Abelian groupoids and non pointed additive categories - [PDF Document] (2024)

Abelian groupoids and

non pointed additive categories

Dominique Bourn


We show that, in any Mal’cev (and a fortiori protomodular) categoryE, the fibre GrdXE of internal groupoids above the object X is naturallyMal’cev and moreover shares with the category Ab of abelian groups theproperty following which the domain of any split epimorphism is isomor-phic with the direct sum of its codomain with its kernel. This allows usto point at a new class of ”non pointed additive” categories. When fur-thermore the ground category E is efficiently regular, we get a new way toproduce Bear sums in the fibres GrdXE and more generally in the fibresn-GrdXE.

IntroductionThe main project of this work was to gather some properties (related to co-hom*ological algebra) of the category GrdC of internal groupoids inside a pro-tomodular [4] category C. In a way, the existence of the semi-direct productin the category Gp of groups and the associated possible reduction of internalgroupoids to crossed modules made that the systematic investigation of the cat-egory GrdGp was not done, and no guiding example of such a protomodularcontext was existing. Actually it appears that our main results concerning GrdCdo hold when C is only Mal’cev in the sense of [12] (see also [13] and [14]).

We show that, in the Mal’cev context, any groupoid is abelian in the senseof [7], which implies that any fibre GrdXC of internal groupoids having Xas ”object of objects” is naturally Mal’cev in the sense of [16]. Moreover weshow that, given any split internal functor in the fibre GrdXC, the downwardpullback:

K1[f•] //k1 //


W 1


∆X //α1Z1






produces an upward pushout. In other word, when C is Mal’cev, the fibreGrdXC shares with the category Ab of abelian groups (and more generallythe fibre Grd1C = AbC) the property following which the domain of any splitepimorphism is isomorphic with the direct sum of its codomain with its kernel.It is all the more interesting since this is absolutely not the case in the fibresAbGrdXSet, X 6= 1 of abelian groupoids in Set.


This kind of results gives rise to new classes of ”non pointed additive” cat-egories which take place between the class of naturally Mal’cev categories [16]and the one of essentially affine categories [5]. Subtle distinctions between dif-ferent kinds of cohesion, which compensate the disorganisation determined bythe absence of 0 (and consequently by the ordered set of subobjects of 1), un-cumfortably demand to introduce a bit of terminology. We give a syntheticclassification table in section 2.3. The most interesting intermediate class is theone of penessentially affine categories (see section 2.1 for the precise definition):it is a class of non pointed additive categories which are necessarily protomodu-lar and such that any monomorphism is normal, and which, precisely, containsany fibre GrdXC in the Mal’cev context. This new structural approach of inter-nal groupoids allows us to get a new way to produce Baer sums in these fibres,and more generally a new way to produce the cohom*ology groups Hn

C (A). Allthis leads also to a more technical last section which is devoted to the fibreGrdXE when E is only finitely complete.

1 Internal groupoids

Let E be a finitely complete category, and GrdE denote the category of internalgroupoids in E. An internal groupoid Z1 in E will be presented (see [2]) as areflexive graph Z1 ⇒ Z0 endowed with an operation ζ2:



��z2 //


z1 // R[z0]




z1 // Z1

z1 //



making the previous diagram satisfy all the simplicial identities (including theones involving the degeneracies), where R[z0] is the kernel equivalence relationof the map z0. In the set theoretical context, this operation ζ2 associates thecomposite g.f−1 with any pair (f, g) of arrows with same domain. We denoteby ()0 : GrdE → E the forgetful functor which is a fibration. Any fibre GrdXEabove an object X has an initial object ∆X, namely the discrete equivalencerelation on X, and a final object ∇X, namely the indiscrete equivalence relationon X. This fibre is quasi-pointed in the sense that the unique map

$ : 0 → 1 = ∆X → ∇X

is a monomorphism; this implies that any initial map is a monomorphism, andwe can define the kernel of any map as its pullback along the initial map tothe codomain. The fibre Grd1E is nothing but the category GpE of internalgroups in E which is necessarily pointed protomodular. It was shown in [4] thatany fibre GrdXE is still protomodular although non pointed. This involves anintrinsic notion of normal subobject and abelian object. They both have beencharacterized in [7].


1.1 Abelian groupoids

Let us begin by the abelian groupoids. Consider the following pullback in GrdEwhich only retains the ”endomorphisms” of Z1:

En1Z1//ε1Z1 //




∆Z0// // ∇Z0

Let us recall [7] that:

Proposition 1.1. The groupoid Z1 is abelian if and only if the group ε1 :En1Z1 → Z0 in the slice category E/Z0 is abelian.

