ......... 49

Introduction ........................................................................................... 50

.......................................................................... Photochromic Systems 50

Photochromic systems . general description 5 1

Inorganic photochromic systems 5 1

... V l l l

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Organic photochromic systems

Applications of photochromic systems

Development of a Photochromic Adaptive Filter (PAF) ....................... 55

Polymeric matrices 5 6

Photochromes 57

Design and fabrication 5 9

Spectral properties of photochromic filters 6 1

Thin film thickness estimation 66

Photochromic Filter - Implementation ................................................. 73

Developing of the test bench 73

Experimentation 7 6

Typical image quality improvements 77

Determination of the Transformation Function of PAF ........................ 83

Introduction 84

Experimental 84

Transformation Function 8 5

Results and Discussion 85

S urnrnary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8

Conclusions .............................................................................................. 91

Contributions ........................................................................................ 92

Advantages of photochromic systems .................................................. 93

Limitations of organic photochromic systems ...................................... 94

Future work ........................................................................................... 95

Design improvements 95

Technological improvements 96

Applications of photochromic systems ................................................. 97

Related studies ...................................................................................... 98

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Appendix .................................................................................................. 99

Errors discussion and summary .......................................................... 100

Development of the inorganic PAF ..................................................... 103

Photochrornic process 103 Spectral properties of inorganic photochromic film 104 Formation of Photochromic Glasses 106 Sputtering deposition of inorganic PAF 106 Preparation of a Photochromic Glass via a Sol-Gel process 108

Summary .... ,. .............. .. ........ .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . 109

Investigating possible implementation of the Active Adaptive Filter 110

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD's) 110 Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) 112

Summary .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .................. .. .. .. .. . . ........ . . . . .............. . . . . . . . 11 5

Bibliography ........................................................................................... 116

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List of Equations

(Eq.A.1) ............................................................................................................................ 100 (Eq.A.2) ............................................................................................................................ 101 (Eq.A.3) ............................................................................................................................ 101

............................................................................................................................ (Eq . A.4) 104

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List of Tables

Table 1.1

Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3.4 Table 3.5 Table 3.6 Table 3.7 Table 3.8

Table A.1

Selected biological adaptation processes compared with equivalent ......................................................................... opto-electronic implementation

.................................... Product names and acronyms of investigated polymers ..................................................................... Solvents used in trial experiments

..................... Structure and conventional names of investigated photochromes Typical photochrome-polymer solution formulation .........................................

........................................................................................... Sample composition .................................. Spectral and temporal properties of photochromic filters

Spectral parameters for different photochromic systems ................................... Calculated values of time constant . first approximation ..................................

................................................................................................ Errors overview 102


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List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Human eye: schematic cross-section ................................................................ 8 ...................................... Figure 1.2 Synaptic connections of cells in the peripheral retina 9

. Figure 1.3 Dazzling glare models: a . lateral inhibition in the OPL. b light scattering .... 22

Figure 1.4 Electrical circuit model of one dimensional resistive network ...................... 24

Figure 1.5 Experimental glare function vs . angular distance from the glare source .............................................................................. derived from Equation 1.3 27

Figure 1.6 Normalized lateral inhibition spread function calculated from Equation 1.5 with a = 4 6 andb = 0.112 ............................................................................... 28

Figure 1.7 Horizontal cells and horizontal cell connection density distribution ............. 30

Figure 2.1 Utilization of the adaptive filter in a . global and b . local operating mode ..... 36

Figure 2.2 Block diagram of the image processing system utilizing active ......................................................... and passive types of the Adaptive Filter 37

Figure 2.3 Selected image transformation types: a . proportional reconstruction b . nonlinear reconstruction c . optimal proportional reconstruction d . proportional reconstruction with part of the image saturated e . exact reconstruction .................................................................................... 38

Figure 2.4 Global adaptation modelling - "Model I", a . initial (overexposed) image, .............. . b transformed image (the forest in the background clearly visible) 43

Figure 2.5 Local adaptation modelling - "Model 2", a . initial (overexposed) image, ....................... . b transformed image (many more details are clearly visible) 44

Figure 2.6 Local adaptation modelling - "Model 4", a . initial (overexposed) image, b . transformed image (note the hot air above the chimney, the license plate) 46

Figure 2.7 Investigated transformation functions ............................................................ 47

............................ Figure 3.1 Heterolytic bond cleavage mechanism in spiroxazine "N" 52 ......................... Figure 3.2 Heterolytic bond cleavage mechanism in naphthopyran "Y" 53

Figure 3.3 Block diagram of an optic-optic light modulator unit .................................... 55

.................... Figure 3.4 Spectral properties of multi-component photochromic systems 65 ............. Figure 3.5 Kinetic properties - thermal decay of the colored forms of samples 67

Figure 3.6 Spectral transmittance for bare glass plate and a plate coated with thin film: ........................................................ Red photochrome in B-725 matrix, N #9 68

Figure 3.7 Reflectance and transmittance of a . a thick substrate, and b . system of .......................................................................... the substrate and a thin layer 69

... Xlll

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Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9

Interference phenomena in a thin film ............................................................ Graphical method of estimating thin film thickness: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, PL #20 ...............................................

Figure 3.10 Experimental set-up for testing photochromic filter (for clarity, housing has been removed; spectral properties presented in: T. 3.6 & F. 3.12) ..... .. .. ........

Figure 3.11 Figure 3.12 Figure 3.13 Figure 3.14 Figure 3.15

Block diagram of the experimental set-up for testing local adaptation .......... Transmittance of Modification and IPB Filters ............................. , .,............... Block diagram of the experimental set-up for testing global adaptation ........ Experimentally observed image transformation types ................................... Image quality improvement a. before and b. after global adaptation: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, PL #20; MOD - 420 nm ....................

Figure 3.16 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after global adaptation: Red photochrome in B-725 matrix, N #9; MOD - 560 nm .............................

Figure 3.17 Picture taken a. before adaptation, b. after adaptation and c. after normalization: Red photochrome in B-725 matrix, NN #7; MOD - 560 ........

Figure 3.18 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after local adaptation: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, NN #6; MOD - 420 nm .....................

Figure 3.19 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after local adaptation: Cl-P & P photochromes in B-725 matrix, NN #4; MOD - 582 nm ................

Figure 3.20 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after local adaptation: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, NN #3; MOD - 420 nm ..................... Cross section of the image of the light source ................................................ Figure 3.21

Figure 3.22 Transformation Function of a photochromic filter, calculated from data in inset in Figure 3.2 1 .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ... .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .

Figure 3.23 Reciprocal transmittance as a function of light intensity, calculated from Figure 3.2 1 .................... ... .. .......................... .. .. .. ..... .... .. ........ Optical Density of the filter as a function of light intensity, calculated from Figure 3.21 . .... .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. ... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

Figure 3.24

Figure 3.25 Transformation function for a. spectrally and spatially uniform (point-like) and b. non-uniform light sources, NN #2 ........................................................

Figure 4.1 Organic photochromes based color image processing ................................... 96

Figure A.l Spatial separation of image processing and display ..................................... 100

Figure A.2 Spectral characteristic data for SOLA PhotoGray ~ x t r a @ lens ..................... 105

Figure A.3 Multilayered structures fabricated using sputtering technique ..................... 107 Figure A.4 General layout of an image processing system utilizing LCD

as an Active Adaptive Filter ......................................................................... 11 1

Figure A.5 General layout of an image processing system utilizing DMD as an Active Adaptive Filter ......................................................................... 113


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List of Symbols and Abbreviations

Photochromic Systems

B-725 Butyl Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer NN #20 Sample NN #20 abbreviation* PC Pol carbonate) PMMA Poly(Methy1 Methacrylate) PS Poly(Styrene) PVA Poly(Viny1-Alcohol) C,t [%I weight percent concentration

Experimental Techniques

A cm Em, IR

L a Clm min nm RF w VIS wav


2-D 3 -D a AAF AF AMLCD's arc min a.u.

absorption centimeter meter) extinction coefficient infra-red region absorption/transmission peak micrometer (lop6 meter) minute (60 seconds) nanometer meter) radio frequency ultra-violet region visible region wavelength

Two-Dimensional Three-Dimensional in proportion to Active Adaptive Filter Adaptive Filter Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Displays minutes of arc arbitrary units

* For details regarding other samples see Table 3.5.

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IP m mln MOD ND Filter OD AOD 0-M OPL PAF 0 =-I'm P s As S


Boulder Nonlinear Systems black & white Charge Coupled Device Central Processing Unit Contrast Ratio thickness Digital Light Processing Digital Micromirror Device electrons Electro-Optic quantum yield Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Glare Constant formula (see Equation 1.3) Integrated Circuit Interference Filter Inner Plexiform Layer line pairs integer (0,1,2,3, . . . ) million Modification Filter Neutral Density Filter (grey-color) Optical Density photochromic response Opto-Mechanical Outer Plexiform Layer Photochromic Adaptive Filter eccentricity revolutions per minute surface density [~nrn-~] (density projected on the unit of surface) sensitivity (the smallest noticeable differences) second Spatial Light Modulator Spin on Glass Transmittance Transformation Function Thin-Film Transistors Very Large Scale Integration dimensionless quantity


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This thesis describes the results of an investigation into the functions of the human visual

system that led us to propose and develop a novel photonic device - Adaptive Filter. This

work presents experimental results and documents the theory, design and implementation

of the Adaptive Filter. The Adaptive Filter is implemented as a photosensitive device, the

Photochromic Adaptive Filter, a device that controls and modifies images in a parallel

fashion. By studying and understanding nature we get new ideas for improving existing

man-made systems.


The work described in the thesis was motivated by a desire to improve the limited dynam-

ic range of modern artificial vision systems. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate and

observe phenomenological effects in a living visual system, namely the human vision sys-

tem, that responds to changing ambient light conditions. We believe that biological struc-

tures are designed optimally and that studying them may help to advance existing artificial


Many modern vision systems work in conditions where the light intensity changes in

the range of 12 decades - but only biological visual systems, such as the human eye, can

efficiently operate under such conditions. Even so-called intelligent vision systems with

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built-in adaptive properties can operate only in part (max. 7 decades) of this range. Hu-

man photoreceptors are very sensitive to extremely weak sources of light. It is well estab-

lished that the photoreceptor cells are sensitive enough to detect a few photons, and with

more light coming in, the sensitivity (defined as the smallest noticeable contrast differ-

ence) of the visual system decreases due to a variety of adaptation mechanisms. Based on

the results of this research we suggest, analyze and implement new solutions in the opto-

electronic field.

We have chosen to study the adaptation processes of the human eye across a very

wide range of scientific disciplines, including anatomy, psychophysics, psychophysiology

and psychology. All disciplines deal with the mechanism of light adaptation in different

ways. Each of these disciplines may suggest different solutions and explanations for the

same phenomena. Our role was to look at a broader picture and, based on that, propose a

general description of the light adaptation mechanism. We did our best to find a common

ground and we proposed the solutions based on the principles of physics. In an eclectic

way we have looked at the many ways nature has solved the problem of detecting images

within a very wide range of light intensities. Based on that knowledge we propose a novel

artificial vision system that is superior to ordinary cameras. Although the idea of image

modification by means of a Two Dimensional Spatial Light Modulator has been described

previously, this dissertation provides the general framework, and analysis required to sup-

port the concept that originates from biological image processing. Our concept of apply-

ing the organic photochromic thin-layer filter in the image acquisition systems as an

optically addressed spatial light modulator is a new one.

The material presented here is interesting because it provides a link between the bio-

logical and artificial visual systems. The adaptive system with photochromes is similar in

many aspects to the human eye -photosensitive molecules in the eye (e.g. rhodopsin mol-

ecules) are members of the family of organic photochromes. As a result relaxation and ex-

citation times of these two systems are comparable. This work originates from the

biological implementations and leads to a new concept for the design of artificial visual


Adaptation and Glare

In the first part of this research, different adaptation mechanisms are introduced, and mod-

els connecting those mechanisms to the psychophysics of the eye are developed. We

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present a comprehensive overview of different adaptation and sensitivity change mecha-

nisms based on modern classification and we propose solutions to human-made visual

systems. Next we concentrate on the glare phenomenon - we investigate how the visual

system copes with the light intensities beyond its dynamic range. Because of the short-

comings of the glare model based on stray light in the intraocular media, we further devel-

op the glare model originating in the spread of the lateral inhibition in the Outer Plexiform

Layer of the retina. The saturation of the signal in glare phenomena is used by us to reveal

the highly complex structure of the retina. By applying a developed model of signal prop-

agation in the Outer Plexiform Layer and by relating it to the experimental psychophysi-

cal data, we obtained a formula for the density of horizontal cell connections along the

diameter of the human retina and the space constant of the horizontal cell lattice.

Adaptive Filter: Concept and Implementation

We have chosen to observe the response of the human eye to different light conditions and

to propose new solutions to the problem of limited dynamic range in artificial vision sys-

tems. For example, CCD images resulting from extremely high irradiation suffer localized

charge overflow known as blooming. After reaching a level of nearly 200,000 [e-/pixel]

(in the partially inverted mode) blooming will occur, destroying parts of the picture.

Blooming happens when the additional charges leave the area along the columns of the

CCD, deforming the shape of a bright spot (as compared to reality) and making it impossi-

ble to reconstruct the whole image. (cf. Figure 3.18a).

By analyzing different adaptation mechanisms and sensitivity change processes in

the human retina, we come to the idea of a novel photonic device: an Adaptive Filter. We

propose to apply the Adaptive Filter in combination with an extremely sensitive photode-

tector array to implement local and/or global adaptation in a novel image acquiring sys-

tem. This device modelled on the human eye offers the possibility of extending the

dynamic range of operation of any standard video camera without affecting the electronic

components of the system. Models of adaptive filters are investigated to extend global

light intensity operation range, as well as to enhance detection of less illuminated regions

of the image.

Next we undertake the research effort towards implementing the photochromic filter

as an adaptive filter. We describe how to build one of the possible implementations of the

adaptive filter - an optically addressed Photochromic Adaptive Filter (PAF), which utilizes

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photochromic material embedded into a polymeric environment. This optically induced

processing utilizes light to affect optical properties in the photo-reactive filter which is

subsequently used for image processing. We present the theory of photochromic adaptive

filters in general and describe the properties of several types of PAF that we designed and

fabricated from common polymers containing photochromes. We design and develop a

test bench for evaluating Photochromic Adaptive Filters, and successfully test the concept

of operating range extension by using optically-addressed PAF's. The modified test bench

is used to determine a Transformation Function of those filters by means of a simple, fast

and easy-to-automate method.


The major contribution made by this thesis is the presentation of a novel photonic device,

called the Adaptive Filter. This device modifies the state of an input light beam according

to pre-defined pattern. Very detailed and multilevel investigation of the adaptation pro-

cesses found in the human visual system leads to the development of the novel man-made

vision acquisition system. The same investigation gives the estimate of the horizontal cell

connection density, yet to be confirmed experimentally. We also postulate other possible

solutions that might be implemented using standard IC technology to manufacture imag-

ing systems with enhanced properties.

We develop various fabrication techniques required to realize thin film photochromic

filters and present physical characteristics of the developed filters. The aim of this thesis is

not to prove or claim that the photochromic adaptive systems are optimal for all image

scenarios, but to demonstrate that the system operating under our principles does work.

While the emphasis of this thesis is on the application part of the project, we also present

a very fast and efficient method for evaluating properties of the photosensitive materials

that were developed as part of the research. Last but not least we detail experimental re-

sults using several developed PAF's.


The thesis is divided into three main parts. Following this introductory chapter, Part I de-

scribes the light adaptation phenomena as seen by different medical sciences. We review

and systemize different adaptation and sensitivity change processes that occur in the hu-

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man retina. We introduce detailed model of signal flow in the Outer Plexiform Layer used

later to describe glare. We also put emphasis on modelling the dazzling glare.

In Part 11 we define an Adaptive Filter and we suggest the application of the filter in

a novel opto-electronic image-acquisition system. We define, by numerical modelling of

different types of the Transformation Function, the optimal solution for unique image

transformation applied to extend the dynamic range or increase the contrast ratio. We fur-

ther point out the special type of photosensitive materials: photochromes, as a potential

solution for implementation of the Adaptive Filter.

In Part 111 details of developing the organic photochromic adaptive filter in polymer

environment are described. Manufacturing processes and physical properties of the devel-

oped thin films are presented. Results of experiments to determine spectral characteristics

of components as well as the whole systems are shown. Finally, a practical example ex-

plains the methodology of the procedure developed to measure the transformation func-

tion for different photochromic filters.

Conclusions provide a general discussion of the research, summarize the significant

ideas presented in the thesis and indicate areas for future work. Logical implementations

of the Active Adaptive Filter are indicated as alternatives for the Photochromic Adaptive


In the Appendix a few additional topics are presented. We estimate the measurement

errors and errors intrinsic to calculations included in the thesis. We also describe the de-

velopment of an inorganic thin film photochromic filter and we analyze two specific im-

plementations of the Active Adaptive Filter.

Throughout the thesis the emphasis is on the general analysis and interpretation of

experimental results. In fact, only major development steps are presented. We have tried

to choose a representative sample to illuminate the pertinent points. We believe that show-

ing the final results gives more information than providing detailed description of a vari-

ety of experiments and procedures undertaken. Graphical explanations are used,

whenever possible, as one picture is worth a thousand words.

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Light adaptation and sensitivity change processes in the human …· 2020-05-09· LIGHT ADAPTATION AND SENSITIVITY CHANGE - [PDF Document] (24)

Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems


The human visual system compensates for the poor optical design of the eye by its flexi-

bility and highly advanced signal processing. Nearly all of the external elements of the vi-

sual system adjust in response to constantly changing viewing conditions: the lens

accommodates; the eyeball moves to bring the high visual acuity portion of the retina into

a favorable viewing position; and the retinal neurons change their sensitivity when the

mean illumination changes. The set of adjustment mechanisms that respond to change in

light conditions are called light adaptation and sensitivity change processes. Before we

discuss the light adaptation mechanisms we must explain why the adaptation process is

necessary. Why must we wait for our visual system to adjust before we can discern the ob-

jects in the darker or lighter place?

In order to be able to operate simultaneously in very dim and very bright light, our

system would have to have a very large operating range and good sensitivity. To be able to

see large light intensity differences we need a system with a very large operating range.

However, as any physical photo-sensor has a finite response range, for the large operating

range we have to sacrifice a physical contrast sensitivity. Extending the input domain by

decreasing the gain of the intensity-response function degrades the ability of the system to

detect important information. For good sensitivity to physical contrast, which translates

into high sensitivity to small differences in contrast, we need an intensity-response curve

of the visual system that is very steep (high-gain); it then covers only a small range of in-

put intensities (Skrzypek, 1990). Our system can do both things. By using a fairly narrow

operating range, and shifting this range to match the average level of illumination, the sys-

tem achieves good physical contrast sensitivity and a wide operating range. We can see

light levels as low as few quanta in the darkness, and as high as trillions of quanta reflect-

ed by snow (cf. Goldstein, 1984). Yet we can detect the differences between two objects

that differ in an intensity by less than 1 percent (depending on the task). This ability to

adapt to the ambient level of illumination is of fundamental importance to vision.

The retina - part of the visual system

Before we start to analyze in detail the adaptation mechanisms of an eye, we have to over-

view the anatomy and neurophysiology of the vertebrate retina to propose the basis of a

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

model of how different adaptation mechanisms function, and how signals are processed in

the retina.

Transparent parts of the eyeball allow passage of light rays and bring light rays to fo-

cus on the light-sensitive retina. The eye produces an image on the retina which transduc-

es the light into an electro-chemical signal. The retina is a very thin (150-300 pm) layer of

tissue that lies at the posterior of the eye, it converts light energy into nerve impulses. It is

well agreed upon that if we could exactly determine the structure of the retina, most of the

unknown elements of the adaptation and processing systems would be revealed

(Sjijstrand, 1990). However, the great complexity of the retina and the enormous density

of cells, makes it very difficult to identify relationships between component cells. Using

very conservative data we can estimate the average cell surface density within the retina:

p, = 227,000 [cells/mm2]. Figure 1.1 presents the schematic of the human eye.

