I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird - Vexeras - Star Wars (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text


I muttered softly. The dim blue LED lights in my goon cave shined on me like a spotlight of depravity.

I was excited. After four years of on-again-off-again play, I beat the last class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It took me so long, not because it was hard, but because it was time-consuming. Also, not all of the classes were fun.

‘Whatever’ I crack my knuckles. ‘At least I can find something new to play now.’

I reached onto my desk, unwrapped a Tootsie Roll, and tossed it in the air to catch it in my mouth.


I missed it. It wasn't even close. It landed in my filthy rug but not near my booger cemetery.

“Thank christ”

I grabbed it off the ground and picked off the gross sh*t.

“Hehe Five second rule”

I downed it like a girl popping molly at the club. It tasted like carpet critters. I was hungry and too lazy to go to the kitchen, so it would have to suffice. As I was chewing on the tootsie roll, I spotted a zesty meme on Reddit and started dying laughing.

The next thing I know, I'm not laughing anymore, I’m f*cking choking. I choke for a while, everything I try, and I can't stop choking. I can't take in any oxygen.

‘Oh f*ck, am I going to die? Not like this god, please not like this!’

As if the man upstairs himself had responded with a “bet,” a giant 18-wheeler truck tore through my apartment like a tornado. Destroying everything in its wake as its hungry headlights approached me.

‘Wait? I'm on the 11th floor of my apartment building. How the f*ck did a truck even get up here?’

God ceased responding to my thoughts as I was mercilessly crushed by this now-flipping truck. Mere moments before my neurons stop firing forever, I have one tragic and final thought.

‘Did I just get 9/11’d by a truck?’

Chapter 2: An inelegant life in an uncivilized age.

Chapter Text

I was three years old when my consciousness came to be. I know this because a few months after waking up, I got to celebrate my 4th birthday. Pretty much the day I woke up, I realized I'd been reincarnated into Star Wars. I was f*cking pissed.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Star Wars. I'm actually a huge fan.


Not like a psycho fan, I love it but I don't LOVE LOVE it. I've read a bunch of the legends stuff and a good chunk of the cannon stuff and seen all the movies and tv shows and sh*t, but I wasn't someone that only loved Star Wars. My existence was not defined by it like some of those psychos on Reddit. I am more than just the sum of my love for Star Wars. I loved a ton of nerdy stuff.


How I figured out I reincarnated in a galaxy far far away was simple. My wet nurse was a Twi'lek. I honestly thought she was my mother. However, that hope was quickly dashed as we passed by a mirror. I was a human.


I got stuck as a human. I couldn't even be something lit like a Trandoshan or Togruta. f*ck, what id give to have woken up as a Chiss. Sexy Blue aliens? Sign me the f*ck up. I did like my name more than my old name though. Vex Eras. Miles better than Jason.

The first chance I got after I learned everything, I quickly typed up every single detail of Star Wars I could remember onto a data pad my parents gave me.

‘Wait, f*ck am I the Star Wars equivalent of an iPad baby? ….. No. No, it must be different here? ……..’

Anyways, moving on.

Around the time I was 5, I started seeing my father more often. Baron Syko Eras. He was a Sith Baron.


‘A Sith?’


That’s actually low key hype. The Sith are easily my favorite part of Legends. Bane, Revan, Naga Sadow, and Tulak Hord. Huge Fan. But this guy is a Sith Baron? No Darth title? That feels a bit odd.

When I looked into it further, I noticed that the Darth title was phased out completely some time ago.

I will say, coming from earth, I was nervous my dad was going to be some dick head brutalist that hit me, but he treated me like gold. Granted, he only treated me so well because my older sister, Zenna Eras, was an apparent prodigy. She had an unusually high midi-chlorian count even as a baby. I, on the other hand, had a meager amount. What I mean is that my sister received all the real Sith lord training, albeit in a much calmer, gentler version than I've ever seen portrayed in Star Wars.

It actually seems like the Sith fell off. Perhaps this is the Sith’s flop era. When I started researching, I found out all of Sith space had been cut up into over a hundred pieces, with different noble-ranking Siths each getting a piece of the pie. My father ruled the planet of Ares II.

So, at this point, I clearly had to take everything way more seriously because I don't ever remember the Siths being separated into nobility. The worst part is I lacked wookieepedia, so I couldn't even look into it. After some thinking, I started asking questions. I was finally able to get an estimate of my era when I asked my father,

“When did Revan Die?”

He looked confused, mostly because he didn't know where I heard the name of a Sith Legend, but to his credit, he stopped and pondered for a moment.

“Oh boy, hmmm. Maybe 2300, maybe 2500 years ago?”

The problem is that once Revan got revived and the cultists were taken care of, apparently his name was largely stricken from Sith history because of the whole light dark balance thing.

So to pinpoint it I exist, to my best guess, somewhere around 1500 BBY - 1200 BBY. The problem is using the battle of Yavin before the battle happens in real time is f*cking useless here. In terms of the Sith calendar my father gave me, I was born in the year 346.

I don't even know if I'm in the Cannon timeline or the Legends timeline. Legends, if I had to guess.


When I was 8, I was playing behind our castle when I realized I wasn’t like anyone else in the universe. I had force powers far stronger than I should, and I had all the knowledge to boot. I don't know what the f*ck happened when I died, but when I went beyond and woke up here, all my powers from Star Wars the Old Republic came with me. The crazy part is it's like my soul had an extra eight attached to it. I can use Force lightning with no training and no emotion. It's like I'm tapping into my characters from the game and using their strength, hate, and power for free.

‘Now we’re cooking with gas.’

This is my fault for not guessing sooner. I forgot it's a trope in reincarnation stories, AKA isekai in my case, to give lazy protags overpowered techniques or systems. It seems in my case I have access to all my old characters as a means to draw from their skills and powers.

I was able to confirm this further when I snuck out one night and practiced with a training saber. I felt like Neo from The Matrix.

“I know kung fu”

I spoke it into the empty air. Devestad that no one asked me to show them in response. This was truly not my home world.

I decided to just not use my new found power. I was not the heir to the house nor did I want to be. Zenna and I were pretty close, despite her being two years older than me. She told me I can keep living in the castle no problem once she inherited the Baron title.

The way the Sith decide who the heir of a family is usually done through a fight to the death between potential heirs and heiresses. In my family’s case though Zenna was such a prodigy no one even considered I could match her.

‘I love that for me.’

My life on this world has been a bit boring but ultimately chill as f*ck. To be clear, this is always the goal. Granted, sometimes I see my dad and Zenna doing some cool hood rat Sith stuff, and it kinda makes me want to larp as one of those Darth’s from my memory.



This brings us to today. I am now 13 years old, and my sister is soon going to be sent to Korriban Academy for proper Sith training. Korriban seems to work a bit differently in this era. All Noble children, whether Force sensitive or not, are enrolled into Korriban. They teach nobility stuff and also how to be a commanding officer I guess? I don't know to be honest I wasn't really listening to my dad when he told me I had to go in two years.

I hear the shuffling of feet walking down the stairs of the upper castle. I'm a bit confused because it's 3 am. My eyes are half glazed in sleep as I was scouring the holonet for top tier sh*tposts.

I hear my Father calling to my sister.

“Zenna, come now, Sith lords mustn't dally to respond to reports of suspicious activity.”

Behind my father was a very angry Zenna

“Father, this better not be some kind of joke like the last three reports.”

They walked by and failed to notice me while I was on the couch. Probably because my presence is so low, I kinda don't pop on people's radar. But I was curious.

‘Where exactly are those two off too?’

Chapter 3: Problems at the power plant

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The silence of the castle's corridors was punctuated only by the soft patter of my footsteps as I trailed my father and sister. My mind was still foggy from the lack of sleep.

‘Maybe I should cool it with the late night gooning? hmmm’

Still, curiosity had gripped me. Whatever "suspicious activity" was reported had to be more interesting than anything else in my life right now.

I reached the hangar just in time to see the ship's ramp retract and the engines hum to life. I slipped into the shadows, making my way to a small maintenance alcove just before the hatch closed. The ship's vibrations soothed my frayed nerves as we lifted off the ground, heading towards the unknown.

"What's the situation, Father?"

Zenna's voice was calm but edged with impatience.

"A minor disturbance at the southern power plant," Syko replied. "Probably just some unruly workers. Nothing you can't handle, my dear."

I rolled my eyes. My father, ever the optimist. If it was just unruly workers, why drag Zenna out of bed? We have a local enforcement brigade, so this feels a bit odd.

The journey was short, and soon we were descending into the industrial district. The plant was a sprawling complex, lit dimly by flickering lights. The air was thick with the smell of burning fuel and the low hum of machinery. The perfect place for some solid anti government excitement.

As the ship landed, I slipped out of my hiding spot and grabbed a space suit. It had a mask to cover my face and was actually pretty tight to the skin, so I had good movement. God forbid anyone sees me they won't recognize me.

I used my Sith stealth ability making me functionally a ghost. It seems no one could even sense me, let alone see me.

The shadows of the power plant provided ample cover as I watched Zenna and Father approach a group of guards.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Father demanded.

One of the guards stepped forward, visibly shaken by the presence of the Sith baron.

"My lord, there's been a breach. Someone's tampering with the reactor controls. We've locked down the area, but we can't get close enough to stop them."

Father nodded, turning to Zenna. "Take care of this, my dear. I have faith in you."

Zenna didn't need any more encouragement. She strode forward, her lightsaber igniting with a snap-hiss. The Red glow cast eerie shadows on the walls as she moved into the facility, the guards trailing behind her.

I felt very nervous.

‘Is it really worth following them? What if I get caught?’

But the allure of potentially seeing my sister kill dissidents seems too hard to resist.

‘I'm not a sad*st, I'm really not. Attacking a power plant is basically terrorism. Plus, this is a Sith planet, so there is no way someone would do this without knowing the risk….. I think?’

As I crept closer, I saw two figures near a control panel. Zenna is in her sith training attire, and someone is in a brownish robe.

“Who the frek are you.” Zenna swears at the robed man.

I cringe inwardly at the extremely lame swear word.

‘Man, I wish the writers didn't make their fake swears sound so cringe-worthy, oh well.’

The man laughs at Zenna’s provocation.

“There is no need to swear Sith. I was merely trying to shut this slave station down.”

As he spoke, he reached for something off his belt. Then it ignited. A bright blue lightsaber. Part of me was excited to see it. Its humming brings a nerdy joy to my ears. I smiled wide behind my blacked-out helmet.

Without any more words, I hear two more lightsabers ignite. Fathers and Zennas. Father quickly flipped onto the scene, positioning himself between the Jedi and Zenna. My heart melted that he would protect her. A good father, as always.

A good father, yes, but dear god was he shaking in fear.

“Wha..what are you here for Jedi!” He yelled whilst stuttering his words in fear.

‘Wait, why is he afraid of a Jedi? Dad is a Sith lord? Oh Jesus Christ, does he know he’s weak?’

Fear overcame me. So much so that I could see Zenna flinch briefly in my direction despite my invisibility. She turned her head back to the Jedi as he spoke.

“Oh? Perhaps you don't know the true value of the world we are standing on, then I dare not be the one to tell you.”

The Jedi laughed again. Father jumped to action. I could see the fear in his eyes. I could feel him, he was trying to use it to get angry to give himself more power. It wasn't enough. Not even thirty seconds passed, and the Jedi rag-dolled Father into a wall. My father was knocked out cold. His lightsaber rolled from his unconscious hands onto the ground.

‘f*ck. Is Father going to die?’

Then, even more fear hit me.

‘Am I going to watch my sister die?’

I was paralyzed with fear.

My sister began crossing blades with the Jedi. Blue and red sparks shooting from their fight. She was too strong to just be easily ragdolled unlike Father. She was a prodigy after all.

‘Is she strong enough’

I couldn't tell, but my heightened anxiety was making my throat feel wet.

‘Oh god, please don't vomit, not right now.’

As I tried to get my bearings together, I could hear the hum of lightsabers clashing, the crackle of force lightning. Zenna was locked in combat. My heart pounded in my chest.

‘This is serious. This was the first time that this life and my new family felt real. This loving family raised me, nurtured me, and didn't complain when I stayed up too late or slept in. The family that accepted me.’

My heart felt like it was going to rip out of my chest. I was so afraid. The Jedi moved with grace and precision, his lightsaber a blur of motion. Zenna was holding her own, but she was clearly outmatched. As I watched, the Jedi landed a heavy blow across her back, sending Zenna sprawling to the ground and leaving her with a huge scar.

‘What the f*ck is going on.’

I could feel my fear turning to anger.

‘That piece of sh*t just f*cking scarred my sister, this is our f*cking planet. He came in here to INVADE US! To bring the war to OUR FRONT DOOR! LIKE f*ckING HELL’

My sister lay on the ground, struggling to get up. The Jedi raised his lightsaber for the final blow.

‘Yeah right, cowboy’

My fear gave way to anger, and my anger gave me power. I will not allow you to hurt my family anymore.

I stepped out of the shadows with my cringey ass space suit and blacked-out helmet. I channeled the power within me, drawing out the full strength of my inner Sith warrior.

Zenna and the Jedi both looked up at me in surprise. They could sense the immense anger dripping off me like it was the sweat of an ovulating woman.

‘Wait, what the f*ck?’

Zenna interrupted my thoughts.

“Who the kriff are you?”

With the anger of a thousand suns, I was no longer Vex Eras, the gooner son of an idiot Baron Noble. I was reborn as my most cringe Sith fantasy.

“I am Darth Relic.

With a flick of my wrist, I summoned Father’s fallen lightsaber to my hand. The red blade ignited, casting an ominous glow. The Jedi turned, surprise flickering in his eyes.

"Who are you?" he demanded.


‘I feel like this guy isn't listening? I just told him.’

“I just f*cking said who I was. I am Darth Relic," I replied, my voice steady and cold. "And you have made a grave mistake."

I lunged forward, my movements are fluid and precise, very clearly not my own. The Jedi blocked my initial strike, but I pressed on, forcing him back. The power flowed through me, every strike and parry coming naturally. The Jedi faltered, clearly unprepared for the ferocity of my attack.

With a final push, I knocked the Jedi off balance. He stumbled, and I seized the opportunity, disarming him with a swift motion. He fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

"You... you're not like the others," he gasped, looking up at me. "Who are you really?"

A surge of power like I've never felt before came over me. I can feel something new. Something I've never felt in this life or my past one.

“I win you cuck bitch”

Just as I was about to strike him down, I realized I overlooked something. The Jedi's light lightsaber was not in his hand.

‘f*ck, where the hell is it.’

Suddenly, I felt it. It was spinning towards Zenna, who was still on the ground. That rat bastard thought I would try to save her instead of pursuing him.

‘f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck’

He was right. Stopping my movements I refocused all of my effort to use the force to pull in the flying lightsaber. It flew to my hand like it had found its new home. When I looked to where the Jedi had been he was gone, nowhere to be seen.


I was massively underprepared for this fight. May he pray to not run into me again, for I will never be this unprepared in the future.

As the adrenaline faded, reality set in. I had just fought a Jedi and won. But I couldn't let anyone know the truth.

‘So annoying. If they find out it's me, there goes any chance at a chill life.’

I turned to Zenna, who was now standing, albeit shakily. Her eyes widened as she took in my appearance.

"Who... who are you?" she whispered.

I deactivated Father's lightsaber and handed it back to her. I was anxious in a new way. When the adrenaline left, the cringe slowly took over. I felt like a high school student who thought magic spells were real. My face beneath my helmet blushed with embarrassment.

"A friend," I muttered in a terrible Batman impression to further hide my identity from Zenna. The cringe I felt towards my own impression pushed me over the edge, and at this point, I was just trying not to kill myself from all of the embarrassment I felt.

Without waiting for a response, I melted back into the shadows, making my way back to the ship. The night was over, I just had to wait for Zenna to get back here with Dad.


[Zenna’s POV]

As I watched Darth Relic back away into the shadows beyond the power plant, I had a striking thought.

‘That guy was hot as frek’

My face was as red as my lightsaber. Feelings inside me swelled in ways they never had before. I began to fan myself like a maiden in love.

‘Is this love? He said he was a friend, does that mean he already sees me as such? He had such a gruff voice, nothing like I've ever heard before. WAIT!!

My thoughts were running wild, faster than ever before.

‘Come on, Zenna, think about this. If he was following you he must be your stalker. Mother always tells me that I am likely the most beautiful Sith in all of space, and she barely ever lies or deceives me, right? So if Darth Relic is my stalker, he must already love me.’

My eyes become hearts as I use my expert deductive reasoning to figure this out.

“Oh darling, if you love me so much, I wish you would have stayed. Saving me from that Jedi was clearly fate.”

I speak out in the hopes he can hear me, but there is no response. I frown. After a few minutes of light sulking I grab father using the force and bring him to the ship. I laid his body on a bed and used the autopilot to head home.

“Just wait, darling. Someday I'll meet you again.”

Chapter 4: You call this a wonderful Life Day?

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Six months had passed since that night at the power plant, and things had settled into a comfortable routine. I managed to keep my secret identity as Darth Relic hidden, which wasn't hard because I literally haven't done anything else using the name….. Yet.

Zenna had left for Korriban Academy shortly after the awkward incident. Now, with Life Day approaching, space Christmas, Zenna was coming back home to celebrate. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Zenna was always so intense, especially when it came to me. She was even worse during the holidays.

But I should be thankful for it, I suppose. I didn't have any siblings in my last life, so maybe a good sibling can be overprotective and make you sleep in the same bed with them until you're 10, even though you know for a fact your bedroom would have been safe. I don't know. On the other hand, I’m very excited. Mother told me recently that Zenna has fallen in love. Perhaps she has a boyfriend? I'm not a weird brocon, so I'd love it if Zenna found a partner.

‘Wait f*ck, What if her husband thinks it's weird that I still live in the castle after she inherits the throne.’

I briefly go pale as I ponder this thought.

‘Nah, this thought……. Let's kick it down the road.’

I recompose myself to get into the Christmas spirit

‘f*ck, 13 years in on this world, and I can't stop bringing up Christmas.’

I mean the lifeday spirit.

As the sun rose over Ares II, the castle buzzed with activity. Decorations were being hung, and the smell of rich, spiced foods filled the air. I lounged in my room, scrolling through the holonet for memes. I had grown accustomed to my quiet, lazy life.


While I still lounged during the day, finding new and innovative ways to steal people’s memes on Space 4chan or watching holodramas, I have started to train in earnest since the power plant. I had to. While I find it inherently cringe that I basically pulled a Batman with that Darth Relic larp, I felt pretty cool whooping a Jedi.

Granted, it's kinda weird in hindsight, why would a Jedi throw his lightsaber to potentially kill a downed person just to run away? He must have been a disgraced Jedi?

‘Who knows! Who cares? I got his Blue lightsaber, and I AIN'T giving it back.’

I have spent the last six months getting more comfortable with all the power my body had in store, and I learned a lot. I truly do have access to all eight classes from Swtor( Star Wars: The Old Republic) simultaneously. When I use the Force to grab stuff, I can choose to do it with the power of a Sith warrior, a Sith inquisitor, a Jedi knight, or a Jedi consular (gross.) Now since all of my classes were maxed out, all four of those Force sensitive classes are as strong as f*ck.

Now, this next part makes me smirk a little bit. The craziest thing I learned about how these four souls interact with each other is that I can use them all together at once.

‘Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.’

So, for example, I can use Force pull from all four souls at once, and BAM, whatever I'm trying for is pretty much in my hand immediately. It's the equivalent of having two extremely angry Sith masters and two Jedi masters all using Force pull. Now, where this gets really interesting is that all my classes before I isekaid were maxed out! So when I use force lightning, I can channel it from two Sith masters. There are also another few tricks up my sleeve, but I'm still working on those.

As I'm prattling off in my own world about how interesting I am, I can hear the sound of the main castle door opening echo through the halls, followed by the familiar, commanding voice of Zenna. "Father, Mother, I'm home!"

‘Always so direct and serious, she’s never once made mom by accidentally walking into Zenna’s goon cave. Wait, does Zenna not have a goon cave?’

I chuckled at my internal joke because if I don't, who is this even all for?

As I heard Zenna’s commanding footsteps, I knew it wouldn't be long before she came to find me. Sure enough, a few minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

"Vex, it's me. Open up!" Zenna called.

I felt a weird aura coming from the door. Whatever emotion she's leaking feels a bit more concentrated than usual. Suddenly, I felt a bit more nervous than I did originally, but I've also been so spectacularly bored without her around so I soldiered on as a good brother should.

“Zenna, my dearest sister, please do come in.” My words dripped with sarcasm. She was never great at picking up sarcasm, though.

The door swung open, and Zenna burst in, her presence filling the room. It seems she had grown stronger and more confident during her time at Korriban, and her aura was now radiating power.

"Happy Life Day, little brother!" she exclaimed, glomping me. It was an impressive glomp, I would like to add, because she just covered 20 feet, and she was standing still when she jumped.

‘What a monster’

I returned the hug, feeling a bit overwhelmed by her enthusiasm. "Happy Life Day, Zenna. How was the Academy?"

"Oh Brother, Im in love, im in love and I dont care who knows it!" she replied, her eyes sparkling with mania.

‘Did she just quote elf? What the f*ck?’ I furrow my brow in confusion, choosing to dump this aside for now.

"But enough about that. I want to spend the day with you. Let's go out and enjoy the festivities!"

I raised an eyebrow.

"You want to go out? Into the city?"

Zenna nodded, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Yes, let's have some fun. It's been too long since we've spent time together."

I couldn't argue with that. Despite her overprotective nature, I genuinely enjoyed Zenna’s company. She was one of the very few friends I have because Space Elementary School and Space Middle School seem to not exist in the Empire…. Yet!

‘If I become emperor, I will make everyone in this f*cking galaxy know the pain of the standardized testing just as we did in the ole US of A.’

"Alright, let's do it. Just let me get dressed."

A short while later, we were walking through the bustling streets of the aptly titled Ares City. The market was alive with vendors selling all manner of goods, from exotic foods to intricate ornaments. The air was filled with laughter and the sound of festive music.

“These people have no idea who Santa Clause is.” I mutter under my breath.

Inwardly, my heart twists in pain knowing these people will never saved by the son of god, Santa.

Zenna linked her arm with mine, keeping me close. Which weirded me the f*ck out. I'm 13, and she's my busty sister.

‘This woman, she has no idea the depths of depravity my datapad has seen. If my data pad was sentient, it would display on the screen I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.

Out of nowhere, I feel her pull me closer and whisper into my ear.

“Hey, stop getting lost in thought. We're outside, and threats can surround us at any time.”

I nodded, affirming her words. I'm sure no one would be crazy enough to attack the son of a literal evil force wizard, but hey, Zenna’s nice, so I'll placate her. I don't mind.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, ever watchful. I couldn't help but feel a bit like a child being escorted by his mother.

‘Wait, the lack of control feels weirdly good.’ I quickly dismiss this thought.

Zenna's protective nature was one of the things I loved about her, even if it was a bit overwhelming at times. If I was an older sibling I'd want to protect my younger brother too. Hell ive even saved Zennas life already.

We stopped at various stalls, sampling treats and admiring the decorations. I was hyped as f*ck, genuinely enjoying the holiday atmosphere. But as we turned a corner, we encountered a group of young Sith acolytes. I could tell because they were still in their uniforms. They must have gone out right after getting home. One of them, a tall, arrogant looking boy, immediately zeroed in on me.

A level of pleasure I could only have previously assumed was reserved for the gods entered my body as my intuition kicked in. If there is any trope of isekai that f*cks the hardest, it's watching idiot bullies get stomped out hard. The kicker? Zenna is about to do all the heavy lifting.

"Hey, you," the boy sneered, stepping in front of me. "You look a little lost. Are you sure you're supposed to be here?"

I suppressed a laugh as dopamine flooded my brain,

"I'm fine, thanks," I replied, my tone polite. I have a role to play, after all.

The boy's eyes narrowed. "You don't look fine to me. Maybe you need someone to show you how things work around here."

His misplaced anger for his parents being directed towards me is intoxicating.

Zenna heroically stepped forward, her expression darkening.

"And who are you to decide that?"

The boy smirked, clearly not recognizing Zenna.

"I'm Rax, a Sith acolyte on leave to say hello to his parents. And who are you, his babysitter?"

“Santa, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

I quietly mutter to myself. I bit my lip to keep from laughing out loud. I could feel Zenna's anger simmering, and I knew this was about to get interesting.

Zenna folded her arms, her posture radiating authority. "I am Zenna Eras, and this is my brother. You're making a grave mistake, Rax."

Rax's smirk faltered, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Zenna Eras, huh? I've heard of you. The prodigy from House Eras. But I don't see why that matters. Your brother looks like he needs a lesson in respect."

‘I literally haven't done anything. I've spent all my time since getting to the city thinking about Santa. Maybe Rax is on fent?’

Zenna's eyes flashed with anger.

"Respect? You dare speak to me about respect? You know nothing of the true power of the Sith."

Rax laughed, clearly trying to cover his growing fear.

"True power? You're just a girl with a famous name. I bet you don't even know how to use that lightsaber."

I could see the storm brewing in Zenna's eyes. I knew she was moments away from making Rax regret every word. I decided to step back and let the show unfold. The pure bliss of it all being injected into my veins.

Zenna's voice was icy. "You want to see true power? Fine. But remember, you asked for this."

With a swift motion, she ignited her lightsaber, the red blade casting an ominous glow. The crowd around us fell silent, watching in awe and fear. Rax's bravado melted away, replaced by a look of sheer terror.

Zenna stepped closer, her voice low and dangerous. "You see, Rax, power isn't about bullying those weaker than you. It's about knowing when to strike and when to hold back. You, however, seem to lack that wisdom."

Rax stumbled back, his eyes wide with panic. "I... I didn't mean any disrespect, Lady Eras. I was just—"

"Save it," Zenna snapped. "You had your chance to walk away. Now you'll learn the hard way."

With a single, fluid motion, Zenna struck. Her lightsaber moved so quickly that it was almost a blur, slicing through Rax's neck and cutting his head clean off.


I was confused. Rax’s body fell to the ground headless like a dead dullahan.

‘She killed him? What the f*ck? She killed him without even a second thought.’

Fear took over my body as I fell to my knees.

Zenna, still in front of me, deactivated her lightsaber and looked down at Rax’s corpse with disdain, and then pointed at his entourage. "Let this be a lesson to you. Never underestimate your opponents. And never, ever insult my family."

The crowd, which had been watching in stunned silence, erupted in murmurs. Zenna turned to me, her expression becoming one of fear as she saw me on my knees, shaking in fear. "Are you alright, Vex?"