In the set theoretical context, this means that any group of endomaps in Z1

is abelian. We shall denote by AbGrdXE the full subcategory of GrdXE whoseobjects are the abelian groupoids.

Now consider any internal functor f1

: W 1 → Z1 in AbGrdXE. Supposeit is split by a functor s1, and consider the following pullback determining thekernel of f


K1[f1] //k1 //


W 1


∆X //α1Z1






In the case X = 1, the upward square is actually a pushout in AbGrd1E = AbEthe category of abelian groups in E. Does it still hold in any case? Supposegiven a pair h1 : K1[f1

] → V 1, t1 : Z1 → V 1 of internal functors in AbGrdXE.

Lemma 1.1. When E = Set, there is a factorization g1

: W 1 → V 1 such that

g1.k1 = h1 and g

1.s1 = t1 if and only if, for all pair x

γ→ xφ→ y of maps in

K[f1]× Z1 with same domain, we have:

h1(s1φ.γ.s1φ−1) = t1φ.h1γ.t1φ−1

Proof. For any δ : y → y in K1[f1], we must have g1δ = h1δ, and any φ : x→ y

in Z1, we must have g1.s1φ = t1φ. Accordingly, for any ψ : x → y in W 1,we must have g1ψ = g1(ψ.s1f1ψ−1).g1(s1f1ψ) = h1(ψ.s1f1ψ−1).t1(f1ψ). Itremains to show that this definition is functorial, which is easily stated to beequivalent to our condition.

Accordingly, the category AbGrdXE of abelian groupoids in the fibre aboveX 6= 1 does not share the classical property of AbE = AbGrd1E concerning thesplit epimorphisms.


1.2 Groupoids in Mal’cev and naturally Mal’cev categories

However we are going to show that this is the case as soon as the ground categoryE is Mal’cev. Recall that a category E is Mal’cev ([12], [13]) when it is finitelycomplete and such that any reflexive relation is actually an equivalence relation.When the category E is Mal’cev, we can truncate at level 2 (i.e. at the level ofR[z0]) the diagram defining a groupoid, see [13]. A category is naturally Mal’cev[16] when its is finitely complete and such that any object X is equipped witha natural Mal’cev operation. Any naturally Mal’cev category is Mal’cev.

Theorem 1.1. Suppose E is Mal’cev. Then any internal groupoid is abelian.Accordingly any fibre GrdXE is naturally Mal’cev. Moreover, for any split epi-morphism in GrdXE, the previous upward square is necessarily a pushout.

Proof. When E is Mal’cev, this is still the case for the slice category E/Z0. Onthe other hand, any group in a Mal’cev category is abelian, see [13]. So, byProposition 1.1, any groupoid is abelian. Any fibre GrdXE, being necessarilyprotomodular [4] and thus Mal’cev, is naturally Mal’cev, since any object inGrdXE is abelian and produces a natural Mal’cev operation.

We are now going to show the next point by a classical method in Mal’cevcategories. Consider the relation R � K1[f1

]× Z1 defined by γRφ if

domγ = domφ ∧ h1(s1φ.γ.s1φ−1) = t1φ.h1γ.t1φ−1

Suppose domγ = domφ = x, then obviously we have 1xRφ, γR1x and 1xR1x.Accordingly we can conclude that γRφ for all (γ, φ) with same domain, whence,according to Lemma 1.1, the desired unique factorization g

1: W 1 → V 1.

This result holds a fortiori in any protomodular category E. We have nowan important structural property:

Corollary 1.1. Suppose E is Mal’cev. Then for any groupoid Z1 the followingupward left hand side square is a pushout in GrdE.

Proof. Let us consider the following diagram:


// ε1Z1 //





Z1 ×0 Z1

p1 //






// //



Z1 ω1Z1





The whole rectangle and the right hand side squares being pullbacks, thereis a unique dotted arrow which makes the downward square a pullback, andconsequently the upward left hand side square a pushout in GrdZ0E accordingto the previous theorem. But, the functor ()0 : GrdE → E being a fibration, itis still a pushout in GrdE.