L Ch

Figure 1.1 Human eye: schematic cross-section

C - Cornea

Ch - Choroid

F- Fovea

I - I r is

L - Lens

0 - Optic Nerve

OD - Optic Disc

R - Retina

S - Sclera

V - Vitreous Humor

The main function of the retina is to translate light into nerve signals (Hiibel, 1988). At the

same time, input data are compressed, brightness of the image elements is transformed

into contrast information, adaptation mechanisms function to enhance the operating range

and the radiant energy recognition process is initiated.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Signal Flow in the Outer Plexiform Layer (01%)

The retina is made of several layers of six main types of cells. It is a 3-D processing struc-

ture, operating in parallel mode, with at least 3 processing layers where signals flow later-

ally and vertically. Distal (outer layer) retina contains a few groups of highly specialized

cells: receptors, bipolar cells and horizontal cells (Figure 1.2). The receptors are rods and

Light .

A - Amacrine Cell

B - Bipolar Cell

C - Cone

G - Ganglion Cell

H - Horizontal Cell

IPL - Inner Plexiform Layer

OPL - Outer Plexiform Layer

PE - Pigment Epithelium


Figure 1.2 Synaptic connections of cells in the peripheral retina

cones - they are specialized to respond to stimulation by radiant energy. They feed the

signal into bipolar and horizontal cells. Bipolar cells connect cells in the outer layer with

cells in the inner layer, such as amacrine and ganglion cells. Horizontal cells provide feed-

forward and feed-back inputs to bipolar cells and photoreceptors, respectively. A book by

Polyak (1957) gives an excellent overview of the neural circuitry of the retina.

Light detection by photoreceptors

Only the receptor cells contain photo-pigment and act as transducers, converting light en-

ergy into neural signals that are processed by succeeding retinal cells (Held et al., 1976).

There are two types of photoreceptors in the retina, rods and cones. They differ in a num-

ber of ways. The most important difference is their relative sensitivity: the rod system

(which consists of the rod photoreceptors and all the higher order cells in the retina and in

the brain to which they communicate) is sensitive to minimal intensities of light, on the

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

other hand, the cone system requires much higher levels of intensity to function. Rods are

primarily designed for the efficient capture, summation, and transmittal of signals involv-

ing only a few quanta per rod per second; each rod cell contains 100 million rhodopsin

molecules (Schnapf et al., 1987). Under appropriate conditions a single isolated rod in the

human retina signals the absorption of the single photon, which activates only one of the

rhodopsin molecules in the retina. The detective quantum efficiency has been determined

for different target diameters (pulse duration and background luminances), to reach as

much as 92% (Jones, 1959). The spectral sensitivity peak for rods is h=505 nm. The cone

system functions at much higher ambient light levels and has faster response properties.

This system is most sensitive to the wavelength of h=555 nm. Cones reach a maximum

sensitivity steady state as light intensity decreases. It has been found that the sensitivity of

rods increases steadily as a person stays in darkness for a prolonged period of time.

The receptors respond to light through a process of bleaching. By utilizing a special

shape they are optimized to concentrate and funnel light to increase the probability of

light detection. The cones in the foveola presumably compensate for their relative lack of

taper by doubling in the total length of their outer segment, with a resultant increase in the

probability of photon capture (De Valois, 1988). Photoreceptors may orient themselves

perpendicularly to the incident light to increase the quantum efficiency. Another important

mechanism observed is coupling between photoreceptors which may increase signal to

noise ratio for low light conditions and may reduce saturation effects in high light intensi-

ties. After the photon is absorbed, the resulting signal is amplified within the photorecep-

tor cell up to 100,000 times and is converted to a membrane conductance change. This

signal is then transmitted to other cells within the circuitry of the retina.

There are lower and upper limits on the magnitude of the receptors' response. The

lower limit is determined by factors such as the quanta1 nature of the light, or the magni-

tude of the intrinsic noise (Rose, 1953). The laws of quantum physics impose a firm limit

which has been closely approximated by the visual system. Isolated photoreceptor cells

can be excited by the single photon.

On the other side of the scale, the intensity-response curve stabilizes, as the upper

limit in response is reached, when all of the membrane's active channels are used. This

physiological mechanism limits the photoresponse range in isolated rods and cones to

about 3 loglO units (Normann et al., 1974). The cell is said to be in saturated state, in the

sense that it cannot signal further increases in light intensities. However in some cold-

blooded vertebrates, but not in mammals, the incremental response returns (Hess et al.,

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

1990). Photoreceptor adaptational mechanisms help the cell to recover from saturation.

Transmission of the signal to bipolar cells

All of the signals originating in the receptors and arriving at the ganglion cells must pass

through the bipolar cells. As such, they constitute the principle relay neurons in the retina

and the first relay neuron in the pathway to the brain (Gorden, 1990). Because many bipo-

lar cells (outside of the fovea) contact one photoreceptor cell, when this receptor is stimu-

lated by light it will initiate extra impulses to each of the bipolar cells. This multiplication

of the single quantal absorption effect would probably best serve to remove the effect of

synaptic noise on the quantal signals arising from the receptors in the centre of the gangli-

on receptive field (Hess et al., 1990).

Transmission to horizontal cells

Horizontal cells create an extensively coupled 2-D layer across the retina - syncytium

(Arnrnermiiller et al., 1993), sometimes called horizontal lattice. They receive synaptic in-

puts from photoreceptors (Dowling, 1987) and interplexiform cells and they send synaptic

inputs to bipolar cells and photoreceptors. Horizontal cells link receptors and bipolar cells

by relatively long connections (of the order of 1000 pm) that run parallel to the retinal lay-

er. It is well established that horizontal cells adapt as a group to the light and that they re-

lay the signal over the horizontal cells network in mammals (Lankheet et al., 1993a, b),

however the exact location and characteristic of the mechanisms are still unclear. Hori-

zontal cells are part of the indirect visual path.

Feedback Mechanisms

Each photoreceptor contacts both types of second-order cells: bipolar and horizontal.

They also contact all of their neighbors. Together they make up an elaborate synaptic net-

work where signal processing takes place. The horizontal cells regulate signal flow from

photoreceptors to bipolar cells. They send feedback inputs to photoreceptors. Horizontal

cells receive inputs from photoreceptors and form a laterally extended network that feeds

inhibition back onto photoreceptor synapses, this inhibition may also be fed forward onto

bipolar cell synapses.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Cells of the Proximal Retina

There are several other classes of cells in the proximal (inner layer) retina, including the

amacrine, interplexiform and ganglion cells. Amacrine cells form a lateral processing lay-

er similar to horizontal cells, and they provide additional links between bipolar cells and

retinal ganglion cells.

The function of the amacrine cells is not fully understood, but they might play a role

in feed-back and feed-forward signal processing. The inner layer of cells in the retina con-

tains the retinal ganglion cells, whose processes (i.e. axons) pass across the surface of the

retina, collect in a bundle at the optic disc, and leave the eye to form the optic nerve. Spa-

tial summation of the signals from cones by the ganglion cells can increase the gain at the

ganglion cell. Another effect would be to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the ganglion

cell junction (compared to its level in a single cone) (Hiibel, 1988).

We still lack a good understanding of the functions of such cells as amacrine and in-

terplexiform in the visual pathway. It has been suggested that interplexiform cells may

take part in the adaptation mechanisms of the human eye affecting the spread of signals in

the horizontal cells network by using dopamine to control the degree of electrical cou-

pling. Interplexiform cells send processes into the outer plexiform layer, where they con-

tact horizontal cells, and into the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL), where they receive input

from the bipolar cells, and/or amacrine cells (Cohen, 1990). By uncoupling horizontal

cells (gap junctions) they may control the bipolar receptive field, thus reducing surround

inhibition and increasing the transmitted postsynaptic signal.

This mechanism may play a role in increasing the response of the outer layers (dim

light stimulates larger response than if inhibitory feedback was stronger). In other words it

can enhance the process of dark adaptation.

Amacrine cells occur in many varieties, and may be part of different visual pathways,

which are used for different light levels. By taking advantage of different interneuronal

circuitry to optimize the performance at different ambient levels of illuminations they may

serve to improve the perception.

It has not been proven to exist in the human retina, but lower visual systems have

built in mechanisms of adaptation that are controlled by the brain (Barlow, 1993). Accord-

ing to the time of day and light intensity a signal is sent from the brain that affects the re-

gion of operation of the retina.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Adaptation and Sensitivity

The overall process of adjustment of the visual system to changing light conditions con-

sists of many separate mechanisms. We divide all of these processes into three categories:

habituation, adaptation and sensitivity change processes (Lakowski, 1992).

The brain is involved in habituation processes - one example being the pupillary re-

flex which controls the total amount of light reaching the retina as a function of back-

ground level. It involves a feedback mechanism with a time constant that is considerably

slower than those governing light adaptation. The optimal diameter of the pupil, when

considering the optical characteristic of the eye, is around 5 rnm. Variation in light condi-

tions changes the actual diameter of the pupil; however, with time it returns to that opti-

mal dimension regardless of the existing light intensities level in the environment. Results

of experiments show that psychological (emotional) factors can be as important as physi-

cal factors (ambient light intensity) in controlling the diameter of the pupil. In lower ani-

mals, the nerve cells sending signals from the brain to the retina have been identified.

They may be involved in controlling the overall sensitivity of the retina. The importance

of the processing of the signal delivered by the eye to the brain is evident when we consid-

er phantom seeing. As Melzack (1992) presents it: "The brain does more than detect and

analyze inputs; it generates perceptual experience, ... . Sensory inputs merely modulate

that experience; they do not directly cause it".

From the outset it is convenient to distinguish different phenomena which are all re-

ferred to as adaptation, and which may be confusing. As many scientists in different disci-

plines worked on the problem of adaptation, the terminology is not always very precise.

Another confusing factor is the interaction between different mechanisms which adjust si-

multaneously and on many platforms, making it difficult to segregate them into clearly

separated classes. This is especially visible later in this section, when we describe local

adaptation mechanism as an example of sensitivity change processes.

Adaptation processes occur in the sense organ, i.e. in the eye. Switching from one

family of photoreceptors to another as light conditions change is one example. Adaptation

processes require a rather long time to occur. We talk about sensitivity change processes

when we discuss different mechanisms that happen on the cellular level. Our ability to

adapt to a very wide range of light intensities is made possible, in the first instance, by our

photoreceptors. Next, there are also adaptive changes in the retinal network (Leybovic,

1990) and in higher processing levels: habituation processes, the latter of which can be

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

demonstrated through experiments testing binocular interactions (Hess et al., 1990). In the

experiment the adaptation level of one eye is shifted within the scotopic light range. The

analogous shift is observed in the covered eye, that was not stimulated.

Adaptation Mechanisms

The adaptation process maintains a constant, or quasi-constant signal sensitivity for the

visual system, independent of the input amplitude. We can divide adaptation mechanisms

into a few categories: global and local adaptation (with the local being an example of sen-

sitivity change process), slow and rapid, dark and light* adaptation. Another classification

divides all the mechanisms into two groups: photo-chemical and non-photo-chemical

(neural) mechanisms. We concentrate in our discussion mostly on monochromatic light


Global adaptation changes the average sensitivity of the retina. It can be in turn di-

vided into three categories: darwight, slow and rapid adaptation. The slow adaptation

process sets the general operating curve for the whole eye, and once the general operating

curve is set, rapid and local adaptation help us deal with variations above and below this

general level of adaptation (Goldstein, 1984). To deal with a range of light intensities

greater than 3 decades, our visual system employs a rapid adaptation process. In this pro-

cess the retina shifts its operating curve over a small range within three-tenths of a second

after the light level changes; so as our gaze shifts between light areas and darker areas, the

operating curve shifts to partially compensate for these changes in illumination.

Local adaptation helps us to deal with images that contain large light differences

within the same scene. Darkllight adaptation makes us both diurnal and nocturnal ani-

mals. The ability of the visual system to quickly (within seconds) establish a new steady

state of visual performance is called light adaptation. The term dark adaptation refers to

the recovery of the visual system after exposure to intense illumination. In low light inten-

sities our vision is mostly based on rods, as light intensity increases cones take over. Ini-

tial duplicity theory which implied that light-adaptation of the rods is independent from

that of the cones has been modified to accommodate the coupling between the photore-

ceptors (Hess et al., 1990). It has been suggested that coupling between rods and cones

can enhance transmission of large signals from the cones under light-adapted conditions

(Yang et al., 1987) - it is one example of numerous feed-back and feed-forward mecha-

* Sometimes called background or field adaptation.

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nisms that exist within the retinal circuitry.

Many experiments prove that the neural theory of adaptation is a valid one. For ex-

ample, sensitivity of the rod system recovers, even if the photo-pigment does not regener-

ate, which clearly indicates that neural mechanism is involved. There are different time

courses between photo-pigment regeneration and psychophysical threshold limit. Light

adapting a single eye can partially affect the time course of dark adaptation in the other


Dark Adaptation

Dark adaptation is the change in visual processing resulting from the exposure to low in-

tensities of light. Night (scotopic) vision is mediated mainly by the rods as opposed to day

(photopic) vision when the rod's system is mostly oversaturated and the cones take over.

Dark adaptation occurs when we move from a light place to a darker one and our vision is

mediated by rods specialized for operation in extremely low light levels. The visual sys-

tem adjusts its sensitivity to match the lower light level and several mechanisms are re-

sponsible for bringing it about.

The phenomenon of dark adaptation is well known (Goldstein, 1984): when the illu-

mination is changed from light to darkness, it is difficult to see anything at first, but with

time, sensitivity increases. When we are dark adapted the rods control our vision and we

see in shades of grey. It takes a long time for us to adjust to the darkness, 20-40 minutes

(or less) is an often cited period. It has been found that, with a prolonged period of dark-

ness, the sensitivity always increases, approaching the physical limits of individual light

quantum needed for photoreceptor excitation. On the other hand, a bright environment

slows down the rate at which the eye can dark adapt. This effect is cumulative. A life-

guard, for example, who spends everyday on the beach, does not regain normal nighttime

vision even after 24 hours in the dark.

We know about at least two distinct adaptation processes within the rods - multipli-

cative that is rapid, and subtractive that is slower (Adelson, 1982). At present, it is impos-

sible to say precisely where the adaptation process take place. Some of the effects, but

probably not all, may involve the receptors themselves. For a long time it was believed

that rods constitute an autonomous system. Recent results show that, as with any other

cells within the peripheral retina, rods are interconnected with cones. Suppression of the

rod system by the cones was first shown psychophysically by George Wald. This connec-

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

tion between the two systems can influence the light detection by the rods (Sharpe et al.,

1989; Attwell et al., 1987).

The greater sensitivity of rods as compared to cones, can also be explained by the

difference in pooling of signals between these two types of photoreceptors. Rods are usu-

ally connected in groups of photoreceptors within the receptive field. A group of rods

sends signals to the same bipolar cell. As a result of summation of the signals, the re-

sponse of the bipolar cell can be triggered by lower external light intensities. Another ex-

planation for the increased sensitivity of the scotopic system is a temporal signal

summation -that again increases the signal to noise ratio of the system.

As the light intensity reaching the photoreceptors increases, the other type of recep-

tors - cones, start to be active. For a specific range of light intensities, the visual system

operates in so called mesopic vision, and with further increase in illumination cones take

over the visual process.

Light Adaptation

While the rate of dark adaptation is measured in minutes the rate of light adaptation is

very much quicker and is measured in seconds. For any given average light level, the reti-

na is sensitive to approximately three orders of magnitude of light intensities. This operat-

ing window is then shifted over a range of 7 decades by a mechanism that responds to the

variations in the background light intensity. At any given moment this system provides

good discrimination of intensity differences, but we have big difficulties in determining

the absolute intensity.

The mechanism behind this adaptation is not known in detail. A pupil, by changing

its diameter, can shift the actual operating range over a decade. Photobleaching of pig-

ment in the photoreceptors and interactions between cones, horizontal and bipolar cells is

also responsible for adaptation. When we are light adapted, the cones control our vision

and we see in color. With all of the differences between dark and light adaptation we have

to remember that individual cones are as sensitive as individual rods (Vimal et al., 1989).

The minimum number of quanta absorbed per single cone cell for detection is only 5-7.

However due to a light absorption by the tissues within the eye, the actual minimum pho-

ton number is more than 100 for cones and 80 for rods. Observed differences are derived

from experiments performed on the whole system, with all of the adaptation mechanisms

in place.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Sensitivity Change Mechanisms

Sensitivity change mechanisms are processes within the photoreceptors or group of retinal

cells which contribute to light adaptation. Changes in sensitivity are almost always associ-

ated with a change in speed of response. Within the visual system there are two processes,

pigment depletion and automatic gain control. In the photopic system much of the gain

control occurs within the cone photoreceptors themselves (Boynton et al., 1970).

In contrast, although considerable gain changes occur within the rod photoreceptors,

the scotopic system appears to achieve its automatic gain control mainly through post-re-

ceptoral mechanisms (MacLeod et al., 1989).

Pigment Regeneration

The visual pigment molecule changes shape to start the process of transduction. Follow-

ing this change the molecule breaks in two. This process is called pigment bleaching be-

cause the retina becomes transparent as the molecules break apart. Photo-pigment

bleaching, by decreasing the number of molecules available to absorb quanta, would fore-

stall saturation; it seems to do this in the cone visual system.

The reverse process is called pigment regeneration. It is responsible for the increase

in retinal sensitivity that occurs during dark adaptation. In rod vision, depletion of pig-

ment molecules is not the main factor of desensitization (Hess et al., 1990); however,

there is evidence that rods themselves play a role in the adaptation process (Hood et al.,


Experiments show it takes around 6 minutes for cone pigment to completely regener-

ate, while rod pigment needs over 30 minutes. It is a well known fact coming from the an-

thropological studies of native people living for centuries in different climates, that as we

go north, where there is more stray light caused by reflection by the snow and the low po-

sition of the Sun, the actual photo-pigment concentration in the photoreceptors decreases.

It might be connected to excessive light levels in that regions.

People that habituate these areas are also protected by other adaptations; another ex-

ample is the further restriction of the opening of the eye brought about by relatively nar-

row, slit-like eye lid openings.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Local adaptation

We use the term local adaptation when we describe the local control of sensitivity over re-

stricted areas of the retina, called the adaptation pool (Hess et al., 1990). When we look

steadily at one part of the scene different areas of the retina are exposed to different light

intensities - while the fovea is exposed to the intense illumination of the sky, for example

an area in the peripheral retina is exposed to dim illumination from the shadows under the

bushes. The visual system deals with this problem by the mechanism of local adaptation.

Different parts of the retina adapt to different levels of illumination. That is, different parts

of the retina can set their operating curves at different places, so that they can operate at

different levels of illuminations (Goldstein, 1984).

Local adaptation helps us to deal with variations above and below the general level

of adaptation set by the global adaptation process. Changes in background intensity affect

the response time and output amplitude of the photoreceptor cells. It is thought that chang-

es in response time may be due to a decreased dependance on temporal summation as the

background intensity increases. For example, under dim light, summation of the stimuli

leads to a slow response time, while under bright light lack of this summation results in

fast response time.

The process of local adaptation may take place within the neural network of the reti-

na and also within the cones themselves. Using interference patterns directly on the retina

the hypothesis that local adaptation takes place within the cones themselves has been con-

firmed (MacLeod et al., 1993). The function of the network processes is to prevent the sig-

nals from receptors from exceeding the very limited dynamic range (about 2.0-2.5 loglO

units) of the visual neurons, to escape saturation and to continuously use the steepest part

of their neuronal stimulus-response function (Hess et al., 1990).