I nodded, terrified of what she’d just done. I breathe in and out slowly to get myself through this panic attack at breakneck speed. We can reconcile this later. For now lets get out of here. I stand up and smile, after all she was only protecting me.

"I'm fine, Zenna. Thanks for the show."

Zenna laughed, her earlier fury dissipating. "Anything for you, little brother. Now, let's get out of here before we attract more unwanted attention."

Suddenly, another scary thought popped into my head.

‘Wait, was Rax going to kill me? He probably thought I was just some random shut-in walking around on life day and picked me out as an easy target to look cool. But he was totally willing to kill me. WAIT f*ck! That means Zenna knew that and killed him, so she really did protect me.’

As we walked away, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Zenna had always been my protector, but today, she had shown just how far she was willing to go to defend me. And while I still yearned for a quiet, uneventful life in the ole goon cave, I couldn't deny the thrill of having such a powerful ally by my side.

We spent the rest of the day exploring the city, enjoying the festivities and each other's company. As we made our way back to the castle, I felt a deep sense of contentment.

‘I missed her more than I thought these past six months.’

Back at the castle, the family gathered for a grand feast. The dining hall was decorated with twinkling lights and garlands, and the table was covered with a delicious spread of food. I sat between my father and sister, feeling more at home than I ever had.

Father raised his glass in a toast.

"To family and to the return of our dear Zenna. May the Force continue to guide and protect us."

"To family," Zenna and I echoed, clinking our glasses.

As the night wore on, the castle was filled with laughter and warmth. I looked around at my family, feeling a profound sense of gratitude. Despite how f*cked everything was here, this is a much closer family than my past one.

Zenna looked at me with soft eyes.

“Oh, by the way, my best friend from school is coming over next week, Vex, Sola Corde.”

‘The name sounds familiar, but I can't place it.’

“She's the Daughter of the Duke of Korriban. I told her all about you. She can't wait to meet you.” Zenna speaks proudly.

My father and mother suddenly look pale.

‘Yup, there it is.’

Chapter 5: Shadows of Affection

Chapter Text

A week had passed since Life Day, and things had returned to their usual routine, or as usual as things could be in a household of Sith. Unsurprisingly, Zenna had faced zero repercussions for killing Rax in cold blood. If anything, our family seemed to commend her actions, praising her for eliminating a potential threat. I felt a little bad actually, Rax's family had to pay our restitution for causing a commotion on our planet.

'Eh, oh well, I guess.'

Might makes right, I guess.

Zenna, though, had been more overbearing than ever since that day. Her protective nature seemed to have intensified, and she rarely let me out of her sight. It was suffocating at times, but I couldn't deny the warmth of having someone care so deeply about me. She Says she's protecting me, but we haven't left the castle grounds since that day. Don't get me wrong, it isn't really that big a deal because I basically never go out regardless, but still, we could be at least going out to eat, you know?

Still, I was curious about this person Zenna was supposedly in love with. She hadn't mentioned anything about it since Life Day, and it wasn't like her to keep secrets from me.

'I just want to know if it's someone that's going to have an issue with a freeloader like me; I'm planning on riding Zenna's coattails to the f*cking moon if I can. sh*t, maybe instead I could find a hard-working moff wife in the academy when I go in a couple of years? Food for thought.'

'Wait, do they even let women be moff's? Well, I guess the empress is a woman? Ugh, so much planning to do.'

Today, Zenna and I were lounging in the castle's library, a massive room filled with old holobooks and holocrons. I was flipping through a particularly dusty old holobook.

'How the f*ck does a digital book get dusty? This library is literally covered in dust. We have servants, do they not dust?'

I flipped through the holobook, looking for something new to relieve my life's sheer boredom.

‘Perhaps a Sith kamasutra book’

I blush, thinking about what the force could add during intimate times. As a double virgin, these thoughts had no place here.

*I sigh*

As I fell back into my comfortable hole of depravity, I noticed Zenna staring out the window, lost in thought.

"Hey, Zenna,"

I called, trying to break her daydream. Zenna is no good if left to her own devices for too long.

"Who's this person you're in love with? You mentioned it on Life Day but haven't said anything since."

She turned to me, her eyes narrowing slightly. A look she doesn't usually show her darling brother.

"It's… complicated, Vex. I'm not sure how to explain it just yet."

'This is ominous. Maybe she fell in love with one of her teachers? Is that frowned upon here too, I wonder?'

I ponder for a moment. I raised an eyebrow. Zenna, the one who was always so direct and confident, was being evasive? That was new. I make an evil smirk, feeling the power of the dark side overflowing within me. Fueled by the need to hear this wonderfully hot gossip she wishes to keep from me.

"Come on, Zenna, you can tell me. I'm your brother. It's not like I'm going to judge you. Even if it's some creep older than you, Zen."

She sighed, a hint of frustration in her expression.

"I know, Vex. It's just… not the right time. Trust me, okay?"

I nodded, though my hunger for tea was far from quenched.

"Alright, I'll drop it for now. But you know I'm here if you need to talk."

'She's lucky I like her more than I want to annoy her because ifIdidntIwould just keep sulking till I got my way. But alas, this is not the way for Darth Relic. The lonely Sith that no one deserved, but the one we all so desperately needed.'

As Zenna stared at me with a slight frown, we heard the sound of the main door opening. Someone was entering the castle. Zenna's eyes lit up with excitement.

"That must be Sola! She's here!"

I frowned, trying to recall the name.

"Sola Corde? The daughter of the Duke of Korriban?"

Zenna nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! She's my best friend from the academy. I told her all about you. She can't wait to meet you."

The mention of the Duke of Korriban made my stomach twist. My parents had looked pale when they heard Sola's name last week, and now I was about to meet her.

'I still haven't learned how not to be a weird f*cking freak in front of women my age.'

I braced myself as Zenna practically dragged me to the entrance hall.

'Please, Santa, hear my prayer. Please make Sola a hot girl with red skin, horns, a tail, giant f*cking cannons, big dommy mommy vibes, and also super cool with a goon maxing boy like me.'

Standing in the grand foyer was a girl around Zenna's age. She was stunning. Long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Surprisingly not as busty as Zenna. She was also human like Zenna and I, which just feels like a tragic waste of this goddess. She wore the typical attire of a Sith noble, but her presence was anything but typical. There was a confidence about her that bordered on arrogance, yet she carried it with such grace that it was almost captivating.

"Vex, this is Sola," Zenna said, her voice brimming with excitement. "Sola, this is my little brother, Vex."

'In my past life, I fell in love countless times (Lie 4 times), but in this life, if you don't count my wet nurse, this was the first time I've fallen in love. Oh, to be young again.'

Sola's eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, I felt like she was peering straight into my soul. It was unnerving, but I held her gaze, refusing to be intimidated. It didn't take. The anxiety of talking to a hot girl mind-blowingly out of my league washed over me.

"Nice to meet you, Vex," Sola said, her voice smooth and confident. She stepped closer, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Zenna's wouldn't shut up about you back on Korriban."

I nodded, unsure how to respond. My palms were sweaty as I patted my pants nervously.

"Uh, nice to meet you too, Sola."

Zenna beamed, clearly thrilled that her two favorite people were finally meeting.

"Come on, let's go to the garden. It's a beautiful day."

As we walked through the castle's corridors, I couldn't shake the feeling that Sola was scrutinizing me. She was taking my measure, no doubt. Probably wondering how someone so plain could be Zenna's brother.

'WaitIforgot I'm like strong as f*ck. In theory, I'm way stronger than Zenna.'

With my newfound confidence filling me up, I noticed a strange twitch in Sola's eye. She seemed to have a keen interest in me, which made me uneasy. I tried to push the feeling aside and focus on enjoying the day.

'Is this Sith plotting something?'

We reached the garden, a sprawling expanse filled with exotic plants and flowers from across the galaxy. Zenna led us to a shaded pavilion, where we sat and chatted. Well, Zenna and Sola did most of the talking. I mostly listened, trying to get a read on this new arrival.

"So, Vex," Sola said, turning her attention to me. "Zenna tells me you're quite the scholar. What have you been studying lately?"

I chortled but tried to not die laughing. I am anything but a scholar.

"No, no, I don't know why Zenna would say that.'

Zenna furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Wait but your always arguing with the holicron guardians in the library, and you hole yourself up in your room screaming how the "forbidden knowledge is just out of reach" if your not reading ancient stuff what are you doing."

'You bitch! Now Sola knows I'm a f*cking gooner! Uh, I feel a headache coming on from this conversation.'

Sola gave me a sh*t-eating grin. "Forbidden knowledge, huh."

'Keep teasing me, Sola. I don't care how much my head hurts from my embarrassment; I still have that Jedi's lightsaber, which I stole. God, I will use it.'

Sola stared at me, but something felt different all of a sudden.

Zenna nodded vigorously in response to Sola's question.

"Vex is incredibly smart. He's always been talking about ancient Sith from the past, like Tulip Horde."

"It's Tulak Hord"

Sola corrected my sister in a serious tone. Sola eyed me up like I was an enemy of the state. No longer treating me like I was just some little brother to be teased.

"What do you know about Tulak Hord?" Sola barked at me.

I felt a blush creeping up my neck.

'What is it about dominant women that makes me respond? This is my goddamn wet nurse all over again. Ugh.'

"I just think it's really cool that someone could kill 1000 Jedi all on their own."

Sola's eyes suddenly seemed highly focused for a moment.


Sola kept her eyes trained on me until they softened into something more usual for a girl her age. Almost like she was getting into character.

'Maybe she too has social anxiety?'

As the afternoon wore on, we wandered through the garden, Zenna and Sola chatting animatedly about their time at the academy. I followed along, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the garden. But every now and then, I caught Sola glancing at me, a curious look in her eyes. Every time I accidentally make eye contact with her, it's like I can feel her trying to read me.

Eventually, we returned to the castle and settled in the library. Zenna and Sola continued their conversation while I buried myself in my datapad. I briefly fell into my own world, sh*tposting on Space 4chan about how Togruta cum is good for human skin. Tragically, no one fell for it. I frowned.

At one point, Sola excused herself to use the restroom. Zenna took the opportunity to sit beside me, a worried look on her face.

"Vex, are you okay?" she asked quietly. "You've been really quiet today."

I sighed, setting aside my datapad and quickly closing any incognito tabs.

"I'm fine, Zenna. I'm actually really happy to see you so happy to see your friend, you always had trouble making friends growing up."

Zenna smiled a hint of pride in her eyes. "Outside of you, she's my best friend, Vex. She's always been there for me at the academy. I trust her."

I nodded, feeling confused by her words.

'Oh, is my sister a lesbian? Are these two, in fact, already an item? This would be a strong get for Zenna, very commendable.'

I made a sh*t-eating grin as I praised my sister in my head. Zenna tensed. She could already feel it in her bones. I'm up to something.

Before Zenna could stop the train that was about to derail, Sola returned, her expression unreadable. She sat down across from us, her eyes once again locking onto mine.

"So, Vex," she said casually. "Tell me more about your studies. What other Sith lords of old do you have an interest in? I'm genuinely curious."

I turn to Sola, maintaining my dastardly smile.

"Actually, Sola, I'd like to ask you what your intentions are with my sister?"

Sola tilted her head, and she seemed genuinely confused.

"What do you mean?" she followed up.

"Are you the one my sister is in love with?"

For what feels like an eternity, I hear nothing. Not even crickets.

'Wait f*ck did I just out Zenna's crush on Sola before she even had a chance to properly confess? Santa, please kill me where I am, not because I fear Zenna's obviously terrifying retribution but because today I failed her as a brother.'

A somber energy envelopes me until I hear Zenna break out in the hardest fit of laughter I've ever seen come from her. She kept hitting my back as if to grab onto something so as not to fall. Her laugh seems genuine.

'Ahh, my head hurts again.'

As Zenna kept laughing, Sola cracked a smile.

"Your sister is far too in love with Lord Relic guy to even consider looking at anyone in the academy."

I go pale and feel a sudden chill run down my spine. My head aching even more than it did a second ago. I'm overwhelmed with emotion.

'My sister fell in love with my larp? This is terrible news.'

As I think this, Sola's smile falters and is replaced with a much creepier-looking one.

"You seem awfully pale all of a sudden. Are you afraid to lose your sister to some powerful Sith?"

'Oh, thank god she just thinks I'm a siscon. She doesn't know that I am Darth Relic.'

"Ughhhhhh," I struggle, having no idea what kind of lie to tell.

"I just want my sister to be well taken care of as she grows old."

Zenna finally chimes in after her laughing fit. Slamming her hands on my shoulders.

"You thought I was into Sola." she can hardly contain her laugh.

Sola feigned offense.

"Hey, don't be rude. I'm a catch! Anyways, Vex, you should be supportive of your sister trying to apprehend her own stalker after all."

'What the f*ck? I wasn't stalking her that day! This is f*cking LIBEL.'

"Darth Relic is stalking my sister?"

Sola's eyes lit up fiercely.

"Oh, you know his name?"

'My head hurts so much I think I'm gonna f*cking puke.'

"I've heard of him. I heard he kills weak Sith for giving us a bad name."

I make up a story on the spot. It matches the character I came up with for Relic. He is the angsty villain type, after all.

Sola smiled and widened her bloodthirsty eyes at me.

"Oh wow, he sounds really cool."

Something in her tone made me feel like she saw right through me, like she knew I was hiding something. It was unsettling but also strangely intriguing. I couldn't help but wonder what she was really thinking.

'She doesn't have red skin or a tail, but my god, does she dommy mommy written all over her face.'

Right as I was thinking about Sola, she started choking. Karma, I reckon.

As the evening wore on, we continued to talk and laugh, the initial tension slowly melting away. Sola's presence, while intense, became more familiar, and I found myself enjoying her company. She had a sharp wit and even showed me pictures of her pet. It was a very cute Tooka named Tooka the Hutt. Not the best name but I've heard worse cat names I guess.

Eventually, it was time for dinner. We gathered in the dining hall, where a lavish feast awaited us. Father and Mother joined us, looking pleased to see Zenna and Sola getting along so well.

During the meal, Sola sat beside me, her proximity both comforting and nerve-wracking. She kept the conversation flowing, asking me questions about my studies and my interests. I answered as best as I could, trying to keep my nerves in check.

"So, Vex," Sola said at one point, her tone casual but with an edge of curiosity. "What do you do for fun when you're not badgering the Sith Holocron guardians?

I hesitated, not wanting to reveal that I got into arguments with people online as a hobby.

"I mostly read or watch holodramas."

Sola laughed, a genuine, melodic sound. It seemed that her voice was beautiful when she wanted it to be.

"Holodramas, huh? I wouldn't have pegged you as a holobuff."

I shrugged, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Everyone needs a way to relax, right?"

She nodded.


Sola's POV, Later that night

I tuck myself into the guest room bed. Carefully trying to pull the comforter over me to maintain the tight tuck the bed had.

'It's nice to feel hugged while you sleep, I like the pressure.'

I can't stop grinning, for I have finally met the one I've been searching for all this time.

I'm in love with my best friend's brother. It's a shame she loves him too.'

I frown, thinking about that. Due to my strange bond with the force, I've read thousands of minds. Usually, I can only read someone's emotional state, but Vex didn't put up even the slightest defense. I might have to remedy this myself someday in the future, but for now, it'll be good that he won't be able to stop me.

'To think that monster's brother was hiding so much more than she was? The Eras family is clearly destined for great things, and I will be the hand that guides it. It was already foretold.'

'I blush, thinking about my destiny. I can't wait to see what we become.'

I smoosh the pillow I'm holding close to my face to try and calm myself down.

"I love you, my sweet Emperor Vex."

Chapter 6: The Dawn of Darth Relic

Chapter Text

A few weeks had passed since Zenna and Sola returned to Korriban Academy. I found myself alone in the castle once more. Life had relapsed back to its usual, mundane routine. With Zenna gone, the castle felt emptier, and my days were filled with nothing but endless sh*tposting, endless boredom, and endless gooning.

I sighed, lounging in my room, scrolling through sh*tpost after sh*tpost.

'Is this really the life I want? I'm in Star Wars, but here I am wasting my life away AGAIN. Subsisting purely for easy pleasures.'

I needed something more. I needed excitement, adventure, and, most importantly, freedom.

'I was given a gift to be op as f*ck in Star Wars, and to this point in my life, I haven't even gone off-world once yet. Thats f*cking stupid. It's time to dawn my second skin. Become the Sith Gotham needs…. Become the Sith Dromund Kaas needs.'

And for that, I needed two things: money and a ship.

The idea had been brewing in my mind for a while now. If I could find a smuggler's ship, I could steal it and finally have the freedom to come and go as I pleased. My parents were extremely hands-off after I was 12.

But where to start? I smile at how easy this should all be. The answer lay in my father's study. Syko Eras, the Sith baron and leader of Ares II, was incredibly trusting, leaving his study unlocked. It wouldn't be hard to break in and search through his datapad for a list of suspected smugglers.

'Thank god my father doesn't believe in passwords.'

With a newfound determination, I made my way to my father's study. The castle was quiet, the servants going about their tasks silently paying me practically no mind at all. I slipped through the grand hallways, my steps echoing softly against the stone floors. Reaching the study, I hesitated for a moment, but then decided to go ghost Danny Phantom style. Invisible to the eye I pushed the door open and slipped inside.

The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the soft glow of the datapad on my father's desk. I approached it cautiously, half-expecting some sort of trap, but there was nothing. Not even weird p*rn. I'm not disappointed. I just wish the apple didn't fall so far from the tree. I actually feel kinda bad snooping in here. My father's trust in me was absolute.

'I'll get him something nice?'

I picked up the datapad and began scrolling through the files, searching for anything related to smugglers. It didn't take long to find a list of suspected couriers operating in and around Ares II. I skimmed through the names, looking for one that stood out. Finally, I found what I was looking for a smuggler who was suspected of being a Republic sympathizer. I might as well go for someone that will be an easy target. This guy probably won't even have allies or anyone local enough to miss him if he gets thrown in jail. This way, I can just find evidence to cuff him and then steal his ship in the confusion.

"Perfect," I mutter.

With the information I needed, I left the study and headed back to my room to prepare. I donned my Sith Wardrobe that ive been creating in my spare time. It looks exactly like one of those Pay for outfits outta Swtor. The helmet even has a voice changer. Masterworks and all. I grabbed my lightsaber from under my bed and tucked it into my belt.

'I am powerful.'

I Jump out my window and use a cute little force push to break my fall. I grabbed a speeder bike that I stashed close by to the property. It's good to always have an exit strategy. It's funny ive never taken a driven lesson in either life yet I know how to drive this speeder no problem. I wonder if that's the Smuggler class in me? Once again I am reminded that I feel like Neo.

"I know Kung Fu," I mutter as I drive. The Speeder's engine drowning it out.

Once again, no one has responded to my sick Matrix quote. I sigh and frown. My newly christened helmet hides my internal strife.

The smuggler's hideout was located in a rundown part of the city, far from the opulence of the castle, after parking a few blocks away. I moved through the shadows, using my Force abilities to cloak my presence. The streets were quiet, the occasional passerby giving me no notice.

The building was an old warehouse, its exterior weathered and crumbling. I slipped inside, my senses on high alert. The interior was dimly lit, crates and barrels stacked haphazardly around the space. I could hear the groaning of machinery and the faint murmur of voices.

I feel more excited than nervous. I've spent six months training to understand my skills better.

'I am a Jack of all trades, Master of everything.'

I crept closer, peering around a stack of crates. The smuggler was there, tinkering with a small device on a workbench. He was a nervous-looking man, his eyes darting around the room as if expecting trouble. He had no idea what trouble was about to walk through his door.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the shadows. "Looking for something?"

The smuggler jumped, nearly knocking over the device on his workbench. He turned to face me, his hand moving to the blaster at his side.

"A ghost? No, no no, no, no no, I don't f*ck with ghosts."

'Oh whoops'

I chuckle. I forgot to uncloak myself. I made myself visible to him, and he actually seemed to calm down.

"Who are you?" he barked.

"I am Darth Relic."

As I speak, I ignite my Saber to intimidate him.

The smuggler relaxes as he stares at my lightsaber.

"Oh, thank god you're a Jedi. I thought I got caught by a Sith or something."


I look down. The Saber I stole from the Jedi is a bright blue color. Humming in harmony in my hand.

'f*ck, I Forgot to bleed the f*cking crystal!'

"I am certainly not a Jedi!" I announce.

The smuggler's eyes narrowed, his hand tightening on his blaster.

"I don't know what you want, but you had better get out of here before I call for backup."

"Backup?" I chuckled. "I doubt it, cowboy! But if you want to do this the hard way, be my guest."

The smuggler's face twisted with fear and anger. He drew his blaster and fired. Red bolts Flying through the air. I reacted instinctively deflecting the shots with ease. One of the bolts ricocheted back at him, striking him in the leg. He fell to the ground with a gasp, the blaster slipping from his hand as I force pushed it away.

I stood over him, my lightsaber casting an annoying heroic blue glow over his pale face. "That was a mistake."

The smuggler's eyes were wide with fear. “Please… don’t kill me…”

I deactivated my lightsaber and crouched down beside him. "I'm not going to kill you. But I need something from you."

The smuggler nodded frantically, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Anything… just don't kill me…"

"Where's your ship?" I demanded.

He pointed weakly towards a door at the back of the warehouse. “Through there… in the hangar…”


I stood up and glanced towards the door.

'This guy already took a shot to the leg; I think I'd feel bad if I arrested him too.'

"Stay here. If you try anything, I'll kill you."

'Might as well inspect the goods before I decide his fate.'

Leaving the smuggler on the floor, I made my way to the hangar. The door creaked open, revealing a small, dimly lit space. And there it was, the smuggler's ship. An ancient XS Stock Light Freighter retrofitted with a modern hyperdrive. It was old but perfect.

"sh*t, I didn't expect a ship I knew of."

I approached the ship, my heart pounding with excitement as if a boy were seeing one of his favorite video games come to life. Here it is. My ticket to freedom. I ran my hand along the hull, feeling the cold metal beneath my fingers. It was old, but it was sturdy. And it was mine now.


To my surprise, my spidey sense tingles, and in slow motion, I see a red bolt coming towards me. Reacting quickly, I stopped the bolt in place.

'Oh sh*t, I Kylo Renned it.'

I Quickly channel my Jedi strength to ragdoll the smuggler at the wall while I use my Sith strength to hold the bolt. I released it safely into the ground. My eyes go wide as I see a bloody puddle around the head of the smuggler.

'Oh f*ck’

I get to him, taking his pulse. He's still alive, but barely. He is unconscious but breathing funny. Head trauma is really bad.

"f*ck man, I gotta get you help."

My body goes weak from the thought of killing someone. I want to be a Sith, sure, but it's mostly all larp for now. I mean, sure, I'd kill someone in self-defense.

'This was self-defense.'

Suddenly, I remember once again. This is certainly not earth. This man is only in this condition because he didn't listen to me. I sigh, still wanting to help him. As I lay on my knees, still overwhelmed with anxiety, I saw a lightsaber ignite from behind me through the man's chest.

"What the f*ck?"

I had been so overwhelmed with my fear of killing I wasn't listening to what was around me. I look behind me as I suddenly feel the aura of wrath itself there.

"You sure have been busy tonight, kiddo."

A pale human woman with a scowl looks at me. My Dredd rises like cream on coffee.


There she was in all her glory, the most powerful sith living on Ares II. The Baroness Hela Eras.

"You've had quite the busy night, haven't you?" She eyed me up and down, now pointing her red Saber at me. "And holding a tool of the Jedi?"

I am more overwhelmed than I think I have ever been in two, albeit short, lives.

"Wait, Mom, I stole this. I'm not some Jedi Sympathizer."

"I know."


"Honey", She smiles with a co*cky grin. "You don't think you can keep any secret from your dear mother, do you? Since the incidents with the wet nurse, I've made sure to keep an eye on you."

'What? How much does she know?'

"How much…."

My mother interrupts me.

"Honey, it's okay." Suddenly, she hugs me tightly. "I know you've been practicing with that silly weapon you stole from the Jedi while you were protecting your sister. I know that you have a strength unseen by the Sith for generations."

She grins wide with manic eyes. A worryingly common thing for me to see in women lately.

"And I know you have to rely only on the dark side."

I almost sh*t myself.

"But I don't care; I am simply happy to see you not holed up in your room masturbating anymore."

'She is dropping bomb after bomb on me right now. Jesus Christ

"Honey, when you were born, I could feel it. Something deep inside you. It is as if you are connected to the force in extremely conflicting ways. To use the light and the dark, I see why you'd hide it from us. But as your mother, I promise you can do no wrong."

'Her and Zenna are just two f*cking creepy peas in a pod.'

My mother starts waltzing with me, and it's so weird. I sigh, exhausted.

"Obviously, we won't tell your father about any of this. He's not ready for you to become a man, let alone whatever force monster you are." She spoke the word monster with pride.

She continues. "This smugglers base. This will be a good place for you to use as your base of operations. To become this…" She looks me up and down. "Darth Relic character you're so clearly attached to."

"You want me to pursue this?" I spoke in surprise.

"Oh honey I dont know what you are but when you stopped that bafoons blaster shot earlier I felt the strength of a champion. Whatever you are, you need the freedom of growth right now. I can give you a year and some until you will be enrolled into Korriban Academy."

I nod in agreement. All nobles usually have to go when they are 15 years old. At least for the human age, I guess.

"Yes, from now until you enroll I want you to learn how to fly and to stamp out dissidents on this planet. Root out the freedom fighters. Spread the scourge that is Darth Relic." She clearly bit her tongue trying not to laugh at my chosen title.


After all the excitement, my mom used the force to whip the body down the street.

"Clean this place up, A Sith is someone with self respect." She pauses and frowns. "Youre gonna have to learn how to kill Vex. Otherwise you won't have a place here. And if you ever get caught using the Light side of the force the family will be forced to disown you."

My mother put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"But I trust you. You beat a Jedi with no training. This is child's play by comparison."

After she left, I decided to go back to my new ship. I felt bitter looking at it.

"I have given everything up for you. My days will no longer be devoted to gooning. I truly hope you are worth it."

Even after I spoke, the sense of excitement from flying this bad Larry was nearly otherworldly.

With my newfound freedom and goals, I place my hand on the beautifully ancient Corellian ship.

"You need a name."

Chapter 7: The first time always hurts the most.

Chapter Text

A month had passed since I acquired my ship, the "Sleepy Cosby." It was a stupid name, but I really loved falling asleep to the Cosby show growing up, and I really wanted to pay that forward. I'd spent the past weeks cleaning up the smuggler's old warehouse and getting the Sleepy Cosby ready for flight. It wasn't all work, though.