It was shown in [5] that a finitely complete category E is Mal’cev if andonly if any reflexive graph Z ′1 which is a subobject of a groupoid Z1 is itself agroupoid. This property allows to strengthen the Theorem 1.1:

Theorem 1.2. Suppose E is Mal’cev. Given any split epimorphism (f1, s1) :

W 1 � Z1 in GrdXE, there is a bijection between the pointed subobjects of thekernel K1[f1

] and the pointed subobjects of (f1, s1).

Proof. Any pointed subobject j1

of (f1, s1) produces a pointed subobject of

K1[f1] by pullback along k1:

A1// //


W ′1


K1[f1] //k1 //


W 1


∆X //α1Z1






Conversely suppose given a pointed subobject i1 : A1 � K1. Define W ′1 as the

subobject of W1 whose elements are those maps τ : x → y ∈ W1 which satisfyτ.s1f1(τ−1) ∈ A1. This subobject is given by the following right hand sidepullback in E where l = (w1, ν) (with ν the map which internally correspondsto the mapping:τ 7→ τ.s1f1(τ−1)) is a natural retraction of k1 : K1[f1

] � W1:



kA1 // W ′

1λ //





// W1l// K1[f1


This produces a natural section kA1 of λ. The object W ′1 clearly determines

a subgraph W ′1 of the groupoid W 1. Since E is Mal’cev, W ′

1 is actually asubgroupoid such that the following square is a pullback in GrdXE:

A1// kA

1 //


W ′1


K1[f1] //k1

// W 1

1.3 Connected equivalence relations

Let us now point out some properties related to commutator theory. First con-sider R and S two equivalence relations on an object X in any finitely completecategory E. Let us recall the following definition from [9]:


Definition 1.1. A connector on the pair (R,S) is a morphism

p : R×X S → X, (xRySz) 7→ p(x, y, z)

which satisfies the identities :

1) xSp(x, y, z) 1′) zRp(x, y, z)

2) p(x, y, y) = x 2′) p(y, y, z) = z

3) p(x, y, p(y, u, v)) = p(x, u, v) 3′) p(p(x, y, u), u, v) = p(x, y, v)

In set theoretical terms, Condition 1 means that with any triple xRySz we canassociate a square:



p(x, y, z)R



More acutely, any connected pair produces a double equivalence relation in E:







p1 //S







//d1 //





Example 1) An emblematical example is produced by a given discrete fibrationf

1: R → Z1 with R an equivalence relation. For that consider the following







p1 //R





oo f1 // Z1






p1 //





// Z0


It is clear that R[f1] is isomorphic to R[f0]×X R and that the map

p : R[f1]p0→ R

d1→ X

determines a connector.2) Given any groupoid Z1, we have such a discrete fibration R[z0] → Z1:




ζ2 // Z1





z1// Z0



which implies a connector on the pair (R[z0], R[z1]) explicited by the followingdiagram:

xφ //χ



t x t


ψ// z y



The converse is true as well, see [13] and [9]; given a reflexive graph :


z1 //



any connector on the pair (R[z0], R[z1]) determines a groupoid structure.

Now let us observe that:

Proposition 1.2. Suppose p is a connector for the pair (R,S). Then the fol-lowing reflexive graph is underlying a groupoid we shall denote by R]S:

R×X Sd0.p0

//d1.p1 //


Proof. Thank to the Yoneda embedding, it is enough to prove it in Set. Thisis straightforward just setting:

(zRuSv).(xRySz) = xRp(u, z, y)Sv

The inverse of the arrow xRySz is zRp(x, y, z)Sx.

Remark 1) When R ∩ S = ∆X, the groupoid R]S is actually an equivalencerelation.2) Let Z1 be any reflexive graph. We noticed it is a groupoid if and only if[R[z0], R[z1]] = 0. It is easy to check that:

R[z0]]R[z1] ' Z21

where Z21 is the groupoid whose objects are the maps and morphisms the com-

mutative squares, in other words the groupoid which represents the naturaltransformations between functors with codomain Z1. Next we have:

Proposition 1.3. Given a discrete fibration f1

: R→ Z1, the associated inter-nal functor R[f0]]R→ R→ Z1 is fully faithful.

Proof. This functor φ1

is given by the following diagram:





f1.pi // Z1






// Z0



Thank to the Yoneda embedding, it is enough to prove it is fully faithful in Set.Suppose you have a map α : f(x) → f(x′). Since f

1is a discrete fibration,

there is an object z ∈ X such that zRx′ and f(z, x′) = α. This implies thatf(z) = f(x). Accordingly xR[f0]zRx′ is a map in R[f0]]R above α. Supposenow that φ1(xR[f0]zRx′) = φ1(xR[f0]z′Rx′). This means f(z, x′) = f(z′, x′).Since f

1is a discrete fibration, we have necessarily z = z′.