We presented several mechanisms of visual adaptation that can be observed in the biolog-

ical visual systems. Generally, all processes are most sensitive in their dark-adapted state;

light adaptation serves to desensitize a process. That conclusion is later explored when we

propose an artificial adaptive visual system. We classified different adaptation mecha-

nisms into groups presented in Table 1.1 and compared them with the existing, or pro-

posed implementations.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Table 1.1 Selected biological adaptation processes compared with equivalent opto-electronic implementation

Biological phenomena

- switching between different classes of photo- receptors: slower in response and more sensi- tive class for dim light conditions and less sensitive class with faster response for high ambient illumination (duplicity theory of Schultze - 1866)

- pigment depletion: degree of bleaching ele- vates threshold

- variety of feedback mechanisms

- adaptation pool: local adaptation

- logarithmic relationship between intensity and response (Burton, 1973)

- silvery tapetum behind the retinat reflecting light back (may increase blur)

- response amplitude is reduced as the back- ground of light gets brighter

- pigment epithelium migration between photo- receptors in darkness: rhodopsin regeneration

- signal pooling (spatial summation) in the receptive field: at low light levels it might coun- teract the effect of signal fluctuations caused by noise, at higher intensities it might prevent overflowing the dynamic range of the neurons

- 3-D, parallel detecting and processing struc- ture of the retina

- external control of amount of light reaching parts of the retina (pupil diameter, controlling the opening slot made of eyelids, blinking, screening the most sensitive receptors (rods) - retinomotor response)

- tremor: removes high frequency spatial noise, may protect photodetectorsfrom oversaturating

Possible implementation

Visual system* working in 2 or more modes, with changing light conditions switches from one type of photosensing devices to another (Ward et al., 1993), Another possibility is to control the operation region of single type device

Bacteriorhodopsin-based (Chen et al., 1993) artificial retinaS

Two-layer 3-0 structure implementing one feedback mechanism, which results in shifting the operating characteristic of a photoreceptor along the intensity axis (Mahowald et al., 1991)

System utilizing adaptive filter concept (Implemented in Part III)

Photodetectors with logarithmic rather than linear properties (Etienne-Cummings et al., 1992; Mahow- ald et al., 1991)

Metal layer beyond the layer of photosensitive devices

This phenomena is intrinsic to some electronic archi- tectures (Ward et al., 1993)

Visual system* working in two modes: for high light intensities each photoreceptor sends a separate sig- nal, for low light conditions signal from a groups of photoreceptors is pooled, to increase sensitivity with resolution lowered

A 3-0 architecture for a photosensing and processing system (Johansson et al., 1992; Mathur et al., 1991)

This method has been utilized starting fromfirst art$- cia1 visual systems (Auty et al., 1995) Chopping, that is an equivalent of blinking, has been utilized so far mainly for other purposes. However recently developed systems with Pexible exposure time are very similar when the idea is considered (Colorado Video, 1994)

A scanning CCD transducer used to increase spatial resolution (Ueda et al., 1990)

-- -

* Very complex electronic circuitry as compared with contemporary cameras, low receptor fill factor t Does not appear in the human retina $ New technologies need to be developed to utilize the concept of hybrid bio-electronic system

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Table 1.1 Selected biological adaptation processes compared with equivalent opto-electronic implementation

-- - - - --

- response time of the photoreceptor~ gets faster I This method has been used in photography, some

Biological phenomena

- photosensitivity of the cornea: not confirmed as of today, if exists it might be used by the sys- tem to determine average illumination of the external environment, or the level of harmful UV radiation

as the background of light gets brighter (tempo- I modern CCD systems (Colorado Video, 1994) use a

Possible implementation

External sensor determining average illumination - used to control dflerent implemented adaptation pro- cesses

The human visual system is very complex, various built-in adjusting mechanisms en-

abling it to operate over a very wide range of light intensities, while simultaneously pre-

serving a high contrast ratio. By mimicking some of the mechanisms of nature, man has

built artificial visual system with enhanced capabilities. There are still many poorly under-

stood aspects of the visual process and many ideas yet to be explored. They will deliver

principles for design of new artificial image processing systems.

ral summation and averaging of the signal in low light levels)


method of on-sensor integration to adjust exposure time to background illumination

The glare phenomenon occurs when light intensity exceeds the dynamic range of the visu-

al system for the given adaptation level. The visual system is optimized to detect at any

given moment an image of a natural scene with a variation of intensity that usually does

not exceed 3 loglO units (Rodieck, 1973). Any luminance within the visual field that is

sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted, causes annoyance,

discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility. The magnitude of the sensation of

glare depends upon such factors as the size, position and luminance of source, the number

of sources, and the luminance to which the eyes are adapted.

* Very complex electronic circuitry as compared with contemporary cameras, low receptor fill factor t Does not appear in the human retina $ New technologies need to be developed to utilize the concept of hybrid bio-electronic system

Glare may be evaluated either on the physical characteristics of the source or the

functional impairment it creates in acuity or comfort (Potts, 1972). Glare is traditionally

divided into disability glare, causing a reduction of visual performance, and discomfort

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

glare, which is the discomfort caused by glare without any measurable effects on the visu-

al function.

The term "glare" applies to many different conditions. We shall restrict ourselves to

glare caused by bright sources at a distance, namely dazzling glare. Dazzling glare is a

form of disability glare which is associated with bright lights (sun, headlights, street

lights) in the field of view which form images upon peripheral portions of the retina off

the line of sight (Nadler et al., 1990).

Neuronal Model of "Dazzling Glare"


In the last several years significant progress has been made both in the understanding of

early vision in biological systems and in the development of special analog hardware for

the implementation of these algorithms. For review see Mathur et al. (1991).

Particularly important for the development of man-made vision systems is an under-

standing of the role of illumination on the quality of vision and its role in the degradation

of the information capacity of the eye. In robotics and remote sensing, illumination varies

dramatically in an uncontrolled fashion, thus the results of such studies may have a very

important application in improving, for example, low contrast edge detection. One of the

features of human vision which has eluded full explanation is dazzling glare.

Image Quality Decrease as a Result of the Glare

The phenomenon of dazzling glare is usually described as reduced visual performance

and visibility due to light scattering within the eye. The scattering light model was first

proposed by Stiles (1929), then evaluated by Fry and Alpern (1953) and reevaluated (Fry,

1954). It remains a valid hypothesis (Nadler et al., 1990). In the stray light model, particu-

late non-uniformities (Hemenger, 1992) in the intraocular media act as point sources of

light causing light scattering and superimposing a veiling light on the retina (see Figure


A veiling luminance caused by the scatter of light within the eye is superimposed on

the retinal image (Abrahamsson, 1986). This stray light will have a contrast-lowering ef-

fect on the apparent image of the visual scene, and will thereby decrease the visual ability.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

... -.__ ...

__.---- -.--

Target H u m n eye

Glare rays

Glare source Glare lateral inhibition


Figure 1.3 Dazzling glare models: a. lateral inhibition in the OPL, b. light scattering

To prove the model, clinicians have made a variety of experiments mimicking cataracts

(Nadler et al., 1990). Loss in visual performance caused by glare increases with the age of

the person, thereby providing additional support for the "stray-light" model. The reason

for this increase has been linked with intensified light scattering in elderly eyes. From the

general group of opacities that can cause glare, which includes cornea, lens and vitreous

opacities (floaters), most have been ruled out by inversion of an empirical glare function

(Hemenger, 1992), except for some rather large refractive-index fluctuations associated

with the lens fiber lattice, which extend over distances of tens of micrometers.

This theory, however, does not explain some aspects of glare. First, such phenomena

still exist even in perfectly healthy eyes when light scattering within the eye is minimized.

Second, increasing background illumination decreases discomfort. Third, according to the

recent research (Sloane et al., 1988), the aging of the eye involves not only an optical

mechanism (additional scatter centres within the eye) but neurological changes, particu-

larly in the retina (Elliot et al., 1990-1991). Also, only a weak correlation was found be-

tween the decrease in low contrast letter acuity and intraocular light scatter for normal

subjects and subjects with cataracts (Beckman et al., 1992). To explain these problems we

have turned to a neurobiological model of the retina. We believe that optical imperfections

of the eye are well compensated for and corrected by the complexity of the retina.

We postulate that a large contribution to the glare phenomena (if not most of it) orig-

inates from the spread of lateral inhibition in the retina induced by excessive light local-

ized in the retinal peripheries by the process of neuronal lateral interaction (van den Berg,

1991). The following sections explain the essentials of this model.

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

Dazzling Glare and Outer Plexiform Layer

The retina is organized as a system of several networks with different electro-chemical pa-

rameters. Practically all cells of the peripheral retina of vertebrates are electrically cou-

pled to their neighbors (Leybovic, 1990). These features of the retina control coupling

between cells and, as a result, also control a spread of induced signals in a particular net-

work. As far as we know (Buser et al., 1992), we can distinguish between, on the one

hand, short-range coupling on the photoreceptor layer involving only the nearest neigh-

bors and, on the other, the coupling between horizontal cells. The latter has a long-range

effect and can be used to explain some aspects of the neural global light adaptation of the

eye. Horizontal cells receive inputs from the interplexiform cells, which contain and pre-

sumably release dopamine (Cohen, 1990). The principal effect of dopamine on the hori-

zontal cells, and as a result on photoreceptors, is a reduction in the light responsiveness of

the cell.

In this work we model the propagation of signals in the horizontal cells lattice to ap-

ply the implications to a quantitative model of glare. For this model to be valid, the unifor-

mity of the network, i.e. the similarity of the elements and the constant ratio between

them, must be preserved. This has been confirmed in monkey retina (Wassle et al., 1989).

In our simplified model we assume that lateral inhibition originates from the image

of the light source focused in the peripheral retina. We do not include or differentiate be-

tween "ON" and "OFF" signal propagation channels and different types of bipolar and hor-

izontal cells. In our model we neglect the decrease of the sensitivity of the retina in the


We use psychophysical observations to "dissect" the visual system, and we estimate

the density of the connections between horizontal cells using non-invasive techniques.

Horizontal cells are linked together by high-resistance connections (Mead, 1989)

called gap junctions, and form an electrically continuous resistive network (syncytium)

just below the photoreceptors. The spread of potentials in a resistive network for a simple,

one-dimensional case (Figure 1.4), can be described by the following equation (Mead,


V(X) = Vo. exp (-5) 0

(Eq. 1.1)

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems


V(x) - photo-electric potential [mV]

x - angular distance from the fovea [arc min]

o - space constant of the uniform network [arc min]

The space constant describes the effective range of propagation of the generated signal Vo

over the syncytium. The applicability of this kind of equation was experimentally deter-

- Potential Spread Function

R - resistance -

- 0 eccentricity [a.u.]

Figure 1.4 Electrical circuit model of one dimensional resistive network

mined for the retinas of turtles by measuring the spread of induced potential in the hori-

zontal cell network (Byzow et al., 1983). By using a long linear light source, a one-

dimensional characteristic was obtained, the result of which confirms that coupling be-

tween horizontal cells is so extensive that the horizontal cells across the retina act as a

functional unit, or syncytium (Leybovic, 1990). Signal spread within this network ex-

plains some aspects of the adaptation mechanisms, horizontal cells provide negative feed-

back to the photoreceptors that are damping incoming signals and feed-forward to

neighboring horizontal cells. The final result is a reduction in the contrast ratio of the per-

ceived image.

At large distances, Equation 1.1 also describes two-dimensional cases with a margin-

al error (cf. Mead, 1989). It indicates that the forward-feed decays exponentially. The neg-

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

ative feedback damps the signals from photoreceptors, thus the perceived image is in large

part independent of the absolute illumination level.

In our opinion the same coupling mechanism is involved in spreading the electro-

chemical inhibition induced by glaring light and thus causes the deterioration in our visual

performance which we experience as glare. The retina, up to and including bipolar cells, is

piece-wise linear (Siminoff, 1991), i.e. at a given steady-state adapting light intensity, the

outputs of the cells are linear functions of the physical image. Using an electro-chemical

model in which absorption of light results in an electrical potential, we assume that the

signal which is sent to the inner plexiform layer is proportional to the difference between

the photoreceptor signal and the horizontal cell signal:

(Eq. 1.2)


Veff(x) - effective potential at distance x from the fovea

Vphot(x) - photoreceptor potential

V avehor(x) - syncytium potential at a given distance x

Piece-wise linearity, i.e. where output is a linear function of input, of the retina up to the

ganglion cell level is a tenet of the present model. The spread of potentials from photore-

ceptors that are illuminated by the brightest light can affect other photoreceptors thus in-

creasing syncytium potential while decreasing the signal in these photoreceptors. The

final result in the case of long-range spreading of the undesired potential in the horizontal

cell network* can be a deterioration in visual functions, especially in the fovea. We classi-

fy this potential as a contrast-lowering lateral inhibition.

We postulate that dazzling glare is one of the phenomena caused by the above-men-

tioned mechanism. The images of bright lights in the field, which are formed off the line

of direct sight, reduce the sensitivity of the eye for seeing objects in the fovea. The exist-

ing model attributes this loss of vision only to the scattering of light within the eyes,

which is not sufficient explanation. The degree of disability due to glare can be quantified

and the formula of the Glare Constant (GC) (Equation 1.3) has been obtained empirically

* For a comprehensive article presenting models of horizontal cell network see Winslow et al. (1991).

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

(Holladay, 1926):

Glare Constant = B : . ~ . Y O C -

B b . 0 2 0 2 (Eq. 1.3)


B, - luminance of the source

o - angular size of the source [arc min]

Bb - general background luminance

O - distance from the fovea [arc rnin]

y - constant (when sources are time invariant)

Equation 1.3 indicates that disability caused by glare depends mostly on the distance be-

tween the fovea and the retinal projection of the glare source (Figure 1.5).

In our model we have assumed that the annular glare source creates a high intensity

image on the surface of the peripheral retina. Because the intensity of the glaring light

usually exceeds the average range to which cones are adapted, it induces a high potential

in the Outer Plexiform Layer which we consider to be neural lateral inhibition.

According to Equation 1.1, the electrical signal in the uniform syncytium is a func-

tion of the space constant which depends on the density distribution of elements and their

properties. Our retina is anything but uniform (Curcio et al., 1990a) and we have to as-

sume a generally non-uniform distribution of horizontal cells. Then, when we substitute

the parametric o(x) for constant o, Equation 1.1 becomes:


V(x) = V o . exp (- -) 0 (4


V(x) - photo-electric potential

x - angular distance from the fovea [arc min]

o(x) - space parameter [arc min]

(Eq. 1.4)

Comparing Equations 1.3 & 1.4, we find that the best match for o(x) is a linear function,

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

eccentricity [arc min]

2 N 0.04 .4 3

2 " 0.03 2

Figure 1.5 Experimental glare function vs. angular distance from the glare source derived from Equation 1.3

- : - . . . Glare Constant Function - experimental

- i -



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

V (x) = VO . exp (- 1 a + b . x (Eq. 1.5)


a, b - constants

With a = 46 and b = 0.112, there is a significant similarity between the two curves de-

scribed by Equations 1.3 & 1.5 (see Figures 1.5 & 1.6). Substituting those values into

Equation 1.5, we can estimate the range of o(x) in the human retina as falling between

330 pm close to the fovea and 2650 pm at the periphery. In comparison, for turtles o(x)

varies between 135 and 600 pm (Byzow et al., 1983). As extremely hazardous as it is to

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

1500 2000 2500

eccentricity [arc min]

Figure 1.6 Normalized lateral inhibition spread function calculated from Equation 1.5 with a = 46 and b = 0.112

compare retinas in these two species, this is the only data available at present.

Estimation of Horizontal Cell Connection Density Distribution

Using Equation 1.5, we predict spatial density of the horizontal cell in OPL. Assuming a

one-dimensional case of a uniform discrete resistive network, one can show that:

(I" 0-l (Eq. 1.6)


p -density of resistive elements of network

o - network space constant

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

This formula results from a comparison of inhibition potential attenuation in networks

with different space constants. For a non-uniform distribution we introduce the average

density of elements in the range (0, x):


pave - average density of elements

pl,, (x) -local density of elements

On the other hand, average density pave corresponds to the density of uniform network

with a space constant equal to:

save (x) = c - X + d (Eq. 1.8)


oav,(x) - space parameter defined for distances falling in the range (0,x)

c, d - constants

x - angular distance from the fovea [arc min]

This formula enables us to estimate the local spatial density of horizontal cell connection.

Combining Equations 1.6, 1.7 & 1.8 we get:


pl,, (x) - local density of elements

x - distance from glare projection to fovea [arc min]

Our model predicts that the density of horizontal cell connection in OPL will decrease as

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

l/x2 with distance from the fovea (Figure 1.7). In the same figure we marked experimental

2.5 lo4


i + . .. .. . hypothetical horizontal cell connection density

2- i - + + nasal cell density (anatomical data) : m

* * temporal cell density (anatomical data)

"0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

eccentricity [arc rnin]

Figure 1.7 Horizontal cells and horizontal cell connection density distribution

data taken from the monkey retina (Macaca fascicularis), adapted from Rohrenbeck et al.

(1989). Under the assumption that this specimen has very similar anatomy to that of man,

we can compare the anatomical data from the monkey with the psychophysical observa-

tion from humans. The visual system of the macaque monkey is similar to that of humans

with respect to psychophysics, spectral responsivity (Crook et al., 1987) and visual path-

way anatomy (Rohrenbeck et al., 1989). Therefore a modelling of the human retina can be

based on experimental data from primates as well as psychophysical data from humans.

The profound decline in density predicted by the model is plausible in view of our

knowledge of cone and ganglion cells density (Curcio et al., 1990b, Nerger al., 1991), and

some partial estimation of horizontal cells density (Krebs et al., 1991). We do realize how-

ever, that we still lack a good knowledge of the structure of the human retina and at this

moment we don't even know exactly how many types of the horizontal cells exist on the

retina (Kolb et al., 1994).

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems


Retinal cell biology is still very descriptive. As more information is acquired, new proper-

ties of the biochemical processes will become evident. A complete visual science would

require formal connection between vision psychophysics and neurophysiology of the reti-

na. By analyzing the model of dazzling glare based on the lateral inhibition within the hor-

izontal cell network, we might to a small extent develop those connections. Our model is

different from the existing model in terms of the mechanism responsible for a loss of vi-

sion in the phenomena of glare. In this model of glare, lateral inhibition, the neurophysiol-

ogy of the retina is the main glare factor rather than simple scattering of light. Of course,

these two processes can coexist and even add to the increased vision deterioration caused

by dazzling glare. Based on our hypothesis we predict the distribution of horizontal cell

connection in the human retina and the approximate values of the space constant.

Many questions remain concerning the nature of the phenomena that account for

dazzling glare. A primary reason for investigating glare is to analyze hypothetical distri-

bution of horizontal cell connection by combining psychophysical results with physical


The presented work will be very useful in designing the next generation of opto-elec-

tronic artificial retinas. For example, designers of artificial retinas based on the resistive

nets concept will face an image deterioration problem due to excessive illumination, that

is equivalent to dazzling glare.


In this part we described different adaptation and sensitivity change mechanisms that al-

low biological visual systems to effectively act over a very wide range of light intensities.

We are still a long way from being able to explain all of the mechanisms that are responsi-

ble for changes in different adaptation processes; however, partial conclusions can be

drawn and the results applied in human-made vision systems. Some of those mechanisms

are used to enhance the capabilities of artificial image acquiring systems, such as video

cameras. Devices that intimately associate a photosensitive image acquiring layer with

processing facilities are called "smart retinas". As compared to ordinary cameras, smart

retinas play an important role in optical information processing by providing the means to

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Part I Light adaptation in biological visual systems

achieve fast, low power consuming systems, that may adjust autonomously to expand

their capabilities.

One of the simplest solutions is to use photodetectors that produce a signal that is

proportional to the logarithm of the incident intensity, similar to the camera-film system.

The next step is to use photodetectors that can operate in different modes, with a different

operating range for each mode, or to use a photodetector with a controlling system which

changes the operating curve according to the light intensity. This change of operating

curve can be implemented electronically or optically (Wysokinski, 1994). Another possi-

ble implementation can use spatial summation. At high light levels each photodetector

signal would be detected individually. At low light levels a high resolution would be lost

but sensitivity would be increased by using spatial summation principle. Signals from a

group of photodetectors will be pooled to reach a level that can be manipulated by post-

processing circuitry. Yet another solution possible with an artificial vision system is to

control the exposure time of a single frame. Controlling adaptation is a very important

part of the visual system as adaptation in turn controls other properties, such as the per-

ception of contrast.

We also further develop in this part a neuro-biological model to explain glare phe-

nomenon. The glare controversy is very old and still has not been resolved. Wright refers

to it in the 1920's (Dawson et al., 1984), mentioning stray light and lateral inhibition as

sources of glare. A decade ago, the concept of using "spurious electronic noise" in the ret-

inal system to interpret glare was explored by Rawicz (1991).