I also bled my lightsaber's Kyber crystal. Which definitely wasn't in Legends? It took a few tries. To channel that much hate into the poor innocent crystal. But finally i was playing the closest thing they have to skyrim on my data pad the other day and i lost my save with 800 hours in it because i accidentally updated my data pad mid save. I was malding hard so I figured I'd take it out on the crystal.

'But I'm not a crystal guy usually.'

Today was going to be a great day. My mother has been on my case lately about how I'm making almost no progress on finding any info on the local "Freedom fighters," but little does she know I've recently made contact with someone and installed an asset within terrorists' ranks.

Dressed in my full Sith ensemble. The drip was real. I felt ready. I was in character, fully embracing the role of Darth Relic.

"Today, I will take someone's life."

I look into the mirror and see an expensive Kylo Ren knockoff in the reflection as I reassure myself what I already know.

"Terrorists are bad for business."

I speak as I start up my speeder bike.

"God probably doesn't exist."

My anxiety is flowing at a new constant. I sigh as I head to the club.


I got off my speeder and looked up at the club's neon lights flashing in the early evening darkness.

'Star Wars has neon? That's such an odd choice.'

The line outside was long, filled with people looking for a night of distraction and excitement. The bouncers at the door eyed me suspiciously as I approached. They were big guys, clearly used to dealing with troublemakers. But I wasn't just any troublemaker.

"Hey, get a load of this. What does he think? Is he some kinda a superhero?"

His buddy laughs at him.

"You will let me into the club,"

I said, using the Force to amplify my words and influence their minds.

Their expressions went slack, and they stepped aside.

"We will let you in," they echoed.

I smirked behind my helmet and walked past them, feeling a surge of confidence. Inside, the club was loud and chaotic, with music pounding and lights flashing. The air was thick with the smell of sweat, alcohol, and spice i think? I ignored it all and headed towards the back, where the private rooms were.

A Twi'lek dancer was waiting for me in one of the rooms, her outfit leaving little to the imagination. She gave me a sultry look.

"Oh look, it's the guy who can choke me better than anyone else in the system, no hands even."

'Is she flirting with me? If so, she must be a moron. That was the worst pickup line I've ever heard.'

I grab her throat with the Force, not applying much pressure but enough to get her to shut up.

"That's it, daddy. Yes, right there, frek, frek."

Suddenly, memories of my wet nurse flooded back. I dropped the dancer in the confusion.

'No, Rinka does not have power over you anymore, Vex.'

I compose myself with the combined power of ten inner therapists. Darth Relic has no time for distractions.

"You think you can seduce me?" I growled, my voice distorted by the helmet. "I'm here for information, not your pathetic attempts at charm."

She flinched at my tone but quickly composed herself.

"Of course, Darth Relic. I have the information you asked for."

I crossed my arms, keeping my stance intimidating.

"Then speak."

She hesitated for a moment, clearly nervous.

"The leader of the rebel faction on Ares II… it's the local governor of Ares City."

I stiffened, my mind racing. The City governor?

"Alton Drak?" I Barked. My voice modulator is somewhat hiding the surprise in my voice.

"Yes," she replied. "He's been using his position to secretly support the rebellion, funneling resources and information to them."

I nodded, feeling a mixture of anger and fear of what the rest of the night holds. "You've done well. Now leave."

The Twi'lek bowed and hurried out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Governor Drak…This is a man my family breaks bread with once a week. He has two kids, one a newborn.

'Can I even save them now that I know? I guess I can try?'

If mother gets her hands on this information they might actually waste the entire family. Being found guilty of being a traitor in this Sith Empire is a death sentence for the whole family.

I left the club and headed to the governor's compound. It was a large, heavily guarded estate on the city's outskirts. Getting in would be a challenge for anyone that wasn't me.

I used the Force to cloak myself as I approached. Lazily walking by the guards and security systems with ease. Inside, the compound was quiet; the only sound was the faint buzzing of machinery everywhere. I made my way to the governor's quarters, where he was likely sleeping at this hour.

Pushing open the door to his bedroom and then closing it behind me, I saw Governor Drak lying in his bed. Unaware of the danger that had just entered his home. I approached silently, my heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread.

"Wake up," I said, using the Force to amplify my voice.

The governor jolted awake, his eyes widening in fear as he saw me standing over him.

“W-who are you?” he stammered.

"I am Darth Relic," I replied, my voice cold and menacing. "And you have betrayed the Empire."

He tried to scramble out of bed, but I grabbed him by the collar and hauled him to his feet.

"You will answer for your crimes," I growled.

"Please, I can explain—" he started, but I cut him off.

"Save your excuses," I snarled, ripping off my helmet to reveal my face. "Look at me, Drak. Look at who you've betrayed."

His eyes widened even further as he recognized me. "Vex? You're Darth Relic?"

"We eat dinner with you every week, Drak! You have a family! Your daughter's first words were six months ago, Drak! What the f*ck were you thinking! Do you know what I have to do to maybe save them right now!" I screamed in agony.

His eyes went wide as he took in the meaning of my words. He quickly dashed for the door, but I held him in place with the Force. He started to plead, but I couldn't listen. I ignited my lightsaber, the red blade chaotic, casting a sinister glow.

"You've made your choice, Drak. You made me do this, you rat f*ck!"

As I raised my lightsaber, I felt a pang of sorrow. I hesitated for just a moment, then brought the blade down. The governor's eyes widened in shock, and then his head unceremoniously hit the ground. The same way I saw Zenna do it. Tears ran down my face over someone I saw as an uncle. I put my helmet on to hide in the character.

I deactivated my lightsaber and took a step back, feeling a strange mix of emotions. I had done what needed to be done, but at what cost? If I report to my mother that I dispensed justice myself will that be enough to save this family? I steeled myself as i cloaked my way out of the house.

I turned and left the room, my mind swirling with thoughts. This was just the beginning. There would be more traitors and more enemies to face.

'Actually, so far on this planet alone, the one your father rules over, the only people who haven't tried to kill you are your family.'

I frown at this somber thought. Perhaps my mother's zero sum view towards life was correct. This sure is a far cry away from the Boston I used to know that's for sure.

As I walked back to my speeder bike, I couldn't shake the image of Drak's head from my mind. The look of betrayal, the fear… it was seared into my memory. But I pushed it aside. I was Darth Relic now, and I had a mission to complete.


My mother was waiting for me outside of the property. She must already know. She mentioned knowing everything im up to long ago so its not a surprise. She can sense how upset i am miles away. To my surprise as i approached her she embraced me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry you had to kill the governor, sweety."

She rubbed my back in a very comforting way. I started to cry hard.

"Take this as a lesson that no matter how well you know someone, anyone is capable of betrayal."

I just cried harder into the hug.

'I don't want to kill anyone else.'

She just stayed there no rushing just holding me as long as i would need. Truly a good mother.


Hela's POV

'My poor boy'

I rub his back as his tears leave puddles on my clothes.

'Maybe if we were born as commoners, I could have given the peaceful life you so wanted. But you did so well.'

I can't help but crack a huge smile; it's not like he'll notice.

'Im so proud of you Vex. You killed that traitor without even a second thought. So efficiently too. Shame about his family though. They had been known traitors for some time. Granted we were bugging them for info. But its okay their loss was worth your growth today son.'

I tighten the embrace.

"You are destined for great things, Vex."

Chapter 8: Sith Hunt

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It's been a while since the night I ended Governor Drake's life. The memory of that night still haunted me, but my mother had taken it upon herself to harden me, to mold me into a true killer.

'Wait, no, my mom didn't make me hard; I made me hard with her help, ' I corrected my thoughts.

She began assigning me bounties, each more challenging than the last. I had become a weapon, a tool for rooting out enemies of the Empire. Each time I killed, a part of me twitched, but the guilt was starting to fade. My mother's ruthless training was working; I was beginning to feel nothing.

'Why, when I kill, do I feel like god?'

A stray voice pops through my mind. Ignore it.

Today, I had a new mission. For the first time, I was to hunt a fellow Sith. A traitor, wanted for conspiring against the Empress. This would be my first official fight with a Force user since the Jedi months ago. My heart pounded with anticipation and anxiety. I had spent the morning in meditation, trying to center myself for the battle ahead. I notice I meditate better when I'm on Space 4chan though. I sigh.

My ship, now named "The Predator," at my mother's insistence, hummed with life as I prepared for takeoff. She had found my original name, "Sleepy Cosby," less than iconic, and while I had a soft spot for the original name, I had to admit "The Predator" was kinda funny too.

Chris Hansen's voice rings in my head. 'Take a seat.'

As I adjusted the controls, I marveled at how natural flying felt, like I had been doing it my entire life. Perhaps it was the Smuggler's soul within me that melded perfectly with this ship, Or maybe it was the dog in me.


The Predator lifted off smoothly, its engines howling, just like me, as I guided it into the sky. The target was located in a remote part of Ares II, far from the bustling cities and the watchful eyes of the Empire's loyalists. This Sith, known only as Lord Atra, had been hiding in the shadows.

The landscape below blurred into a patchwork of colors as I sped toward my destination. The Predator's sensors beeped, signaling the approach of my target's alleged hideout.

'My mother's information network seems vast and far-reaching.'

I slowed the ship, bringing it down to a smooth landing in a clearing near a dense forest. The air was thick with tension as I stepped out, my senses alert for any sign of danger.

The hideout was an old, abandoned fortress, its walls crumbling and overgrown with vegetation. I moved cautiously, using the Force to cloak my presence as I approached. The entrance was unguarded, which seemed suspicious. I kept my hand on my lightsaber, ready to ignite it at a moment's notice.

Inside, the fortress was dark and musty, the air filled with the scent of decay.

'This is truly the perfect goon cave.'

I could feel Lord Atra's presence, a cold and malevolent force that seemed to permeate the very walls. I followed the sensation, my steps silent as I made my way deeper into the structure.

Finally, I reached a large chamber, dimly lit by flickering torches. Lord Atra stood in the center, his back to me. He was tall and imposing, his dark robes flowing around him like shadows. He turned slowly, his eyes looking towards me. He could sense my presence. I'm not very good at hiding that if at all yet.

'I am a work in progress.'

"Darth Relic," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "I've been expecting you."

I stepped forward, my lightsaber igniting with a snap-hiss. "I bet you have been, pervert."

He looked confused and then chuckled, a low, sinister sound that sent chills down my spine. "Your petty attempts to confuse me will not work."

excitement flared within me, and I took a step closer, my blade held ready. "You're wrong. I bet you're looking at me like I'm some sort of snack. Well you can look but can't touch because I don't swing that way!"

Lord Atra's smile faded, replaced by a look of cold determination. He ignited his own lightsaber, its crimson blade casting an eerie glow. "You are a vile boy!"

With a roar, he lunged at me, his lightsaber slicing through the air. I blocked his strike, the Force of the impact sending vibrations up my arm. The battle had begun.

Our blades clashed again and again, sparks flying as we traded blows. Atra was powerful, his attacks relentless. But I was faster and more agile. I drew upon the strength of my multiple Force-sensitive souls, channeling their power into my movements. Each strike, each parry, felt instinctual, a dance of death that I had practiced countless times in my mind.

"Aww, you poor little Sith, I'm not even using ten percent of my strength."

I smirked, saying some cringe-ass line I'd always dreamt about. I'm in my Frieza era.

Atra's eyes widened as he realized he was outmatched. He snarled, summoning a blast of Force lightning and sending it hurtling towards me. I caught the energy in my lightsaber, and I used my own Force of lightning to subdue him. He screamed in pain, his body convulsing as the lightning coursed through him.

I pressed my advantage, launching a flurry of attacks that forced him to retreat. His movements grew sluggish, his defenses weakening. I could see the fear in his eyes, the realization that he was going to die. With a final, powerful strike, I disarmed him, his lightsaber clattering to the ground.

Atra fell to his knees, breathing heavily. "Please," he gasped, his voice trembling. "Spare me. I was only trying to—"

"Save it," I snarled, my anger boiling over. "You chose your path. Now you'll pay the price."

With a swift motion, I brought my lightsaber down, severing his head from his body. The chamber fell silent. The only sound was my own ragged breathing. I deactivated my lightsaber and stepped back.

'I feel nothing.'

This was my life now. Killing, hunting, rooting out traitors. Each mission made me stronger, more ruthless. But it also chipped away at my humanity, leaving me hollow inside. I don't even remember what my goal is anymore? Protect my family? Edging?

"Why the f*ck am I turning into a killing machine? I just wanted freedom."

As I left the fortress and returned to The Predator, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. My mother's plans for me seemingly changed me to my core.

I climbed aboard The Predator and took off, the landscape blurring beneath me as I headed back to the city. The mission was complete, but the battle within me was far from over. I had to find a way to reconcile my actions with my conscience, to balance the darkness with the light.

Back at the castle's auxiliary docking stations, my mother was waiting for me. She stood in the exit, her expression one of pride and satisfaction. As I landed and stepped out of the ship, she approached, her eyes shining with approval.

"You did well, Vex," she said, her voice warm. "Another traitor eliminated. The Empire is safer because of you."

I nodded, unable to meet her gaze.

'I have to tell her I can't do this anymore.

"Thanks, Mom," they spoke out as if not in control.

She placed a hand on my shoulder, her grip firm.

"I know this isn't easy for you. But you're doing what needs to be done. Remember that."

'I'm doing your bidding because I'm afraid you'll throw me away like my last mother.' A distant voice rings in my ear.

I nodded again, feeling the weight of her words. "I will, Mother."

She smiled, a rare expression of genuine affection. "Good. Now go rest. You've earned it."

'I have to get the f*ck away from her; I need the plan to get off this world asap.'

"Oh honey, by the way, your sister and Sol are coming home in a few days. Their school year just ended. Take the vacation with them, and we can get back to this when they leave." She gave me a warm, loving smile. She really does love.

'Does she know what she's doing to me?'

As I made my way to my room, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Each mission, each kill, was a step further into the darkness. But with Zenna and Sole, at least I'll have a brief reprieve.

Suddenly, my mouth curled into a grinchlike smile. An idea hatched.

'Sole is the daughter of the Duke of Korriban. Maybe she can get me enrolled a year early? Then I could just coast there and not have to feel guilty for avoiding my mother. Let's kick that can far down the road and let future Vex deal with it.'

Chapter 9: An awkward Sithuation

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The castle buzzed with activity as preparations were made for Zenna and Sola's return. The semester had ended at Korriban Academy, and they were coming home for a much-needed break. I hadn't seen them in months, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The thought of seeing Zenna was comforting, but Sola… Sola was a different story.

Sola had an uncanny ability to unsettle me. It wasn't just her beauty or her confidence; it was the way she seemed to see right through me. Granted she was so hot that I imagine I was wearing my thoughts on my face, or what? My heart on my sleeve. Is that the saying? Anytime I talked to Sola last time she was here my social anxiety manifested in the lamest ways. I cringe thinking about it.

'You're a killer now, Vex. She's just a girl. We do not fear women! She is just a toy for my amusem*nt.'

I frown, trying to hype myself up to not lose my cool around her again.

'That was rude; women are not toys. They are soft creatures whom we hope will grace us by pushing us against the wall and taking us.'

I blush as my thoughts are quickly overcome by my own fetishes.

'f*ck I haven't jerked off in like 4 days, I'm gonna be a monster if I keep this pent up.'

As I waited for their arrival, I paced my room, trying to gather my thoughts. I needed a plan, a way to escape the relentless pressure my mother had been putting on me. The idea had come to me recently: enroll in Korriban Academy a year early. It was perfect. I could get away from my mother, gain valuable training, and maybe, just maybe, find a way to balance the darkness within me.

But first, I had to convince Sola to help me. As the daughter of the Duke of Korriban, she had the influence needed to make it happen. The problem was that asking her for help was easier said than done. My social anxiety spiked whenever she was around, and the thought of asking her for such a favor made my stomach churn. Sith, like her, probably only do favors for favors. Quid pro quo.

The sound of approaching footsteps pulled me from my thoughts. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. The door to my room opened, and Zenna burst in, her energy filling the space.

"Vex!" she exclaimed, rushing over to hug me. "I've missed you so much!"

I returned the hug, feeling a warmth I hadn't felt in months. "I missed you too, Zenna."

She pulled back, a beaming smile on her face. "And guess who else is here?"

Before I could respond, Sola walked in, her presence as commanding as ever. She gave me a sly smile, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Hello, Vex," she said, her voice smooth and confident. She is someone who could command a room with her eyes alone. "It's good to see you again."

"Hi, Sola,"

I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. Immediately upon making eye contact with her, my head throbbed in pain. A blush ran over my face as I pictured her pushing me up against a wall.

'Santa, forgive me, I do not mean to have such subbie thoughts in her presence.'

Zenna looked between us, her smile widening. "Come on, let's sit down and catch up. We have so much to talk about!"

We moved to the sitting area, and I couldn't help but feel a knot of tension in my chest. This was it. I had to bring up my plan. As we settled into the comfortable chairs, Zenna and Sola began chatting about their time at the academy, their voices a comforting background noise as I tried to gather my courage.

"Vex," Sola said, her eyes locking onto mine. "You seem distracted. Is something on your mind?"

I swallowed hard, trying to push my crush on her aside. I had to do this. I had to find a way to ask for her help without sounding desperate.

I swallowed hard, trying to push my crush on her aside. I had to do this. I had to find a way to ask for her help without sounding desperate.

"Well, actually, there is something,"

"Is that you wish to enroll in Korriban a year early?"

Sola spoke with curious eyes. She looked like a predator trapping prey. I felt an immense amount of relaxation as she literally ripped my words out of my mouth.

"It seems you can read me like a book, Sola. You must be very perceptive. Yes, is it possible for me to enroll early?"

Zenna's eyes widened in surprise. "Early? But you're not supposed to go until next year. Even then, I've never heard of Korriban taking students early."

"I know," I said quickly. "But I think it would be beneficial for me to start my training sooner."

My eyes separated from theirs as I looked down trying to hide my emotions. My mother's pressure lately has been to much and I'm desperate for an out but i don't want Zenna to get scared for me. She'd end up going overboard.

Sola's expression softened, and I could see the understanding in her eyes. Her eyes briefly flickered as though she saw something surprising.

"You want to get away from your mother, don't you?" she asked gently.

I nodded, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. This girl must be a genius.

"Yes. She's been a bit….." I can't come up with any words to describe the fact that she's chipping away at my humanity so I decide to just leave it vague. "I just need a break."

Sola glanced at Zenna, then back at me. "You don't have to explain, Vex. I understand. My parents can sometimes be a bit much too" She paused, considering her next words carefully. "How about this: I'll suggest to your mother that you enroll early. I'll explain to her how it benefits the family and your training."

Zenna's eyes lit up with excitement. "That's a great idea, Sola! It would be perfect for Vex."

I looked at Sola, feeling a mix of gratitude and disbelief. "You'd do that for me?"

Immense joy envelopes me. And then I go pale.

'What is it she wants in return, I wonder? Will the price be steep?'

Sola's lips twisted into a slightly deranged smile, her eyes meeting mine.

"Of course, Vex. We're friends, and I want to see you succeed. Besides, I can see how much this means to you."

For the first time in a while, I felt a sense of relief and hope. Maybe I could find a way to escape the suffocating pressure and find some semblance of balance.

"Thank you," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

Sola's smile widened. "You're welcome, Vex. But I can't just do this for free."

'f*cking hell'

"As you know, being the daughter of the Duke of Korriban leads to many interesting opportunities. As the current student council president, I am in desperate need of someone to help me. I need an ally, so to speak."

My face is now covered in confusion.

'What the f*ck happened to Korriban. Why the f*ck would Korriban have a student council? Why the f*ck does she talk about it like it's some anime school? What the f*ck happened to the sith?'

"Uhhhh, Sure, I don't really mind. What position do you want me to take?"

"Vice president," Sola eyed me as if she was giving me some sort of prestigious title.

Zenna's eyes went wide, and then she smiled like a giddy child.

"Oh my god if he joined then council then we could see him all time and he could even live with us in the Council dorms!"

It seems my sister is also on the council for this idiotic new version of Korriban.

'Korriban is assuredly in its flop era.'

Confusion was clearly plastered on my face.

As we continued to talk, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. The anxiety that had been gnawing at me for months began to fade, replaced by a sense of determination. I had a plan, and with Zenna and Sola's help, I could make it happen. And it sounds like ill be spending a lot of time with them now too so that'll be fun.

"Thank god Sola said she'll take care of Mom for me. I don't know if I can handle telling her I'm running away.'


That evening, after a dinner filled with laughter and stories, I found myself alone with Sola in the rumpus room. Zenna had gone to bed early, exhausted from the journey, leaving me with an opportunity to speak with Sola more candidly.

"Thank you for agreeing to help," I said, my voice quiet.

Sola looked at me, her expression serious. "You don't have to thank me, Vex. I care about you, and I want to see you succeed. This isn't just about escaping your mother; it's about finding your path."

I nodded, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "I know. And I appreciate it more than you know."

She reached out and placed a hand on my cheek, caressing it. I blushed like a little kid.

"You're stronger than you think, Vex. I've foreseen it. You just need the right environment to let that strength flourish."

Suddenly, she forced her palms onto my wrists, throwing me to the ground. She straddled me. Her eyes going mad with power.


"Vex. I've seen the way you stare at me. That lascivious gaze. Did you think I would let it go unpunished?"


The scene is playing out too fast for me to properly process. She's holding me down. Her incredibly soft hands held my wrists down. She looks like a wolf about to eat it's prey. I know power wise, im stronger and faster but the allure of her is uncanny.

'I don't want to resist, do I?'

My head hurts as I consider all of this.

Suddenly her eyes fill with affection. She kisses me for a moment. A quick peck. Followed by a real much more intimate kiss. After a minute I gasp for air. Her face is as red as Darth Maul's Skin. She jumped off me refusing to make eye contact and then ran away.

"Ahh, sorry, I just remembered I still need to talk to your mother. See you tomorrow, Vex."


I lay on the ground, swimming in even more confusion than earlier.

'I feel like I've just fallen madly in love.'

I quickly head to bed. Sola is going to be with us for a few months. After all, she and Zenna are basically on summer vacation.

Her words resonated with me, filling me with a renewed sense of purpose. "I'll do my best. I promise."


Sola’s POV


I laid in the guest bed given to me for my trip screaming into the pillow. Ive completely bungled this situation.

"It's fine. He clearly liked it. If he hadn't, he would have shot me into the wall and turned me into a bloody paste. Even when I was leaving, I could feel his gaze on my ass."


Yelling into my pillow again, I desperately needed to get my compose myself.

'He's just so freking weird. The more I search his mind, the weirder the puzzle gets. He doesn't even think he's from this world. He thinks he's been reincarnated. But when I try to search his memory more, I can see his old memories clear as day.'

It doesn't make sense, nor does it need to. He is very clearly the strongest being among at least the Sith. Maybe the Empress could kill him, maybe not, but regardless, he wants to be a gentle soul. Originally, I wanted to force him to become my minion, but every time I looked at him and searched his mind, I would melt. He likes me so much. He's into me in a way that is so unlike anything I've ever seen. Mostly, it's always "How can I get what I want from her," but with him, it's literally "I wish she would hold me down."

I screech once more into the pillow. It's nice to know you are your crush's crush. Still I wish i didnt move so fast.

"Ughh but what is a girl to do?"

I sigh and stand up. There is still one more thing to take care of before the night finishes. I walked down the hallway and knocked on the door at the end of the eastern hallway.

"Come in," an annoyed voice spoke from beyond the door. I stepped inside and bowed my head.

"Good evening, Baroness."

"Oh dont just sit there bowing your head, we both know its just useless etiquette to make the commoners scared of us."

Baroness Eras's voice dripped with annoyance as she looked at me. She spoke up again.

"How is my Sister these days?"

"Ahhh. My mother is well, thank you for asking."

duch*ess Corde and Baroness Eras were sisters. In fact, they actually had countless other sisters among them. They were all daughters of the Empress. The Empress was never able to give birth to a boy after all. The last pure sith of her kind, and she could only procreate with "lesser species," as my mother said she put it.

The Baroness looked at me with impatience. "What is it you want dear?"

"Yes, sorry. I believe Vex is ready to enroll in Korriban despite it being a year early. I believe it would be beneficial for his training and for his mental well-being."

The Baroness's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. "Vex has never expressed an interest in starting early before. Why do you believe he wants that now?"

"I believe he wants to get away from you." I smiled.

The Baroness's gaze suddenly filled with anger before she breathed out. She isnt an idiot. She knows that if Vex goes to Korriban a year early itll give him a huge edge. Plus she can tell he's ready for it already. While i probed vex's mind earlier i saw what the Baroness was putting him through she's turned him into an efficient killing machine, but she can only teach him so much.

"I see. And you're willing to take responsibility for him, Sola? To ensure he stays on the right path?"

The Baroness spoke with an unreadable face. I nodded firmly.

"I am. Vex has great potential, and I believe the academy is the best place for him to realize it."

The Baroness leaned back in her chair, her eyes locking onto mine.

"Very well. If this is what Vex truly wants, then I will support it."

Her eyes sank in sadness. I attempted to probe her mind, but I couldn't get past her strong mental defenses, unlike her son. I can still sense an overwhelming sadness coming from her aura. It is clear despite weaponizing her son, she has a deep love for him.

"Thank you, Baroness."

She gave a small, somber nod. "Then it's settled. I will make the arrangements for him to join you and Zenna this upcoming semester."

Chapter 10: A Sith’s Night Out

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The excitement from my encounter with Sola had left me feeling restless. Every time I thought about the kiss, my heart raced, and I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. The softness of her lips, the intensity of her gaze. It was all too much. I needed to clear my head, to burn off this energy somehow.

I slipped into my Darth Relic suit, feeling the familiar weight and power of the armor. The helmet's voice modulator kicked in, distorting my voice into the deep, menacing tone I had grown accustomed to. This was my alter ego, my escape from the pressures of daily life. Tonight, I would let Darth Relic roam free.

'Darth Relic does not have anxiety. Darth Relic does not get nervous because a woman pushes him down to kiss him. Darth Relic does not wrestle with the fact that he may be a sub, but growing up in male-dominated worlds has trouble coping with that.'

The city below was alive with lights and sounds as I leaped from rooftop to rooftop, using the Force to enhance my movements. I was going full superhuman mode.

"I'm like Spider-Man minus literally the best parts about Spider-Man."

The cool night air rushed past me. The mask while tight and blacked out still allowed for some air to come in. It's a refreshing contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the castle. The buildings seemed to blur together as I soared through the air, my mind finally beginning to settle.

After some time, I found myself atop one of the tallest buildings in the city. The view was breathtaking, the lights of Ares II stretching out in every direction. I took a deep breath, feeling the exhilaration of the night. But as I stood there, something caught my attention—a presence, dark and angry, closing in fast.