In a Mal’cev category, the conditions 2) imply the other ones, and moreovera connector is necessarily unique when it exists, and thus the existence of aconnector becomes a property.

Example 1.1. By Proposition 3.6, Proposition 2.12 and definition 3.1 in [17],two relations R and S in a Mal’cev variety V are connected if and only if [R,S] =0 in the sense of Smith [19]. Accordingly we shall denote a connected pair ofequivalence relations by the formula [R,S] = 0.

Proposition 1.4. Suppose E is Mal’cev and [R,S] = 0. Then the followingdiagram (which is a pullback) is a pushout in GrdE:

∆X // //




R //iR// R]S

Proof. Let f1

and g1

be two functors making the following diagram commute:

∆X // //





// Z1

We have f0 = g0(= h0) : X → Z0. Wanting h1.iR = f1

and h1.iS = g1

impliesthat h1 : R ×X S → Z1 is given by the formula h1(xRySz) = g(y, z).f(x, y).This defines a functor h1 : R]S → Z1 if and only if, for all xRySz, we haveg(y, z).f(x, y) = f(p(x, y, z), z).g(x, p(x, y, z)). This is necessarily the case whenE is Mal’cev. For that, let us introduce the following relation T on R×X definedby

(xRy)Tz ⇔ ySz ∧ g(y, z).f(x, y) = f(p(x, y, z), z).g(x, p(x, y, z))

For all xRySz, we have necessarily (xRy)Ty, (yRy)Ty and (yRy)Tz. Accord-ingly, for all xRySz, we have necessarily (xRy)Tz.

According to Remark 1 above, when we have R ∩ S = ∆X, the groupoidR]S being an equivalence relation, we have also R]S = R ∨ S


1.4 The regular context

We shall end this section with a useful remark concerning pullbacks of splitepimorphisms and discrete fibrations in the regular context:

Proposition 1.5. Suppose E Mal’cev and regular [1]. Then any (downward)pullback of split epimorphism along a regular epimorphism produces an upwardpushout:




f // // Z


��X ′



f ′// // Z



Any disrete fibration f1

: X1 → Z1 with f0 regular epimorphic is cocartesianwith respect to the functor ()0 : GrdE → E.

Proof. Consider the following diagram:

R[f ]




p1 //X



oo f // //





φ // W

R[f ′]p0

//p1 //



X ′



oof ′// // Z





with g.f ′ = h.r. We must find a map φ which makes the triangles commute.Since f is a regular epimorphism, this is the case if and only if R[f ] ⊂ R[h].Now the left hand side squares are still pullbacks. Since E is Mal’cev, the pair(R(r) : R[f ′] → R[f ], s0 : X → R[f ]) is jointly strongly epic. So that theinclusion in question can be checked by composition with this pair. Checkingby s0 is straightforward. Checking by R(r) is guaranteed by the existence of themap g. Let f

1: X1 → Z1 be any disrete fibration with f0 regular epimorphic






p1 //X1





oo f1 // //







g1 // W1






p1 //





// // Z0


g0// W0


where the pair (h0 = g0.f0, h1) is underlying an internal functor X1 →W 1. Bythe previous part of this proof we have a map g1 such that g1.s0 = s0.g0 andg1.f1 = h1. The end of the proof (checking the commutation with the legs ofthe groupoids) is straightforward.


2 Non pointed additive categories

The result asserted by Theorem 1.2 is actually underlying a stronger propertywhich allows us to enrich the classification of non pointed additive categories.The weaker notion is the one of naturally Mal’cev category [16]. A naturallyMal’cev category is a Mal’cev category in which any pair (R,S) of equivalencerelations on an object X is connected. The stronger one is the notion of es-sentially affine category [4], namely finitely complete category with existenceof pushouts of split monomorphisms along any map and such that, given anycommutative square of split epimorphisms, the downward square is a pullbackif and only if the upward square is a pushout:

X ′ g //

f ′




Y ′h//






This is equivalent to saying that any change of base functor h∗ : PtY E → PtY ′Ewith respect with the fibration of points [4] is an equivalence of categories. Recallthat the category E is naturally Mal’cev if and only if any fibre PtY E is additive[5], and this last point is implied by the fact that the change of base functorsh∗ are equivalence of categories. The slice and coslice categories of a finitelycomplete additive category A are essentially affine. Notice then that, thanks tothe Moore normalization, A/X is isomorphic to the fibre GrdXA. When thecategory E is pointed, the notions of naturally Mal’cev and essentially affinecategories coincide with the notion of finitely complete additive category.