Our static model, developed in 1992, is based on assumptions about vertebrate hori-

zontal cell coupling and it thereby makes predictions about horizontal cell connection

density distribution in the human retina. Using a well established model for transmission

of signals in horizontal cell networks, a spread function is derived that fits the glare con-

stant function. This fit requires a non-uniform distribution of horizontal cell connection.

We predict a decline in the density of horizontal cell connection from the fovea as 1/x2

(where x is the distance from the fovea).

In the next part of this thesis we present the concept of an adaptive filter - a device

which preprocesses spatially the light intensity distribution of the image before it is de-

tected by the photosensitive array. Applying this filter in an opto-electronic system, which

unites a charge-coupled-device (CCD) camera with an adaptive filter, expands the operat-

ing range of the systems and mimics some of the adaptation mechanisms (adaptation

pool) one can find in the biological vision system.

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Part I1 Adaptive Filter: the concept


The idea of photodetector dynamic range modification by means of an Adaptive Filter

(AF) stems from the analysis of processes found in the human visual system. Human pho-

toreceptors, part of the visual system that is characterized by a very wide light dynamic

range, are very sensitive to extremely weak sources of light. It is well established that they

are sensitive enough to detect a few photons, and with more light coming in, the sensitivi-

ty of the visual system decreases due to a variety of adaptation mechanisms* that trans-

form the observed image for better perception. Another result of image processing

existing in our eye is the minimization of a glare.

Generally, we can divide biological adaptation mechanisms into two types: global

and local. Global adaptation changes the average sensitivity of the whole retina. Local ad-

aptation describes the process of sensitivity change over parts of the retina - the adaptive

pools. We propose to apply the adaptive filter combined with an extremely sensitive pho-

todetector array to implement local and/or global adaptation in a novel image acquiring

system. The implementation of the adaptive filter in the camera would improve the picture

quality, as compared to ordinary video cameras which have limited dynamic range (e.g.

the span between the brightest and dimmest light detected without distortions). Very sen-

sitive cameras produce high quality pictures in dim light, their limited dynamic range re-

duces the quality of the image at high light levels, due to overloading of the

photodetectors. The adaptive filter would prevent the photo-sensor array from overload-

ing, thus extending the dynamic range of the whole system.

In this part, we model image transformation functions similar to the local adaptation

mechanism of human eye.

The concept

A globally adapting filter is uniformly transparent across the surface. The application of

this kind of filter would be to globally change the average intensity of illumination on the

photoreceptor array plane. Such an attenuation process is equivalent to the change of the

effective aperture of the entrance lens, for keeping the average light intensity at the focal * See Part 1 of the thesis.

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept

plane constant. However, it differs from the actual change of the aperture when we con-

sider the image quality. The global adaptive filter, unlike the opto-mechanical device (the

aperture), does not change the depth of focus and sharpness of the detected image (Ray,


A locally adapting filter is a type of filter that can change its light transmittance in re-

sponse to temporal and spatial light intensity variation. This filter, on the one hand, can be

used in conditions where large spatial and temporal differences in light intensity in the im-

age occur to extend and shift the dynamic range of the filterlphotodetector system. On the

other hand, its application can be foreseen to change the characteristic of the operation of

the filterlphotodetector system in a given light intensity region to enhancelstretch the con-

trast within the scene. Particularly difficult light situations, such as a brightly lit subject

that stands out against a dark background, or backlit subjects, that can not be properly de-

tected with standard cameras, might be very successfully recorded with the system utiliz-

ing the local adaptive filter. This system would have a wider dynamic range and would

render the entire range of light intensities with little distortion. The darkroom procedure

called "burning in" (Goldstein, 1984) is essentially similar. It is used by photographers to

increase darkness, and as a result the contrast ratio of the lighter areas within the picture.

In this process the underexposed parts within the picture are darkened by exposing them

to extra light during the printing process. As a result pictures with a very large range of in-

tensities in the scene are produced. The same picture would be obtained if the film could

locally adapt like the eye does, to compensate for very high or very low light intensities in

parts of a scene.

In this work we model a variety of adaptive filters and we later test Photochromic

Adaptive Filters 0, that can perform similar types of tasks*. Photochromic materials

are a special kind of photosensitive materials, that reversibly change their light transrnis-

sion in proportion to incident light intensity.

In our model of the locally adapting filter, a thin layer filter is placed in the focal

plane of an optical system on top of a photosensitive array (Figure 2.1). More intensely il-

luminated parts of the focused image produce a proportional darkening of the filter, block-

ing a fraction of the light. It results in the negative, neutral-grey image of the scene within

the filter. This phenomenon is called local adaptation. With an increase of average light in-

tensity, the increased average absorbance of the filter limits the light reaching photodetec-

* See Part I l l of the thesis.

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Part 11 Adaptive Filter: the concept

tors, thus mimicking global adaptation. Global adaptation can also be achieved by

substituting an ordinary clear lens with a lens that can lower its transmittance in propor-

tion to the ambient light level. A globally adapting filter, that has space uniform transpar-

ency can shift the operating range of photodetectors, much as a variable diaphragm does.

The adaptive filter can act both locally and globally. Depending on the location of the

adaptive filter in the optical system and a method of controlling the filter (see Figure 2. I),


Adaptive Filter

Photo-sensor array

Dark chamber housing

Figure 2.1 Utilization of the adaptive filter in a. global and b. local operating mode

the two functions can either be separated or used jointly.

The adaptive filter can be implemented in a number of ways. For parallel image pro-

cessing electrically or optically controlled Two Dimensional (2-D) Spatial Light Modula-

tors (SLM) are used most often. Two Dimensional SLM's have been very succinctly

described (Neff et al., 1990), as: "devices which can modulate one of the properties of an

optical wavefront (amplitude, phase or polarization), as a function of two spatial dimen-

sions and time, in response to information bearing control signals (either optical or electri-

cal)". The Adaptive Filter (AF) utilization is schematically shown in Figure 2.2. The

passive and active methods of controlling filter properties are presented.

Active control is achieved by a feed-back loop through a CPU, where the detected

image is analyzed and the adaptive filter state is adjusted accordingly to specified parame-

ters. For that purpose, Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD's) and Digital Micromirror ~ev ices*

(DMD's) are very well suited. Another possibility is to use a passive system which inde-

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept

Digitizer C,

0 Jz a

Display '7 ntrol Loop CPU

Passive Control Loop

Figure 2.2 Block diagram of the image processing system utilizing active and passive types of the Adaptive Filter

pendently adjusts to changing light intensity. It can be made using photo-sensitive materi-

als, like photochromes which undergo reversible photo-chemical reactions when excited

by irradiation. As a result, their absorption spectrum in VIS range changes. Either way, as

a final result of the use of the adaptive filter, image parameters such as brightness and con-

trast are changed, to match them to the dynamic range and sensitivity of the photo-sensor


Transformation Function (TF)

The type of image conversion performed by the adaptive filter is strongly related to the

shape of the transformation function. The Transformation Function, sometimes called a

transfer function, describes the relationship between an input quantity (x axis) and an out-

put quantity (y axis) Such a relation is characterized by a number of parameters:

1. Sensitivity

2. Stability and Repeatability

3. Accuracy and Precision

4. Response Speed

* See Appendix of the thesis.

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept

Sensitivity tells us what change in the output can be expected for a given change in input

quantity. Stability is determined by the constancy of the sensitivity over time. Accuracy

determines the maximum error in the output quantity and response speed describes the de-

lay between the input and output change.

Some of these parameters can be directly determined from the shape of the Transfor-

mation Function, one example being the sensitivity which is related to the slope of the tan-

Input Light Intensity [a.u.] MAX

Figure 2.3 Selected image transformation types: a. proportional reconstruction b. nonlinear reconstruction c. optimal proportional reconstruction d. proportional reconstruction with part of the image saturated e. exact reconstruction

gent. Others can be deduced from the temporal changes of the TF. For image

transformation, the TF relates the input and output light flux which passes through a trans-

forming device - the Adaptive Filter.

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept


Figure 2.3 presents different shapes of the Transformation Function and explains differ-

ences between them in image reconstruction. The shaded area corresponds to the operat-

ing space, where image transformation and detection take place. Within this area a few

basic types of transformation function are presented:

Curve a. corresponds to the case where the proportional detection process uses only part of the dynamic range of sensors, so that image light intensity distribu- tion is very compressed, and sensitivity is low.

Curve b. shows a nonlinear Transformation Function. Nonlinear function may be very important in enhancing contrast within the specific range of light inten- sities. They can be used to change contrast from normal to high-contrast to en- hance the contrast of a scene having a small range of intensities (Goldstein, 1984), such as might occur in a picture taken in a dimly lit room. By compress- ing in a unique form the high intensity region this function can also be used to widen the dynamic range. However, if this function is not unique, as is the case in Figure 2.3, then we observe specific image deficiencies like artifacts (Figure 2.6).

Curve c. is the optimal case. In this example we utilize maximum dynamic range of the sensors, and we have proportionality between input and output pa- rameters.

Curve d. shows the proportional transformation curve in case where external light intensities exceed the dynamic range of operation of the sensors. As a re- sult parts of the image will be saturated, with all the image details within that parts lost.

Curve e. is an exact reconstruction line. It means that input and output light in- tensities are identical, and no change within the system occurs.

Modelling Image Transformation by Different Transformation Functions

In this part we model the image transformation by different global and local adaptive fil-

ters. We treat the modelling as a fast and flexible approach for testing different hypothe-

ses. Only a few special cases of the transformation function are presented and tested to

visualize the potential image quality improvements after the adaptation process took


The spatial distribution of light intensity after passing through an adaptive filter is

described by the gray-level Transformation Function (TF) of the system. The transforma-

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Part 11 Adaptive Filter: the concept

tion function correlates the light intensity of the original image to the corresponding light

intensity of the transformed image for each picture element (pel) with coordinates (ij):

0 0 I. . ( I . ) = T F (I,, j) 1, J 1, J


Ioi - intensity of light entering the filter

IiJ - light intensity distribution after the transformation process

On the other hand, we can express this relation using basic optics equation:

0 0 I. . (I . . = I0 . Ti, (Ii, j) 1, I 1,J i, J


T(Ioij) - transmittance of the filter at a given location

This equation can be rewritten as:

0 0 T ( I ) = exp (-a (Ii, j) . d) 1, 1

(Eq. 2.1)

(Eq. 2.2)

(Eq. 2.3)


d - thickness of the filter

a(IoiJ) - absorption coefficient of the filter at a given location

Assuming different transmittance functions, one can model filters that alter the images in

a specific manner. In our modelling we assumed the following:

1. Filter has uniform thickness and is hom*ogenous.

2. The spectral transmittance of the filter does not depend on the light inten- sity and it closely follows the characteristic of the neutral-grey filter for visible light.

3. To preserve uniqueness of the image, we seek transmittance of the filter as a continuous, decreasing function of the light intensity.

4. Normalization requires that the transmittance of the filter is less or equal to 1.

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Part 11 Adaptive Filter: the concept

Substituting these conditions in Equation 2.1 leads to the system of differential inequali-


(Eq. 2.4)

There is a class of solutions of Equation 2.4 for transmittance in the form:

0 constl - constp . Ii, T . . (8 ) = . . (Eq. 2.5)

" 1 ' I constj + const4 . (

Values of constants in Equation 2.5 dictate the form of the changes in the transmission.

There also exist other solutions of Equation 2.4. For the case of exponential depen-

dence of transmittance on incident light intensity we get:

0 0 0 I ( I . .) = exp (-p- I . .) - I . . 191 191 1, I

(Eq. 2.6)


p - constant

In that case, from Equations 2.1 & 2.3 we find that absorption coefficient a, is a linear

function of light intensity.

Discussion of a few special cases of adaptive filters

In this section we analyze the adaptive filter/photosensitive detector array system for use

in image acquisition. We investigate adaptive filter models with different transmittance

characteristic and their possible applications.

Within the broad class of particular solutions of Equation 2.5 we discuss below a few

examples that represent the most interesting variants. The starting image for use in our

model is the highly illuminated image that would be too bright for a proportional detec-

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Part 11 Adaptive Filter: the concept

tion by a very sensitive camera - see Figures 2.4a & 2.5a. Maximum light intensity within

the image (on the focal plane) is two times above the photoreceptor detection threshold.

As a result, the image acquired by the camera shows regions that are oversaturated. After

the simulated adaptation process the maximum light intensity is reduced by half, which

corresponds to the change of Optical Density of the Adaptive Filter: AOD=0.3.

To illustrate how some particular filters transform the image, we convert them into a

gray scale element matrix. On each element of this matrix analytical computation is made

in MATLAB@ mathtool using a 2-D transformation algorithm. Finally, the transformed

matrix is converted back into the form used for display or to get a hard copy of the picture.

Model 1. Taking const24 = 0 corresponds to an ordinary proportional filter, i.e. all

transformations made by the filter are linearly proportional to the light intensi-

ty. The transmittance and absorption coefficients are in that case constant and

TF is linearly increasing. Figure 2.4* shows simulated transformation of the

image by the global adaptive filter that halves the light intensity. In the over-

saturated picture we can not determine the border between the forest in the

background and the sky. It is difficult to recognize the contours of the build-

ings. These tasks are very easy to perform after the modelled adaptation pro-

cess took place (Figure 2.4b).

Model 2. Taking const2 < 0 and const3 < const4 corresponds to the type of filter that

slightly compresses highly illuminated part of the image, maintaining the

more or less linear character of Equation 2.1. We use this model to test the im-

age transformation of the local adaptive filter made of inorganic photochromic

material. Transmittance and TF are in that case polynomial ratio functions of

light intensity. We can observe how this type of filter modulates highly saturat-

ed image (Figure 2.5a) into the form that contains much more details (Figure

2.5b). Transmittance of the filter is expressed as:

(Eq. 2.7)

* The picture "Trees" used for the simulation has been taken from British Telecom (BT) image database.

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept

Figure 2.4 Global adaptation modelling - "Model I", a. initial (overexposed) image, b. transformed image (the forest in the background clearly visible)

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept

Figure 2.5 Local adaptation modelling - "Model 2", a. initial (overexposed) image, b. transformed image (many more details are clearly visible)

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Part 11 Adaptive Filter: the concept

Modern photochromic glasses manufactured by Coming Inc. have this type of

transmittance characteristic (Araujo, 1987).

Model 3. Taking const2 3 = 0 means that the transmittance of such a filter is inversely

proportional to incident light intensity and the transformation function is con-

stant. As a result the light intensity is modulated so that we get the constant

output over some range of input light intensities. This is potentially an inter-

esting type of filter that together with a light source becomes a uniform planar

light source that is stable in the time domain. For example, such a light source

giving uniform illumination is essential to back-lighting of a recorded picture

with very low contrast ratio.

Model 4. Another special case is when const 1 = const3, const2 > 0 and const4 = 0.

Transmittance is then a linearly decreasing function and the transformation

function is parabolic. In this case, the filter highly compresses the most illurni-

nated part of the image. Figure 2.6b shows the results of this transformation

with visible intensity artifacts, such as the negative image of the most illumi-

nated part within the scene as the resulting image has lost the preservation of

gray levels because the transformation function is not monotonically increas-

ing. However this type of transformation can be useful for specific tasks, such

as observing the hot air flow from the chimney against the sky background.

Transmittance of this filter is:

In the above examples we specified a few cases of different filters that transform the im-

age. One type can be used for enhancing the contrast in the image for low and medium

values of illuminance (Model 4), another for enhancing contrast in darker part of the im-

age - Model 2. Figure 2.7 shows the shape of the transformation functions that were used

to model the image transformation.

The use of photochromic glasses, which are closely characterized by Models 2 & 1

has been suggested for attenuation of the light flux in the brightest portion of the picture

for controlling an automated welding system (Tunimanova et al., 1991).

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept

Figure 2.6 Local adaptation modelling - "Model 4", a. initial (overexposed) image, b. transformed image (note the hot air above the chimney, the license plate)

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept

... Model 4 /. . '

4.' (nonlinear filter) <. . .(. '

/. /. ' /?. <. .

/. . 1, . '

/.' /. . <:

/: /. . . <:


<. ' . (. - - Model 2 (Corning glass like filter) <. ' <. .

x . ...... Model 1 (proportional filter)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Input Light Intensity [a.u.]

Figure 2.7 Investigated transformation functions

By compressing the highly illuminated part of the image it is possible to transform the im-

age so that it can be acquired by a camera without saturating any part of the photosensitive

array. It is a partial equivalent of the mechanism called local adaptation of the human vi-

sual system. The local adaptation enables us to see light sources, without losing details in

the darker part of image. In that sense it widens the dynamic range of the camera.

This modelling shows that including an adaptive filter in form of a 2-D spatial light

modulator improves quality of the image. Some of the modelling results were confirmed

by simple experiments using ophthalmic photochromic lenses (Wysokinski at al., 1995a).

Part 111 of the thesis describes details regarding development and testing of the custom-

made photochromic filters.

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Part II Adaptive Filter: the concept


The numerical modelling confirms that it is feasible to use adaptive filters as spatial light

modulators. An adaptive filterldetector array system having linear and nonlinear charac-

teristics can be used to implement specific types of image transformation. For example,

the adaptive filterldetector array system can operate over a wider dynamic range of light

intensities than the detector array alone.

The modelled transformation of the image can be implemented with both passive and

active types of filters. The active type gives us more freedom to adjust for different illumi-

nation conditions - this type of image processing can be performed with Liquid Crystal

Display Spatial Light Modulators (LCD SLM's) (Efron, 1989). The passive type can

be implemented with photochromic filters. The photochromic system is different from

that using LCD SLM because it does not require an external electrical power supply and it

is self-adjusting.

Presently available types of photochromic materials allow construction of only a lim-

ited variety of filters, especially the ones described as "Model 1 & 2". These types of fil-

ters can be used to take a picture that includes a light source such as plasma, Sun or

another UV-radiating source within the frame. New types of photochromic filters need to

be developed and fabricated in order to construct new types of cameras for specific uses.

Such uses could include those with a very bright non-UV light source within the frame,

those requiring contrast stretching of some part of the image, or achieving image unifor-

mity, or reflex reduction, or optical system requiring self-protection against destructive

light intensity levels in the image.

At the present stage of development, photochromic materials are still relatively slow,

particularly for most real time visual processes. Another limiting factor is sensitivity

mostly to highly energetic UV radiation. However, there is much research aimed at devel-

oping new photochromic agents, sensitive to visible light and responding much faster. The

main advantages of using these materials are parallel image processing, very good resolu-

tion, automatic local adjustment to different absolute light intensity levels and no addi-

tional energy consumption.

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter


Although the first documented observation of the reversible change of color of the painted

gate was as early as XIX century (Phipson, 1881), the photochromism initially received a

limited attention. Only recently this area is rapidly expanding and the research in the field

has shown steady growth. Many new compounds were prepared, both organic and inor-

ganic. Many scientific advances were made including mechanisms explaining different

photochromic processes and structures. Some classes of photochromic materials are sub-

ject of particularly active research and development programs in industrial laboratories

because of their potential usefulness in a variety of applications, many others still await

practical applications due to limitations like sensitivity, fatigue, stability.

However we have just begun to understand some photochromic processes; others

that have been proposed are subjects of debate by researchers in the field. There are quite

a few problems which remain to be solved, like lack of stability of organic photochromic

materials to environmental factors, before they can be widely applied in practical applica-


Another problem is the scattered information of the knowledge available in present.

Information about photochromic materials exists mainly in technical reports and circu-

lates among the college of workers in the field (Brown, 1971). There has been little infor-

mation about photochromic materials published in the primary scientific literature, so

there is a high probability of multiple attempts to challenge the same task by different re-

search groups without knowing about others.

A promising future exists for photochromic materials in many fields, such as infor-

mation processing and display devices. We postulate the use of these materials as a photo-

nic component: a thin layer photochromic filter, in opto-electronic systems for analog

image parameter like brightness and contrast, processing. Following sections describe the

research done in this field and present results of the application of the photochromic filter.

Photochromic Systems

General classification of photochromic systems divides them into two groups: organic and

inorganic. We designed, prepared and tested several compositions in both groups. A sec-

tion in the Appendix of the thesis summarizes the work done with inorganic compounds.

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

In the following sections we concentrate on research done investigating organic photo-

chromic systems to enhance capabilities of image acquisition systems.