I turned just in time to see a shadowy figure land gracefully on the rooftop. The figure stood tall and confident, cloaked in black with a hood obscuring their face. They ignited a red lightsaber, the blade humming ominously in the night.

"Darth Relic"

The figure spoke, their voice distorted by a modulator.

"I've been sent to test your abilities."

'This is the third time's the charm!'

"I know kung fu," I savagely quote The Matrix at this annoying woman.

"Who is this Kung fu you speak of!"

As she responded to me, she lunged at me, her lightsaber arcing through the air with deadly precision. I ignited my own red blade, meeting their attack with a resounding clash. Sparks flew as our sabers connected, the Force of the impact sending vibrations up my arm.

The assassin was skilled, their movements fluid and precise. But I could sense something—there was no killing intent behind their strikes. They were holding back, assessing my abilities rather than trying to end my life.

"Come on," I taunted, parrying another strike. "Is that all you've got?"

The assassin's response was a flurry of attacks, their saber a blur of motion. I met each strike with ease, my own movements fueled by the power of the Force. The rooftop became our battlefield, the sounds of our sabers echoing through the night.

"You're kinda mid at this," I teased her as we fought. "Should i take my mask off and blind fold myself?" I laughed.

With a burst of speed, I pressed the attack, driving the assassin back with a series of rapid strikes. They managed to block most of my attacks, but I could see the strain in their movements. They were outmatched, and I wasn't even close to my full speed yet. I smile.

'Despite not going nearly at max with her, this is the most I've been challenged so far. Plus, fighting without the intent to kill for once. My god, is it fun. It's like we're dancing.' I blush a little under the helmet.

I compose my thoughts and remember that she clearly has a mission, even if I forget what it is.

"You're holding back," I said, our sabers locked in a fierce struggle. "Why?"

The assassin's eyes, visible through the slits in their mask, narrowed. "My master has taken an interest in you. They wanted to see your potential."

I laughed, the sound distorted by my helmet. "Is that so? And who is this mysterious master of yours?"

The assassin didn't answer. Instead, they broke the saber lock and leaped back, putting some distance between us. I could see the hesitation in their movements, the realization that they were outmatched.

"You're strong," the assassin admitted, their voice tinged with respect. "Stronger than we anticipated."

I deactivated my lightsaber, lowering it but keeping my guard up.

"Tell your master they don't need to worry about me. I'm not interested in their games. Whatever it is you think I want, I don't. Whatever they want to use me for, tell them to f*ck off. I just want to be left to my own devices."

The assassin nodded slowly, deactivating their own saber. "Very well. But know this, Darth Relic. You are being watched. Your growth is of great interest to us."

With that, the assassin turned and leaped off the rooftop, disappearing into the night. I stood there for a moment, processing what had just happened. Someone was watching me, someone powerful enough to send an assassin to test my abilities.

"This is so f*cking annoying," I kicked some rubble on the building. "All these people with their stupid f*cking agendas! I wonder how much blood will I see on my quest to be left alone? Is that even what I want anymore?"

I sigh again.

"I miss playing Zelda. Why couldn't I have isekaid into Zelda? Or f*cking Skyrim. I could be getting hooked on Skooma right f*cking now! UGH!"

I spoke out to the wind, confident no one could ever hear me. I sighed once more.

As the adrenaline began to fade, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. The excitement of the night, the kiss with Sola, and now this mysterious encounter. It was all starting to take its toll. I decided it was time to head back home.

'I'm about to conk out, this sucks.'

Using the Force to enhance my movements, I leapt from rooftop to rooftop, making my way back to the castle. Super hero style. The city below was still alive with bright lights, speeders and everything in between, but I felt a sense of calm as I moved through the night. Being exhausted really made the city seem really quaint. The cool air was refreshing, a stark contrast to the intensity of the duel I had just experienced.

When I finally reached the castle, I slipped inside quietly, removing my helmet and taking a deep breath. I made my way to my room, feeling the fatigue settling into my bones. I jumped on my bed, melting into the most comfortable mattress known to mankind.

As I lay in bed, my thoughts drifted back to the kiss with Sola. The intensity of the moment, the way she had taken control—it was all so overwhelming. But it was also exciting, a glimpse of something more than the relentless training and pressure I had been enduring.

'Should I be embarrassed she made the first move? I really liked it, though. Should I ask her out? Wait, she'll be here all vacation, like three months, so I'll try to see how she acts with me. If she shows interest in me, maybe I should try to get with her. I've never had a girlfriend before, after all.'

'You should kill her before she can use you.'

The voice my mother has been instilling in me clearly shining through scares the hell out of my thoughts. I quickly pushed it down.

'Alright so if she shows interest I'll ask her out maybe? It's the perfect plan?'

I closed my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips. The night had been full of surprises, but it had also given me a sense of hope. With Sola's help, I could escape the suffocating pressure of my mother's expectations and find my own path.

As sleep began to take hold, my thoughts drifted to the mysterious assassin and their master. Someone was watching me, someone powerful and interested in my growth. It was a tantalizing mystery, one that I genuinely hope plays no major bearing on my life in the future.

But for now, I allowed myself to relax, the events of the night slowly fading into the background as I drifted into a deep, restful sleep.


Hidden Jedi's POV

I stood up in the watchtower from miles away. Finally, I caught sight of Darth Relic, who's been making mince meat of this city for months. An intense feeling of fear briefly enveloped my whole. I take a moment to compose myself. I speak into a long range communicator.

"Relic just got approached by the Empress's wrath."

[What?] The other side fuzzily came out of the communicator.

"The Empress's personal dog. Her top assassin and enforcer. Relic just went toe to toe with her, and he didn't even break a sweat."

[The boy that almost killed you and stole your saber?]

'I feel frustrated, but then again, that's what I get for throwing my saber at a downed woman during a fight.' I sigh

"Correct. I need it to be reported that this Relic guy is no joke. He was just playing around with her. She seemed to be holding back, too, but still, she didn't even come close to matching him at any point. Please advise what I should do."

After a minute of static, the voice came back.

[Can we turn him?]

"You can't be serious?"

[Someone like that could end this war. How many good Jedi have we lost to the Empress's wrath? Think about it.]

I ponder for a second.

"I don't have his identity yet. Maybe in a few months, if I'm lucky. But it seems as though that Zenna Eras girl means something to him. Maybe we could try enrolling someone at Korriban undercover? It would be an extremely hard sell. We'd probably be dooming a padawan by doing it. We'd have to explain that to whomever we choose."

I sigh thinking about the value as a padawan in terms of wart effort. I am disgusted by my willingness to think about this avenue.

A few minutes go by as I listen to the static on the other side.

[The council is reluctantly agreeing to this for now. Give us some time to iron out the details. We have an in with a baron on one of the other border planets. We'll use them to enroll our girl in this upcoming class at Korriban Academy. Wait for instructions before you proceed with anything else.] The communication is finally cutting off.

I deactivate the long-range communicator and sigh once more.

"Seems things will only get more interesting from here."

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: A Night to Dismember.

Chapter Text

Zenna's school Vacation passed in a flash. The castle buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Preparations for the grand celebration were in full swing. This was not just any celebration. It was a grand event to honor my upcoming enrollment in Korriban Academy. The entire Eras estate was transformed with intricate decorations, and the air was filled with the aroma of exotic foods being prepared in the kitchen.

'Dare I say this party isn't nearly as large as Zenna's was.'

I smiled, remembering my sister's party last year. She was so blatantly my fathers favorite. I don't even think he would let me inherit his title even if I beat Zenna in one-on-one combat. And honestly Zenna deserves it more than I do. I would hate to get tied down to such bureaucratic work. I have spent barely a lick of time studying in this world.

I stood in front of the mirror in my room, adjusting my formal Sith robes. The weight of the fabric and the elaborate design made me feel more like a noble than a warrior, a feeling that was both comforting and uncomfortable. I was nervous, not just because of the event but also because it would be the first time I would be on display like some doll to the greater Sith Nobility.

A soft knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Vex, are you ready?" Zenna's voice came through the door.

"Yeah, come in," I replied, turning to face her as she entered.

Zenna looked stunning in her elegant dress, her hair styled in a way that accentuated her Fat milkers…….

'What the f*ck.'

Zenna looked stunning in her elegant dress, her hair styled in a way that accentuated her features. She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling with pride.

"You look great, little brother."

"Thanks, Zenna. You look amazing,"

I said, returning a guilty smile to her. Her presence always had a calming effect on me.

"Mother's really gone all out for this celebration,"

Zenna said, looking around my room at the decorations and preparations.

"It's going to be a night to remember."

I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety.

"Yeah, it's a big deal."

Father, this morning, had excitedly given me my "first lightsaber." I felt guilty taking it from him, but he was just so excited to give it to me. Despite not being his favorite, he definitely loves me. For the Sith I knew of in my past life, that was like a strict no-go, I think? I don't remember? Maybe? But this man is far too wholesome to be a sith of old.

The Saber was a glossy black cylinder. Terribly ugly. Synthetic red crystal included. It was the bare minimum but I planned on customizing it once I had time. This would be my "official" Saber after all. I had it strapped to my belt for the party.

As Zenna and I made our way to the grand hall, the scale of the celebration became even more apparent. The hall was filled with Sith nobility, their elaborate outfits and commanding presence creating an atmosphere of power and prestige. The walls were adorned with banners bearing the Eras family crest, and the tables were laden with an array of delicacies.

My mother, Baroness Hela Eras, stood near the center of the hall, greeting guests with a regal demeanor. Despite the tension between us, I couldn't help but admire her poise and authority. She spotted us and motioned for us to join her.

"Vex, Zenna," she greeted us warmly. "Tonight is a celebration of our family's strength and unity. Remember that."

'Mother, ever the politician it seems.'

"Of course, Mother," I replied, trying to match her composed tone.

As the evening progressed, I found myself interacting with various nobles. Some were genuinely interested in getting to know me, while others seemed more interested in testing my resolve. Throwing insults at me for being the mere "spare of a low baron noble." It was a delicate dance of power and politics, and I did my best to navigate it without making any enemies.

'Im taking names, you Sith c*nts. The second I get to the Academy, I'm gonna put your kids in the f*cking dirt, I swear to god.'

"Vex, I've heard a lot about you," a tall, imposing Sith Lord, Count Mar Tuah, said, approaching me with a calculating look. "Your reputation precedes you."

'What the f*ck is he talking about? What achievement

"Thank you, Count Tuah," I replied, inclining my head respectfully. "I strive to live up to the expectations placed upon me."

He nodded, his eyes studying me intently.

"I look forward to seeing how you develop at Korriban. The Academy can be a harsh place, but it forges the strongest Sith."

"I'm prepared for the challenges," I said, meeting his gaze steadily. "I welcome the opportunity to prove myself."

He smiled, a hint of approval in his expression.

"Good. We need more young Sith with your potential."

As the conversation ended, I felt a surge of relief. Navigating the complex web of Sith politics was exhausting, but it was a necessary part of my new life. I spotted Sola across the room, engaged in a conversation with another noble. Our eyes met briefly, and she gave me a reassuring smile. Her presence was both comforting and a bitter reminder of the awkward summer I just had.

'After our kiss, she just pretended it had never happened. How the f*ck am I even supposed to deal with that. But I can't even be mad because she's the reason I'm getting into Korriban a year early.'

I sigh.

'f*ck bitches, Get that bag. When I show up to the Academy, I'm going to be the strongest Sith around and get puss* from everyone……'

'I don't even want that. I have to be careful. If I become too noticeable, people might catch me using the dark and the light, and that would be problematic for my family. These Sith, despite being weak as f*ck, still in fight the same. The treacherous bastards. They'd all sell you for a few credits if they had the chance.'

'Kill the fake Sith. Bathe in their blood. Destroy the order before they destroy your family.'

My creepy, intrusive thoughts voice out in displeasure.

'Relax, buddy.'

As I was batting away my internal strife, the evening took a darker turn. A sudden commotion erupted near one of the entrances. I turned to see a group of guards rushing towards a fallen guest, their expressions grim. Instinctively, I moved closer to investigate, my senses on high alert.

"What's going on?" I asked one of the guards.

"There's been an attack," he replied tersely. "Stay back, my lord. We'll handle this."

Ignoring his warning, I pushed forward, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of the assailant. Sola appeared at my side, her expression equally determined.

"We need to find out who's behind this," she said, her voice low. "There could be more assassins."

"The audacity," I spoke angrily. "To use my Bat Mitzvah to kill someone!"

Sola made a weird face at me she mouthed the word "Bat Mitzvah" to herself questioning the meaning of it.

I nodded, my mind racing. The celebration was supposed to be a show of strength and unity, but it quickly turned into a potential battleground. As we moved through the crowd, I caught sight of a figure slipping away towards a side exit.

"There," I said, pointing. "Let's go."

We followed the figure, our movements swift and silent. The figure led us to a secluded courtyard, where they stopped and turned to face us. It was a young woman, her face partially obscured by a hood.

"You're too late," she said, her voice cold. "The assassination was just a distraction."

I look annoyed. "That's stupid!"

Without responding, she ignited her lightsaber, the red blade brightly lit up the night. Sola and I moved in unison, our own sabers springing to life as we prepared to engage.

My new Saber, while hideous, was otherwise usable. It didn't feel bad to hold in my hand at least.

The woman was skilled, her attacks precise and relentless. But it quickly became apparent that she was no match for the combined strength of Sola and me. We fought with a fluidity that came from our training she made me partake in this summer. Our movements are synchronized and powerful. Well worth her weird regiment of battling droids while our legs were tied together.

As the battle raged, I could sense the woman's desperation. She was outmatched, and she knew it. With a final, desperate strike, she tried to break through our defenses, but I blocked her attack and disarmed her, sending her lightsaber clattering to the ground.

"Who sent you?" I barked, holding my blade at her throat.

She glared at me, defiance in her eyes. "You think you've won? This is just the beginning."

Before I could press her further, she tried to bite down on something, but I stopped her, using the force to grab the bitches jaw and prop it open. I got that Jedi Seer foresight, after all.

"If you wanted to die assassin, all you had to do was ask."

My lips twisted into a broken smile. As I chopped her arms and legs off in one swing. The assassin lying on the ground screaming in agony as the look of a raw primordial fear washed over her face. A single tear ran down her cheek.

'Why am I smiling? Why does this feel so good?'

I cut her head off to end this confusion bubbling up within me. Sola's eyes bored into me with a strange mixture of surprise, excitement, and perhaps a tad bit of horror? I can't tell.

Sola placed a hand on my shoulder, her touch grounding me. "You probably should have let her live."

"She was going to find a way to kill herself no matter what. I simply killed her in the way I found befitting of someone who attacks my family."

I spoke with disdain for the party pooper assassin. Even if I went overboard, I'm glad she's dead.

"We'll find out who was behind this, Vex. Tonight was a warning, but it also showed our strength." Sola said this while rubbing my back.

I nodded, taking a deep breath to calm myself.

"You're right. We'll be ready for whatever comes next."

As we turned to make our way back, a crowd formed. Count Mar Tuah's eyes wide. He ran up to me.

"My goodness, what a show. Absolutely relentless, lad. You chopped her limbs off in a single swing."

He was positively delighted. He continued.

"My daughter, Hawk Tuah, is a year older than you. She will also be starting at Korriban this upcoming semester. She is my heir. I would like for you to consider taking her as your wife. If you do, you will become the Count of Thalassia."

The Count seemed surprised by his own offer but doubled down when he saw how confused I was.

"Vex, I'm serious."

I smiled. "I will.."

Right as I was responding, Sola grabbed my arm and whipped me behind her. Her face burned with anger.

"Count Tuah, It is disgraceful to pawn your daughter off on Vex here during his…." She looked at me with confusion and then back at the Count. "During his Bat Mitzvah"

I almost died laughing on the spot. I was cracking up behind Sola.

"Sola, I promise I meant no offense." The Count seems to recognize the difference and status and clearly does not want the smoke. "And a bart Mustafar? I'm not sure what that is?"

I butt in to save the day. "Ahh, sorry. It's a Bat Mitzvah. It's something I picked up from one of the Holocron guardians I used to talk with. It's allegedly an ancient Rakatan word for coming of age, so I've been referring to this party as that for me." I smiled innocently.

The Count laughed nervously while Sola was staring daggers through him.

"Coming of age indeed." He started backing away slowly. "Anyway congratulations, and please consider what I offered earlier."

Sola finally let go of me and we awkwardly made our way back to the grand hall, the celebration had resumed, albeit with a more subdued atmosphere. My mother approached us, her eyes narrowing as she took in the scene.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice low and dangerous.

"There was an assassination attempt," I replied. "But we stopped it."

She nodded, her expression hardening. "Good. We'll deal with the fallout later. For now, let's not let this ruin the evening."

I smiled at Mother, keeping the engagement request to myself. I really don't want to be politically married off for her plans.

The rest of the night passed in a blur of conversations and cautious glances. The tension was palpable, but the celebration continued. It was a reminder that in the world of the Sith, strength and appearances were everything.

As the night came to an end, I found myself alone with my low-key tipsy mother in one of the quieter rooms of the castle. She regarded me with a mixture of pride and warmth while also trying to hold in her laughter.

"They tried to cleanly and neatly poison themselves." Mother was giggling like a schoolgirl. And frankly, I felt mocked. "And you said "No way, you Nerf herder"" She mimed using a lightsaber. "And cut all her limbs off!" She died laughing.

I felt awkward. "They attacked our family by coming tonight," I spoke honestly.

Mother was beside herself with laughter. "SO YOU CUT ALL HER LIMBS OFF" She was practically rolling on the ground laughing. It was actually a bit contagious. I couldn't help but chuckle at how amusing she found it.

Mother then came over and hugged me incredibly tightly.

"Vex, You and are truly alike. The only thing in life that matters in life is this family. Never forget that. Please be more careful next time, though. I heard you didn't even break a sweat during your fight. Never underestimate your opponents. Always retaliate with overkill."

Her drunken words were laced with power. Indeed a formidable woman.

'Good going, Dad.'

"I know, Mother," I replied, my voice steady. "I'll be ready for whatever comes."

She nodded, her gaze softening again.

"Good. Now Vex leave mother be. She needs to find daddy and get her rocks off."

She scurried away like a bitch in heat.

"I know I should be grossed out, but low key, I think it's nice they're still intimate."

I smile briefly.

"Wait, no, what the f*ck?"

As I made my way to my room, I couldn't shake the feeling of a compounding unease. The night's events had revealed just how dangerous the world of the Sith could be. But it had also shown me the strength of my family and the bond I was forming with Sola.

'What if the voice in my head is right. Perhaps I could destroy the Sith order and replace it with just my family. To do it right I'd have to kill all the sith though.' I sign my head hurting from contemplation.

As I turned the corner I noticed Solas with a grim look on her face. She tightly hugged me close to her chest. I blushed as I could feel her close to me.

"Vex" She spoke with a reddened face "I desperately want you to know that whatever your future holds please don't ever stop looking my way."

'What the f*ck is happening. Ever since I stopped jerking off 4 times a day, the whole galaxy has fallen to sh*t.'

Sola's face got even redder.

"Sola, I'm not going anywhere. Plus, I'm gonna be student council vice president, remember?"

"Ahhh, yes. Of course. Well then I'll see you tomorrow when we go off world."

Sola scurried away. She seems into me now, but during the summer, she acted more like a sister. Women are a truly tricky puzzle that I've yet to solve within two lifetimes.

Chapter 12: Darth co*ckblock

Chapter Text

I realized today that I've never been off world today. I mean i knew that but, I kinda forgot about it you know? As our shuttle brought brought us from Ares II to Sola's personal Light Cruiser I see space for the first time. I stared out the window on the cruiser in awe.

'How is it possible I put off this for so long.'

"Vex sweety, you're crying." Sola used her thumb to wipe my tears. "Are you going to miss your mom?"

I can't stop staring out the window. I barely hear Sola's voice.

"Vex, darling, what's wrong? You're practically balling your eyes out."

I cry as I stare out the window. The sudden realization of how small i am in the universe as I look upon my homeworld of Ares II.

"It's so beautiful," I say.

Sola's eyes softened. "You've never been off-world, have you?"

I shake my head. "Ive had so many opportunities this past year but i've been so busy I just kept putting it off."

Sola held me from behind, but I was too focused on the window.

"It's okay to be sad. The first time for everyone can be different." Sola said as she held me tightly.

As Sola's words drifted into my ears, a mixture of emotions swirled within me. The vastness of space spread out before me, twinkling with distant stars and unknown possibilities. I couldn't tear my gaze away from the shimmering expanse, feeling both exhilarated and overwhelmed by the realization of how small my world on Ares II truly was in the grand scheme of the universe.

'Stop crying in front of the hot girl. Even if she makes you feel safe as she holds you.'

Sola's comforting embrace grounded me in that moment of awe and vulnerability. Her presence was a steady anchor in the sea of uncertainty that now surrounded me. Despite the tears that still lingered in my eyes, her touch brought a sense of solace, a reminder that I wasn't alone in this new experience. I blushed, finally realizing how she was touching me.

"It's breathtaking,"

I whispered, my voice barely above a hush as if afraid to disturb the fragile tranquility of the moment. The beauty of space seeped into my soul, stirring something deep within me that I couldn't quite articulate.

Sola's fingers gently brushed against my cheek, wiping away the remnants of tears as she stood beside me, sharing in the wonder of the cosmic tapestry beyond our ship. Her understanding gaze reflected a blend of empathy and silent encouragement, inviting me to embrace this unfamiliarity with an open heart.

'I wonder if she dated me, would she be willing to try wearing clown makeup? It's been a while since I've seen a sexy clown. Too long to be honest.'

As my head started feeling a little bit of a pang, Sola looked at me.

"I Feel kinda bad. Korriban is actually a lot more oppressive than Ares II is, hence why i've spent so much of my time over the last year with your family."

Sola's admission about the harsh nature of Korriban stirred a mix of empathy and concern within me. I turned to her, my eyes reflecting a newfound understanding of the weight she carried beneath her confident facade.

'Yeah, this girl would make me go f*cking wild if she put clown makeup on, for real for real. I'd be all over her. I gotta get this clussy dude, f*ck.'

It has been six days since the last time I blew rope. The toll it was taking on me was unimaginable. I quickly recompose myself.

"It must be challenging for you,"

I said softly, my voice colored with compassion.

Sola's expression softened, a flicker of gratitude shining in her gaze as she met my eyes. The unspoken connection between us deepened, weaving a thread of mutual respect and understanding that bound us together in unexpected ways. Her hand found mine, fingers intertwining in a gesture that felt both comforting and reassuring.

"I appreciate your understanding, Vex," Sola murmured, her tone sincere yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "It means more to me than you know."

As Sola's words hung in the air, a sudden shift in the atmosphere made my heart race. A familiar presence loomed behind us, and I turned to see my sister, Zenna, standing there with a combination of shock and disapproval clearly evident on her face.

"What is the meaning of this, Sola?"

Zenna's voice cut through the tranquil moment like a blade, her eyes narrowing as she took in the scene before her. The protective aura that always surrounded her intensified, creating an almost tangible barrier between Sola and I.

“Wait no Zenna, Its fine.”

Zenna brushed me off and didn’t even give me a chance. Sola straightened subtly, her hand slipping out of mine as she met Zenna's gaze with an unwavering composure.

"Zenna, we were just admiring the beauty of space together. Vex needed a moment of comfort," she explained calmly, though a spark of defiance glinted in her eyes. "He’s never been off-world. He was experiencing a moment that many of us have gone through before."

Zenna's expression remained stern, her features set in a mask of disapproval.

"I can't help but feel that you are exploiting my brother's vulnerability,"

Zenna stated bluntly, her tone leaving no room for argument. Her protectiveness flared like a blazing fire, shielding me from any perceived threat.

'Oh f*ck Zenna would probably look hot as a clown too.'

I shifted uncomfortably under my sister's scrutiny, torn between the conflicting emotions swirling within me. On the one hand, Zenna's concern for my well-being was a lit development compared to my old life. On the other hand, She kinda feels like a co*ck block. Out of nowhere, I see Sola crack up.

'She must have thought of a funny joke. I hate when I do that when I'm being scolded.'

I re-re-re-refocused my thoughts for the tenth time.

"Uhhhhh. oh yeah!" I look at Zenna. "Sola has been nothing but supportive and kind to me, Zenna. Who cares if she's hugging me? After your vacation together she's basically family anyways right?”

Sola starts laughing again. Immediately, I knew I f*cked up.

Zenna's eyes narrowed at Sola's laughter, her suspicion growing by the second. The tension in the air was palpable, like a storm brewing on the horizon, and I found myself caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirling between my sister and her best friend.

"Sola, this is no laughing matter," Zenna's voice held a steely edge, her protectiveness flaring up even more intensely. "I will not have you taking advantage of Vex's innocence."

Sola's laughter subsided, though a mischievous glint remained in her eyes as she composed herself. Despite the seriousness of the situation, a faint smile played on her lips, hinting at a hidden joke that only she seemed to understand.

"Zenna, I assure you, my intentions are pure," Sola replied, her voice steady yet laced with a hint of playfulness. "Vex and I were simply sharing a moment of camaraderie amidst the vastness of space. There is no need for suspicion."

"Why can't Sola steal my innocence?" I barked at Zenna and glared at her.


"God, you act as though I'm a little baby who doesn't want to get his rocks off!" I added.

Zenna's expression blunted slightly, a mix of shock and amusem*nt flickering across her face. Sola struggled to contain her laughter, her hand flying to her mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound. Despite the tension, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction seeing my usually composed sister caught off guard for once.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT," Zenna yelled, her voice laced with exasperation.

'Thank god this is Sola's private cruiser.'

"Zenna he was joking, please believe me we were not doing anything sus." Sola spoke out to Zenna as Zennas hyperventilating was getting worse.


"Sis, I took a bad joke too far. I'm sorry." I try to reel her back in. "How about you come sit next to me for the rest of the trip.

Zenna's eyes softened and her breathing returned to normal. She sat beside me and held my hand. Like a creepy sister…..

'Like a creepy sister with a tragic lack of clown paint on her face.'

"f*ck are clowns canon in legends!" I blurt out as I notice Sola walking away.

"What? Are clowns?" Zenna responded.



Sola's POV

I once again lay on a bed screaming into a pillow. This time, in my beautifully customized room, in the cruiser my father lent me to travel the galaxy.


'This boy, why are his thoughts so kriffing weird!'

Chapter 13: Fly me to the Moon.