There is a well known intermediate notion, namely protomodular naturallyMal’cev categories (recall that a category is protomodular when any changeof base functor h∗ is conservative). This is the case, for instance, for the fullsubcategory Ab(Gp/Y ) of the slice category Gp/Y whose object are group ho-momorphisms with abelian kernel. It is easy to check that the naturally Mal’cevprotomodular category Ab(Gp/Y ) is not essentially affine, since this would im-ply, considering the following diagram in Ab(Gp/Y ), that any split epimorphismf : X → Y with abelian kernel A is such that X = A⊕ Y :

A //



1 //










The fibres AbGrdXE of section 1.1 are other examples of naturally Mal’cevprotomodular categories which are not essentially affine.

2.1 Penessentially affine categories

Let us introduce now two intermediate notions. Here is the first one:


Definition 2.1. A finitely complete category E is said to be antepenessentiallyaffine when, for any square of split epimorphisms as above, the upward squareis a pushout as soon as the downward square is a pullback.

The antepenessensially affine categories are stable by slice and coslice cate-gories. According to Proposition 4 in [4], the previous definition is equivalentto saying that any change of base functor h∗ : PtY E → PtY ′E is fully faithful.So, any essentially affine category is antepenessentially affine. On the otherhand any fully faithful functor being conservative, any antepenessentially affinecategory is necessarily protomodular. Moreover any antepenessentially affinecategory is naturally Mal’cev for the same reasons as the essentially affine cate-gories. On the other hand, again for the same reason as above, the protomodularnaturally Mal’cev category Ab(Gp/Y ) and AbGrdXE (E finitely complete) arenot antepenessentially affine.

Definition 2.2. A finitely complete category E is said to be penessentially affinewhen it is antepenessentially affine and such that any (fully faithful) change ofbase functor h∗ is saturated on subobjects.

Recall that a left exact conservative functor U : C → D is saturated on sub-objects when any subobject j : d � U(c) is isomorphic to the image by U ofsome (unique up to isomorphism) subobject i : c′ � c. So, being penessen-tially affine implies that, given any downward parallelistic pullback as belowand any pointed subobject j′ : U ′ � X ′ (with the retraction φ′ of σ′ such thatf ′.j′ = φ′):

X ′ g //





U ′ γ //





Y ′h








there is a (dotted) pushout of σ′ along h which makes the upper upward diagrama pullback. The penessensially affine categories are stable by slice and coslicecategories. Here is our first major structural point:

Theorem 2.1. Suppose E is Mal’cev. Then any fibre GrdXE is penessentiallyaffine.

Proof. Let us show first it is antepenesentially affine. Consider the followingright hand side downward pullback in GrdXE:

K1[f′1] //

k1 //


W ′1

f ′1


g1 // W 1


��∆X //




Z ′1




// Z1




Complete the diagram by the left hand side downward pullback, then the wholedownward rectangle is a pullback. Now the upward left hand side square is apushout as well as the whole upward rectangle. Accordingly the right hand sideupward square is a pushout. The fact that the change of base functor alongh1 is saturated on subobjects is checked in the same way, thanks to Theorem1.2.

2.2 Normal subobjects

Any penessentially affine category is protomodular, and consequently yields anintrinsic notion of normal subobject. The aim of this subsection is to showthat any penessentially affine category is similar to an additive category insofaras any monomorphism is normal. Let us begin by the following more generalobservation:

Proposition 2.1. Let E be a naturally Mal’cev category. Then, given anymonomorphism s : Y � X split by f , there is a unique equivalence relation R onX such that s is normal to R and R∩R[f ] = ∆X. In any protomodular naturallyMal’cev category, and a fortiori in any antepenessentially affine category, a splitmonomorphism is normal.