Photochromic systems - general description

Photochromism is defined (Brown, 197 1) as a reversible transformation of a single chem-

ical species between two states, whose absorption spectra are recognizably different,

brought about, in at least one direction, by electromagnetic radiation (Equation 3.1):

hv A(hl) 1 B(h2) (Eq. 3.1)

hv', T

Species A is transformed into higher-energy form B as a result of light irradiation

(Horspool, 1995). The reverse reaction to A usually occurs as a spontaneous thermal pro-

cess, but may also be light-induced.

The term used to describe the reversible coloration "photochromism" is made of two

parts: photo (light) and chrom (color). Recently developed materials may show change in

the spectral properties beyond that of the sensitivity range of the human eye, so there is no

visible change in the color. Nonetheless they are described as photochromes. When em-

bedded in glass or plastic photochromic agents adjust the global or local transmittance of

an optical component. As the illumination energy is removed, the system reverts to its ini-

tial state.

Inorganic photochromic systemst

The types of inorganic solids that exhibit photochromic phenomena almost always in-

volve materials having a large energy band gap (3-12 eV) so that, in the unactivated state,

they have negligible optical absorption in the visible region of the spectrum (Brown,


The optical excitation leads to the formation of metastable centers which absorbs

light in the visible region, giving rise to the characteristic color. This photochromic sys-

tem is based on an electron transferlredox reaction. The system can return to its original

ground state either by optical excitation within the color-center band or by heating the

* For more information see Appendix.

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

band to elevated temperature. The most popular example of such systems are alkali ha-

lides photochromic glasses - the first major photochromic commercial product.

Organic photochromic systems

Photochromic reactions are always attended by rearrangement of chemical bonds. Organ-

ic materials are activated almost exclusively by ultraviolet light within the wavelength

range of 200-400 nm (Diirr et al., 1990).

The organic photochromic systems can be classified into several main groups accord-

ing to the nature of the photochemically induced primary step. It includes: heterolytic

cleavage, hom*olytic cleavage, cis-trans isomerism and tautomerism (Brown, 197 1).

If a bond breaks in such a way that both electrons remain with one fragment, the

mechanism is called heterolytic cleavage and results in ions. When each fragment gets

one electron, free radicals are formed and such reactions are said to take place by ho-

molytic or free-radicals mechanisms (March, 1985). Cis and trans isomers are compounds

that have the same sequence of bonds but differ in the arrangement of their atoms in

space. They can be interconverted only by breaking bonds (Vollhardt, 1987). The rapid

change of the molecule (faster than lo3 times per second) between two structures is called

valence tautomerism.

In our work we investigate organic photochromes that belong to two families: indoli-

nospironaphthoxazines and pyrans. They are representatives of the group characterized by

Ground State

hv - t--

hv', T

Excited State n

Figure 3.1 Heterolytic bond cleavage mechanism in spiroxazine "N"

photochromic process involving heterolytic bond cleavage.

Spiroxazines were discovered to be photochromic in 1961 but only in 1980' they re-

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

ceived a broader interest (Diirr et al., 1990) as they are very photostable. In the lower-en-

ergy, colorless state they consist of two halves of heterocyclic fused rings connected at the

tetrahedral sp3 carbon. Those two parts are electronically isolated from each other be-

cause of the orthogonality of the n-electron wave functions in both parts.

Typical photochromic reaction responsible for coloration of spiroxazine is shown in

Figure 3.1 (McArdle, 1992). Irradiation of the colorless spiro-compound leads to cleavage

of the single covalent Csp,,-0 bond to give the open-chain molecule, that is structurally

different from the ground state.

Photoactivated photochromic system undergoes very fast ring opening to the colored

form with a good quantum yield ($R = 0.2 to 0.8, (Horspool, 1995)) in solution as in films.

Open-colored species of the photochromic have merocyanine like structures which is

characterized by shift of the UV absorption in the visible region. A K-electron cloud can

extend now from the indoline part to the oxazine part of the molecule. The first electronic

transition of such a molecule occurs in the visible part of the spectrum, thus appearing col-

ored. This open colored form can exist in few stereoisomeric forms, what results in broad-

en absorption peak.

Bleaching process may be either thermal or photochemical, and its higher energy

content is, in most cases, the driving force (Malatesta et al., 1992). The color fades ther-

mally very rapidly to regenerate the original molecule. The photochemical back-reaction

is, however, very slow. This class of photochromes shows high long-term photostability

what makes it the best photochromic organic systems used today.

By analyzing distribution of the covalent electrons in both energy states and struc-

tures, we deducted similar schematic for representative of another investigated type of

photochrome: naphthopyran (Figure 3.2). Photochromism of pyrans was discovered only

Ground State

hv P

Figure 3.2 Heterolytic bond cleavage mechanism in naphthopyran "Y"

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

in 1952 (Diirr et al., 1990). Photosensitive pyrans continue to arise a strong interest in

connection with their application in various fields such as: non-silver high resolution pho-

tography, optical devices and holographic systems. Pyrans are less fatigue resistent or fa-

tigue free than the structurally related oxazines. Long irradiation can lead to

photodegradation products. Atmospheric oxygen facilitates this photodegradation by radi-

cal processes.

Applications of photochromic systems

The inherent properties of photochromic systems make them suitable for use in many dif-

ferent areas (Horspool, 1995):

1. Control and measurement of radiation intensity

2. Visual contrast effect

3. Solar energy conversion

4. Information imaging and storage (Irie, 1994)

5. Optoelectronic circuits (Hornak, 1992)

6. Image processing (Krongauz et al., 1995)

7. Optical computing and signal processing (Lessard et al., 1992)

8. Integrated optics (McArdle, 1992)

Photochromic compounds have also potential practical application in such field as photo-

litography, where they can be used as a reversible photoresist. Spiropyrans may be used in

the colored form in processes of non-silver photography as catalyst of an amplification

phenomenon. They may also be used as light controlled regulators of various physico-

chemical processes. Photochromic films and glasses have apparent use as wrappers and

containers for photosensitive products (Diirr et al., 1990).

In this work we postulate using photochromic systems for optical image transforma-

tion in the optoelectronic systems. This image transformation is achieved by means of

adaptive filter* made of photochromes. Those systems mimic in particular conditions the

adaptation mechanisms that can be found in the biological vision systems. Input image is

transformed by spatial light modulator in a predetermined manner to adjust output light

intensity range to the dynamic range of detecting system.

Figure 3.3 presents a block-diagram of the photochromic processing system. The

* The general idea of utilizing the adaptive filter is presented in Part I1 of the thesis. Figure 2.1 shows implementation of the Photochromic Adaptive Filter.

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter


Figure 3.3 Block diagram of an optic-optic light modulator unit

Heat Generation and Dissipation

A 7

state of the system (transmittance) is determined by input -incident light and temperature.

Transmitted light intensity is the output.

I i , in (h, t) ..

Development of a Photochromic Adaptive Filter (PAF)

We developed the photochromic filter consisting of a polymeric thin film with embedded

photochromes. There are several important points we considered while developing thin

layer filter using polymers as a matrix. Polymer adhesion to substrate interface is a very

important factor in the construction of PAF. Good adhesion is required not only at low

temperatures, but also after exposures of up to several hours at higher temperatures (200-

400•‹C), e.g. during thermal treatment and also during normal operation conditions of the


Polymeric planarization is affected by many parameters, including polymer solution

properties (polymer molecular weight, solution compositions, and viscosity), spin-coat

processing parameters (dispense volume and speed, and final spin speed), film shrinkage


.. Pixel

Transmittance - Tii (h,t)

Iij out (h7t) +


c Induced

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

and thermal flow during curing, and feature size (step height and pitch).

Higher photochromic concentration translates into higher photochromic response

(AOD) values attainable, but one has to avoid aggregation effects which can adversely in-

fluence kinetic behavior as well as the spectral characteristic of the media. These are im-

portant aspects of designing thin layer filter that were considered and tested through the


Polymeric matrices

In process of experimentation we tested several different polymeric matrices in which we

embedded different photochromes. Our aim was to obtain a stable system, with high pho-

tochrome concentration and good optical qualities. We tested several most common poly-

mers, which are characterized in Table 3.1. All materials were of the highest grade

Table 3.1 Product names and acronyms of investigated polymers

Polymer ( Abbr. I solvent*

Poly(MethylMethacry1ate) I PMMA I MEK



Difficult to spin and to dissolve. Good layer stability. Obtained layer is brittle.

QCl Poly(S tyrene)

Butyl Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer

Polysciences USA


CHN Poly(Carbonate)

Solvents are harmful, difficult to use. Spin- ning relatively easy. Cracking observed.

Aldrich Chemical USA



Bad adhesion to glass.

Polysciences USA




Difficulty with dissolution.

Aldrich Chemical USA

Good layers obtained.

Polyvinyl Chemical Industries - Div. of Beat- rix Chem. Co. Inc. Wilmington, MA. USA

* See Table 3.2 for details

available and were used without any further purification.

The following Table 3.2 explains abbreviation used for the solvents. Solvents used

had to be both compatible with the polymeric matrices and able to solve our photochromic

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

materials. The solubility of spiropyrans is rather poor in alcohols and aliphatic hydrocar-

Table 3.2 Solvents used in trial experiments Solvent I Abbr. I Notes - ada~ted from Merck*

Methyl Ethyl Ketone I MEK I Flammable, volatile, acetone-like odor

Trichloroethylene I TRI I Nonflammable, odor resembling that of chloroform

Methyl Methacrylate


Xylene I @Me2 I Flammable, less toxic than benzene




Very distinct smell, severe skin and mucus sensitizer, may act as strong irritant

The most universal solvent known

Cyclohexanone I CHN I Oily liquid, Caution: poses health hazard



Butyl CellosolveB

* Budavari, S., Ed. The MerckZndex, 11-th edition, Merck & CO. Inc., 1989.

Caution: can cause narcotic effects

Flammable, Caution: narcotic in high concentrations

bons, rather good in aromatic hydrocarbons, and intermediate in ethers, ketones, and es-

ters (Brown, 197 1).




Faint, not unpleasant odor

Low volatility

Table 3.3 presents structures, names and abbreviations

present study.

of the photochromes used in the

Table 3.3 Structure and conventional names of investigated photochromes AbbreviationsISu~~lier Chemical structure and full name

Photochrome "R" - Red (Red PNO)

"2nd Story Concepts" Inc. Canton, OH. USA

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Table 3.3 Structure and conventional names of investigated photochromes AbbreviationslSu~~lier Chemical structure and full name

Photochrome "Y" - Yellow Photo Yellow

"2nd Story Concepts" Inc. Canton, OH. USA

Photochrome "B" - Blue Blue D

"2nd Story Concepts" Inc. Canton, OH. USA

1,3,3,4,5,-Pentamethylspiro[indoline-2,3'-[3naph[2,l-b] [1,4]oxazine]

Photochrome "Cl-N"

Aldrich Chemical USA

Photochrome " N - NOS1 I

Aldrich Chemical USA

Photochrome "Cl-P

Aldrich Chemical USA

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Table 3.3 Structure and conventional names of investigated photochromes AbbreviationslSupplier Chemical structure and full name

Photochrome " P

Aldrich Chemical USA

Design and fabrication

After series of trial tests we zeroed in on one particular type of host matrix: copolymer B-

725, which gave us the most satisfactory results. The final version of Photochromic Adap-

tive Filters were prepared by means of a spin-coating technique from the mixture of Butyl

Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer (B-725) solution, and photochromic substances (Wysok-

inski et al., 1996b).

The glass substrate was high quality, flat sheet. Before polymer deposition the glass

was chemically cleaned, washed with DI water, spin-dried and put in the oven. For a trial

series we used smaller (75 x50x 1. mm) and ( 5 0 . 8 ~ 5 0 . 8 ~ 0 . 5 0 8 ~ mm) substrates, and for

preparing filters used for image transformation we used bigger (110x110x2.3~ mm)

sheets of glass, some of them were earlier sand-blasted on one side to create a translucent


Desired thickness of the filter was obtained by varying concentration of the copoly-

mer and conditions of the spinning process. The overall thickness of the layer may vary by

1-2 pm across the surface, however, the surface was free of local deformations.

Specific percentages of different photochromes were added to achieve custom trans-

mittance through visible region. Table 3.4 presents typical parameters of the solution and

spinning procedure used to fabricate the final version of the thin film using B-725 copoly-

mer. Such thin-films deposited in the glass substrate were used for testing image transfor-


* Fisherbrand Microscope Slides (#12-550C): nD= 1.52.

t Corning glass (#7059): nD= 1.53. $ Agfa-Gevaert Millimask glass: nD= 1.5 1.

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Table 3.5 presents specific parameters for samples that are presented in the thesis. Links to

Table 3.4 Typical photochrome-polymer solution formulation

NN series

Table 3.5 Sample composition

Polym. conc. cw [%I


Sample Abbrev.

series samples were I I I I

Solvent conc. c, [%I


Photoch.* used in


PL #3 1 B-725 1 6.0t deposited on the Coming glass sub-


PL #5

PL #6

PL #20


0 1 1.52

PL #2 1

PL #24/26

Phot. conc. C, [%I


Total Phot. Concentr.

C, [%I

0 1 l a 5 o




N #22

NN #2

NN #3

NN #4

NN #6

Film Thic. bm]

0.65 PL #4



* Determined using DEKTAK I1 A profilometer, unless indicated otherwise

t Calculated using spectral data (see Section: "Thickness estimation ...")

$ See Table 3.3 for details

Spinning conditions speed [rpm] : time[s]

500 : 30

Thin Film density

ps [mgkm2]

Refr. Ind. of matrix










Abbreviations used:

** F. a.a - Figure a.a T. a.a - Table a.a

Film Thickn. d [ ~ m l


Notes I Links to Other Data Presented























R + C1-P



C1-P + P







F. 3.4

T. 3.6








F. 3.5,9,15, T. 3.6,8






F. 3.4

F. 3.25

F. 3.20

F. 3.19

F. 3.18

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Table 3.5 Sample composition

Sample Abbrev'


other tables and figures which present data for a particular sample are also shown in the


NN #7 1 B-725 1 19.0



Preparation and characterization of the samples consist of several steps:


1.29 I Red I 5 1 1.49 IF. 3.17

1. Substrate cleaning and preparation

2. Polymer dissolution

3. Photochrome dissolution

4. Solution mixing

5. Spin-coating

6. Heat treatment

7. Quality control

8. Thickness and weight determination



9. Spectral properties determination

Film Thic. Ipml

* Determined using DEKTAK I1 A profilometer, unless indicated otherwise

t Calculated using spectral data (see Section: "Thickness estimation ...")

f See Table 3.3 for details

Average time of preparation of one series of samples is 2 days.



Abbreviations used: ** F. a.a - Figure a.a

T. a.a - Table a.a

Spectral properties of photochromic filters

Thin Film density

p, [mgkm2]

For different photochrome-polymeric matrix systems spectral characteristic has been tak-

en with the Beckman DU@ series 600 spectro-photometer. It is a single beam, high accura-

cy (hh = 0.5 nm) and quick response time (at = 0.05 s) measuring system. Data collection

rate is 20 sampling/second.

~ h o t o c h . ~ used in




We tested simple systems with a single photochromic species embedded in B-725

matrix. Using Beckrnan monochromator it is possible to set the scan speed so the entire

visible spectrum is scanned in less then 10 seconds, thus we could get spectral characteris-

Total Phot. Concentr.

Cw I%]

Refr. Ind. of matrix

no [-1

Notes I Links to Other Data Presented

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

tic with little deformation due to discoloration process. To avoid as much as possible re-

coloration of the samples by measurement procedure, we carried out transmittance

measurements towards the most energetic part of the spectrum. To obtain repeatable and

comparable spectral characteristic data we designed a stringent procedure of taking the

measurements. To collect the absolute transmission spectra all samples were irradiated

with 200W HBO lamp from a distance of 50 cm, for a period of 1 minute.

Table 3.6 shows both absolute and relative transmittance curves. For those measure-

ments we irradiated samples with a 200W HBO lamp for 3 minutes from a distance of 50

cm. Next we took 10 readouts separated by two-minute interval. In between measure-

Table 3.6 Spectral and temporal properties of photochromic filters -

Absolute transmission spectra*

Red PNO, N #9t I

Photo Yellow, PL #20t

* ... Substrate - .- Unexposed - Exposed

t Photochrome type, Sample acronym (See Table 3.5)

~eaction* spectrum, recorded in transmittance

Time relation 3-D




V 5 t [minl

Time relation 3-D

$ Exposed sample relative to unexposed one.

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Part I11 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Absolute transmission spectra*

Blue D, PL #26t

~eaction* spectrum, recorded in transmittance

Time relation 3-D

Photochrome C1-P, N #3t I

Time relation 3-D

Photochrome P, PL #3 l t Time relation 3-D

* ... Substrate -.-Unexposed -Exposed

t Photochrome type, Sample acronym (See Table 3.5) j: Exposed sample relative to unexposed one.

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Table 3.6 Spectral and temporal properties of photochromic filters

I Absolute transmission spectra* ~eaction* spectrum, recorded in transmittance

Photochrome C1-N, N #5t I

Photochrome N, PL #28+

* ... Substrate -.-Unexposed -Exposed

t Photochrome type, Sample acronym (See Table 3.5)

Time relation 3-D

Time relation 3-D

$: Exposed sample relative to unexposed one.

ments samples were kept in darkness, to minimize the change of coloration by light. The

relative characteristics were taken by measuring the transmittance of the activated sample

relative to the unactivated one. This type of measurements shows more precisely the dif-

ference between the activated and unactivated sample - the effect of photochromic reac-

tion of the material. 100% level on Y axis corresponds to no change in the transmittance

during the activation process.

We also designed, developed and tested multi-component systems which consisted

of a few different photochromic species embedded in polymeric matrix (Figure 3.4). We

aimed at getting a system with as much uniform absorbance characteristic in the visible

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Part I11 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

100 1

so -

10- Phot. R+Y+B+N+P, PL #21 -

20 -

10 - Phot. R+Y +B, PL #6 o m

400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

. . . . . glass substrate

- . - unactivated sample

- activated sample

Figure 3.4 Spectral properties of multi-component photochromic systems

spectrum as possible, to make an equivalent of neutral-density filter. As can be seen, it is

possible to attain a grey-like filter by choosing different concentration of the photochro-

mic materials with different spectral properties. However as of today we lack photo-

chromes which absorbs in long wavelength which limits the usable range of grey filter.

Table 3.7 presents maxima of the absorption peaks of different photochromes tested.

We also included in the table data collected by other researchers.

In other experiment we determined the approximate value of time constant of the

photochromic systems. For that measurements we irradiated the samples with 200W HBO

lamp for 3 minutes from a distance of 50 cm. Next we measured the Optical Density (OD)

of the sample, in the pre-determined peak of absorption. We continued this measurement

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Table 3.7 Spectral parameters for different photochrornic systems

Red PNO 1 5681572,568,570 A,,: 560t 565,578, 590' [nm] 1 562 1 E ~ , : 32t [ l~ -~drn"mol -~cm~~]


Phot P I 5821585 I 584 I

Blue - D

Phot C1-P

Phot C1-N I 600 I --- I

4221424 428 I A,,: 432' [nm]



Red + Yellow I 572 I 564 I Phot N

604 ---

* Absorption peak spread for fabricated samples I t In toluene

A,,: 599,615' [nml


R + Y + B


** "Transitions" plastic photochromic lenses I $ In ethanol

for 10 minutes, with the interval of 2 seconds between measurement points (Figure 3.5).


578 ---

Table 3.8 presents calculated approximate values of time quasi-constant (z), that

were calculated from data from Figure 3.5.

A,,: 592 [nm] E,,: 31t [10-3dm~3mol~1cm~1]

572 --- A,,: 492,616 [nm]

Table 3.8 Calculated values of time constant - first approximation

Because the discoloration process is not a simple exponential function of time, time con-

stants depend on the initial conditions in addition to the ambient temperature of the sam-

ple and light conditions.


Thin film thickness estimation

Amorphous polymers are usually very highly transparent in visible light. Typical exam-

ples of this group of materials are poly(methy1 methacrylate), poly(carbonate), poly(viny1

CI-P N #8

Y PL #20

Photochrome & Sam~le Abbr.