Chapter Text

I stood silently in the massive assembly hall, surrounded by a gaggle of other young Sith dressed in formal robes. All eyes were focused attentively on the imposing figure at the front - the Duke of Korriban. His deep, authoritative voice echoed through the cavernous room as he delivered the ceremonial speech to our entering class.

"You are the elite, handpicked from across the galaxy to train in the illustrious Sith Academy," he proclaimed with Gusto. "It is here you will unlock your full potential and ascend to greatness. The Republic and their Jedi allies are a plague that seeks to restrain true power - but we will crush them!"

A wave of cheers and applause erupted from the students around me. I remained still, keeping my expression neutral.

'You're all morons. You're all so weak-minded. You don't even see how this school was designed to coddle us, do you.'

Korriban has changed a lot since the times of the old Republic. Its now separated into two distinct schools. Upper academy and Lower academy.

The Upper Korriban academy, reserved solely for the offspring of nobility and the elite, stood as a disgusting megastructure. A single gigantic tower

pompously lording over the Valley of the Dark Lords. The Lower Korriban Academy was everything Korriban was and should continue to be. It was exactly how it looked in The Old Republic. Sandy, tombs everywhere, and best of all, completely f*cking cutthroat. All non-noble Force, sensitive potential Sith were dumped into there.

'I have to assume that kind of environment makes stronger Sith than this disgusting anime college megastructure? Right?'

My eyes scanned the grand hall where the Duke was talking to all the Sith of nobility, taking in the ancient statues and artifacts depicting great Sith victories. So much violent history.

'Hype as f*ck’

The Duke's speech droned on, extolling the virtue of Sith teachings. My mind wandered, thoughts drifting all over the place.

'Is Kanye still alive? I've been here for 14 years. That guy always made me wonder if he'd kill himself. Or maybe he's president? hmmm.'

As the Duke concluded his Mid as f*ck speech, the Sith around me clapped.

"You are the future of the Sith Order. Wield your power without mercy. Bring honor to your houses. And remember, through victory, your chains are broken!"

The students erupted again, fueled by his words. I also started clapping because the Sith code is unironically a banger and hype as f*ck.


Apparently, the way upper Korriban works is that every student is ranked. The higher your rank, the better you and your house are seen to be. My sister in her class was Ranked 1. Sola was ranked 2, just behind her. Right now, I'm in line to force-push one of our professors as some sort of test. He's a big fat guy. He seems nice enough, except for the weird sh*t he keeps saying.

"Come on, push me to the moon! I want to go flying to the moon, you little puddles of Jedi Cum!"

'Lot to unpack with that one.'

I'm around 8th in line waiting to force-push this dude. I guess this is part of determining our rank but its so stupid.

I take a deep breath and focus my energy as I step up for my turn. The professor taunts me again with his weird words.

"Oh looky, the little baby boy thinks he's gonna ragdoll me."

No one laughs as I try to tune him out. I raise my hand, feeling the currents of power flow through my body.

'Let's just limit myself to only the full strength of the Sith Warrior. I'd hate to accidentally kill a teacher on the first day. It'd be so awkward.

With a swift motion, I unleash a half-hearted Force push towards the professor.

To the horror of the class, I completely misjudge my own strength. The wave of force energy barrels into the professor with the fury of a wrecking ball. His body is flown backward, smashing into the durasteel wall of the academy hall with a sickening crunch. His body sloppily left a trail of blood as it slowly slid down the wall. His body crumpled as it reached the floor. Just a pile of gore surrounded by a pool of blood. The other students gasped and stared in shock.

"Hey! Don't be dicks I tried not to do that."

I stand there awkwardly as the other students stare at me in disbelief. I didn't mean to completely obliterate the professor. I was trying to hold back, but I guess I don't know my own strength.

"Look fine, this one's my bad, alright guys."

I state that I am simply trying to take responsibility but also kinda not.

The pool of blood slowly spreads across the floor. Some of the other students look like they are about to be sick. I probably should feel some remorse for turning the professor into a pile of gore, but thanks to my Momma, I don't feel anything at all. Oh well.

'Turn all sith here into a pile of blood. Bathe in a monument of your godhood.' my pet schizophrenia rears its cute head in the back of my mind.

'Nah king, not today.'

I bark back at my edgy dark side. The blood of my enemies would be terrible lube.

Just then, Lord Elama, another teacher at the academy, comes rushing over. I brace myself for an awkward lecture about using restraint, but instead, she smiles at me.

"Excellent work, Vex! You demonstrated tremendous power today. The other students could learn a thing or two from you about drawing on your emotions to fuel the Force," she says.

I blink in surprise. Guess the Sith aren't big on mercy or restraint. Lord Elama gestures for some custodial droids to come clean up the mess I made of the former professor. She then turns back to address the rest of the students.

"Let this be a lesson to you all. Passion and power are the ways of the Sith! Vex has embraced that today."

One of the students pukes at the continued site of the mound of carnage. Other students murmur nervously. I stand up a little straighter, trying to look pleased with myself instead of mildly annoyed at my lack of control. 'Oh well, I'm sure I'll get the hang of this whole Sith thing eventually.'


Next is mock saber duals. Of the group of around 100 noble sith im with. My group was only 20. But they were all terrified of me. Lord Elama who at this point told me she'll be my home room teacher was unhappy as I stood in the Mock battle arena.

Lord Elama stands at the edge of the training arena, her piercing gaze fixed on the hesitant students gathered before her. Though they try to avoid meeting her stare, their unease is palpable.

"Well?" Elama demands, her voice sharp. "Who among you has the courage to face Vex in combat?"

The students shift uncomfortably, eyes darting around the room, but none step forward. Elama's expression hardens.

"Cowardice ill becomes those training to be Sith," she admonishes. "Power is achieved through testing one's limits, not shying away from challenge."

Still, the students remain silent, fearfulness rolling off them in waves. I feel kinda guilty.

'How the f*ck am I supposed to make friends if they're all terrified of me?'

Elama's lip curls in contempt. "If none of you have the backbone to duel Vex, even with training sabers, then you are not worthy of being here."

Elama's impaling gaze sweeps over the silent, trembling students. Her anger had an aura unto itself, seeming to charge the very air around her.

"Pathetic," she hisses. "Is this what the future of the Sith has to offer? Weaklings and cowards, too afraid to test their strength?"

'I wonder if they have a Burger King in the cafeteria?'

The students flinch under her verbal lashing, shame and resentment burning in their downcast eyes. But still, not one steps forward to challenge me. Lord Elama shakes her head in disgust.

"Vex has already proven himself stronger than the lot of you combined. He killed Lord Revos in a fair duel, and that is only because Revos dared to test him."

'Fair? He asked to go to the moon. I simply obliged him.'

I shift awkwardly at the extremely recent memory. Elama seems determined to use the incident to put me on a pedestal above the others. Elama gestures sharply, her robes swirling around her, showing off her fat udders.

"Get out. All of you. I can see there will be no progress made here today. Return when you find some shred of courage...if you ever do."

The students scramble from the arena, relief mixing with simmering envy and fear as they give me a wide berth. Soon, only Elama and I remain.

She turns to me, expression softening.

"Do not mind them, Vex. Jealousy is the nature of the weak. You will outrank them all soon enough. Of that, I have no doubt. Actually, because they all turned your challenge down, technically, that means you defeated 19 Acolytes."

Elama chuckled with a look of exhausted anger.

"It seems youll be ranked number one for sure due to your achievments today. Youre parents will be proud."

I nod, unease still twisting within me. I never wanted to stand out like this. But it seems I have no choice...the power within me demands to be unleashed, no matter the cost.


Sola's POV

I make my way swiftly through the academy halls, the click of my heels echoing off the ancient stone. Other acolytes and instructors step aside, bowing their heads as I pass. Power and status command respect here, and as the daughter of Korriban's ruler, I have both in spades.

Approaching the carved obsidian doors to my father's study, I pause to collect myself. As both his child and his heir, I must tread carefully in these conversations. Information is the currency of the Sith, and I found a goldmine.

The doors slide open at my approach. Inside, Father sits at an elegant desk, scanning reports from across the Sith territories. He does not look up as I enter.

"Father. I come with news of the boy."

At this, he sets down the datapad, leaning back in his chair to fix me with an intense gaze. His eyes remind me of sharpened blades.

"Speak, daughter."

I fold my hands demurely before me, the picture of Sith restraint.

"He is powerful in the Force, beyond anything I have sensed before. After only half a day of training, he already mistakenly killed one of his teachers. His fellow Acolytes were too afraid of sparring with him after that. Lord Elama bluntly stated to me that he was already ranked number one during this trial period.

The Duke's expression does not change, but I sense a ripple in the Force around him. Anticipation. Ambition.

'Father was never good at hiding his emotions from me."

"This is most promising," he says finally. "Continue to watch over the boy. Guide him, and he will make a fine consort for you someday." His mouth curls into a smile. "And for the love of the empress, please stay close to the boy's sister as well. Your mother said her sister is someone we should be very eager not to make an enemy out of."

I bow in acquiescence. "Your will, my lord."

As I turn to leave, the Duke calls out once more. "Do not fail me in this, daughter. The potential of this child could shift the tides of our order."

My mouth twists into a smile confidently. "I know."

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Blonde Siths have more fun.

Chapter Text

As I was walking to the elevator, I heard some commotion.

"Look, it's out of my hands. Because you enrolled so late, the Duke wants proof of loyalty to Sith, alright?"

I see a tired man pleading with a cute blonde Acolyte. He looks so fed up with her. Poor guy.

"I understand that part." The blonde girl speaks with confidence but then falters. "But why must it be a slave. Perhaps a criminal."

I notice a slave on their knees. A dead look in their eyes. They've clearly resigned to their faith.

I pause as I approach, watching the scene unfold from the shadows. The blonde Sith stands firm even as the instructor's frustration mounts.

"It must be a slave because the Duke demands complete submission," the teacher hisses. "A criminal may fight back, may plead for mercy, plus they're inherently deserving of justice. A slave knows only obedience. An innocent child, by contrast. We can only accept you if you kill this innocent slave."

He shoves the motionless slave forward, placing a lightsaber in The blonde's reluctant hand.

"Prove yourself now, or leave this academy forever."

The blonde Sith hesitates, the glowing blade hovering inches from the slave's bowed head.

'What is with her hesitation? Should I help her?'

I feel the Force flowing through me as I focus my attention on the blonde Sith's arm. I can sense her inner conflict, her desire to prove herself colliding with an impulse to show mercy. With a subtle gesture, I use the Force to guide her hand, and the ignited lightsaber strikes true, ending the slave's life in an instant.

'There's my good deed for the day.'

The blonde Sith gasps, startled by the sudden motion. She stares at the body crumpled at her feet, then turns to look with confusion at the teacher. He smiles, pleased by what he believes to be her ruthless action.

"Well done, Acolyte," he says. "You have proven yourself worthy of being Sith. The Duke will be pleased by this show of loyalty."

I release my hold on the Force, allowing the blonde Sith control once more. Horror creeps into her eyes as understanding dawns. She did not choose to swing that blade. Her gaze darts around the shadowy edges of the room and, for a moment, lands on me, though I quickly obscure myself from view.

The teacher dismisses his new pupil, who exits with a haunted expression. As soon as she is gone, he turns to the remaining slaves.

"Remove this mess," he commands. They silently comply, indifferent to the loss of one of their own. The teacher strides away, satisfied.

I let out a long breath. By intervening, I spared the blonde Sith from committing an act that may have destroyed her spirit. Yet I also robbed her of choice in the matter.

I follow the blonde Sith from a distance as she exits the training hall, her hurried steps echoing down the dark corridor. She glances back nervously as if sensing my presence, though I remain cloaked in shadow. After a few twists and turns, she ducks into an empty meditation chamber.

I wait a moment before entering behind her. She whirls around, igniting her lightsaber in a defensive stance. Her eyes widen in recognition.

"It was you, wasn't it?" she demands. "You used the Force against me back there."

"Yeah." I smile kindly. Maybe this is my chance to make my first friend in Korriban. "I wanted to help you out."

She scoffs. "And who are you to decide that?"

"Someone who wants to be your friend," I reply gently.

She scrutinizes me a moment before deactivating her blade. Her shoulders slump as the initial adrenaline of fury fades.

"Why did you intervene?" she asks quietly.

"He would have killed you," I speak in a confused tone.

'Surely she must know Sith do not f*ck around if they are too afraid to find out?'

The blonde Sith lets out a weary sigh.

"You're right. He would have killed me if you hadn't stepped in. I...I should thank you for that."

Her words come out reluctantly as she struggles to show gratitude in this den of backstabbing Sith.

I give her a reassuring nod. "There's no need to thank me. I'm not like the others here."

She studies me for a moment as if trying to discern my motives. "Then who are you? I don't think I've seen you around before."

"My name is Vex Eras," I reply. "I'm new to the Academy. Still finding my way, I suppose."

"Vex..." she repeats softly. A flicker of understanding passes over her face. Her eyes then go wide.

"You're Zenna Eras's Sister!."

I shift uncomfortably, the mention of my sister "I am," I say simply, meeting her gaze.

She tilts her head, curious rather than judgmental. "Yet you intervened today not for your own gain but for mine. That is...unexpected here."

"I accidentally killed one of the professors earlier." I shrug. "I'm nervous that I'll have bad karma, plus you seemed nice." I shrug again

The blonde Sith studies me for a long moment, perhaps sensing.

"Well, Vex, it seems we both walk a fine line here." She extends a hand tentatively. "But thank you again for today. I'm Jaeall, by the way."

I smile

'Finally, I made a new friend!'

"Can you introduce me to your sister when you get a chance, I'm a huge fan as a first year. I heard her lightsaber skills are out of this world."

I sigh

'She's just using me after all, Tragic'

"Yeah, that's fine."


I lead Jaeall through the winding halls of the Sith Tower, the cold durasteel floors echoing our footsteps. Turning a corner, I pause outside an imposing door bearing the crest of House Eras, my family's noble house. This is one of the entrences into the Student council dorms. Actually dorm room is right near hers too so this is convenient.

"This is my sister's chamber,"

I say, suddenly nervous. What will Zenna think when I show up with an unknown girl in tow? She's always been overprotective.

Jaeall gives me an encouraging smile. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be happy you've made a new friend."

'Hah,' I laugh inwardly.

I take a deep breath and knock sharply on the door. After a moment, it hisses open, and Zenna stands framed in the doorway, her piercing gaze flickering between Jaeall and me.

"Brother, I see you've brought a guest," she says coolly.

"Yes, this is Jaeall. She's a new acolyte and wanted to meet you. Jaeall, this is my sister, Zenna."

Jaeall inclines her head respectfully. "It's an honor, Lady Eras. Your brother speaks very highly of your skills with a lightsaber. I hope to train with you someday."

'Literally lies, I did not say sh*t. Fake ass blonde bimbo.'

Zenna's eyes narrow, but she maintains an outwardly polite demeanor. "Perhaps. I am selective with those I train, but any friend of my brother is...welcome." The word sounds forced, but she steps back and gestures for us to enter.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief as we crossed the threshold into Zenna's private chambers. That could have gone much worse.

'Don't jinx it.'

Zenna motions for us to sit at the elegant table in the center of the room. Her chambers reflect her noble status, adorned with lavish furnishings. Truly becoming of an heir of nobility. As we take our seats, a service droid brings three glasses of wine.

"Zenna, I'm 14."



"Sorry Zenna i just…." I awkwardly trail off and take a sip of the wine. It tastes bitter.

"Now, Jaeall, what brings you to our academy?" Zenna asks, her tone polite yet probing.

Jaeall meets her gaze evenly. "To learn the ways of the Force and prove myself, my lady. I aim to become a great Sith."

Zenna studies her for a long moment. "Ambition is good. But not all are destined for true power." Her voice hardens slightly. "Especially those who would seek to manipulate and scheme for their own ends."

Jaeall's eyes widen slightly. "I assure you, my lady, I am here with no hidden agenda. Only to walk the path before me." Jaeall starts sweating as if she's been caught in some lie. I keep sipping on wine, pretending im in game of thrones.

Zenna stands abruptly, her robes swirling around her. "My brother is young and naive. I tolerate your interest in him for now. But if you seek to turn him from his destiny, I will end you."

I sigh

'I wasn't even trying to f*ck this one, Sis.'

Her hand drifts to the lightsaber at her belt. The threat hangs heavy in the air between them. Jaeall looks stunned, shaking her head in protest. "Lady Eras, you misunderstand, that was never my-"

"You are not worthy of him," Zenna hisses. "Leave this place and do not return."

Jaeall stands slowly, confusion and fear in her eyes. She glances at me pleadingly before fleeing the chambers. I sit frozen, heart pounding. I mouth out the words "sorry" as I turn back to Zenna. Zenna's gaze returns to me. Her expression softens slightly.

"It is for your own good, brother. She would only hold you back from your potential."

I stare at her wordlessly. Her protectiveness wars with my sense of big horny, leaving me conflicted. The door hisses shut, and I am left alone with my sister once more. I stare at her with a somber look.

"Is Sola worthy?"

Zenna frowns and sighs.

"She's not unworthy, I guess."

'That is a win no matter how you cut it.'


Jaeall's POV

As I sit at my desk fiddiling with a spcial communicator given to me by my master I cant help but feel annoyed.

[Please repeat, the transmission broke up earlier.]

"I said I made contact with the girl connected to Darth Relic. I met her brother through pure happenstance."

A pang of guilt washes over me as I recall the dead slave.

[Have you become friends with the girl?]

I sigh.

"She thought I was trying to seduce her brother, so she already hates me."

The voice on the other side pauses.

[Uhhh, okay. uhhhh. We really need to turn This relic sith at all costs. Please keep trying. At the very least, stay close to the brother. From our reports, he mostly just stays inside ……… doing uhhhhh… something.]

'What is with his hesitation'

"What does he do when he's alone? I don't understand."

The voice on the other end sighs.

[He masturbat*s, like a lot.]

My face blushes a crimson red.

'What does a lot even mean here?'


Chapter 15: Slugging it out in the Huttball court.

Chapter Text

The baroness Hela Eras, My mother, sits in front of me with her legs crossed. Her usual composed demeanor has faltered, but she still attempts to maintain a facade of confidence.

'She was here in the living room when I woke up today. Is she here about the teacher I killed last week?'

"Vex, about the rebel groups on Ares II you spent last year rooting out." Mother sighs. "We've tied them back to four specific Sith families."

'I sigh, hyped not to be in trouble.'

"Treachery among the Sith? Who would have thought?" I nervously joked.

"You don't understand. If one house wanted to take us down, maybe it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But for four. That implies the Empress is allowing it. I don't know what their goal is yet. All of them have children here, though. And I don't think they quite know what a monster you are yet."

I nod, trying to read between the lines.

"You wish me to kill the children?" I speak emotionlessly. If so, this would be an easy job.

"I want you to intimidate them, maybe kill some of their spares if they have any."

I sit there nodding, thinking about how to maintain safety for my family.

"If I do this, will our family be safe?"

"No, honey." My mother sighs with a frown. "Until the Jedi order and Sith order destroy themselves, our family will never truly be safe."

I start running numbers in my head.

'How did Bane do it again? That's right, Thought the bomb.'

"Mother, how many Sith and Jedi live right now?"

She scoffs at me for taking her words literally, "Vex you can't be serious. Between the orders? I don't know, maybe five to seven thousand each."

'That sure is a lot.'

"Give me the family names, and I'll look into it immediately," I say calmly.

She hands me a data pad with the names. I write them down on my own data pad.

Duke Kesyk, Viscountess Zapal, Baron Halcorr, and Baron Dragir

"Duke Kesyk, The Duke of the Artus system. He is likely the one in charge of this. He has made a fortune out of mining crystals on Artus Prime. Whatever you do, Vex, none of this can get back to us. Use that cute little superhero outfit of yours to handle it, okay?"

'Darth Relic is assuredly not a hero, Mom!'

"Understood." I nod. "I will start working on this."

"Don't rush it, Vex. The Duke's Daughter isn't dim-witted."

I nod again.

"I brought your ship with me. I registered it undercover, so it won't be tied to our family. It's in the dock here, though."

My face perks up into a smile.

"Thanks, Mom."

She laughs

"Of course." She lazily stands up. "Try not to include your sister if you don't have to in this, but if you do need the help, I'd rather you call upon her than end up dead in a ditch."

Mother heads for the door. As fast as she came, she just headed back out. "Goodbye, for now, son."

She blows me a kiss and leaves.

"Oh, and great job killing your teacher and getting ranked top in your class in the first week." She laughed as the door closed behind her.

I cringe internally as I pull up my datapad and write a new document to share ideas.

'How to kill the Jedi and the Sith?'

Order 66? That was a great purge but way outside the scope of my abilities.

"f*ck. Where do I even begin with a goal like this?"

'I ponder for a moment until I remember the mission my mother just gave me.'

"f*ck it, let's just start with one of those Barons kids for now."


I asked around and eventually ended up in a huttball court. Fully dawning the Darth Relic attire.

'This is so f*cking stupid, Relic takes the f*cking elevator? To a f*cking Make shift basketball court? What the f*ck.'

I see three guys leaning over a girl on the ground.

"We just want to show you a good time."

They cackle, their laughter echoing off the grimy walls of the huttball court. The girl on the ground trembles, her eyes wide with terror. I recognize her as Jaeall. It seems she's found herself in quite a predicament.

One of the guys, the son of Baron Dragir, looms over her, a cruel grin twisting his lips. His cronies flank him, leering at Jaeall like she's their next meal. "Come on, sweetheart. You know you want it," he sneers, his voice dripping with malice.

'Oh wow, this is so tropeish.'

Jaeall's body tenses, her fear palpable. She tries to scoot away, but Dragir's son grabs her arm, his fingers digging into her flesh. The other two close in, their laughter growing louder as they anticipate her submission.

I watch in confusion as the situation unfolds.

"I don't really want to play hero…. But it'd be awkward if my friend was raped."

I sigh as I prepare myself. Dragir's son leans in close, his breath hot against Jaeall's cheek. "Baby, I want to piss inside your puss*." he hisses, his words a promise of pain and humiliation.

'Woah, what the f*ck?

The air around me crackles with dark energy, none of it my own. If it was someone I didn't know I'd probably just let it go. But Jaeall is technically my friend i think! The Force surges through my veins.

'I am power.'

I feel the Force swell within me, its power coursing through my body. With a flick of my wrist, I direct it towards Dragir's lecherous son, enveloping him in an invisible grip and wrenching him away from Jaeall. He cries out in shock as he's flung backward, slamming hard against the corridor wall. His cronies stare wide-eyed, stunned by this unexpected display.

Jaeall recoils, her eyes darting around in bewilderment. Stepping forward, I address the group through my mask.

"I suggest you try to rape someone else. The lady is under my protection."

Dragir's son staggers to his feet, rubbing his head. His bravado is gone, replaced with disbelief and rage at being shown up.

"Who do you think you are?" He spits.

I smile behind my mask. Loving how bullies like this are real in this world. With a slight nod, I use the Force to pin him against the wall once more. His friends backed away nervously.

"Someone you don't want to cross," I reply smoothly. "I am Darth Relic. I am here to cull the weak Sith."

Jaeall looks at me with wide eyes as if she found something.

"Now run along, little boys. And if you ever bother this woman again..."

I release another pulse of Force energy, making them quake. It seems they get the message as they scurry out of the court. I go help up Jaeall until i hear one of Dragir's underlings.

"Boss, let it go. We have bigger fish to fry. You said you wanted to try and flex your power and Rape that Zenna girl, right?'

I drop Jaeall's hand, causing her to fall back onto her butt. Her face was surprised. Behind my mask, I am seething. With no hesitation, I ignite my blade.

"WHAT THE f*ck DID YOU JUST SAY!" I scream at the cronies.

"Hey, hey, you said we could rape anyone else!" Dragir barks back.

Before he can blink, I've decapitated his friends. I stare at him through the mask. Emanating a hateful aura so wicked Jaeall is shaking behind me.

With Force-enhanced speed, I leap forward and plunge my crimson blade deep into his chest. He cries out in agony as the plasma melts through flesh and bone. I slowly twist the blade, relishing his torment.

Dragir's son crumples to the ground, grasping the smoking hole in his torso. He looks up at me pleadingly, but I have no mercy for those who would defile my family.

"Please, I'm sorry, have mercy..." he gasps weakly.

"You're already dead."

With a swift slash, I decapitate him. His head rolls away as his body slumps lifelessly to the ground. I extinguish my lightsaber and turn to see Jaeall horrified. I'm still shaking from the anger.

"Get out of here," I barked her way.

"What….. But you saved me?" She was confused.

"I need to do something you wouldn't like."

"Relic… I," she hesitates.

I start to force-lift all the bodies and impale them onto the rafters to display them. Jaeall Screams in disgust.

"What are you doing!"

'Shut the f*ck up, god.'

"I need everyone to know who did this. It's the proper way."

I use the Force to collect some of the leftover entrails and write a message on the wall.

The Culling of the Weak Sith has begun. - Darth Relic.

I don't get very creative, so I'm basically repeating what I stated earlier. I sigh as the adrenaline starts to wear off.

"Have you…. Have you ever considered becoming a Jedi?"

"Jaeall, What the f*ck are you talking about?" I respond with confusion as I drop the entrails from the wall.

"You know my name." She shakes in fear.

'Why is she so scared?'


"I've only introduced myself to a handful of teachers and one student, though?" I'm still fearful.

'She just decided to make this complicated for no reason.'

I ignite my lightsaber. This time, I was not thrilled.


"Who do you think I am?"

Jaeall pisses herself.


'She's lying, but I really don't want to kill her.'

I stand over her with my saber out. Looking through her.


'Clever, mutually assured destruction.'

"Continue," I speak softly, saber still in hand.

"I….I.." She sighs and composes herself, looking down. "I am actually a Jedi padawan sent to turn you."

"That's stupid." I muse. "The Jedi would never take someone my age?"

"They think you're strong enough to turn the tides of the whole war," Jaeall says.

"What the f*ck?"

I groan stupified with the arrogance of the Jedi. More annoyed than ever, yet satisfied that she won't snitch on me I put my saber away.

"Just get out of my site for now. I cant stand the idea of dealing with you right now."

I point to her as she starts fearfully walking away, the smell of her disgusting piss filling the air.

"Do not go near my sister or Sola from now on!" I utter, ending our encounter.

It appears I have made quite a mess today.

"Whoops." I do a big stretch before heading back to my room.

Chapter 16: The Darth Side of the Moon

Chapter Text

The classroom was filled with other students, most wearing expensive robes and regarding me with curiosity and suspicion. I did my best to stand tall and look confident as I took my seat. This was the advanced class on Sith philosophy and history, taught by the renowned Professor Elama. I had heard she was brilliant but could be extremely demanding of her pupils.