Proof. Consider the following diagram:

Y × Y //s×1 //



X × Y



f×1 // Y × Y


��Y // s







f// Y




The right hand side downward square is a pullback of split epimorphisms inE, and consequetly a product in the additive fibre PtY E. Accordingly the lefthand side upward square is a pushout. So the map p1 : Y × Y → Y producesa factorization ψ : X × Y → X such that ψ.(1, f) = 1X and ψ.(s × 1) = s.p1.Whence a reflexive graph (pX , ψ) : X × Y ⇒ X and thus a groupoid X1

since E is naturally Mal’cev and thus satisfies the Lawvere condition followingwhich any reflexive graph is a groupoid, see [16]. We can check f.ψ = p1.(f ×1), thus we have a discrete fibration f

1: X1 → ∇Y . The codomain ∇Y

being an equivalence relation, the domain X1 is an equivalence relation we shalldenote by R. The monomorphism s is normal to R since the left hand sidedownward square above is also a pullback. Moreover, by commutation of limits,the following square is a pullback in GrdE:

R ∩R[f ] //



��R = X1 f


// ∇Y


Since f1

is discrete fibration, the upper horizontal map is a discrete fibrationand necessarily we have R ∩R[f ] = ∆X.

Now suppose we have another equivalence S on X which is normal to s andsuch that S ∩ R[f ] = ∆X. By the first part of the assumption, there is a maps which makes the following downward left hand side square a pullback:

Y × Y //s //






(f×f).(d0,d1)// Y × Y


��Y // s







f// Y




and produces a splitting s of (f × f).(d0, d1). Accordingly we have a splitepimorphism in the fibre PtY E:




11(f×f).(d0,d1)// Y × Y









So, in this additive fibre, the domain of this split epimorphism is isomorphic tothe product of its codomain by its kernel. But its kernel is S ∩R[f ] d0→ X

f→ Y .We have S ∩R[f ] = ∆X by assumption, and thus S ' X × Y .

Now, when E is penessentially affine, we have more:

Theorem 2.2. Let E be a penessentially affine category. Then any monomor-phism in E is normal.

Proof. Let m : X ′ � X be any subobject. The change of base functorm∗ : PtXE → PtX′E is saturated on subobjects. Then consider the follow-ing diagram:

X ′ ×X // m×1 //





X ×X



X ′ ×X ′ m //




j 55

X ′ //m







The map 1×m determines a pointed subobject of (pX′ , (1,m)) : X ′×X � X ′.This produces a pointed subobject j : R � X × X, and thus an equivalencerelation on X. Moreover the following vertical square is a pullback, which means


that m is normal to R:

X ′ ×X ′ // m //




X ′ //m







According to Theorem 2.1 we have the following:

Corollary 2.1. Let E be any Mal’cev category. Then, in a fibre GrdXE, anymonomorphism is normal.

2.3 Classification table

We give, here, the classification table of our ”non pointed additive” categoriesby decreasing order of generality:

Category C Fibration: π : Pt(C) → C Examplenaturally Mal’cev additive fibres AutMalprotomodular and additive fibres + conservative AbGrdXE when Enaturally Mal’cev change of base functors finitely completeantepenessent. aff. fully faithful change GrdXE when

of base functors E Gummpenesentially affine fully faithful saturated on GrdXE when

subobj. change of base functors E Mal’cevessentially affine change of base functors GrdXA when A fin.

are equivalences complete + additive

All the given examples do not belong to the next class. The category AutMalis the variety of autonomous Mal’cev operations. A category is Gumm whenit is finitely complete and satisfies the Shifting Lemma [10]. This means that,given any triple R,S, T of equivalence relations on an object X with R∩S ≤ Tthe situation given by the continuous lines






implies that tTz. A variety of universal algebras is Gumm if and only if itis congruence modular [15]. The Gumm categories are stable under slicing.Any regular Mal’cev category is Gumm. The table will be complete with thefollowing:

Proposition 2.2. Suppose E is a Gumm category. Then any internal groupoidis abelian. Accordingly any fibre GrdXE is naturally Mal’cev. Furthermore, anyfibre GrdXE is antepenessentially affine.


Proof. Any internal Mal’cev operation on an object X in a Gumm category isunique when it exists and necessarily associative and commutative, see Corollary3.4 in [10]. This implies immediately that any internal group is abelian. TheGumm categories being stable under slicing, any internal groupoid is abelian byProposition 1.1. In order to show that any fibre GrdXE is antepenessentiallyaffine, in the same way as in the proof of Theorem 2.1, it is sufficient to showthat the square below Proposition 1.1 is a pushout, and that consequently theconditions of Lemma 1.1 are satisfied. For that, using the notations of thislemma, let us introduce the following mapping:

τ : K1[f1]×X Z1 → V1 (γ, φ) 7→ t1φ.h1γ.t1φ


where K1[f1] ×X Z1 = {(γ, φ)/domγ = domφ}. The following diagram will

complete the proof:

(γ, 1x)pK1


(γ, φ)pZ1

(1x, 1x)pK1(1x, φ)


where a kernel equivalence relation is denoted by the same symbol as the mapitself. Clearly R[pZ1 ] ∩ R[pK1 ] ≤ R[τ ]. Moreover τ(1x, 1x) = 1x = τ(γ, 1x)implies τ(1x, φ) = 1y = τ(γ, φ), and 1y = τ(γ, φ) is our condition.