174 Time Constant 'T [s] I 78

Red N #9

P PL #31

120 126

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Figure 3.5

- Phot. C1-P, N #8

- - Phot Red, N #9

. . . Phot. Y, PL #20

- . - Phot. P, PL #3 1

Relaxation Time [s]

Kinetic properties - thermal decay of the colored forms of samples

alcohol). These materials transmit visible light almost perfectly: up to 92% transmittance

is possible.

A light beam entering a piece of transparent material from the vacuum is reflected

and refracted at the surface (Figure 3.7). The index of refraction (nk), is defined in Equa-

tion 3.2:

sin (a)

Where: a - the angle of incidence and P - the angle of refraction.

(Eq. 3.2)

Reflection and interference of the light adds an additional periodic component to an

external transmittance of the filter. This can be seen in Figure 3.6. The graph shows spec-

tral characteristic data for a bare substrate and a system of substrate and polymeric thin

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

89l 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600

- Unactivated sample I : I I I I I I

10 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

Wavelength [nm]

Figure 3.6 Spectral transmittance for bare glass plate and a plate coated with thin film: Red photochrome in B-725 matrix, N #9

film obtained using single beam, DU-600 Beckman spectrometer.

The superimposed sinusoidal component of the signal is a result of a difference of the

optical paths between the beam that propagates through the layers and beam that is reflect-

ed on the polymer-substrate and polymer-air interface. Figure 3.7 gives a schematic repre-

sentation of the reflected and transmitted intensities resulting from an incident beam of

intensity 10, falling a. on a thick plate and b. on the sample consisting of the thick plate

and additional thin layer on the top of it. In case b. not all the reflections from the sub-

strate-air interface are shown to make this picture more clear. The weight of the arrow in-

dicates a decrease in the magnitude of the light intensity for higher order reflections.

If the two waves are coherent, when they combine interference occurs. When two

waves are 180" out of phase destructive interference occurs - that corresponds to local

minima on the graph. Because the refractive index of the polymer is less than those of the

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

b. Not to scale

Figure 3.7 Reflectance and transmittance of a. a thick substrate, and b. system of the substrate and a thin layer

glass substrate, light reflected at polymer-substrate surface is retarded at 180' - or hi2

(Figure 3.8).

By combining the proper Fresnel equation we get the expression for the reflectance:

2 I r - sin ( a - P) + r = - -

tan2 ( a - p) (Eq. 3.3)

lo 2 . sin2 ( a + p) 2 , tan2 ( a + p)


r - reflectance

IO -incident light intensity

I, -reflected light intensity

a - the angle of incidence and P - the angle of refraction.

At normal incidence where a=P=O, the reflection at the interface is given by:

(Eq. 3.4)

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter


r - reflectance

n i - index of refraction

For the infinite numbers of reflections of monochromatic light a system of equations can

be derived (Equation 3.5). This calculation assumes that the thin layer is not an absorbing


(Eq. 3.5)


I. - incident light intensity

I, - reflected light intensity

It - transmitted light intensity

r - reflectance

By taking into consideration limited sensitivity of the instrument used for measurements

we can restrict calculations to two terms of the series. Using that approximation we can

now calculate special cases of destructive and constructive interference. Average trans-


180" (or hl2) retardation

Light detector Not to scale

Figure 3.8 Interference phenomena in a thin film

mittance of the system shown in Figure 3.8 can be simplified by the following expres-


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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

' transmitted T =

' incident (Eq. 3.6)

2 2 2 = (1 - r ) + ( 1 - r ) r ' 0

On top of that we have to include periodic modulation due to before-mentioned interfer-

ence phenomenon. Altogether there is a total difference of 2nfilmd + h/2 in optical path

length between the two interfering coherent light beams. If the phases of It, (h) and I&

differ by 180" destructive interference occurs, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

(Eq. 3.7)


m - integer (m = 0,1,2, ... )

Using Abbe Refractometer - Model 2WA, we measured the refractive index for different

coatings, the value of which are summarized in Table 3.5. From Figure 3.9 we found val-

ues of hmi, for several subsequent minima. It is important, that those minima are as close

to wavelength hD = 589.3 nm as possible. The refractive indexes are measured for this

specific sodium spectral line wavelength and commonly marked as n~ (Crawford, 1968).

The refractive index depends on the wavelength. The overall change of the refractive

index across the several interference minima (e.g. 50 nm), is below the measurement er-

ror, therefore we did not include this change in Equation 3.7.

Next we calculated reciprocal value of wavelength (l/h), and we plotted previously

chosen points on the x-y plain, where x axis corresponds to integer m, and y corresponds

to value of l /h [nm-'1. By testing different sets of m value we eventually got a set of

points that together with axis origin (0,O) form a line. This constitutes a graphical solution

of the problem. Now we can find the wavelength value corresponding to the minimum and

related value for m. Substituting for h and m into Equation 3.5 yields the thickness of the


This method utilized a side results of measurement of spectral absorption of the film

and gave very accurate results, with the maximum measurement error less than + 0.05 pm.

The results were then compared to those obtained with profilometer (Dektak IIA Surface

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

8 2 2 7 hmh = (648,625,604,584,565) [nm]

m number [-I

Figure 3.9 Graphical method of estimating thin film thickness: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, PL #20

Profile Measuring System - by Precision Research Instruments, Inc.). By comparing the

calculated thickness with the one measured with the profilometer, we found the offset of

the profilometer used for the measurements: Ad = -1.0 pm.

The difference between these two methods of measurements is that our method is

non-destructive for the samples prepared using spin-coating technique. The data comes

together with data of absorption spectra, so no extra measurement steps are necessary.

This method is very resistant to a noise. Even for a very small amplitude of the sinusoid

exact thickness of the film can be calculated.

And by analyzing positions, regularity and values of the minima we can also estimate

other parameters of the surface, such as roughness and external transmittance. Combining

absorption spectra with thickness of the thin film, we can roughly predict the refractive in-


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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter 73

Photochromic Filter - Implementation

Developing of the test bench

Utilizing standard video camera and frame-grabber attached to the Sun work-station we

developed a system for testing parameters of the photochromic filters and for checking the

PAF influence on the quality of the image.

Our standard test bench is shown in Figure 3.10. It is used to test local adaptation



Figure 3.10 Experimental set-up for testing photochromic filter (for clarity, housing has been removed; spectral properties presented in: T. 3.6 & F. 3.12)

mode of the filter. Modification of this set-up is used to determine properties of the photo-

chromic filter, such as the transformation function.

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

Figure 3.11 shows a schematic drawing of the same test bench. Image is focused through


I t



Figure 3.11 Block diagram of the experimental set-up for testing local adaptation

a positive quartz or fused silica lens on a thin photochrornic filter placed on the glass sub-

strate, with the translucent screen on the other side. This screen is used to view the pro-

cessed image, and the picture is recorded with the camera. The translucent screen was

used to focus the image and to partially compensate for the light lost due to a big differ-

ence in the f-numbers of the small lens in the camera and the large-diameter quartz lens.

Any high spatial resolution B/W camera with known relation between light intensity and

output voltage (linear function being most common) can be used. We use the 8 bit, 1810

series COHU camera.

In some experiments Infra-Red Blocking filter (IRB) is used to restrict heating of the

filter that reverts coloration. For that application we use Oriel IR Blocking colored glass

filter #59050.

For each prepared photochromic filter specific interference filter or color glass filter

is used as a Modification Filter (MOD) to restrict analyzed spectrum to the region of sensi-

tivity of the photochromic filter (see Figure 3.12 and Table 3.5). We use a broad-band fil-

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

ter with the peak of the transmittance close to the sensitivity maximum of the human eye

in photopic vision Vh = 550 nm. The filter we use had maximum transmittance peak at

h,, = 536 nm.

Figure 3.12 shows spectral characteristic of those modification filters that were used


I I / 1 . I , - - Vh Filter

/ 1 . \ I \ / , \ \

I , I , , / I .-

1 , . L I ? - - - -

300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength [nm]

Figure 3.1 2 Transmittance of Modification and IRB Filters

in experiments presented in the next part of this thesis. Characteristic of the infra-red

blocking filter in the visible part of the spectrum is also included. Cut-off wavelengths for

the lenses used in the experiments were 180 nm.

In experiments testing global mode of adaptation of the filter a simpler version of the

test bench is used shown in Figure 3.13. In this case we use a photochromic filter deposit-

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter





Figure 3.13 Block diagram of the experimental set-up for testing global adaptation

ed on the glass substrate.


In order to investigate local changes in the transmittance of Photochromic Adaptive Filter

(PAF) due to radiant intensity from sample images, we used constructed test stand (Figure

3.10). The pictures of the image focused on a translucent screen just behind the PAF were

taken with a "COHU" RGB, 8 bit, CCD camera. In the experiments a high pressure mercury

arc (100W & 200W) lamps, a halogen (300W & 500W) lamps and Sun-like (300W) lamp

were used. The light intensity of the halogen lamp was controlled using autotransformer.

Figure 3.14 shows in a simplified way the particular steps made during experiments.

Initial images that have dynamic range beyond that of photodetector devices are shaped

by the adaptive filter.

In some experiments we added one additional step - image normalization. We did it

by increasing the diaphragm of the camera, thus allowing more light to pass through the

optical system and be detected by the photosensitive array.

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter

t a. adaptation process c. photodetector dynamic range threshold b. normalization process

2 3 4 Input Light Intensity [a.u.]

Figure 3.14 Experimentally observed image transformation types

Typical image quality improvements*

Using developed test bench we performed several types of experiments to determine some

important properties of the developed filters. For each tested photochromic filter a specific

modification filter was used to restrict analyzed spectrum to the region of sensitivity of the

photochromic filter.

First, we tested the photochromic filter applied in the global mode of adaptation. We

took a picture of a relatively dark object - vehicle licence plate, against very bright back-

ground, in this case high pressure mercury lamp (left center part in the picture, Figures

3.15 & 3.16). After filter adaptation took place, more details of the image are visible,

blooming (defined as a localized charge overflow) around the light source is reduced and

* In the following pages we present pictures in the gray-scale format. Color version of the original pictures can be found at: http://fas.sfu.c~ensc/people/GradStudents/tomasz/personal/tomasz.html, or at: http://fas.s-

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter 78

Figure 3.15 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after global adaptation: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, PL #20; MOD - 420 nm

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter 79

Figure 3.16 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after global adaptation: Red photochrome in B-725 matrix, N #9; MOD - 560 nm

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter 80

Figure 3.17 Picture taken a. before adaptation, b. after adaptation and c. after normalization: Red photochrome in B-725 matrix, NN #7; MOD - 560

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Part III Photochromic Adaptive Filter 8 1

Figure 3.18 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after local adaptation: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, NN #6; MOD - 420 nm

Figure 3.19 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after local adaptation: Cl-P & P photochromes in B-725 matrix, NN #4; MOD - 582 nm

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter 82

Figure 3.20 Image quality improvement a. before and b. after local adaptation: Yellow photochrome in B-725 matrix, NN #3; MOD - 420 nm

contrast ratio of part of the picture is increased as well.

We measured the transformation function of the photochromic filter used in Figure

3.16, which corresponds to theoretical curve of TF used in "Model 1" of Part II*.

Next we concentrated on experiments testing photochromic filter in local adaptation

mode. In one experiment a picture was taken of two different light sources - mercury arc

lamp and halogen lamp, varying in light intensity over 1 decade (Figure 3.17 & 3.20). The

image of more intense mercury arc lamp (on the right), nearly saturates the camera. With

time, focused image of the high intensity mercury lamp locally decreases the transmit-

tance of the filter, due to the UV radiation emitted by this lamp. The intensity of the image

of the second lamp stays at the same level, as this lamp's image does not cause any chang-

es to the filter. Figure 3.17b shows the picture taken after a few seconds. Both lamps have

their brightness nearly at the same level as light from the mercury lamp is filtered out. At

that point we opened the diaphragm of the camera wider and took one more picture. This * Next section of the thesis describe the methodology of this measurements.

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

procedure corresponds to the image normalization, shown in Figure 3.14, to match the im-

age with the operating range of the camera.

By comparing Figures 3.17a & 3 . 1 7 ~ ~ and Figures 3.20a & 3.20b, we concluded that

image was transformed by PAF in such a way, that only part of the spatial distribution of

image light intensity was compressed -we can say that local adaptation of the PAF occurs.

As a result this local adaptation process allowed us to get picture that contains more visi-

ble details of the other part of the image*. In the same time no part of the picture is over-

saturated, thus negative effects like blooming are suppressed.

In another test we took a picture of a supersaturated image of the mercury lamp (Fig-

ures 3.18a & 3.19a). In the picture taken with the fully translucent filter many image de-

fects are easily noticeable. We can observe blooming (charge spill) due to excess charge

of electrons in the lamp image. However once filter adaptation took place, the image qual-

ity radically improved (Figures 3.18b & 3.19b). Blooming is largely reduced and interest-

ing details appear that were not visible before.

In summary, experiments have shown that application of the photochromic filter in

image acquisition improves the quality of the image and extends the dynamic range of the

visual system.

Determination of the Transformation Function of PAF

We developed a simple, fast and accurate procedure for measuring a Transformation

Function (TF) of a Photochromic Adaptive Filter (PAF). Photochromic filters, whose spec-

tral transmittance depends on previous and immediate radiant exposure and other environ-

mental conditions, require special methods of spectrophotometry to determine their


This section (see also Wysokinski et al., 1996a) describes easy to implement method

of characterizing the luminous transmittance as a function of light intensity. Transforma-

tion functions of sample filters for different sources of radiation and varied light intensity

are evaluated. The measuring system can also be used for fast determination of spatially

and spectrally uniform light sources with a UV spectral component.

* For results of the initial tests performed with commercially available photochromic lenses see (Wysokin- ski et al., 1995b).

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter


Photochromic systems reversibly change their light transmission in proportion to incident

illumination (Brown, 1971). Because transmittance of photochromic materials changes

rapidly with changing light conditions, and depends on many other environmental factors,

it is difficult to accurately determine the optical characteristics of such systems using con-

ventional methods (Ross et al., 1991). This implies the need for different, reliable methods

of measurements, which determine properties of potential devices into new areas of appli-

cations - like photonics, example being development of all optical computers (Birge,


In this section of the thesis we describe a method for evaluating the transmittance

and the transformation function (input/output relationship) of a photochromic system.

Modification of the measuring techniques allows to evaluate a transmittance for a specific

range of wavelength.



Transformation Function is determined by analyzing the lamp image. Figure 3.10 shows a

typical set-up used for measurement of the shape of the transformation function. The

method requires a small (point like) light source stable in the time domain with a UV

component in the emission spectrum. A short arc mercury lamp (HBO 200W) and a Sun-

like lamp (300W) were used as light source. The image of the lamp was focused on a

screen through a quartz or fused silica lens and a picture was recorded with a camera. Any

high spatial resolution B1W camera with known relation between light intensity and output

voltage (linear function being most common) can be used.

An Infra Red Blocking (IRB) filter was used to restrict heating of the photochromic

filter and to minimize fading. Interference filters, or color glass filters were used as Modi-

fication filters (MOD). Interference filters were used to limit response of the PAF to a spe-

cific narrow range of wavelength. Color glass filters were used to weight light intensity

spectrum accordingly to the sensitivity of human eye adapted to daylight (V3, curve) or

night vision.

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter


PAF filters were prepared by spin-coating of a glass substrate with a solution of Butyl Me-

thyl Methacrylate Copolymer, containing photochromic substances*. The glass substrate

(110x110x2.3 rnm) was earlier sand-blasted on one side to create a translucent screen.

Desired thickness of the photochromic filter (-20 pm) was obtained by varying concentra-

tion of the copolymer and conditions of the spinning process. Specific percentage of dif-

ferent photochromes are added to achieve custom transmittance through visible region.

Transformation Function

The Transformation Function, also called Transfer Function describes an image transfor-

mation. The photochromic filter acts as an operator on input image. PAF may be used as a

globally adapting filter with space uniform transmittance - as in ophthalmic lenses. They

can also be applied as locally adaptive filters used as optical memory, or for image pro-

cessing (Pham et al., 1995).

How a given type of TF can control image transformation is described in Part I1 of

the thesis and was published (Wysokinski et al., 1995a). Both linear and non-linear cases

of TF were treated and a modification of the original image by the filter is presented.

Figure 3.21 shows the cross-section of a 3-D visualization of the lamp image.

Cropped part of the section was used to calculate the Transformation Function. One curve

shows section of the image in the faded state. Another curve was taken from the lamp im-

age after exposing the filter for 30 seconds to a 200W mercury lamp. Due to an adaptation

of the filter the distribution of light intensity had changed and was lower as compared to

an image obtained with non-adapted filter.

Results and Discussion

We calculated the transfer function based on the data from Figure 3.21. In the cropped part

there are 160 measurement points. The transformation function which relates the input

and output light flux is plotted in Figure 3.22. For the average (0.1- 1.9 m ~ l r n m ~ ) light in-

tensities ratio this function is linear what corresponds to direct proportion between num- * See section: "Development of a Photochromic Adaptive Filter (PAF)" and article (Wysokinski et al., 1996b).

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

- . - Clear, Faded PAF - NN #9

- Colored PAF - NN #9

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650

Pixel position [-I

Figure 3.21 Cross section of the image of the light source

ber of activated molecules and amount of light. The transformation function does not start

from the axis origin, due to optical losses and threshold characteristic of the CCD camera.

For high light intensity we noticed a small deviation of TF from linearity as a result

of saturation of the photochromes in the upper energy state which corresponds to deple-

tion of available molecules in the lower state.

Next, we calculated the ratio of the incident input to output light intensities, results

are shown in Figure 3.23. We see that as light intensity increases, the coloration of the fil-

ter decreases due to increased discoloration process, speeded up by heat.

Next we calculated Optical Density (OD) (see Figure 3.24) of this filter, for given

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter 87

Figure 3.22 Transformation Function of a photochromic filter, calculated from data in inset in Figure 3.21



m- E E 1.0- s E u Z? 0.8 -4

2 B d H

B 0.6 .d

c;l c., s 9 0.4 0


0- 0

light intensities:

' in O D = l o g - [-I (Eq. 3.8) lo 'out

Input Light Intensity [ m ~ / m m ~ ]



- - *-:-

. -

f .. ..-. - -

.' Of: 3

- -

-- .a* - .* -

. . .a 1.

! - .. .' .. ' -

.d .. . 2


0.5 1 .O 1.5 2.0

Similarly to Ii,/IOut ratio, Optical Density decreases at high light intensities. We calculat-

ed OD for results of other experiments performed. The highest optical response value

found, was ~ 0 D = 0 . 8 . In all of the above experiments we used a 200W mercury lamp. The

photochromic film was exposed to the whole emission spectrum of the lamp, minus ab-

sorption by the quartz lens.

By comparing two series of measurements for the same photochromic system in dif-


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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

1.2 1.75 2.3

Input Light Intensity [mw/mm2]

Figure 3.23 Reciprocal transmittance as a function of light intensity, calculated from Figure 3.2 1

ferent positions, non-uniformities in surface concentration of photochromes can be detect-


By analyzing two transformation functions for two different light sources we can

very quickly evaluate spectral and spatial non-uniformities of the light source. For exam-

ple by comparing shape of curves in Figure 3.25 we see that lamp visualized in sub-figure

b. has a very non-uniform component of UV spectrum in the high intensity region.


In this part of the thesis, research project leading to the development and applications of

Photochromic Adaptive Filters has been described. We designed and fabricated a series of

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Part I11 Photochromic Adaptive Filter

1.2 1.75 Input Light Intensity [ m ~ l m m ~ ]

Figure 3.24 Optical Density of the filter as a function of light intensity, calculated from Figure 3.21

thin films made of polymers and photochromic materials. We successfully applied the de-

veloped filters in opto-electronic system which unites CCD camera with photochromic fil-

ter to create an adaptive camera. This system is capable of operating in wider range of

light intensities. By using adaptive filter we extended the dynamic range of operation, and

as a result we increased contrast ratio and minimized blooming and flare. We also present-

ed results of experiments to determine the spectral characteristic of the filters.