'After the enrollment trials, though, I'm pretty sure she likes me.'

A hush fell over the class as Professor Elama swept into the room, her black robes flowing behind her. Though not physically imposing, she had an undeniable presence that immediately commanded respect. Her piercing eyes scanned the room before settling on me for a moment.

"Welcome to Sith Philosophies, young Lords and Ladies," she began, her voice smooth yet firm. "I expect you all to devote yourselves fully to this class. Sith teachings are the bedrock upon which our society is built."

'This is some dark Hogwarts sh*t.'

She launched into a lecture on the early origins of the Sith Order, delving into ancient texts and belief systems. I found myself drawn in, impressed by her deep knowledge and skill at bringing history to life. The time seemed to fly by.

Professor Elama paused her lecture and turned to face the class. "Now, we come to one of the most controversial and mythical beliefs in Sith legend - the prophecy of the Sith'ari."

'Damn, I forgot about the Sith'ari'

The room grew deathly silent. I leaned forward in my seat, intrigued to learn more about this mysterious prophecy.

"The Sith'ari is said to be a perfect being, one who will rise through the ranks and bring about both the destruction and renewal of the Sith Order," Professor Elama explained. "Ancient texts prophesied that the Sith'ari will lead the Sith and destroy them - but in doing so, make them more powerful than ever before."

Murmurs rippled through the class as we absorbed this information. The prophecy seemed contradictory - how could destroying the Sith make them stronger?

'f*cking weak-minded fools. Clearly never read the Bane trilogy.' I clicked my tongue at the phonies.

Professor Elama raised a hand for silence.

"Some believe the Sith'ari will act as a catalyst, burning away dogmatic limitations and pushing the Sith to evolve beyond their worst nature. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, the Sith would emerge reborn under the Sith'ari's guidance."

Her words painted a vivid picture in my mind. I imagined a powerful figure rising up and revolutionizing the Sith Order. It was a compelling idea.

'Man, what I would give to talk to Bane just to pick his brain.'

"Of course, there are many who dismiss the prophecy as mere legend," Professor Elama continued. "But the allure persists. To this day, many Sith hold out hope that the Sith'ari will appear and usher in a new era of power and glory."

She gazed around the room as if weighing our potential. Her eyes landed on me and stayed there for far longer than I was comfortable with. Her lips twisted into a beautiful smile.

When the lesson ended, I gathered my things only to hear Professor Elama call my name. I tensed, wondering if I had already managed to disappoint her on the first day.

"Walk with me, young Eras," she instructed. As we left the hall, she regarded me with a measuring look. "I knew your father many years ago. He was...unconventional in his beliefs. I trust you will have a more open mind?"

I wasn't sure how to respond. She seemed to sense my hesitation. "There is great potential in you, I think. But you will never unlock it if you close yourself off to what we can teach you here. Consider that, young Eras."

"Professor Elamas, I have no intention of….."

Sola yanked my arm as I was speaking to Professor Elama, pulling me away mid-sentence.

"We need to go. Now,"

she said firmly, urgency in her voice. Professor Elama raised an eyebrow but said nothing as Sola dragged me down the hall.

"What are you doing?" I protested when we were out of Earshot. "That was incredibly rude."

Sola whirled on me, eyes blazing. "That woman is dangerous, Vex. You can't trust her honeyed words and false warmth. She's manipulating you."

I blinked in surprise. Sola had always been a straight shooter with me But this seemed more of a Zenna move.

"Manipulating me? We've barely spoken. Why are you so convinced she has ulterior motives?"

Sola's face softened, her hand coming up to cup my cheek affectionately.

"Because she sees your potential, my bright star. And there are those here who would try to sway you, to dim your light before it has a chance to truly shine."

'Pot calling the kettle black, eh?'

Sola smirked as she stared into my eyes more. I nodded slowly, knowing she only wanted to protect me. Perhaps she was being overzealous, but her concern came from a place of love.

"Come, we're expected at the council chamber," she said, linking her arm through mine. I let her lead me away, touched by her fierce devotion.

Sola and I made our way through the labyrinthine halls of the Sith tower, the cold durasteel seeming to absorb all sound around us. Sola's presence was a comforting warmth at my side, her arm looped through mine an anchor amidst the disgusting eye sore that was upper Korriban.

As we drew closer to the council chamber, I felt a nervous energy take hold of my core. I had learned how to kill, and I even learned to enjoy it. Yet being a part of a student council feels like it'll be a challenge to someone who sucks at making new friends. Sola gave my arm a reassuring squeeze as if sensing my doubts.

'She's always so quick to sense my mood. She must be an empath.'

Finally, we arrived. A pair of massive doors loomed before us, etched with archaic symbols. With a wave of her hand, Sola sent them grinding open, the durasteel doors rumbling against the floor. As we stepped inside, Zenna was already there, standing tall and proud beside her seat.

Her face lit up when she saw us, a smile breaking through her normally stern expression.

"Brother, I'm pleased you could join us. There is much to discuss."

I met her gaze, seeing past the harsh exterior she wore like armor to the sister who had always supported me, believed in me, and, more than that, the sister who saved me from my wet nurse.

'I scowled at the bitter memory. Zenna just had to butt in! I miss you every day, Rinka. May Santa have mercy on your soul as you sip champagne on the beaches of……..'

Sola tapped my shoulder with an annoyed look, ripping me from the past.

"Why must you spend all your time daydreaming Vex."

"True…. Hey, what does the Student Council even do here."

"Mostly just policing the students," Zenna spoke up.

"Like killing them?" I questioned

"Intimidating them," Sola spoke bluntly. Unamused with my question. "However, due to yesterday's brutal murder, our first task is to find this alleged Darth Relic and bring him to justice for an unsanctioned murder."

Zenna's eyes lit up like a life day tree.

"I nearly came when I saw the carnage my darling left for me on the Huttball court. And his beautiful note written for me to see." Zenna lost herself in a creepy delusion.

'On second thought, she would be like a pennywise clown girl. I do not f*ck with scary clown girls.'

"Are we really going to try and track down Darth Relic?" I sigh annoyed im going to have to pretend to investigate a batman rip off.

Sola stares at me for a second, clearly trying to hold in a laugh.

"I mean, look at your dear sister; she is dying to know, isn't she?" Sola laughs.

"Even if we try to bring him to justice, he'll kill us." I counter

"Vex, have faith in my stalker. He's a good man, and he would never kill us." Zenna threw out the boldest remark I've heard today, and Sola just nodded her head in agreement. Sola's eyes stare into me. She smiles wide like she knows something.

'Did Jaeall tell her I'm Darth Relic? Nah no way.'

Sola's face twitches, and she shifts her eyes to her data pad.

'Did she get a message?'

"Where can we even start the investigation?" I ask

Sola seems to take a minute to breathe in and out for a second. Before lobbing a whole new bomb at me.

"Vex, I heard you walking around with some hussy the other day? Lady Jaeall, was it?"

"Oh, the Blonde bimbo?" Zenna's trance broke, and she started lore dumping onto Sola. "That blonde cow whor*! She just wants good seed!"

"Jesus Christ, Zenna!"

Zenna stared at me.


"What do you mean what?" I spoke back at Zenna.

"Jesus Christ?"

"Ughhhhhh," I just sat there, lost. How could I even come back from this?

Sola interrupts this insane back and forth.

"Is she your girlfriend Vex?"

"Jaeall? No, no, not at all. I just helped her out."

Sola's hands tensed into a fist. "Helped her!" Sola Barked out. Her eyes narrowed, unsatisfied with my answer. "Then what do you know about her?"

"Literally nothing, actually," I speak

'Only that she's a Jedi undercover.'

Sola's desk creeks as she slams her fist down. Her brow twisted into an otherworldly anger.

'Maybe if all the Sith were like her, I wouldn't have to purge them all. f*ck do I have to kill Sola too? Nah, I'll just lump her in with family for now.'

Sola narrowed her eyes at me, studying my grimace.

"Well, I'm glad she means nothing to you. Girls like her are always vying for male attention. It's pathetic, really."

I resisted the urge to smile. Sola's jealousy was endearing, though completely unwarranted. I was happy to put the subject of Jaeall to rest. Sola was the only girl I cared about impressing, though I could never admit that out loud.

Sola stared at my hand for a second before turning away.

"Regardless. Go accompany your sister to find clues about Darth Relic. I have paperwork to attend to here."

I smile and follow Zenna's lead.

"You got it, Ms. President."


Sola's POV

Zenna and Vex's conversation echoes into the room as they travel down the hall.

"So, Is Jesus like an Exar kun type?"

"Ummmm, kinda, I guess."

Once they're finally out of Earshot, I use the Force to Slam the Door shut.


My face is beat red.

"To think the Sith'ari would rise up during my lifetime." I sit down and rest my head on my newly dented desk. "Well, Vex, if that's what you want, then I guess I'll start trying to figure out what that even looks like." I sigh. "And he confirmed Jaeall was a Jedi after all," I scoff. "To think one of the professors swore up and down she couldn't be if she was so willing to kill a slave." I sigh again. "But she knows Vex's secret. I'll have to be careful with her."

I carefully think about my problems.

"I'm going to have to teach Vex how to put up mental defenses soon. As great as it is to catch his stray thoughts, it leaves him wide open for mental attacks. It seems to be his only weakness that no one has noticed yet." I frown. "Still, It'll be such a bitter defeat to lose his constant narration. But Darth Relic will need this power if he is to become the Sith'ari."

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Purple Rain of Pain

Chapter Text

Since classes started, it's gone well. They are on a weird 5 day week here in the Galaxy far, far away. Primeday, Centaxday, Taungsday, Zhellday, Benduday. Primeday, Taungsday, Benduday we'd spend in class doing lectures. Centaxday and Zhellday were for sparring and training. As of yet no one wanted to spar with me so lately I've just been swinging my training Saber in the air for a few hours and then trying to make friends.

My classmates looked at me with contempt, and Jaella, ranked 25, dead last in our top-tier Sith class, wouldn't even come near me since she found out my little secret.

Today was Zhellday and not looking great so far. Everyone was just training when suddenly a tall purple Twi'lek walked in. She stood with Professor Elama and talked.

'The dommy mommy vibes are strong with this one.'

The Twi'lek walked up to me as I was practicing my lightsaber forms alone.

"Would you like a partner?"

She asked in her melodic voice. I was taken aback, not recognizing this tall, elegant Twi'lek who had suddenly approached me. The other students continued training around us, ignoring my existence as usual.

"Um, sure, that would be great, actually,"

I replied, trying to contain my excitement at having someone to train with for once. The rest of the class seemed still wary of me after killing that teacher. The Twi'lek reached her hand to me.


I grabbed her cold hand and shook it. Very soft, with no calluses, unlike Zennas.

"Let's use real sabers?" Ya-ta suggested.

"Are you sure?" I smiled smugly at her. "I'm absolutely cracked at saber combat."

Ya-ta laughed awkwardly, clearly not understanding my joke. She reached for the saber on her belt and ignited it. It was a purple color that matched her skin perfectly. My face twisted in revulsion.


"Purple? An interesting choice for a Sith?" I try to keep my tepid feelings to myself.

"You look positively smitten by it." Her face contorted into a confident laugh.

'What is her deal? She seems way too confident?'

We took our positions as I ignited my saber. Ya-ta moved with grace and precision, easily blocking my attacks. I was barely even cracking into Sith Warrior mode, not wanting to kill someone by mistake again.

'Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice? You can't be fooled again!'

I was enthralled by her purple Lekku as they danced around following her movements. She was a very sexy Twi'Lek. Her Saber skills weren't bad but were far below Zenna's.

"Your Juyo? Is it quite perfect? You make even your sister's form look sloppy."

She mused as we clashed sabers together. Honestly, it was fun just to have someone to mess around with. I've been so lonely during these training classes.


I mutter not really wanting to address why my form is so good. Suddenly our blades were together and her face drew close to mine. Her smug smile gone, replaced in an instant with an intense anger. A light amount of fear pricks into my head. She looked into my eyes, beaming at me full of hatred.

"Are you him?"

She calmly asked. Her words caused a pit in my stomach. Our lightsaber clash held strong as I slowly began to shake in fear.

"Did you kill Baron Dragir's son?" She asked another question.

"What are you talking about?" I quickly retorted. Suddenly I felt a pressure from above me as the fear set in.

Ya-ta's eyes flashed a menacing red as she summoned the power of the dark side. An overwhelming sense of dread washed over me, threatening to crush my spirit. It was as if invisible hands were slowly squeezing the life from my body. I gasped for air, my knees buckling under the immense pressure bearing down on me. I fell to the ground with fear and confusion.

"I can sense your deception, worm," Ya-ta hissed through bared teeth. "You reek of the same arrogance and false bravado as that cur mother of yours."

She used the Force to paralyze me and hold me tight to the ground. I cried out in pain as Ya-ta increased her Force grip, waves of agony wracking my body. Through the haze of fear she inflicted, I only got worse and worse.

"Even if it wasn't, you let this be a lesson to your family."

She took her heels and repeatedly started kicking me. First, my chest and then just straight up, bringing her heel down on my face. I was literally so afraid I couldn't think.

'I can't f*cking process what to do even though I know there must be a way out!.'

I don't understand how I failed this bad? I felt like every neuron on my brain was standing on edge, Like i fell into a black hole of fear. Every swipe of her heel hurts more and more.

"…..ning!" I hear something from beyond. "Use Li……."

I groaned in agony, my vision red with blood. My eyes are terrified. My head throbbed with pain. I saw her raise her lightsaber, the purple blade poised to deliver the killing blow.


I gurgled a bloody laugh as the fear overtook me. I remembered I was merely a vessel of power.

'Silly me, how could I forget that in my fear.'

My arm reached up as she kicked the downed dog that I was and channeled as much lightning as I could at that moment. My brain was barely going. I shot a short, meager bolt, but it was enough to get her in surprise. She let up on her force hold. With my leftover strength, I force-pushed her across the room. And then I fell unconscious as the pain rushed all over my battered body.


I sat traumatized in the infirmary mere hours after my brutal assault. Completely healed after an instant bath in a Bacta tank. I'm shaking with fading fear as Sola rubs my back with a guilty face.

Zenna paced anxiously inside the infirmary, her frustration and worry mounting with each passing minute. Upon receiving word of my bloodied state, she quickly made her way to the infirmary. She found me battered and bleeding in the bacta tank. As soon as the medical droids had stabilized me, she demanded answers, but I was still in a state of total shock and fear.

'How could I have possibly lost that badly? She attacked me with fear.'

"When I find out who did this, I will crush them," Zenna seethed, her fury palpable in the cramped infirmary.

Sola placed a gentle hand on her arm in an attempt to calm her. "Patience, my friend. Vex needs you right now more than thoughts of revenge."

Zenna sighed, knowing Sola spoke the truth but still struggling to contain the dark storm within her.

"Vex..." she murmured, enveloping me in a fierce but tender embrace. I winced slightly but welcomed the contact.

"I don't understand, Zenna. She attacked me with fear. How do I defend against that?"

"Who was it, Vex!" Zenna screeched.

"Someone named Ya-ta."

"The Duke Kesyk's daughter?" Sola went pale.

"She did this to you?" Zenna Seethed.

"How can I defend against her in the future?"

I pleaded desperate for an answer, I don't remember how the Sith of the past did it.

Sola looked at me again with a guilty stare.

"You need to create a force barrier." She spoke softly, rubbing my back.

"oh my f*cking god," I held the bridge of my nose in complete disgust at myself.

"Didn't your mother teach you that?" Sola asked

"I hardly paid attention to her lessons. Do you know how to inflict fear, Sola?"

Sola nodded hesitantly. I searched my other souls for answers and was immediately rewarded.

'Force barrier. It seems between all my classes, I can just cast this forever.'

I sigh loudly as I build a forcer barrier around myself.

'I am so f*cking stupid; I mean, I read all about this sh*t forever ago.'

"Sola, can you try to use the force to make me afraid?"

Before my question finished, she stared at me with an incredibly confused face.

"What did you do, Vex?" Sola spoke coldly.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't even penetrate your barrier a little bit. It's like you reinforced it with Beskar?" Sola spoke in a voice laced with panic.

I put my face in my hands, the weight of my failure pressing down on me. How could I have been so foolish to let my guard down during training? Sola's concerned gaze only deepened my shame.

"SO WE'RE JUST GOING TO LET YA-TA GET AWAY WITH THIS BECAUSE YOU LEARNED SOMETHING NEW?" Zenna Screamed for the whole infirmary to hear. Twas quite an awkward sight.

I looked at her with an annoyed face, my ears ringing.

"Calm down Zenna, this is a net gain," I spoke coldly. "Her trick won't work a second time."

"I know you're strong, Vex, but……"

As she was about to ramble on, I used the Force to cloud her mind. Calming her down.

"Sister, do not worry."

I followed up with another force technique called confound. She just seemed calm and confused.

"Ahh yeah, totally. What was I mad about?"

"You were excited to keep looking for Darth Relic, remember?" Sola interjected.

"THAT'S RIGHT." Zenna stood up with enthusiasm.

Zenna began pacing the room again, her eyes lit with determination.

"We must find Darth Relic. I will not rest until I have him in my grasp." She clenched her fist as if squeezing the phantom Sith Lord.

"Just imagine it. His strong arms wrapped around me, his dark power mine to command. I will show him what it means to be loved by a woman of the Sith." Her words grew heated, almost feverish. Her face crimson red.

'Jesus Christ, sis, you really had to fall in love with my alter ego. Way to go, sis. Really, congratulations.'

Sola and I exchanged a glance. My sister's obsession with the mysterious Sith was concerning, bordering on madness. Still, I dared not speak against her.

"Yes, sister. We will find him," I spoke in a defeated voice.

I said carefully. Zenna whirled to face me, eyes flashing.

"You doubt me, little brother?"

I shook my head. "No, of course not. It's just...he has evaded all who have sought him thus far. It will not be easy."

Zenna smiled slowly. "But think of my satisfaction when I finally claim him. When I take what is mine by right." She leaned in close, her voice dripping with desire. "When I extract his seed and forge a new legacy."

I suppressed a shudder at her intense gaze. There were depths to my sister's desires I did not fully understand.

"Okay.." I said awkwardly

'What do I even f*cking do in this situation? Do I just let it go? Do I tell her? She's f*cking manic. If I tell her would she rape me for my “seed”?'

I recoil at the thought of being raped by my sister. But then another thought takes hold as I drink in Sola's sight.

'Now there's a woman I'd love to take me by force.'

Sola smiled as I stared at her. She placed a gentle hand on Zenna's arm, her eyes filled with concern.

"My friend, I understand your fascination with Relic. But have you considered if it is truly meant to be?"

Zenna's eyes narrowed, but Sola pressed on bravely.

"So much mystery surrounds him. It may not be possible to ever fully know him or for him to return your affections." She chose her words carefully. "I only wish to spare you potential heartbreak. This path of love you follow...it is a tricky one after all.

I stepped forward, emboldened by Sola's courage.

"She's right, Zenna. I know how deeply you feel, how much you want this. But Relic keeps his distance for a reason. You may never be able to close that gap, no matter how hard you try." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Please, for your own sake...be careful."

Zenna was silent, her expression unreadable. For a moment, I thought she might lash out at us for daring to question her desires. But then her features softened slightly.

"Your concern is noted," she said quietly. "I do not expect either of you to fully understand." Her eyes took on a faraway look. "But I am bound to him in ways you cannot comprehend. Our fates are intertwined."

She turned away, effectively ending the conversation. Sola and I exchanged worried glances. We had tried our best to make her see reason, but Zenna was lost in her obsessive visions. I only hoped she would not travel too far down this path.

'I would just really hate to get raped by my sister, it'd be so awkward. Her clown-girl potential is just not there anymore…… Unless?….. No, no, no, Vex, this isn't some weird incest web novel I gooned to in the past.

I sigh

'I gotta bust a nut before I start having depraved thoughts again.'


I sit at my desk in my room, absolutely seething about today's events.

"Ya-Ta, you bitch. I am going to destroy everything you love."

'I am going to disassemble everything Duke Kesyk has, and then only then will I finally kill you.'

"I think it's time Darth Relic took an apprentice."


Sola's POV

In an exceedingly common site these days, I scream and cry into my pillow in my lavish dorm room.

"YOU SCOUNDREL! You've hidden your mind from me, making it nearly impossible for me to read. I can hardly even read your emotions like I can with everyone else at a mere glance. I used to marvel at the beauty of your mind, how it was my constant source of entertainment and love. But now, it's been ripped from me, leaving a void that I don't know how to fill. I miss you, but I also resent you for leaving me behind. How could you do this to us? My heart is torn between love and anger towards you!"

I dramatically wailed into my pillow.

"I need to find a way to make him rely on me." I decided to be a woman of action.

"I'll tell him I know who he is!" I speak with fear into my pillow. "And if he won't make me someone special in his life, I'll threaten to tell his sister his secret!"

'Surely he doesn't want that insane beast to find out, right?'

My thoughts were weighted with fear.

'If he rejects me, I might just take my life.'

Truly a high-risk high-reward situation.

Chapter 18: The Tragedy of Hawk Tuah the Muscle Mommy.

Chapter Text

I paced around my room, the soles of my boots clicking against the metal floor in a steady rhythm. I'd dragged in the closest thing this place had to a white board, more like a smart board, that actually responded to touch unlike the glitchy junk we had back on earth. It was like they took a digital whiteboard and made it grey. A grey board, if you will.

"Okay," I muttered to myself, eyeing the glossy surface. "Let's sort this out."

The words' DR Apprentice ideas' were scrawled across the top, my handwriting a chaotic jumble of hope and desperation. Below it, a list of names, each one followed by hastily scribbled notes. At the very top sat Zenna's name, bold and unapologetic. For a moment, I just stared at it.

"Zenna Eras," I murmured, the name of my chesty sister rolling off my tongue with a mix of admiration and wariness. She was the best, no question about it. Her skills, her midi-chlorian count, her damn near perfect precision with every maneuver. She was born for this, molded by the dark currents of our family legacy, fierce as a krayt dragon and thrice as deadly.

But then there was the other side of her, the wild glint in her eyes when she spoke of Darth Relic, the way her voice softened to silk when it came to her that yucky obsession. The intensity of her emotions was as sharp as the darksaber's edge.

I swallowed hard, reaching out with a gloved hand to strike her name from the list. The greyboard obediently registered my touch, the stark line through 'Zenna Eras' feeling almost like betrayal.

"Too crazy," I said aloud, the words an anchor in the silence of my room. "Can't risk it."

A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned closer to the board, the crossed-out name reflecting back at me in my own troubled gaze. Zenna was fire and fury wrapped in the guise of a Sith prodigy, and yet... and yet, her madness was like a siren's call, tempting and terrifying all at once.

'If she wasn't my sister, I would probably try to tame her, but her weird obsession with Relic just makes it impossible.'

"Dammit, Zenna," I whispered, my head starting to pound with the weight of decisions and the ghosts of what-ifs. "Why'd you have to be the best and the worst choice all in one?"

I backed away from the greyboard, the list of names now a blur before my eyes. My hands clenched into fists, frustration bubbling up inside me like a storm brewing on the horizon.

"Back to square one," I growled to myself, turning away from the board, the pressure of choosing an apprentice pressing down on me like the gravity of a dying star. "Who else is there? Who else..."

My thoughts trailed off, lost in the maze of my own mind as I banged my head back against the cold wall of my dorm room, the search for an apprentice as relentless and unforgiving as the dark path I walked.


My boots made soft thuds against the polished floor as I entered Professor Elama's class, my eyes darting around the room for a glimpse of raw potential among the sea of students. They were all whispers in the shadow of my quest; their ambitions mere sparks compared to the inferno I needed.

'I need someone who I can use to take down the entire Sith order, f*ck, and the Jedi order too.'

I stared at one of my prospects, Jaella.

'She's ranked 25th in class, but she's still so weak. The fact that she can harness the light side and any amount of dark side is a plus because it means she could go the way of a dark Jedi, but honestly speaking, she's weak. Zero backbone. Just a pretty face and blonde hair.'

Then there she was, Hawk Tuah, the daughter of Count Mar Tuah, her presence like a gravity well in the crowded space. I leaned against the cool metal doorframe, studying her as she sparred with another student, her movements precise and powerful. She had that same steel edge sharpness that allegedly ran in her bloodline, but it was honed to a dangerous point in her alone.

'Her father showed a keen interest in me becoming her consort. Perhaps I should consider her. She is ranked number two in our first-year class, after all.'

"Focus, Vex,"

I murmured to myself, pushing off from the wall and striding closer to get a better look at my prospective apprentice. She was good, damn good, but was she the one?

Class ended with the abruptness of a hyperspace exit, and I waited as Hawk finished wrapping her training saber. The other students trickled out, giving us room as I approached. Her gaze flicked up to mine, icy and distant, a contrast to the warm farewells she offered her classmates.

"Tuah," I began, my voice steady despite the thrumming in my chest. "I've been watching you. You've got skills that can't be taught."

"Wow, what an honor," she replied, her tone dripping sarcasm thicker than Hutt slime. "Vex finally notices me. Should I feel special or just worried?"

"Both," I shot back coldly, unfazed by her barbed words. "You should feel both."

"Look," she said, slamming her equipment into her bag, "I don't have time for whatever this is. Do you need an ego boost? Go find someone else to stroke it."

"Actually," I interjected quickly, trying to anchor her fleeting attention, "I'm offering more than flattery. I'm talking about partnership. About power."

"Ha! As if you know anything about power, Vex." She shouldered past me, but not before I caught a flicker of curiosity in her eyes. It vanished as quickly as it appeared, hidden behind her fortress of indifference.

"Think about it, Tuah," I called after her retreating form. "You could be great. We could be great."

"Save your breath," she tossed over her shoulder, though the swagger in her step told me my words had struck deeper than she'd let on.

"That bitch!"

'She probably thinks I was courting her. She has no idea what level of power I'm offering her! The worst part is she is literally the quintessential tomboy trope!'

I recoil at the loss of such an intensely attractive, short-haired, muscle mommy tomboy.


I let out a woeful howl, feeling the same kind of pain that only a parent of a child lost in a school shooting could possibly begin to understand.

With a sigh, I turned back to the empty classroom, the echo of our exchange lingering in the air. Hawk was fire and ice, and I couldn't decide if she'd forge me a weapon or burn me alive. But damn if I wasn't tempted to find out.

"Ew, wait, no f*ck her. I'm not gonna go after Miss Hard to get. She's strong, but Vex Eras does not grovel at the feet of wenches. Perhaps if she was a clown or a tiefling?"