The fibres GrdXE are not penessentialy in general, since the proof of Theo-rem 1.2 cannot apply to here.

2.4 Quasi-pointed penessentially affine categories

We noticed that the fibres GrdXE are quasi-pointed. This particularity leadsto further interesting observations. We recalled that a category is quasi-pointedwhen it has an initial object 0 such that the unique map $ : 0 � 1 is amonomorphism. The category E/0 = Pt0E is then a full subcategory of E stableunder products and pullbacks. The inclusion Pt0E � E is a discrete fibration.So it is stable by subobject, and by equivalence relation. Consequently, whenmoreover E is regular, Pt0E is stable under regular epimorphisms, which meansthat, when the domain of a regular epimorphism belongs to this subcategory,the codomain belongs to it as well. The quasi-pointed categories are stable byslice categories.

Definition 2.3. In a finitely complete quasi-pointed category, we shall call en-dosome of an object X the object EnX defined by the following pullback:

EnXεX //



��0 $

// 1


This construction determines a left exact functor En : E → E/0 = Pt0Ewhich is a right adjoint to the inclusion. When E is regular, this functor pre-serves the regular epimorphisms. It is clear that when E is pointed this functordisappears, since it is nothing but the identity functor. Thanks to the followingupper pullback, where the map εX is the unique map making the left handside square commute and such that p1.εX = εX, the functor En allows us toassociate with any equivalence relation R on X a subobject I of EnX which wecall the endonormalization of the equivalence relation R:

I //




EnXεX //


X ×X


0 // αX






Remark The upper left hand side pullback, in the following diagram whose anysquare is a pullback, shows i is nothing but the classical normalization of theequivalence relation EnR (on the object EnX) in the pointed category Pt0Esince we have obviously εX = εX × εX.(0, 1):

I //




// R




εX //EnX × EnX



X ×X


0 // // EnX //εX




��0 // 1

Next we have:

Proposition 2.3. Suppose E penessentially affine and quasi-pointed. Then theendonormalization construction is bijective.

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the fact that the change of basefunctor α∗X is saturated on subobjects.

3 Baer sums and Baer categories

When the naturally Mal’cev category E is moreover efficiently regular, there isa direction functor d : Eg → Ab(E) where Eg is the full subcategory of objectswith global support and Ab(E) = Pt1E is the category of global elements of E(which necessarily determine an internal abelian group structure in E). Thisfunctor d is a cofibration whose fibres are canonically endowed with a tensor


product, the so-called Baer sum, see [6]. Our aim will be to show there is,in the stronger context of penessensially affine categories, an alternative andsimpler description of this Baer sum which mimics closely the classical Baersum construction on exact sequences in abelian categories.

Recall the following [8]:

Definition 3.1. A category C is said to be efficiently regular when it is regularand such that any equivalence relation T on an object X which is a subobject j :T � R of an effective equivalence relation on X by an effective monomorphism(which means that j is the equalizer of some pair of maps in C), is itself effective.

The efficiently regular categories are stable under slice and coslice categories.The category GpTop (resp. AbTop) of (resp. abelian) topological groups isefficiently regular, but not Barr exact. A finitely complete regular additivecategory A is efficiently regular if and only if the kernel maps are stable undercomposition. In this context we can add some interesting piece of information:

Proposition 3.1. Suppose E naturally Mal’cev and efficiently regular. Then,given any monomorphism s : Y � X split by f , the equivalence relation R onX asserted by Proposition 2.1, to which s is normal, is effective and produces adirect product decomposition X ' Q× Y where Q is the quotient of R.