Photochromic filters are likely to find numerous applications in the newly developed

areas of photonics (Wysokinski et al., 1995; Fischou, 1994; Yeh, 1994; McArdle, 1992,

Cathey et al., 1992), in which exact determination of the Transformation Function is an

essential part of characterization of the response of the system. If photochromic filters are

composed of a few elements that have different dynamic and static characteristics, it

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Part 111 Photochromic Adaptive Filter 90

Figure 3.25 Transformation function for a. spectrally and spatially uniform (point-like) and b. non-uniform light sources, NN #2

would be very time consuming to obtain full characteristic of those devices using conven-

tional methods. In the last section we described easy to implement and versatile method

for measuring the transformation function of the Photochromic Adaptive Filter (Wysokin-

ski et al., 1996a). This function describes the relation between the input and output light

intensity of a light beam passing through the filter. The method allows for quick measure-

ments using only two pictures of the light source. Choosing Sun-like illumination and VA

filter one can obtain response to the changing transmission of photochromic filter similar

to that of the human eye.

Expansion of this method gave us values of the Optical Density of the photochromic

filter as a function of light intensity, in the spectrum range controlled by utilizing Modifi-

cation filters. This method could also be used to quickly evaluate spatial and spectral light

emission uniformity of light sources by using uniform photochromic filter. It is fast, effi-

cient and could be automated for testing photosensitive materials in quality control de-


Because photochromes do not require external power supply sources for operation,

can be embedded into a thin organic film and are sensitive to the light, there is a high

probability that they will gain more importance as a various components in opto-electron-

ic systems as all-optical parallel light modulators.

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The purpose of this thesis was to describe both the resuits of investigation into the func-

tions of the human visual system, and our resulting proposal and development of a novel

photonic device, the Adaptive Filter. To this end a theory was developed to support the de-

sign and implementation of the filter as a photosensitive device, a Photochromic Adaptive

Filter, that controls and modifies images in a parallel fashion. This work was documented

and the experimental results were presented. We opted for the implementation of the

Adaptive Filter using photosensitive materials because they are self-adjusting, do not re-

quire additional electrical power to operate and can be implemented into standard image

acquiring systems without increasing the complexity of the electronic processing system.

These are all important constraints, as the ultimate goal of this research is to implement

the filter as part of an artificial eye. The thesis intended to provide a guide on how solu-

tions implemented by nature could be used to improve existing man-made systems.

The work described above was motivated by a desire to improve the limited dynamic

range of modern image acquisition systems by bridging the gap between biological and

artificial visual systems. Based on the knowledge we gained from studying the light adap-

tation processes in biological visual systems over a wide spectrum of disciplines, we pro-

posed a new type of image acquisition system. The system we developed is made of a

very sensitive photodetector array and modulating filter that adjust the image intensity in

high ambient light intensities to match the detector's operating range.

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The major contribution made by this thesis was the presentation of a novel photonic de-

vice, the Adaptive Filter. The general theoretical model of the Adaptive Filter concept was

proposed and evaluated. Adaptive Filters can extend the dynamic range of operation and

improve the contrast ratio of any existing standard video cameras.

We implemented the Adaptive Filter in the form of a Photochromic Adaptive Filter.

We also developed a simple, fast and accurate procedure for evaluating properties of the

photosensitive materials that were fabricated as part of the research. By using the method

we developed to measure the filter's photochromic response from a series of pictures of

lamp we determined the maximum photochromic response of the filter tested in the local

adaptation mode as OD=0.8. The photochromic response of the filter is limited by a num-

ber of factors, such as thermal fading, optical bleaching and the maximum concentration

of the photochromic molecules.

There is a limit for the maximum concentration of the photochromic materials that

can be embedded in the polymeric environment. Depending on the fabrication process the

saturation of the photochromic solution can occur at levels of 5-10% concentration. By

testing different polymeric systems we raised the level of the concentration from initial 1-

2% to more than 10% while maintaining good optical quality and clear base state. We also

fabricated filters with the concentration levels as high as 20%; however, at that concentra-

tion level agglomeration of the molecules occurs, which causes coloration of the filter in

the base state, and as a result gives smaller photochromic response. Increase in the thick-

ness of the filter with lower photochrome load is not a viable option because the excited

molecules strongly absorb the exciting radiation (300-400 nm) and in this way they de-

plete the light intensity in that spectral region.

To reduce thermal fading process we utilized an infra-red blocking filter; however, at

high light intensities the thermal fading process overcomes the darkening process as the

temperature of the filter increases locally.

A test bed for evaluating the Photochromic Adaptive Filter was designed and devel-

oped and the concept of implementing optically addressed PAF successfully tested. As a

result of utilization of the Photochromic Adaptive Filter the dynamic range was extended

and negative side-effects such as blooming and flare within the image were reduced. This

approach has several advantages over existing methods (Mann, 1991), because optical

pre-processing of the image does not change the electronic circuit design complexity and

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Conclusions 93

it is autonomous. In particular it can be applied to any photodetector array.

Details of experimental results which provide spectral and temporal properties as

well as composition of several developed PAF's complete this part of the thesis.

In the other part of the thesis the saturation of the signal in the glare phenomena was

used by us to reveal the highly complex structure of the retina. Our investigation led to an

estimation of the horizontal cell connections density along the diameter of the human reti-

na and a space constant of the horizontal cell lattice. We predict a decline in the density of

horizontal cell connection from the fovea as 1/x2 (where x is the distance from the fovea).

The deduced profound decline is plausible in view of our knowledge of cone and ganglion

cells density, and some partial estimation of horizontal cells density. As the horizontal

cells are embedded in the middle of the neural structure of the retina, it is a very difficult

task to actually count the cell distribution. Using our model we can predict this distribu-

tion using a non-invasive method.

In this work we also presented a systematic compilation of the biological phenomena

found in the living visual systems and corresponding implementations in the man-made

systems. We presented adaptation mechanisms, that are yet to be implemented, which can

improve the dynamic range of the operation for low light intensities.

No artificial image acquiring system can match the biological visual system in terms

of the dynamic range of light intensities it can effectively operate. By implementing adap-

tation mechanisms into artificial systems we reduced the gap between the two systems,

but we can not match yet the versatility of the human eye.

Advantages of photochromic systems

The use of passive adaptive filters offers several advantages over other solutions leading

to extension of the dynamic range of operation. The most important is that they can be

added to any existing image acquiring system without changing the electronic architec-


The existing systems with wide dynamic range use focal-plane electronic post-pro-

cessing. These systems incorporate local processing circuitry to perform signal condition-

ing and image filtering. This post-processing mimics different adaptation mechanisms on

the level of photoreceptors themselves, or as an electronic neural net processing informa-

tion from the photodetector arrays. Those additional processing systems, although fast,

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add an element of complication to the design of a photodetector array. They also take

some space on the focal plane, thus decreasing the ratio of array surface available for the

detection (so called $11 factor), and they require additional energy supply. Another option

of utilizing classical computer-oriented processing system suffers from the inherent speed


The optically-induced image processing utilizes light to affect optical properties in

the photo-reactive filter which is subsequently used for image processing. They automati-

cally adjust to different light conditions and they do not require any additional power sup-

ply to operate. Adaptive filter provides parallel conversion, essential for fast image

processing. For some type of applications, such as the artificial eye, it can be very impor-

tant that the photochromic systems have a response time very similar to that of the human


Spatial image modulation by photochromic filters is practically only diffraction lim-

ited. Intrinsic resolution of the inorganic photochromic film is known to exceed 2000 lp/

mrn, for organic photochromes the resolution limit is more like 5000 lp/rnm. Photochro-

mic filters can be inexpensively manufactured using standard techniques. As a result of

using photochromic opto-optic modulators we extended the dynamic range of operation

of image acquiring systems. Application of the PAF can also protect such systems against

excessive light intensities.

Limitations of organic photochromic systems

One has to carefully consider material advantages and disadvantages when using photo-

chromic systems. These materials are relatively slow reacting - with relaxation times

varying from minutes to days. They are very sensitive to environmental factors - temper-

ature being the most important. Organic photochromes last a limited number of cycles be-

tween both energy states before they dissociate*. Those organic materials can be

destroyed by excessive illumination in process of photolysis. Finite life of the thin film

and practically no control over the thin film properties once the filter is built are other lim-

iting factors.

It is a difficult task to build a filter with a grey-like characteristic using organic pho-

* Photodegradation process can be drastically slowed down by adding specific inhibitors to the polymer, however.

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tochromic components, because they have a rather narrow peak of absorption in the visi-

ble part of spectrum and different dynamic properties. Main limitation of the organic

photochromic materials is speed of coloration and relaxation. No photochromic lens is in-

stantaneous in action. However the time response of the photochromic filter is similar to

the time response of the human eye. This can be an advantage when considering the prop-

erties of the filter with respect to the long-term goal of utilization of the filter into design

of the artificial eye. Slow alterations rates are required for psychologically acceptable

changes in the illumination level. Maximum Optical Density attainable in the colored

state is another confining factor in wide-spread utilization of the new device.

Future work

In this thesis we demonstrated the feasibility of using Photochromic Adaptive Filter as a

novel component of the opto-electronic systems in the scale-up arrangements. Next major

step would be to implement the photochromic film directly on the surface on the image

acquiring array and solve a new set of problems related to materials compatibility, film

stability, technological improvements and changes to accommodate this additional com-

ponent. Ideally the thin-layer filter would be fabricated using standard IC fabrication pro-

cess, as a one additional production step. A lot of work remains to be done in the

optimization of the components, the design of the photochromic filter and improvements

in performance.

Design improvements

One of the most visible (literally) problems when dealing with the organic photochromic

materials is the problem of coloration. As photochromic materials are absorbing in a nar-

row range of wavelengths, it is difficult to design filter with grey-like properties. One of

the possible solutions to this problem is shown in Figure 4.1. We propose to utilize the

concept of splitting the image into three equal light-beams and processing them indepen-

dently in different regions of the visible spectrum.

New photochromic systems with better properties should be investigated. Finally, the

use of an anti-reflection (AR) coating, (designed for the peak absorption wavelengths) on

the surface of the filter would improve the collection of the light and the response of the

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I BLUE Phot. & Det. System

I YELLOW Phot. & Det. System

I RED Photochrome & Light Detecting System

Figure 4.1 Organic photochromes based color image processing

filter. Introduction of photochromic stabilizers may significantly decrease the fatigue rate,

and increase the number of activation cycles.

Attention should be given to protection of the thin film from harmful environmental

conditions. As an example a simple process of covering thin layers with a PVA coating,

which prevents oxygen diffusion (hie, 1994), can radically increase fatigue resistance of

organic systems.

Technological improvements

It is well acknowledged that using different methods of fabrication, such as molding, can

improve the quality and properties of the photochromic filter. A preferred method (McAr-

dle, 1992) for making plastic photochromic lenses is to dissolve the photochromic materi-

al into an organic resin (and perhaps solvent) such as an acrylic resin, and then apply this

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solution to the lens surface by any of several techniques such as dip, spray, spin etc. An-

other process for applying an optical coating containing a photochromic is by "in-mold

coating" (McArdle, 1992).

Synthesis of new compounds that have sensitivity at longer wavelengths (650-830

nm) will provide components necessary to fabricate truly grey-like filter made of mixture

of photochromes. Another improvements would be to apply suitable AR coatings to re-

duce reflection losses on the thin film to air interface. In fact, it might be possible to utilize

the anti-reflection property when designing media for photochromic materials.

Another viable option would be to develop a thin layer silver-halide filter with grey-

like filter characteristic.

Applications of photochromic systems

Photochromic processes encompasses many disciplines and are found in both living and

non-living matter. The research in that field has shown steady growth, because of the po-

tential usefulness of photochromes in a variety of applications. On the one hand possible

applications are limited by the properties of the organic photochromic systems, such as

poor performance with regard to fatigue, thermal reversibility, speed of response and via-

ble system integration. On the other hand fatigue-free silver halide glasses can produce a

grey scale image with resolution exceeding 2000 lplrnm with contrast ratios exceeding

30: 1.

Photochromic materials have already found numerous applications in very diverse

fields such as:

1. radiation intensity control

2. data storage (short and medium term memory)

3. optical computing and image processing

4. dynamic holography (Tornlinson, 1972)

5. optically controlled waveguides and optical lenses

We proposed to use a passive system utilizing photochromes to build an example of the

Adaptive Filter - the Photochromic Adaptive Filter. Photochromic systems are naturally

seen as a feasible component, as they are already used for that purpose (Young, 1993).

Millions of people enjoy and wear photochromic glasses to help adjust their living visual

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systems to different, especially excessive light intensities. The usage of photochromic

lenses reduces squinting and eyestrain. They also protect human eyes from UV rays. For

this purpose lenses are used as a globally adapting filter. In our project we went a step fur-

ther; we proposed to utilize a photochromic thin-layer film as a locally adapting filter that

stretches the dynamic range of the system. This has several advantages over globally

adaptive filter, which only shifts the operating range.

In recent years, society has become aware of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radia-

tion. Photochromic materials by their nature may be used to protect humans, and equip-

ment, from UV radiation. As a human eye is insensitive to the UV radiation, the

photochromic filter can be used in the same time to indicate UV presence and intensity

and as a result to allow individuals protect themselves from this harmful radiation.

A promising future exists for photochromic materials in many fields, especially in in-

formation processing and storage. We postulated to use these materials as a component of

photonic device: a thin-layer Photochrornic Adaptive Filter, and we successfully proved

that application of the adaptive filter is a viable alternative to other approaches. Some ob-

vious applications for such system with enhanced dynamic range include: security sys-

tems, autonomous robots and other types of smart image acquisition systems.

Photochromic filters by their nature are good candidates as elements of the artificial reti-

nas, as they don't require power supply and won't increase much the architectural com-

plexity of the 3-D detecting structure.

Related studies

Some of the limitations of photochromic adaptive filter can be avoided using Active

Adaptive ~ilter*. As opposed to PAP'S, light modulation can be performed for any light

conditions and in a way that we can control. Modern Spatial Light Modulators can poten-

tially increase the dynamic range of the camera up to two decades. Using recently devel-

oped components, such as the Digital Micrornirror Device and long exposure CCD makes

it possible to build compact systems for image acquisition with unique properties. * See section "Investigating possible implementation of an Active Adaptive Filter" in the Appendix.

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Errors discussion and summary

All the experimental data values presented in this project are related to some type of er-

rors. They can be treated as: measurement, methodology and instrumentation errors, or as

related to the performed calculations. Systematic description is presented in Table A.1.

We analyzed different types of errors and in case that there are few independent ones, the

maximum cumulative value is shown (Equation A. 1).

A x = A x = A x + A x + A x + A x 1 x 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 IJ ( ~ q . A.I)


Ax - absolute maximum error [%I Ai=l . . . j~ - different components of measurement error [%I

Throughout the thesis numerical data are presented with the last significant digit given.

For example, if the accuracy of the measurement is + 0.01, we present values in 9.99 form.

The most important are errors that are intrinsic to the developed image processing

system (see Figures 3.10, A.l). In this system the processing and imaging part are separat-

Photochromic Filter (dPAF = 0.020 mm) / Translucent k reen ( ~ T S = 0.015 mm)

Glass Substrate (dGS = 2.3 mm)

a0 - Circle of Confusion

4 F

Figure A.l Spatial separation of image processing and display

Not to scale

ed by the thickness of the glass substrate, host both to the PAF and screen. As a result the

light intensity that induces coloration of the photochromic filter may have different value

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that light intensity on the screen, that is detected and used to scale the measured functions.

An object at a distance dl from the lens will produce an image on the frosted side of glass

plate at a distance d2 on the other side of the lens that has focus length f (Figure A.l). If

we assume that the object is in the plane, a sharp and inverted image will be presented. If

the object is not exactly in focus, the image become fuzzy. The size of the blurred spot, as-

sumed circular in shape, is an inverse measure of the resolving power of lens. It is a mea-

sure of the quality of the image. We determine the focusing error E using Equation A.2.

The next step is to determine the size of the blurred spot, sometimes described as a circle

of confusion, from Equation A.3.

(Eq. A.2)

(Eq. A.3)


E - focusing error

00 - diameter of the blurred spot

Dl - diameter of the spot on the PAF plane, where image processing takes place

DL - diameter of the circular aperture of the lens

dl - object plane

d2 - image plane

f - focal length of the lens

By substituting data for a typical experiment, we estimated the maximum circle of confu-

sion: Do = 1.5 mm. Next, using geometrical relation we estimated Dl = 3.0 mm. By com-

paring surface ratio of these two circular spots we estimated that the maximum light

intensity ratio may reach as much as 4: 1. This important factor must be considered when

functions of the light intensity (such as presented in Figures 3.21-3.24) are determined.

Of course such discrepancy in light intensity occurs only in case when large spatial

gradient of light intensity exists across the plane surface. For a spatially uniform light dis-

tribution the corresponding light intensities on both planes (screen & PAF) are equal. Dur-

ing experiments made to determine the Transformation Function, we minimized the

intensity ratio by moving the screen to intentionally increase the circle of confusion.

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Table A.l Errors overview # I Source I Variable x [units:

Glare Constant Estimation of the GC depends on many Eq. 1.3 Fig. 1.5

2 Fig. 1.7 t eccentricity [arc min] Experimental data comes from

the retina of monkey. surface density [mm-2] + 100 0

Fig. 2.6 exact grey level [-I I ? l t pixel position [-I Grey level range: (0-256)

4 1 Fig. 2.7 11nput Light Inten. + 1 1 output Light Intensity I k 1 arbitrary units

5 1 Tab. 3.4 If: 0. l t t 1 spinning speed [rpm] 1 f lo*$ Thickness error depends of the

method used. The overall dif- ference in the thickness across the sample may reach 0.5 [pm].

+I** I thickness [pm] I

thickness [pm] surface density [mm-2]l f 0.01. Tab. 3.5 + l* lrefractive index [-I I + 0.01$ Refr. index error - zero error.

Tab. 3.6

Fig. 3.4

wavelength [nm] transmittance [%] f 0.01 * reading every 0.05 [s] & 2 [nm]

scanning speed 2,400 [nm/min] time [s]

8 1 Tab. 3.7 lpeak wavel. [nm] I

Relaxation process is not a simple exponential function, so presented time constants are a first approximation, given for comparison only.

I Tab. 3.8 9

quasi time constant [s]

I Fig. 3.5 I time [s] k 0.05* I optical Density [-I If 0.005*1 DU 600 SpecPhot Specifications

10 1 Fig. 3.6 1 wavelength [nm] + oS* 1 transmittance [%] 1 f 0.01* 1 scanning speed 2,400 [nm/min]

absorption peak wavelength [nm] l1

Rofilometer specifications: offset: -1.0 [pm] measurement error: f 0.5 [pm]

Eq. 3.5 Fig. 3.9

m is exact [-I

Grey level range: (0-256) grey level [-I For very high and low in tens it^

values the error may reach If: 3

wavelength [nm]

Fig. 3.15 - - - - - - - -

Fig. 3.20 pixel position [-I exact

14 1 Fig. 3.21 1 Fig. 3.22

light intensity [a.u.]

light inten. [mw/mm2] light intensity [mw/mm2]

Fig. 3.23

+ l*

f 0.1*

Errors increase significantly towards low light intensities,

due to nonlinearity of operation 50.01 of the detecting device (CCD).

Light Intensity range: (0-256)

Max offset +0.25** [mw/mm2]

Fig. 3.24

Eq. 3.6 transmittance [%I

17 1 Fig. 3.25 I light intensity t0.005*Ilight intensity 1+0.005*1 arbitrary units

18 1 Fig. A.2 I wavelength [nrn] + oS* 1 transmittance [%I I + 0.01 * I scanning speed 2,400 [nm/min] L

* Indication, scale, measuring or instrument reading error (intrinsic to measurement technique) t Miscount and estimation error (related to the performed calculation) t Zero error

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Development of the inorganic PAF

Variety of inorganic compounds show photochromism, including metal oxides, alkaline

earth metal sulfides, titanates, copper compounds, certain minerals and other compounds

(Davey, 1980). Inorganic photochromic materials are mainly manufactured as silver ha-

lide photochromic glasses to make ophthalmic lenses. The glasses contain small crystal-

lites (5-20 nm in diameter) of silver halides suspended in a host glass matrix (Araujo,

1987). The average spacing between crystallites is 100 nm. To achieve satisfying change

in the optical density 100 pm film thickness is a minimum value for this type of glass. A

small amount of copper increases the darkening sensitivity by several orders of magnitude

and is included in almost all the transparent glasses. For ordinary photochromic ophthalm-

ic lenses the overall change in the transmittance from day to night is AT = 50%, across vis-

ible region.