The door to my dorm room slid shut with a hiss, sealing me inside my own private echo chamber of doubt. I slumped against the cool metal, letting the weight of my body drag me down until I was sitting on the floor, knees up, head in hands. Here, in this box of a room, I could let the mask slip, let out the breath I'd been holding since Hawk Tuah's last biting remark.

"Great," I muttered to myself, the word tasting like ash. "Another dead end."

Dragging my fingers through my hair, I felt the tangles of indecision knotting tighter. I needed an apprentice, someone strong, malleable, someone who wouldn't just be an extension of my will but could stand firm beside me when the galaxy came crashing in.

'Am I looking for a wife? Is that what's holding me back?'

I sigh in thought. Only one woman comes to mind when i think of wifey material. Her long black hair waving in my memories. A true understanding lady.

I sigh again and focus.

"Zenna's too off-the-rails,"

I whispered into the silence, the name feeling like a mere passing thought even as it passed my lips. But it was true; she had the fire. And Hawk? She was a storm of contradictions, ice wrapped in scorn, warmth shrouded in barbs.

"c*nty, though," I added to my internal conversation.

"Kriffing hell,"

I groaned as I heard the cringiest swears roll out of my mouth.

'I am becoming one of them.' My emotions sank deeper.

I stood up abruptly and paced, each step a punctuation to my racing thoughts. The room felt smaller with each pass, walls closing in like they wanted to press me into some mold I could never fit.

"Think, Vex. Think." I stopped in front of the greyboard, the crossed-out names staring back at me, a constellation of failures. My eyes landed on the empty space next to Zenna's name, which was where someone else's name should be. Should I add her?"


Frustration boiled over, and I spun, slamming my forehead against the door with a dull thud. The pain was sharp, welcome in its clarity.

"For f*cks sake, god... Why is this so hard?"

'You already know who it needs to be.' My mind chortles at me.

"But I don't want to put her in danger."

'She's a Sith Lord. You could rule the galaxy as one.'

"THATS JUST THE HORNY TALKING!" I pushed back at my thoughts with outrage.

Just as i was getting in a make believe version of myself the spoken of devil walked into my room. No knock just boldly venturing in with the look of intense purpose on her face.

"What did you just yell?" Sola spoke in confusion.

I froze, my heart pounding as I scrambled to come up with a response. "Oh, uh, nothing. Just frustrated with this assignment." I waved vaguely at the board behind me.

Sola raised one elegant eyebrow. "Assignment? Don't try to fool me, Darth Relic. Or do you prefer Vex?"

My blood turned to ice in my veins. She knew. Somehow, she had discovered my secret identity. I straightened up, meeting her piercing gaze.

'Please, Santa, don't make me kill the girl who ripped my first kiss from my lips.'

My hand slowly reached for my lips, but I expertly stopped it.

"How did you find out?"

A sly smile spread across her face.

"I have my ways. Did you really think you could keep such a monumental secret from me forever?"

She began to slowly circle me like a predator assessing its prey.

"Don't worry, I haven't told anyone else. Yet. But I think we could help each other, you and I."

I tensed. "Sola, you don't get it. If my sister finds out, I'm Darth Relic…. Santa only knows what will happen."

"Santa holds no power in these lands."

I gasped, 'How did she know!'

"Let's just relax for a moment before we usually slander Saint Nicholas's name."

She stood there for a moment.

"What do you even want from me Sola, surely you could have just asked and I would have just given it to you?"

Sola's face reddened, and she sighed deeply. Finally, she stomped her foot.

"I" she clapped "WISH" clap "TO" clap "BE" clap "SOMEONE" clap "SPECIAL" clap "IN" clap "YOUR" clap "LIFE" she clapped one last time.

'very dramatic.'



'oh, word. Well if this isn't a sign sent by Santa, I don't know what is'

"If you want to be close to me, indispensable. I suppose I could take you as my apprentice. No Sith would make a finer Darth to my new dark order."

I felt a bit guilty offering such a cringey position, but her beaming eyes showed me i made the right call.

"I can see it already, darling."

Sola placed a hand on my chest. her eyes going mad akin to how my sisters get when she talks about Relic.

"Just imagine it. You and me, side by side, ruling the galaxy. Is that really so unappealing?" She spoke to me in her melodic voice, pushing me into a trance.

'Wait, who's selling who here?'

My heart thudded beneath her touch. She was right. The thought of us together was dangerously intoxicating. But if I agreed, there would be no going back.

'Once more unto the breach!'

Slowly, I nodded.

"Very well. You shall be my apprentice."

A look of triumph flashed across Sola's face. She had won. But as she gazed at me with hunger in her eyes, I wondered.

'How do I introduce clown makeup to her naturally without scaring her off?'

"What will be our first order of business?" she spoke to me with a gentle tone.

I looked at the greyboard.

"Ummm, we gotta give you a cool name, I guess?"

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Those who can't teach, Do.

Chapter Text

The dim glow of the light cast a ghostly blue tint on Sola's face as she paced back and forth, her hands clasped behind her back in deep thought.

"What about Darth Vengeance?"

She suggested, her voice echoing slightly in the cavernous chamber we'd claimed as our brainstorming lair.

'My bedroom is way cooler here than on Ares II.'

I leaned against the cold stone wall, crossing my arms.

"Too cliché."

I muttered, shaking my head. It was like trying to choose the perfect username in The Old Republic, except this wasn't a game, and Sola wasn't an avatar. She was real, and so was the weight of the name she'd carry.

"Fine. Darth Maleficent?" Her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Sounds like a fairy tale villain. Pass."

I could almost feel the frustration simmering off her, and it took everything in me not to smirk. Naming a Sith was serious business, but watching Sola get all worked up was a rare treat.

"Then what do you suggest, oh wise one?"

Sarcasm dripped from her words, yet there was a playful twinkle in her piercing eyes. I pushed away from the wall and started to pace alongside her, feeling the gravity of our task. A name was an identity, a declaration of intent, and Sola deserved something that encapsulated her stormy spirit and unyielding resolve.

"You're not just any Sith..."

My voice trailed off as inspiration struck like a lightning bolt, fierce and sudden.

"Say it," She prompted, stopping in her tracks to look at me, anticipation written all over her face.

'Marchion Ro, forgive me for my trespasses.

"Darth Tempest"

I said, the words resonating in the air between us.

Her eyes widened, and then she smiled. A gorgeous smile that was all teeth and triumph.

"Darth Tempest." she repeated, rolling the syllables around in her mouth like tasting a fine wine. "I love it."

"I Figured you would"

I replied with a half-grin, relief washing over me. It suited her. The chaos of a huge storm, unpredictable and powerful. Just like Sola.

'Too bad we couldn't come up with something to encapsulate her beauty too, but oh well.'

'Dude, stop being so cringe.' My thoughts battled over my crush.

"Darth Tempest"

She whispered again, a hint of reverence creeping into her tone. I watched as she embraced the name, the way one might embrace their destiny. And in that moment, I felt a flicker of something rare. Pride, maybe, or something like it. Whatever it was, watching Sola step into her new identity reminded me why I was doing all of this in the first place.

'To cull my loved ones' enemies and create a paradise for my future children to edge in freedom!'

"Let's make them remember it."

She spoke with determination, setting her jaw and lighting a fire in her soul.

"Yeah," I agreed, the word more vow than response. "They'll remember."


The name Darth Tempest lingered between us, a storm brewing in the calm of my room. I paced the cold durasteel floor, my boots echoing like distant thunder.

"We need to hit them where it hurts," I muttered, more to myself than to Sola.

"Them?" Her voice cut through my thoughts, sharp and clear.

"Ya-ta Kesyk." I said, spitting out the name like it was poison. "Her and her precious Artus system."


Sola's brow furrowed, her fingers tapping against her arm, a silent drumroll to my brewing plans.

"The slave trade hub." She spoke calmly.

"Exactly." My hands clenched into fists at my sides. "An attack on Artus could cripple their operations—send a message that Darth Relic is not to be trifled with. More than that, it's the Kesyk family that's out for blood."

Sola's lips twisted into a frown, her gaze piercing the holographic star map in front of us.

"An attack? That's too direct, too messy. It'll bring the wrath of the Duke down upon us."

"Then what do you suggest?"

Frustration simmered within me, but I kept my tone level. Patience hasn't been my strong suit lately, but Sola... she deserved that much.

"Think, Vex." she urged, circling the map like a predator stalking its prey. "What's the lifeblood of Artus? The slaves, yes, but more importantly, their sale."

"Go on." I leaned in, intrigued despite myself.

"A blockade." Sola stopped, her finger hovering over the glowing planet. "If we stop the flow of slaves, we strangle their economy. We make the Duke and his darling daughter feel the squeeze."

"Blockade..." The word rolled off my tongue, tasting of potential. "That could work. But it's not just about the economy. It's about sending a message."

"Of course." Sola's eyes met mine, aflame with the thrill of strategy. "A blockade would show our strength without unsheathing a single lightsaber. Fear will spread through their ranks like wildfire."

I nodded, a slow smile creeping across my face.

"Wait, how will we get ships to blockade them."


Sola thought outloud, then she paused, tapping a finger to her chin as she studied the holographic map.

"There must be another way," she murmured.

I watched her carefully, sensing the gears turning in her brilliant mind. That was one of the things I admired most about Sola her ability to think creatively, approaching problems from new angles.

'She's so much smarter than me in hindsight, f*ck.'

"What if..."

Sola traced her finger along Artus' orbit, zeroing in on a cluster of small dots representing defense platforms and satellites.

"Instead of a blockade, we infiltrate and hijack their orbital defenses?"

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "oh, word?"

Her eyes lit up, a cunning smile spreading across her face.

"Artus' orbital defenses are state-of-the-art, designed to detect and destroy incoming threats automatically. If we hack into the central control system, we could turn those defenses back on Artus itself."

She tapped the cluster of dots emphatically.

"We target key military and economic installations from orbit. No need to waste resources on a blockade. So not only can we bombard them with their own cannons, we will also trap them on the planet, too."

I crossed my arms, picturing the wanton destruction from above. It was bold, audacious...and appealed to my appetite for vengeance.

"The Duke would be furious," I said slowly. "His own technology used against him, wreaking havoc on his domains..." A wicked grin crept onto my face. "Oh yes. I like the way you think, Sola."

She lifted her chin, eyes glittering. "Sometimes the simplest path is not the most...impactful."

I laughed, an eager fire kindling inside me. We would make the Duke pay for his sins against my family. Sola would be by my side, her brilliant cunning fueling our victory. This was only the beginning.

"We're gonna need a ship, a handful of droids, and…" Sola prattles off as she thinks about the logistics. "We'll have to meet up with my contacts when we have time."

"Let's not rush this. If this heist succeeds, I'll be able to cut off the head of my immediate problem far sooner than I anticipated."

"I will get the ball rolling in my spare time then darling." Sola spoke to me with a deep blush. Her eyes locked onto mine.

'How long before she tries to throw a proper label on us, I wonder?'


The thrumming of clashing lightsabers filled the large training room with the melody of danger and precision. Sola was a natural, her blade an extension of her will, but as we sparred, my confidence waned. I could dance through these duels with my eyes closed, but teaching... that was another battlefield entirely.

"Good, now feint—no, not like that."

I corrected, parrying her strike with an ease that came from somewhere beyond me.

"You have to make me believe it."

Sola's brow furrowed, frustration evident in the slight tremble of her saber.

"I'm trying, Vex. It's not as easy as you make it look."

"Nothing ever is."

I muttered under my breath, suddenly aware of the vast gulf between doing and teaching. My skills, my innate understanding of combat—it wasn't something I could pass on with mere words or demonstrations.

'I mean, Santa granted me these powers because truck-kun 9/11d me. Rest in power, you poor truck. May the elves take pity on your soul.'

"Maybe this was a mistake."

I confessed, deactivating my saber with a click that echoed too loudly in the space.

"I may have bit off more than I can chew by offering you an apprenticeship."

Her piercing gaze met mine, searching for a hint of jest. But she found none.

"What are you saying? That you can't teach me?" Sola looked at me with utter heartbreak in her eyes.

"I'm saying..."

I trailed off, struggling to articulate the storm of inadequacy brewing within. How could I explain that all my strength and battle knowledge wasn't my own?

And then, as if the Force itself whispered in my ear, a sliver of memory surfaced, a tale of ancient power and knowledge. Bane. Darth Bane had been a self-made lord of the Sith, his strength earned rather than bestowed. And he had learned from Revan's Holocron.

'I think?'

"Wait." I said abruptly, holding up a hand to still her next question. "There might be another way."

"Another way?" Sola lowered her weapon, curiosity replacing her ire.

"Revan's Holocron."

I said, the words feeling both foreign and familiar on my tongue.

"A repository of knowledge from one of the greatest Sith Lords who ever lived. If I can find it, if I can remember how Bane discovered its secrets, perhaps it can teach you what I cannot."

"Revan's Holocron." she repeated, a note of reverence creeping into her voice. "That's a legend, isn't it? Are you sure it's real?"

"More real than you know."

I replied though doubt gnawed at me. The path ahead shimmered with promise and peril, much like the edge of a lightsaber.

"We'll need to uncover it first, but it could hold the key to mastering your potential. And the low key, I really want to f*cking meat Revan."

"Then let's find it." Sola cooed, looking at me fondly.

"I might have a place to start."


Back in my room, I desperately flick through my datapad, which I've had my whole life.

'Being an iPad baby finally paid off.'

I was scrolling through it because when I came into

consciousness at three years old, I wrote down every single detail about Star Wars I could remember. This sounds stupid, but it's true. Once I knew I was here, I knew my memory days were limited, so I wrote down literally every single thing I could remember.

“Bane, Bane, Bane, Bane.” I swiped through my datapad like an absolute fiend.

"Darling, There sure is a lot of p*rn on that thing," Sola spoke with a heated face as she watched carefully behind me.

"Ah, here it is!" I said with elation.

Sola squinted her eyes as she looked at my old notes.

"Who is Darth Bane?" She asked, perplexed.

"It doesn't matter." I interjected. "What I remember is this. Somewhere in the Lower Korriban Library is a book that leads will tell us where to find the Holicron on Rakata prime. The book is titled…."

I read my notes.

"f*ck it just says the ancient book has the word Rakata in the title."

I sigh

"Well, it's fine, right? Let's just go ask the librarian."


We stepped out of the Upper Korriban Academy for what felt like the first time in forever. I kept my saber close. As we walked along the Ancient stairs that led to Korriban proper.

'Now this is Star Wars f*ck yeah.'

I smiled at my thoughts as we entered an ancient building. We trudged through the halls, making our way to the library located in the depths of the Academy. I took in the sights, knowing this was where Bane would have made the same journey someday if I didn't actively f*ck up his future right now.

"I'm sorry Bane but in your loss i will make a new order, forged in a mostly similar way maybe?" I whisper to myself.

'Wait, no, Bane, sorry, I'm just gonna do whatever the f*ck I want. The true Sith way. But still… You're a real one.'

Weirdly, the massive library was empty.

"I see the Sith in the lower academy has no concept of the riches within this room," I spoke to Sola.

"Apparently, neither does Father's upper academy." She responded with surprising criticism of her father.

'I wonder if he's gonna be a dick to me?'

After searching for less than three minutes we anticlimactically found what we were looking for. We didn't even end up asking for help.

"The Rakata and the Unknown World" I spoke annoyed at how little effort it took to find. "By Darth Revan" I smiled at that part.

'This is f*cking hype as f*ck, like finding Tom Riddle's journal.'

"This will definitely take some time to fully absorb," Sola chimed in, her surprise evident at the sheer size of the book in front of us.

"Yup," I sighed in agreement. "Let's take our time with it, I guess…"

Chapter 20: Thicc Saber

Chapter Text

I slouched in my seat, the hum of the lecture hall droning like a distant starship engine. Professor Elama's voice sliced through the haze, sharp and clear a beacon for wandering minds. She was talking about the intricacies of lightsaber combat, movements as fluid as the rivers. But my thoughts? They were skirting the edges of something bigger, something wilder.

'Dude, I literally can't stop thinking about him.'

"Professor," I blurted out, not quite catching the wave of silence that crashed over the class as my voice echoed. My senses honed like an autist about to talk about his special interest.

'Thick lightsaber, thick lightsaber, thick lightsaber.'

My thoughts drumming along like a damn about to burst.

"Is it, uh, possible to get a gigantic lightsaber? Like, one that would make even Guts from Berserker feel inadequate? Like super thick and super long?" I hold my arms out to illustrate great length and girth.

A couple of students snickered while others swapped confused glances.

“What the kriff is berserker? What's a guts? Why does he always sit there smelling his fingers?"

Berserker clearly wasn't on their Holocron watchlist.

'Also, I don't sniff my fingers. What the f*ck?'

Elama paused, her gaze locking onto me like tractor beams. That look could've frozen Mustafar's lava lakes, but she just sighed, letting the moment thaw.

"Vex," she began, her tone schooling me before her words did, "while I appreciate your... creative enthusiasm, constructing such a weapon is not practical."

The class tittered, and I could feel my cheeks flaring bright red, but Elama continued, her eyes softening just a notch.

"However, theoretically, it could be possible. You would likely need an array of focusing lenses and, I presume, no fewer than three kyber crystals to sustain such a blade."

Three kyber crystals. The thought gnawed at me, worming its way into the crevices of my brain where possibility met madness. I nodded, sinking back into my chair as Elama moved on, the rest of the lecture melding into a background whisper. My mind was already racing through dark tunnels, chasing after the glow of an idea that was as dangerous as it was alluring.

"Professor Elama!" I blurted out again, unable to contain my curiosity. "How would one go about constructing a pauldron resistant enough to withstand a lightsaber's blade?"

The class erupted into giggles and whispers, amused by my seemingly absurd question. But Professor Elama simply raised an eyebrow, considering me with her piercing gaze.

"An intriguing theoretical question, Vex," she finally replied. "Lightsaber-resistant armor would require some incredibly durable materials. Perhaps a cortosis weave or phrik alloy paneling." She pondered a little bit more deeply. "Perhaps Beskar if you could get your hands on some?"

She stroked her chin thoughtfully before continuing. "The pauldron would need to be expertly crafted to deflect and disperse the lightsaber's energy rather than absorb it. The joints and padding beneath would also require reinforcement to protect the wearer."

I soaked up her words eagerly, picturing the proposed pauldron design in my mind. To be able to craft armor capable of withstanding a lightsaber...the possibilities made my head spin. I had to know more.

"So, like, I could just rest the thick blade on my shoulder right and, like, then take gigantic f*cking swings at traitors?" I look around the worms in class. "Real quick guys. Uhhhh," I get nervous talking to so many people. "Would you guys bug out if you saw someone with a super thick and long lightsaber sprinting at you and then trying to kill you?"

"Vex, please don't do that to us."

One of the stronger-willed boys in the class spoke up suddenly, nervous.

"ahhh, yeah, no, I meant hypothetically."

'That's gotta be a yes. Operation Guts sword is a go.'


As the last echoes of the lecture faded into a forgettable buzz, I felt the weight of my own ridiculous question sink like a star destroyer in a swamp. That's when Hawk, with her signature swagger that could knock a Rancor off balance, cornered me outside the classroom.


she said, her voice cutting through the clamor of students shuffling to their next class.

"Are you and Sola, you know... a thing?"

Her eyes drilled into mine, searching for something I wasn't sure I wanted to give away. The corners of her lips twitched, fighting a battle between annoyance and something softer.

"It's complicated,"

I muttered, suddenly finding the pattern on the floor incredibly offensive.

'Oh sh*t, is the floor swastikas? Oh no, it's just lowercase t crosses, thank god,' I nervously thought as I briefly mistook the floor pattern.'

"Complicated, huh?"

Her arms folded across her chest, muscles flexing beneath the fabric of her utilitarian jacket. She huffed, a strand of her cropped hair falling defiantly across her brow.

"Sure, keep your secrets."

I watched her stalk off, a whirlwind of conflicting signals. My mind was still reeling when I found myself at the café, sitting opposite Sola.

"Vexxy, darling" Sola began, her tone as smooth as a polished vibroblade, "why were you wasting time with Hawk? When you have access to..." She trailed off, gesturing to herself with a manicured hand, "...all of this."

I sipped my coffee, feeling the heat snake down my throat—a temporary distraction from the chilling undercurrent of her words.

'Thicc lightsaber.' My thoughts were resolute.

"Hawk and I just had some... course stuff to go over."

'What the f*ck, don't lie, you mongo.'

"Is that so?"

Sola purred, leaning forward. Her stare locked onto mine, and I could almost see the possessive fire flickering behind those piercing eyes.

"Because you're mine, Vex. Don't make me remind you of that."

'Yeah, complicated didn't even begin to cover it.'

Suddenly, I hear the clack of powerful heels against the floor tiles echoing through café sithé, each step a staccato rhythm breaking into my thoughts. I didn't need to look up; that stride belonged to Zenna, proud, unwavering, and now tinged with frustration.

"Still no leads,"

she snapped, pulling up a chair with more force than necessary. Her eyes were stormy as she glared at the datapad in her hand, her fingers tapping an impatient beat on its edge.

'Dude, stop looking for me. It's a bad vibe in general.'

"Nothing on Darth Relic?"

I kept my voice level, but inside, the familiar knot of anxiety pulled tighter. Zenna's obsession was a blade hanging over us both, a secret identity I juggled like a thermal detonator.

"Nothing," Zenna confirmed, her tone sharp. "It's like he's vanished into thin air."

She tossed the datapad onto the table, where it skidded to a stop by my cup.

"Maybe we're looking in the wrong places," I suggested, trying to sound helpful while steering her away from the truth.

"Or maybe..." Sola interjected, her gaze flicking between us, "Darth Relic wants to be found only when he is ready."

Zenna considered this for a moment, then rose abruptly, her chair scraping back.

"I've got training."

She spoke curtly, leaving as quickly as she'd arrived, her presence lingering like the afterimage of a bright light.

With Zenna gone, the air felt lighter, and I turned to Sola, her eyes fixed on me with unsettling intensity.

"You've been patient," I began, choosing my words carefully. "but i need something of you."

Her lips curled into a smile, sharp and expectant. "What do you require of me, Master?"

"It's time for a test," I said, feeling the weight of my own duplicity. "To prove your worth as my apprentice."

"Anything," she breathed out, leaning closer.

'Literal psycho….. but like, I f*ck with it fr fr.'

"Baron Halcorr's son," I continued, watching her reaction closely. "He's one of the weaker year threes in upper Korriban. Take him out."

Her laughter surprised me, light and gleeful. "Really? That boy?" Delight danced in her eyes, a predator relishing the hunt. "Consider it done."

"Ahhh!" I remembered as if it was more important than the mission given to me by my mother. "Collect his saber too. I mean, I'll be there to watch over you. I just want the kyber crystal for a pet project."

"Pet project?" Her lips twisted into a creepy smile, blatantly misunderstanding whatever it was I was hinting at.

'What the f*ck do you even think I'm talking about?' My gaze lingered on her curves for longer than I meant.

"What would Darth Relic need an extra crystal for? Perhaps a new saber?"

'Oh, I guess I assumed she didn't know what I wanted. VEX! you moron, now you've made an ass out of the both of you!' 'JASON YOU IDIOT!' My earthling father's voice echoed through my mind. He was a huge proponent of not making assumptions, something that got him killed when I was young.'

"What?" I've completely lost sight of what she asked me.

Her face looked annoyed. "Vex, why are you so weird?"

"No, no, You don't get it. Thick!"

"What the f*ck are you talking about Vex?"

"Since when do you use f*ck?" I questioned her with fervor.

'What the f*ck is happening?'

"I don't know. you say it all the time, and it just rolls off the f*cking tongue?" She spoke with a melodic, sultry voice. Hearing another drop the F-bomb was weirdly comforting.

"It suits you."

Sola blushed a deep red.

"Anyways, I need three kyber crystals. Let's focus your training on killing some phonies for the time being." I channel my inner Holden Caulfield.

'Kill John Lennon.'


My mind wandered once again.

Chapter 21: Date Night

Chapter Text

The dim glow of my terminal was the only light in the room as Sola, and I hunched over the schematics of Upper Korriban Tower. Her fingers traced the exit routes, her eyes alight with anticipation.

"Baron Halcorr's son, Jado Halcorr, won't even see it coming," she said, her voice a low hum of excitement. "He'll be alone?"

"Alone enough after I deal with his entourage."

I replied, my gaze fixed on the three red dots I'd marked on the digital blueprint, his cronies.

"I'll make it quick. No mistakes." I assured her.

"Vex," Sola turned towards me, her piercing eyes searching mine, "you sure you're up for this?"

"Am I up for it? This is your test, big dog." I spoke with a smirk, tugging at the corner of my mouth.

'I wonder if she considers this a date?'

"Sola, I was born ready. And besides," I added, leaning back against the headboard, "if you need me, I'm there."

She grinned, a flash of predatory eagerness that matched the deadly intent simmering within me. We both knew this test wasn't just any test—it was a rite of passage. A dance with darkness that would bind us closer in blood and ambition.

"Let's do this," she whispered, and we shared a nod that sealed our pact.


Sola's POV

The night air of Korriban was thick with the dust of ancient tombs and the power that pulsed from the dark heart of Sith territory. Clad in our masks and Dark lord outfits, Darth Relic and I, now dawning the title Darth Tempest, in the shadows we now wore, moved like specters through the desolation.

'I wonder if he considers this a date?' I couldn't help but muse to myself. 'I really want him to consider this a date. Ever since I was cut off from his mind, it's been so difficult to read him. I looked into the clown thing he likes so much. To be honest, it seems weird but wholly inoffensive. If Painting my face white with some splashes of color and red nose gets him hard, it's not really like that's difficult to achieve.' I giggle at the thought of my most precious person being a weirdo.

"Can you feel them?" Darth Relic's voice crackled through our comms, a distorted echo that sent shivers down my spine.

"Like I can feel the Force itself," I murmured, my senses extending outwards to latch onto the life energies of our unsuspecting prey. The four figures stumbled out of the tower, their laughter cutting through the silence like a vibroblade.

'If he's not packing a big package, it wouldn't be the end of the world.' I stare at his lack of bulge in his pants as I often have before. Ive seen it try to greet me before but only when he stares at my cleavegeto much, but even then i can never tell if he has a Krayt Dragon or a cute little tooka down there.'

"Hmm," I sit in wonder about his saber beneath the belt.

"Patience," Relic said to me, misunderstanding my curiosity. "Let them come to us." He spoke with such confidence.

'To think he's younger than me, too.'

We crept closer, unseen, unheard, but every inch predators closing in for the kill. Our cloaks billowed slightly in the corrosive sandy breeze.

"Ready, Darth Relic?" I teased him, a hint of bloodlust weaving through my words.

"Always, Darth Tempest," He answered awkwardly as if this was all so cringe for him despite being his idea.