Photochromic process

Photochromic process can be divided into three steps:

- formation of electron-hole pair by excitation process;

- formation of the color centers by trapping of free electrons;

- bleaching of color centers by various recombination processes.

We can summarize the process of darkening and fading of the glass as follows:

Darkening Process:

- Formation of electron-hole pairs in particles of AgC1,Brl-, by UV radiation;

- Photo-electrons transferred from halogen ions and copper ions reduce metal ions within the silver halide, or at the silver halide - glass interface;

- Reduced silver atoms aggregate at ambient temperature to form subrnicro- scopic, light absorbing metal particles;

- Kinetics of the darkening is in the simplest case, governed by a first-order equation.

- The darkening process reverts when irradiation ceases.

Bleaching Process:

- Fading is a diffusion controlled process;

- Holes (cu2+, clO) diHuse to within efficient electron tunneling distances from the silver metal specks;

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- Trapped hole recombines with an electron from the silver speck;

- To maintain neutrality silver ion (Ag') diffuses away;

- Kinetics of the bleaching process is more than second order reaction.

Overall photochromic reaction can be presented as*:

(Eq. A.4)

Unlike the organic photochromic systems which are capable of rapid darkening and re-

covery, photochromic glasses have a long time constant ranging from minutes to hours.

The speed of relaxation can be controlled by changing dimension of the crystals, and in

that way the total diffusion path. With few exceptions the photochromism is a structure-

sensitive phenomenon.

In organic systems the photochromic element can be concentrated in one narrow lay-

er of the filter so as to remove the effect of surface non-uniformities on the evenness of the

tint. In glass systems the photochromic material must be uniformly dispersed in the vol-

ume, what limits the minimum thickness of the filter and may cause the non-uniformities

in spatial transmittance due to the difference in the thickness.

Glass is a durable material, unaffected in most cases by weathering, and has a good

scratch resistance. Unlike the organic systems, inorganic photochromic glasses never fa-

tigue, even after being subjected to more than 300,000 darkening and bleaching cycles

(Brown, 1971).

Spectral properties of inorganic photochromic film

The inorganic photochromic materials are characterized by a large band gap: 3-12 eV. As

a result, glasses that contains photochromic materials are transparent in the base state

(Megla, 1966). We can classify photochromic materials as insulators or semiconductors.

The optical excitation leads to the formation of metastable color centers. The spectral ab-

sorbance of those centers will depend directly on the properties of the material used. In

case of silver halide materials it will be spectral absorbance of silver, which is a nearly

perfect absorber, i.e. it absorbs uniformly through the VIS spectrum. This properties: full

transparency in the base state and dark silver grey tint when activated (see Figure A.l),

* The exact overall process of ;eversible coloring is not fully understood at present time.

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Appendix 105

make them very desired materials for image processing. It is a difficult task to build a filter

with a grey-like spectral characteristic using organic components that have rather narrow

peak of absorption in the visible part of spectrum, but it is rather easy to design such a sys-

tem using silver compounds. Age1 based photochromic filter very little changes a spectral

distribution of light, in other words colors are preserved. This property is yet to be

matched by recently developed plastic photochromic lenses. Figure A.l presents spectral

Wavelength [nm]

90 -

- . 0 '


/ ' 0 .

0 '

.I . / '


_ . / . - . C . / _ . - . - . _ . - . _ . _ . _ . _ . - . - .

Figure A.2 Spectral characteristic data for SOLA PhotoGray ~ x t r a @ lens




transmittance of the photochromic ophthalmic lens* in both energy states.

/ /


/ . / '

7. - Non-activated sample - - . - Activated sample

Crystalline inorganic solids may be activated by wavelengths anywhere in the spec-

trum, ranging from infrared to X-rays to gamma rays, although, ultraviolet activation is

most common. Inorganic solids commonly absorb in the visible and infrared.

* For measurement details see Part III - "Spectral properties of photochromicfilters" .

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Formation of Photochromic Glasses

The process of making glass with photochromic properties uses the standard glass-form-

ing techniques from melts.

First a system of salts of silver, copper, and chloride are added to the molten batch

materials together with sensitizers (Araujo, 1987; Smith, 1967). Such a system is analo-

gous to a solution of sodium chloride in water. Due to highly corrosive nature and high

temperatures, the whole process has to be carried out in inert atmosphere (nitrogen) and

platinum crucibles. During extensive heat treatment precipitates of silver-halide are


A great care must be exercised with regard to maintaining precise control of the in-

gredients. Some of them are generally present in amounts much less than 1% by weight,

sometimes less than a tenth of a percent. The additives precipitate in response to con-

trolled heating. Careful control of the melting conditions must be maintained to kept the

volatilization and oxidation state of the dopants constant (Borelli et al., 1991). At the end,

generally press-formed product needs to be chemically strenghtened or tempered. Large

thin photochromic sheets can also be made by suitably supporting the glass, such as on the

air hearth, during heat treatment (Borelli et al., 1991). All these manufacturing methods

require specialized hardware and laboratory facilities. In our research we were testing oth-

er methods of fabrication, that could be implemented using our existing laboratory. We

concentrated our efforts on two techniques: sputtering and sol-gel processes, which are

described in more detail below.

Sputtering deposition of inorganic PAF

Sputtering is rapidly supplanting vacuum evaporation for metal deposition, because it is a

well controllable process, provides adherent films, and enables better coverage of com-

plex-shaped objects (Harper et al., 1994). Sputtering is a more versatile process than other

vacuum deposition techniques. It allows not only high-vapor-pressure metals to be depos-

ited but also refractory metals, alloys, inorganic compound, and ceramics. In Radio Fre-

quency (RF) sputtering materials other than electrically conductive metals can be


Initially we attempted to sputter a thin layer of silver-halide film and in the next step

to cover it with a glass to create an inorganic photochromic film. Similar works on AgC1,

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Cu+ doped thin films have been made at Corning (Prassas, 1994), but no experimental de-

tails have been published so far.

A Silver-Chloride target was prepared and attached to a copper substrate. Using RF

sputtering we deposited that material on the glass substrates. However during the process

we discovered that stoichiometric proportion and the form of the material where not pre-

served during a deposition process. We received silver enriched layers and process of

chlorine depletion was observed on the target. To get back a silver halide on the substrate,

we designed a process of transforming the thin silver layer back into silver halide. We

converted the silver thin layer into AgCl crystallites by a HC1 vapor treatment.

Different configurations were tested to find the system with good adhesion of the film

to the glass substrate. Figure A.3 presents cross sections of several configurations that

Basic system

Sensitized system

Sensitized system I Silver


L Sandwich type system

Not to scale

Figure A.3 Multilayered structures fabricated using sputtering technique

were designed and fabricated. The multilayered structure of silver halide and copper was

eventually covered with materials like Spin on Glass (SOG), different polymeric layers or

sputtered glass, to protect chlorine (Cl) from departing the film, and this way to assure re-

versibility of the whole process. Unfortunately the sputtering process of the glass has very

low deposition ratio. Another obstacle was the porosity of such deposited film.

In another attempt we tried to create a thin glass layer on top of AgCl layer using

Spin on Glass technology. Fairly complex heat treatment process required to solidify the

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SOG was causing damage to the fabricated photosensitive layer and this approach was


By controlling the thickness of the film we could at the same time control the optical

response of the film to exciting radiation. Fabricated samples had thickness between 1-6

pm. Because of the big size of silver halide crystallites, the thin layer in the not activated

state was opaque to the visible light and as such was not suited to be used as optical mod-

ulator. Another problem was reversibility. Fabricated coating darkened by UV irradiation,

forming Ag crystallites. However this process was not completely reversible in a room

temperature. We found that by thermally heating the layer at 3 0 0 ' ~ we could erase stored

image making it possible for use in erasable holograms, but it was not good enough for

self-adjusting filters.

Preparation of a Photochromic Glass via a Sol-Gel process

The Sol-Gel process has been suggested more than 20 years ago as an alternative to other

methods for applying coatings (Vossen et al., 1991). The process consists of the prepara-

tion of a solution hom*ogeneous at the molecular level and solution-to-gel conversion near

room temperature (Sakka, 1992). Densification of the gel, usually in elevated tempera-

tures, completes the process.

In first part chemical ingredients are mixed to produce a sol with only slightly higher

than the water viscosity. Hydrolysis and polycondensation of the sol form the 3-D net-

work of gel. After aging, a further drying step eliminates the interstitial liquid from the gel

body. Finally, the dry gel is heat-treated to change the porous solid into a dense hom*oge-

neous glass. Lower reaction temperature, high purity, hom*ogeneity, high efficiency and

possibility of many new composites are main potential advantages of sol-gel processing.

We utilized this technique to create the Sol-Gel derived AgC1-doped Si02 photo-

chromic filters. In one process small AgCl crystallites were embedded in Sol-Gel materi-

al. By slow evaporation we turned this system into glass. In another experiment we mixed

colloid of small silver halide crystallites with Spin on lass* (SOG). Next, we used this

volume for multiple coatings of substrate glass. This led to uniform photochromic film.

However sensitivity of such developed materials was found not satisfactory enough for

the purpose of using it as an image transformation filter. The low optical response and

long reaction constant were other obstacles. The developed Sol-Gel glass was mi-

* SOG's are used primarily for planarization in IC fabrication process.

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croporous and quite fragile due to significant shrinkage of the sample during fabrication


Following recent development in the of Sol-Gel processes, we noticed a lot of im-

provements that might increase applicability of this fabrication method to produce photo-

chromic thin layer filters. By adding specific additives, porosity and drying stress maybe

minimized, and as a result cracking prevented. Still, this is a new method, and number of

processing variables must be understood, controlled and evaluated before the advantages

of Sol-Gel-derived composites can be realized.


The interest in inorganic photochromic materials for image processing, is attributed to

such factors as:

1. Photochromic materials are dry-process imaging systems.

2. The image is formed upon direct exposure while the reverse reaction, i.e. spontaneous fading occurs in darkness.

3. Selective absorption occurs in specific regions of the spectrum.

4. Spatial resolution of the image can be very high.

Inorganic photochromic glasses find application in electronics, optics and decorative arts

(Trotter, 1991). They have many advantages over organic plastic materials, such as no fa-

tigue and grey filter characteristics when activated. However production process is more

complicated on the laboratory scale than very well known polymeric technology. The

minimum thickness of 100 pm of photochromic glass, as compared to 5 pm thickness of

the organic films, may be a limiting factor for some specific applications. Inorganic photo-

chromic filter may find numerous applications, such as:

1. Extending dynamic range of operation of image acquiring systems and protecting components of such systems against excessive light intensities

2. Testing an opto-electronic equivalent of adaptation mechanism and sensi- tivity change process that occur in the biological visual systems

3. Holograms

In overall, inorganic photosensitive samples that we developed and tested were found to

be not suitable for the main project.

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Investigating possible implementation of the Active Adaptive Filter

A Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) is a device which can impress information on an optical

wavefront. The applications of light modulators are numerous; they include coherent opti-

cal processing applications, data routing, data input to optical processing systems and in-

formation display. The 2-Dimensional (2-D) SLM's play a major role in optical

information processing by providing means to construct optical architectures.

Spatial light modulation can be accomplished via the electro-optic, acousto-optic,

magneto-optic, opto-mechanical, photorefractive, optical absorption and interference ef-

fects in a variety of materials (Horner, 1987). Modulation is essential to many practical

electro-optic devices and applications. Spatial light modulators already are used to trans-

form image for Fourier transform etc. We propose to use them as Active Adaptive Filters

for implementation of adaptation mechanisms. The proposed adaptive system consists of

an imaging system, a modulator and a photodetector array.

Within the broad set of modulators we focused on two types: Opto-Mechanical (O-

M), and Electro-Optic (E-0). Digital Micromirror Device is an example of the 0-M design.

LCD is one example of E-0 modulators, which translate information from electronic do-

main to the optical domain, accompanied by other, such as plasma displays, liquid crystal

over nMOS array (McKnight et al., 1989), electrochromic displays, etc. (Ziegler et al.,


Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD's)

Early LCD's were prohibitively expensive, what limited their application for research and

application purposes. Technological breakthroughs in the last few years and recent ad-

vances in microelectronics and liquid crystals have caused a significant reduction in price.

LC Display (LCD) consists of many individually addressable LC intensity modulators ar-

ranged in an array - in that form it is referred to as a Spatial Light Modulator. The advan-

tage of using Liquid ~ j s t a l s (LC) materials for SLM7s include their high birefringence

and low voltage operation. Especially interesting are LCD's of types using Thin Film

Transistors (TFT's), due to their increased contrast ratio. They all exploit the anisotropic

medium of Liquid Crystals (LC's). These properties allow large optical effects to be in-

duced in pixels only a few wavelengths thick.

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Nowadays Liquid Crystals (LC's) are among the most successful materials used for

SLM implementations. It is mostly due to high sensitivity, large dimensions of the array

and relatively low cost. Additional advantage of these displays is low power consumption.

Other advantages of using LC display are: very wide absorption in the visible spectrum

and fast reaction time. Like other E-0 modulators, LC modulators can modify the polar-

ization, phase and intensity of the light. When placed in the path of broad light beam, the

spatial light modulator generates spatially changing intensity patterns in the light.

Although LCD SLM were used so far mainly for implementing Fourier transforma-

tions - LCD SLM could be used in a straightforward fashion to implement an Adaptive

Filter (Figure A.4).

Camera -

7 Frame Grabber

Lens Active Control Loop


T Figure A.4 General layout of an image processing system utilizing LCD

as an Active Adaptive Filter

We propose to use SLM for the hybrid optical implementation of the Adaptive Filter to in-

crease the dynamic range of a system. A standard digital computer is used to determine

the spatial light distribution, then it drives the SLM with the predetermined function. Be-

cause each pixel is modified in parallel by LCD, this allows for the real-time correction.

This implementation uses a digitized sample of the original image to generate a new trans-

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mittance function on an SLM used as a spatial mask. The grey-levels of the output image

emerging from the SLM will then be the transformation of the original grey-level image.

LCD SLM's have shown a big progress in recent years, bigger matrices with higher

contrast ratio are produced. Recently available on the market are SLM with pixel pitch:

330x330 pm, and contrast ratio reaching 100: 1 (SHARP, 1994; InFocus, 1994).

Using Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC), optic beam shutters are produced with the

Contrast Ratio (CR) range from 200-500: 1 (Johnson, 1992). Such CR's are well within ac-

ceptance values for certain optical processing applications. If flat panel displays made of

such LC's are developed, utilizing them will expand the dynamic range of acquisition sys-

tems up to 5 decades. With the integration technology improving, it will be possible to

fabricate a 3-D structure with LCD SLM placed directly on the top of a photosensitive ar-

ray, as visualized in Figure 2.1.

Digital Micromirror Device (DMD)

Digital Micromirror ~ e v i c e * (DMD) was designed and manufactured for large projection

systems utilizing Digital Light Processing (DLP). It consists of a 2-D array of micrornir-

rors (Younse, 1993), each individually mounted and controlled by an on-chip circuitry.

This revolutionary, new opto-mechanical technology for digital display, that may have a

significant impact on the market, is founded on a spatial modulator invented in 1987. In

broad outline, tilting of the small deflectable mirror modulates the light incident on the

surface. The mirrors are programmed to remain at the "on" or "off' reflective angle for

exact time periods within a single frame of motion. This permits grey-scale projection of

more than 24 bits of depth of the image.

This electrically addressed system, which combines VLSI electronics with mechani-

cal motion of pixel-size mirror, was intended for high-definition display, and as such it has

a high contrast ratio (>110:1, for recently improved design), short response time (-10 ps)

and large number of active pixels (>2.3x106 active pixels) (Feather, 1995). One addition-

al factor that does not find practical application as a projection system is a possibility of

permanent switching the pixels to off-state, in other words: zero on-time (Lin, 1994). This

is very important in proposed by us application of the DMD as an Active Adaptive Filter

(Figure A.5). DMD combined with a focusing system, detecting array and controlling sys-

tem, can be used to build active implementation of the Adaptive Filter. In proposed set-up

* Sometimes called Deformable Mirror Device.

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Figure A S General layout of an image processing system utilizing DMD as an Active Adaptive Filter

each mirror is related to an individual pixel of photodetector array. Object is focused on

the Digital Mirror Device, whose mirrors are switched "on" or "off" according to the dig-

ital information written to the device's memory circuits. The mirrors then reflect the mod-

ulated image onto a focal plane of a photodetector array*.

We propose to implement the DMD in two modes. In the simplest case, an image-

sample would be analyzed for region(s) that are oversaturated. At that point algorithm

would be applied to extract those part(s) from the picture by switching off the mirrors that

correspond to that region(s) to redirect and trap excessive light. Finally, substitution of

maximum values in the output signal for those selected pixels would complete the modu-

lation process. In this way no alteration of the image would be made but the overall quali-

ty of the image would improve due to minimization of blooming phenomenons and

suppressing flare. This set-up can find an application in situations where light sources ap-

pear within the image.

* Using VLSI technology and FLC materials a custom 128x128 SLM was developed by Boulder Nonlinear Systems (BNS) that could be used in the same processing system. In this device electrodes which control the FLC material serve at the same time as mirrors which outputs the SLM's signal by reflection, since the back- plane made of silicon is non-transmissive (Serrati et al., 1993).

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More complicated version of the system would implement global and local adapta-

tion in real time without the need to relocate the DMD from the position. Shades of grey

would be accomplished by clocking the mirrors with a type of pulse-width modulation, so

they remain in the on-state during each frame for a time that is proportional to the desired

grey level. To reduce smearing of the image due to mirrors tilting, the integration time of

the photosensors would have to be much longer that frame rates of D m .

Another immediate application would be to replace the standard CCD with a long ex-

posure, on chip light-integration CCD (Southworth, 1992, Williams, 1995). In this case the

system would be perfect for enhancing parts of the image that are underexposed. We ex-

pect that the system of camera combined with the adaptive filter might also find applica-

tions into imaging in astronomy, for producing long term exposure pictures, with the

brightest object eliminated from the field of vision to expose more dim stars.

A size and weight advantage

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD's) are well-suited and cost effective for spatial light modu-

lation. The use of LCD SLM will allow to build reconfigurable architecture, that can be

easily adjusted for different task, such as expansion of the dynamic range, image transfor-

mation for pattern recognition etc. LCD is a continuously evolving technology which ben-

efits from the advances of electronic integration, optics miniaturization, and material

control. This seems to indicate that LCD's technologies will increase their capabilities in

the coming years. A system utilizing LCD SLM can be easily upgraded by changing mod-

ulator and adapting the system.

DMD-based system promises to have a number of advantages. First it offers a com-

petitive cost and display-quality solutions. Additional size and weight advantages coupled

with increased contrast ratio hold the promise for DMD solutions to build a compact cam-

era with enhanced functionality. Technical characteristics of resolution, contrast ratio and

grey scale will provide a new possibilities for in-camera image pre-processing. Additional

advantage when comparing DMD with LCD is amount of light that is lost during modula-

tion process. D m provide higher efficiency (two to three times) of the modulation pro-

cess due to the high reflectivity of the micromirrors (more than 90% of VIS light), and a

high fill-factor of the device.

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Spatial Light Modulators are important tools for the implementation of optical processors.

They provide means to modulate two-dimensional incident light beams, and they enable

to take advantage of the inherent parallelism of the optical processors. They can be used to

achieve reprogrammable architectures that can be easily changed without the need to ad-

just other components of the optical set-up. Implementing electrically controlled spatial

light modulators as an Active Adaptive Filter can drastically change the way we detect

and analyze images, similarly to changes that utilization of the Adaptive Optics brought.

Different technologies are available for the realization of SLM's but Liquid Crystals

are among the most successful materials used for SLM implementations. Progress in the

development of LCD SLM's, in particular for optical processing, has accelerated dramati-

cally in the last few years. Advances in LCD properties and minimization of the dimen-

sions of the individual pixels and improvements in the contrast ratio and the switching

speed make them good potential candidates for novel opto-electronic acquisition systems.

DMD-based systems also promise to have a number advantages, such as a competitive

cost and high contrast ratio, that combined with unique properties could be utilized for im-

plementation of the Adaptive Filter.

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