Tonight, we would prove ourselves once more under the crimson gaze of Korriban's seven moons. Tonight, we would remind the galaxy why the Darth title was the most fearsome.

"Let the hunt begin." He spoke, I could almost hear the smile through my beloved's voice.

The night air suddenly crackled with tension, charged by the raw power of our Relic's Lightsaber. I watched in silence as Darth Relic moved with lethal grace. His red saber was a blur of death, and in moments, three lives winked out of existence, their careless laughter silenced forever.

"Your turn, Tempest," he hissed, the thrill of the hunt evident in his voice.

'Oh, he really is too good for the likes of Korriban. The empress is going to be very surprised when she sees what a monster he is.'

I tried not to laugh as I stepped forward, the weight of my destiny pressing down on me like the suffocating heat of Korriban's sun. Jado stood before me, his arrogance melting into annoyance as he registered the gravity of his situation. With a sneer, he ignited his lightsaber, the blade casting an eerie glow on his youthful features.

"Come on, then," he spat, "show me what you've got."

My own saber hummed to life, its crimson light reflecting my pounding heart. This was it, the dance of death, the symphony of the Sith. Our blades met with a violent kiss, sparks flying like stars being born from the abyss of space.

'I will present his heart to my master, To my love. His blood will be used as lubricant for our first time.'

He was good, and I had to give him that; each strike was precise, and each parry was calculated. But there was something raw in me, something untamed and hungry. The duel was more than a test; it was a release, a chance to let the darkness within me breathe.

We spun and clashed, each movement an echo of the ancient battles that had painted these sands red. My muscles sang with exertion, my mind sharp as a vibroblade. The thrill of combat consumed me, and for once, I didn't resist—it felt like freedom.

"Is that all you have?"

I taunted, even as I admired his skill. We were two sides of the same coin, forged in the fires of ambition and shaped by the hands of destiny, but this was my moment, and I would not be denied.

The rhythm of our lightsabers created a deadly cadence, his blade slicing through the air with an elegance that belied its lethal intent. We were locked in combat, and the ebb and flow of our duel were as natural as breathing. Yet, as minutes stretched into what felt like hours, fatigue clawed at my limbs, and I could sense the tide turning against me.

"Getting tired, whor*? Perhaps you would like me to piss in your puss* before I chop you into pieces?"

"The f*ck?"

"What the f*ck?"

Relic and I both seemed confused in unison however the fight went on. His voice was laced with mockery, and I gritted my teeth. He advanced with renewed vigor, his attacks coming faster now, more ferocious. A glancing blow seared the fabric near my shoulder, the smell of singed material filling the air.

I stumbled backward, a rare flicker of panic igniting within me. The advantage was his, and he knew it. I saw the opening he'd been waiting for, and the swift arc of his saber aimed to seal my fate.

But then, the unexpected, a blur of motion so quick, so precise, it was over before it even registered. Darth Relic stepped in, his red saber a whisper of death as it sliced through the young Baron's arms.

A gasp, pained and disbelieving, cut through the tension. There he stood, Jado Halcorr, disarmed in the most literal sense, his weapon clattering to the ground. My heart raced, not with fear now, but exhilaration. The thrill of survival, the rush of imminent victory.

"Finish it," Relic commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

A manic glee bubbled up inside me, dark and intoxicating. My grip on my saber tightened, and I stepped forward, eager to deliver the final blow. His eyes met mine, wide with shock and dawning realization. This was the culmination of all my training, the moment of truth where I would prove myself worthy.

With a feral smile, I raised my weapon high. "This is for you, master," I whispered and brought it down.

The searing heat from my ignited saber dissipated with his final breath, and I felt the surge of triumph swell within me. I turned to Relic, his silhouette backlit by the light of one of Korriban's many moons. The scent of charred flesh and ozone lingered, a testament to our victory.

"Isn't it just... exhilarating?"

I breathed out, the words laced with a twisted joy only this kind of power could evoke. The power intoxicating, the ambiance romantic.

"To stand side by side and cut down those who dare oppose us is more than I could've hoped for."

Relic's laugh, a stilted, uneasy sound It's clear he loved the act. But he refuses to surrender himself to the character? It's hard to say. It's like he's playing a role he's embarassed by but if he so pleased he could take the empress's head.

'I must have him tonight. I do not care how we dance around the topic of our relationship.'

"Exhilarating," he echoed, the word hanging awkwardly between us like a novice's first swing of a lightsaber.

I peered through the mask into his eyes, searching for a glimpse of the darkness I knew churned beneath the surface. It was a strange comfort, knowing he grappled with the same shadows that danced in my own heart. Shadows that others might shy away from, but not him. Not Relic.

"Thank you," I said, my voice softer now, though no less fervent. "For being here, for understanding the... craving that drives us."

I stepped closer, daring to close the distance between certainty and doubt, power and vulnerability.


His voice trailed off, the name holding a weight that seemed to anchor him to the spot. He didn't need to finish; I heard the unspoken words, the silent admission that resonated in the tense air around us.

At that moment, I knew. He cherished the acceptance and craved it as much as I did the thrill of conquest. We were two halves of a darkened whole, bonded by our embrace of the abyss that promised freedom and demanded sacrifice in equal measure.

"Come," I grabbed his wrist like he was my doll. "You are sleeping in my room tonight." My mask hid my reddened face.

'My favorite thing about Vex isn't just his dark side nor his strength. I mean, all of that matters, but most importantly. He knows when to let me be in charge.

"Sola….." He seems embarrassed, but he doesn't resist my pull. "We just can't let Zenna find out." He gulps deeply

"Of course, my love. Of course."

'It would be dreadfully awkward, but soon I will make you my betrothed, so it matters not.' I thought as we soldiered on to our lover's retreat, my room.

Just as we leave, I hear the sound of Jado's saber flying through the air into Vex's soft hand. He laughs with glee at his new trophy.


The Empress's POV

I sat on my throne with my jaw practically on the ground as I watched the hologram of a fight on Korriban. I have seen a lot in my lifetime. As the last of the Sith race, I had lived a long time. Even longer than most of my kind because my late husband decided to freeze me in stasis because he grew bored of me. Lucky for me, I was unfrozen some time ago by some unlucky sith.

"Why is the boy so strong? How could someone possibly move that fast?" I ask

"We do not know." She spoke back, "Our records, which have been verified, show the boy has never shown much interest in training until a year ago."

"I dont even know how to handle this." I sat there stunned for the first time in ages. "How does his strength compare to my late husbands."

The voice on the other end sighs "You Majesty, Most of the records of Empoerer Vitiate have been destroyed so its impossible to tell."

Regardless, this boy is too much. I wouldn't stand a chance against this kid.

"We need to ally with the boy before he figures out we've been backing Duke Kesyk on his weird blood lust for my daughter Hela." I sigh.

'The Duke had promised certain amenities to the imperial family if we didn't get in the way of his in-fighting over his love of my daughter Hela. I have over a hundred daughters out there in the Empire, so I couldn't care less about any particular one, but if my gut is right, this boy will go supernova if he catches wind of the Duke's plan.'

"Formally communicate with the Duke to tell him we are disallowing any infighting and that any movement against Ares II will be seen as a declaration of war against the Empire. Tell him we do not allow traitors second chances."

I broke into a cold sweat. If I'm to late I might already be as good as dead. This truly was not looking great for me.

"Consider it done, my Empress." the voice spoke back.

I sighed as the call ended.

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Post Sith Blues

Chapter Text

The neon glow of Café Sithé painted our awkward blushes in shades of crimson and violet, like the aftermath of a battlefield strewn with uneasy survivors. I could barely look Sola in the eye, my mind replaying last night's swift... culmination. The memory was a blaster bolt to my ego.

'I can't believe how much of a f*cking beta I am.' The events replay in my head over and over again.

"Vex," Sola said, her voice slicing through the hum of the café, "stop brooding. It was endearing, in a way few things are."

Her eyes sparkled with that possessive gleam I'd come to associate with her kind of crazy. She wasn't mad. Far from it, she seemed to revel in the intimacy of the mishap.

I just grunted, sipping my caf to hide the heat creeping up my neck.

"Glad one of us finds my premature hyperdrive jump charming."

'UGH! She was so f*cking hot the second I entered. I just blew rope like a f*cking loser. f*ck! Vex, calm down, dude, calm down. Remember thick Lightsaber Vex.' I try to calm my mind by thinking about my pet project. 'Still, no matter what, I still lost my V card, which is more than I can say for my last life.'

"Adorable, really," she insisted, leaning in closer, her grin almost predatory. "Besides, we have more pressing matters to attend to."

"Right, the slicer droid,"

I muttered, eager to change the subject. This was familiar territory. Plans, acquisitions, and the dance of power plays.

"You have a lead on that?" I added.

A nod from Sola, and she unfolded a data pad, displaying schematics and coordinates with a swipe of her finger.

"Found a gem waiting for us at a space station. Not far from here, in system even."

"oh wow." I was surprised that there'd be a space station in the system, but it's not like a lot of society existed on Korriban outside of the tower, I guess. "This should be simple then."

"Nothing is simple with you, Vex Eras," Sola teased, eyes narrowing with a glint of mischief. "But this should be straightforward. We get in, buy the droid, and get out."

"Let's hope the galaxy agrees with your definition of 'straightforward,'" I said, draining the last of my caf and standing up. There was comfort in motion, in doing something other than drowning in self-conscious ruminations.

"Ready when you are, Sola."

Her hand found mine, her grip firm and reassuring. Two renegades against the cosmos, charting a course through stars and shadows.

'I wonder what we are?' I thought fearfully. Terrified of scaring her away with a label.


Stepping out into the bustle of the spaceport with our cloaks on to hide our identities, I could feel the weight of gazes not just from Sola's lingering eyes but from the mass of travelers and traders. They all seemed to swirl around us, a galaxy of intent and ambition orbiting the gravitational pull of our mission.

"Come on."

I heard Sola say, her hand squeezing tighter into mine as she guided me towards the docking bays. Each step felt like shedding layers of unease, leaving behind the remnants of last night's awkwardness with every footfall.

We arrived at hangar bay seventeen, where my ship squatted like a forgotten relic of wars past. "The Predator" was emblazoned across the screen in front of the ship. A name I just really wasn't fond of.

Sola wrinkled her nose. "The Predator? Really, Vex?"

"Hey, I didn't name it that. My mom hated my choice and shoved this onto me." I said defensively, then chuckled. "Used to call it 'The Sleepy Cosby' albeit very briefly."

"Much better."

She smiled, mischief twinkling in her gaze. Without hesitation, she pulled out her own datapad and tapped away.

"It's official. Let's welcome 'The Sleepy Cosby' back into service."

I couldn't help grinning at the absurdity of it all, watching as she deftly re-registered the ancient XS stock light freighter under its new and original moniker. Somehow, it felt right.

"Let's see if she still flies," I muttered, knowing full well mom made sure the upkeep on the ship was tip top for my safety.

'She really isn't a bad mom.'

Inside the co*ckpit, the controls greeted me like old friends. As my fingers danced across the panels, igniting the engines, a tingle ran up my spine, an echo of exhilaration from one of the many souls long buried within me. The soul of a smuggler.

"Here goes nothing," I murmured, pulling on the flight yoke. The ship lurched beneath us, rising gracefully into the air.

"Vex, you're flying like you were born to do this!"

Sola exclaimed, her voice tinged with surprise and delight as we slid through the traffic with ease.

"Guess I'm just lucky,"

I replied, the lie tasting bitter on my tongue. If only she knew about the master smuggler's spirit nestled among the others inside me. It takes a village, after all.

'I am the village.'

"Keep that luck coming,"

she said, leaning closer to watch the stars begin to streak by as we broke the atmosphere.

"I Always do"

I whispered to myself, my grip on the yoke steady as I steered us toward our destiny, one hidden soul at a time.


As the Sleepy Cosby docked with a gentle thud against the Czerka sponsored space station's docking clamps, my breath caught as walked off the ship. Before me sprawled a labyrinth of commerce and neon signs flashing in alien scripts, echoing the colossal malls from my previous life on Earth. The familiarity was uncanny, tugging at the edges of my memory.

"Looks like someone's feeling nostalgic."

Sola teased, her eyes twinkling as she caught my gaze lingering over the grand promenades below us.

"How could you even tell? But yeah." I admitted, shrugging off the sudden rush of homesickness. "It's like stepping into one of those old holiday shopping ads, just... with less jingle bells and more blaster rifles."

"Jingle bells?"

She laughed, a sound that made the sterile air of the station feel a little warmer. We wandered together, past vendors peddling everything from exotic spices to refurbished droid parts. The scent of sizzling meats from a nearby food stall mixed with the tang of ionized air, creating an aroma that was both appetizing and slightly metallic. Then my eyes saw it. A Sullistan handing out what ostensibly looked exactly like mall chicken next to a sign that said, Sullust Max.

'Just like the mall.' I sat in wonder at the uncanny appearance of such a thing.

"Come on, Vex, there's somewhere we need to be,"

Sola said, her hand once again slipping into mine, guiding me through the crowd with an ease that spoke of her innate confidence.

'Is this a date? Where at a mall? I hope she doesn't make me try clothes on.'

We delved deeper into the bowels of the station, where the polished gleam gave way to rust and shadows. Here, the clientele matched the decor. Rougher, more guarded. Eventually, Sola stopped in front of a store so nondescript, I almost missed it. The sign above the door flickered intermittently, the name an illegible language far and away from Aurebesh.

"Trust me, they have what we need," she assured me, pushing open the door.

The interior was dimly lit, shelves cluttered with gadgets and parts that seemed to defy categorization. Behind the counter stood a Zabrak whose horns were adorned with rings that glinted in the sparse light. When he spoke, his accent sent a jolt through me.

"Whatcha lookin' for?" The Zabrak asked, his Boston accent thick and unmistakable. It was a punch of the familiar in this alien galaxy.

"Uh, just browsing."

I replied, my voice betraying a hint of the unease I felt. Not because of him.

'Why the f*ck does he have a Boston accent?'

"Take ya time ked, its fine." He said, returning to whatever contraption he was tinkering with.

"Vex? You okay?" Sola's voice cut through my thoughts, concern etched onto her face.

"Yeah," I lied, forcing a smile. "Just didn't expect to hear home so far from home, you know?"

"Home? Is that Zabrak from Ares II."

She questioned softly, squeezing my hand.

"Huh? Uhhhhh? ahhh we need the droid, yes?" I muttered, changing the topic back on the focus of the mission at hand. Though I still found the Zabrak's voice to be super surreal.

"Alright, Sola, let's talk business." Hoola's voice snapped me back to the present. We were standing in front of a peculiar droid that seemed to be performing a series of self-diagnostics.

"This is the slicer droid." Sola stated with a hint of pride in her voice, gesturing towards the machine. It was lanky and awkward, its movements not as fluid as I'd expect from a protocol droid, but there was something almost endearing about its quirkiness.

"Designation: 4-O20." The droid introduced itself in a clipped tone, executing a stiff bow.

'No way, really?'

I couldn't help it. A laugh burst from my lips before I could even think to stifle it. The number hit a memory so absurdly Earth-like that the irony was too rich to ignore.

"420, huh?"

I snickered under my breath. No one else seemed to get why that was funny, but the droid, now nicknamed '420' for the rest of our tenure together, didn't seem to mind the new title.

"Very well, Vex," Sola said, amused by my reaction. "If you're done bonding with our new friend here, we should finalize the deal."

As we wrapped up the details with Hoola, my gaze wandered over the shelves cluttered with all manner of tech and junk. That's when I saw it. A Droideka like chassis, sad and neglected in the corner. Its shell was scarred from battles long past, and instead of bristling with lethal weaponry, it sported what appeared to be... ice cream dispensers?

'What the f*ck?'

"Hey, Hoola, what's the story with that weird battle droid thing?" I asked, pointing at the forlorn heap of metal.

"Ah, that old thing?" Hoola shrugged, scratching at his chin. "Useless, really. Some joker thought it'd be funny to turn it into an ice cream server. Can't shoot straight, can't roll right. You want it? Take it. No chahhge."

My eyes lit up.

'My very own ice cream droideka? Would it be okay to add an astromech brain into it?'

"Deal," I said firmly, and without thinking, I reached out and patted the chassis with empathy I didn't even show strangers nowadays. Like I found a pet to love. "Don't worry, little buddy. We'll give you a new life."

Sola raised an eyebrow but said nothing. She knew me well enough by now to understand that sometimes I just had to follow my gut, no matter how strange it seemed.

"Looks like you've got a new project, Vex."

She teased as we left Hoola's shop behind, 420 trailing along obediently.


Later in the Day we sat in my room once again. The dimly lit terminal enough for out plotting and scheming. Grey board out as we plotted out revenge on Ya-ta Kesyk. I crossed off slicer on the board.

"This is a great start. Now we just need an astro mech which will be easy to aquire and Ya-ta's clearance codes." I spoke.

"That's the tricky part," Sola spoke with her hand fiddling with her chin. Thoughtfully. "We have the tournament next week. Maybe if you can knock her out in the tournament, I can extract the location of the codes out of her in the infirmary. After all, I am practically the princess of Korriban." She cooed.

"There's a tournament next week?"

Sola laughed, her melodic voice filling the room. "Of course, there is a tournament next week, Vex. It's all anyone has been talking about." She shook her head in amusem*nt. "For someone so skilled with the Force, you really do pay so little attention sometimes."

I felt my cheeks flush slightly. It was true that I often got lost in my own thoughts, missing details that seemed obvious to others. The tournaments held little interest for me beyond being another test imposed by my Sith masters.

'I wonder if my ADHD from my last life persisted into this one.'

Sola didn't seem to mind, though. She was always patient with my eccentricities. It was one of the reasons In fact it seems she enjoyed my occasional listlessness. It gave her the means to advise me.

"I suppose my mind has been elsewhere," I admitted. "But you're right, the tournament could be the perfect chance to get to Ya-ta. Plus itll give me the chance to vent out a little anger."

"Yes…." Sola spoke with worry. "Vex, you mustn't kill her. Even mortally wounding her would make gaining the information necessary for proper retribution."

"Oh no, don't worry. I have plans for her. Her death demands purpose."

Chapter 23: Sithster Sithster

Chapter Text

The corridors of the academy thrummed with whispers and sidelong glances as Sola Corde, the embodiment of assertiveness wrapped in beauty, walked me to Professor Elama's classroom. I could feel the weight of every stare, the collective breaths held in anticipation of her next move. Sola had a way of commanding an audience without uttering a single word.

"Remember, Vex," she murmured, her voice laced with an intensity that contradicted her calm demeanor, "You are mine."

'I have to assume this is her way of telling me we're dating, right?'

Before I could muster a reply or even brace for impact, her lips pressed against mine, an unmistakably public smooch that seemed to echo off the ancient stone walls. It was her stamp, her claim, and as much as I wanted to shrink away from the boldness of it all, my body refused to cooperate. The kiss broke as suddenly as it began, leaving a lingering warmth that undermined the cold dread creeping up my spine.

As if on cue, Sola's eyes narrowed into fierce slits, slicing through the crowd like twin sabers. Her gaze settled on the cluster of female students huddled near the door to Elama's class, each one receiving a lash of silent fury from her psychotic stare, full of possessive hate. They shrank back, their earlier curiosity now replaced by visible fear. I guess nobody messes with the Duke of Korriban's daughter, not if they value their sanity.

"See you after class,"

Sola said, the edge in her eyes softening only for me before she sauntered away, leaving an undeniable statement hanging in the air.

'What the f*ck happened to me? I used to be king of the Gooners. Now, I date the inheritor of this planet? I'm not complaining; I'm more just lost.'

I shuffled into class, my brain still doing somersaults, when Hawk Tuah, with her intimidating Muscle mommy build, slid into the seat next to mine. Her proximity was jarring but not nearly as much as the scowl etched deeply across her features.

'She usually doesn't sit next to me.'

"Vex, you need to break up with Sola,"

Hawk demanded, her voice barely above a whisper but carrying the weight of a command from a high-ranking Sith Lord.

"Break up with Sola?"

I echoed dumbly. It was as though the universe itself was conspiring to make my life more complicated. 'Truly no greater hell.'

"She's making you look like a baka, Vex," Hawk continued, her tone fierce, yet there was something else hidden beneath the surface, a tremor of something raw.

'No, what the f*ck? BAKA IS CANON! THAT'S SO f*ckING STUPID.'

"Is that really your concern, Hawk? Or is there another reason you're so invested in my... relationships?" I probed, my words dipping in skepticism. My eyes bored a hole into her head.

Hawk faltered for a moment, her usual stoicism cracking. "She's too weak for someone like you," she blurted out, then quickly tried to cover her slip by adding, "Someone more deserving should be at your side. Like me."

I raised an eyebrow at the offer.

'She's a f*cking tsundere.' I recoil in complete disgust as I realize what abject horror lies in front of me.

'If tsundere's have no haters, then I must be dead.' I mutter in my mind about the sh*t I used to write on tsundere appreciation posts on 4chan. 'My god, do I hate tsunderes, May Santa have mercy on your soul.'

"Thanks for the... favor, Hawk," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. "But I think I've got enough on my plate with Sola."

'I hate her vibe, but that's not a reason to just cut someone up. That should be Sola's job here.'

Hawk's expression hardened again, and she turned away, focusing on the front of the class where Professor Elama stood, ready to begin the lecture. I couldn't help but let out a quiet sigh. Between Sola's dramatic displays and Hawk's unexpected confession, it was shaping up to be one long day in the galaxy far, far away from simple.

I turned my gaze away from Hawk, tuning out her disgusting mixed signals and the static of classroom chatter. I focused instead on the rhythm of my own breathing, slow and deliberate, a technique to calm the storm that was my life at Korriban Academy.

Professor Elama stood at the front of the class, her presence like a balm to the day's chaotic start. She moved with the kind of grace that made even the act of activating the holoprojector seem like a lesson in poise. As she began her lecture, I let the cadence of her voice filter through my thoughts.

"Today, we delve into the intricacies of Sith alchemy," she began, her words painting pictures of dark arts and ancient secrets. But as much as I wanted to get lost in her teachings, a part of me couldn't help but feel like I was just going through the motions, playing the part of the dutiful Sith acolyte while my mind wandered galaxies away.

'I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm on another level from at least all the Sith I've met so far. Ya-ta is the exception. Truth be told, I'm happy she beat the sh*t out of me. Because of that little incident, my strength has only grown. This does make me wonder, what of the bounty hunter, trooper, and imperial agent souls within me. Do they feel sad they are so underutilized?'

It wasn't long before Elama shifted gears, her tone taking on a weighty significance that demanded attention. "And now, for an announcement of considerable importance," she said, capturing every pair of eyes in the room. "Tomorrow marks the commencement of the Annual Sith Combat Tournament."

A collective murmur rippled through the students, a mix of excitement and apprehension. The tournament was a big deal, a chance to prove oneself in the eyes of the Academy, the Sith Lords, the entire damn Empire.

'I am so going to f*cking win.' I laugh to myself with the confidence of a horny Rancor.

"Participation is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged," Elama continued, her gaze sweeping over us like she could see right through to our core. "The rules are as follows: combatants will face off in one-on-one matches, using only training sabers and their knowledge of the Force. No lethal blows will be tolerated."


"The matches will carry on until a winner is determined, either by one competitor being knocked unconscious or through a ring knock out.," Elama wrapped up, her expression inscrutable. "May the best student claim victory and bring honor to their lineage."

I exhaled slowly, trying not to let my clear excitement show. Honor, lineage, victory they were like chains, heavy with expectation. Expectation i feel no obligation to live up to. My chains were long broken.

'Peace is a lie, baby!'


The clang of plasma against plasma rang out as I rounded the corner, the unmistakable sound of sabers in combat. There she was, Zenna, a blur of fluid motion and unwavering focus, her saber a streak of red fury against the backdrop of the dimly lit chamber while attacking a training droid.

"Hey, Zenna."

I called out, my voice betraying a hint of the nervous energy that had been gnawing at me since Sola's public display earlier.

She didn't pause, her saber colliding with the droid's in a shower of sparks. Only when she'd sent the machine stumbling back with a swift kick did she turn to look at me, her piercing eyes narrowing slightly.

"Vex? What's wrong?" she asked, ever perceptive.

'I'm gonna frow up.'

"Nothing's wrong, exactly… it's just, well, Sola and I are kind of... a thing now."

The words stumbled out of me in a rush, each one heavier than the last. I had to tell her before she found out on her own. I didn't want her to freak out on me.

Zenna's expression shifted from curiosity to irritation faster than her saber strikes. "A 'thing'? By the Empress, Vex, what does that even mean?"

Before I could muster an explanation, her features softened, and I could almost see the gears turning in her head. "Oh, well then that makes this next part easier i guess." confusing me as she spoke she followed up "It's like getting a sister then, isn't it?"

"Sort of," I conceded, relief washing over me at her change of heart, but it was short-lived.

"Speaking of which," Zenna continued, putting down her training saber and stepping closer, "Father received a letter from the Duke of Korriban himself."

I swallowed hard. ‘Is he mad im blowing rope in his daughter?’

"Officially," she said, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and formality, "You've been requested to be Sola's betrothed."

Betrothed. The word echoed in my mind like a death knell. I knew Sola was intense with her feelings for me, but this was a whole new level of crazy. My future, it seemed, had been decided without my consent.

"Exciting, isn't it?" Zenna beamed, oblivious to the cold dread seeping into my bones.

"Overwhelming," I managed, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. I felt like a loving serpent had coiled itself around me. Deeply inserting it's fang's into my neck.

'It could be worse. She treats me like a king whenever I'm around her and is extremely quick to take control during…….And uhhh, well, her feelings seem genuine. I mean, it was kind of love at first sight for me anyway.’ My thoughts are putter around like those of a schoolgirl.

"Sola doesn't really take no for an answer, does she?"

"Ha! That's putting it mildly," Zenna chuckled, her amusem*nt evident. "But come on, you have to admit, it's quite an honor."

Honor. There was that word again, dripping with expectation. Inevitably or not, being tied to someone as unpredictable as Sola felt less like an honor and more like walking a tightrope above a nest of krayt dragons.

'God grants his silliest clowns to his Strongest Sith…. I bet.' She's worth it. I can feel it in my gut.

"I'm just happy to find someone so passionate, you know?"

I spoke, thinking how she was already so uninhibited, and she point blank told me I could ask her for anything. If she is my betrothed, then I'm sure she'll understand that someone as powerful as me might have the occasional odd proclivity.

I notice I'm practically hyperventilating at the thought of my now betrothed apprentice giving me the ultimate clussy.

'Just one honk, Sola, Please.'

I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird - Vexeras - Star Wars (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.