Proof. According to Proposition 2.1, we have a discrete fibration f1

: R→ ∇Y .Certainly ∇Y is effective, and thus R is effective, see [8]. Now consider thefollowing diagram where Q is the quotient of R:




//d1 //




oo q // // Q

��Y × Y


p1 //s1


Y //oo




Since the left hand side squares are pullbacks, then, according to the Barr-Kocktheorem in regular categories, the right hand side square is a pullback, whichgives us the direct product decomposition

In the same order of idea, recall that, in a category E which is naturallyMal’cev and efficiently regular, the direction of an object X with global supportis given by the following diagram where, π : X ×X ×X → X, written for πX ,is the value at X of the natural Mal’cev operation:

X ×X ×X



p2 //X ×X


oo qX // // dX

��X ×X


p1 //s0


X // //oo






The quotient qX of the upper equivalence relation does exist in the efficientlyregular category E since the vertical diagram is a discrete fibration between


equivalence relations, see [8]. Actually the downward right hand side squareis necessarily a pullback (E being regular) and the upward square a pushout(in a naturally Mal’cev category E, the pair (s0, s1) : X × X ⇒ X × X × X,composing the edge of a pushout, is jointly strongly epic).

Proposition 3.2. Suppose D efficiently regular. Then any fibre GrdXD isefficiently regular.

Proof. The regular epimorphisms in GrdXD are the internal functors f1

: X1 →Z1 such that the map f1 : X1 → Z1 is a regular epimorphisms in D. They areconsequently stable under pullbacks. On the other hand, suppose the equiva-lence relation R1 ⇒ X1 is effective. Then the underlying equivalence relationin D is still effective. Let q1 : Z1 � Q1 be its quotient in D. Then clearly theinduced reflexive graph Q1 ⇒ X is underlying a groupoid Q

1and R1 ⇒ Z1 is

the kernel relation of the internal functor q1

: Z1 � Q1

in GrdXD. AccordinglyGrdXD is regular when D is regular. Suppose j

1: S1 � R1 is an effective

monomorphism in GrdXD. Then the underlying monomorphism j1 : S1 � R1

is effective in D and the underlying equivalence relation S1 ⇒ Z1 is effectivein D. With the same arguments as above S1 ⇒ Z1 is an effective equivalencerelation in GrdXD.

3.1 Baer categories

Let us introduce the following:

Definition 3.2. We shall call Baer category any category E which is penessen-tially affine, efficiently regular, quasi-pointed and such that the endonormaliza-tion process reflects the effective monomorphism.

This implies that when the endonormalization (see Proposition 2.3) of anequivalence R is a kernel map, then R is effective, i.e. the kernel equivalencerelation of some map. As a penessentially affine category, a Baer category isnecessarily protomodular. Given a Baer category E, the pointed subcategoryE/0 = Pt0E is additive and efficiently regular, and consequently such thatthe kernel maps are stable under composition. The pertinence of this furtherdefinition comes from the following theorem which is our main structural pointconcerning internal groupoids:

Theorem 3.1. Let E be a Mal’cev efficiently regular category. Then any fibreGrdXE is a Baer category.

Proof. Let R1 be an equivalence relation on Z1 in GrdXE. Its endonormaliza-


tion is given by the following pullback:





En1Z1 ε1Z1



Z1 ×0 Z1


∆Z0// //





Suppose that i1 is an effective monomorphism in GrdXE. Then the morphismi1 : I1 → En1Z1 is an effective monomorphism in E. By Theorem 1.2, weknow that j1 is a pullback of i1 in E. So that j1 : R1 � Z1 ×0 Z1 is itself an

effective monomorphism in E. Since Z1 ×0 Z1 ⇒ Z1(z0,z1)→ X ×X provides an

effective relation in E, the equivalence relation R1 ⇒ Z1 is effective in E. Letq1 : Z1 � Q1 be its quotient in E. Then clearly the induced reflexive graphQ1 ⇒ X is underlying a groupoid Q

1and R1 ⇒ Z1 is the kernel relation of the

internal functor q1

: Z1 � Q1

in GrdXE.

We are in such a situation, for instance, with the categories E = GpTop andE = GpHaus of topological and Hausdorff groups. On the other hand we have:

Proposition 3.3. The Baer categories are stable under slice categories.

Proof. The only point which remains to check concerns the endonormalizationprocess. So let f : X → Y be an object in E/Y and R an equivalence relation onthis object, which means that R ⊂ R[f ]. The endosome in E/Y of this objectf is nothing but its kernel. Let us consider the following diagram in E:

IR //

i ""EEEE R




K[f ](0,k) //

if $$IIIII


R[f ]p1 //









yyssssssX ×X


0 // Xf

// Y

Our assumption is that i is an effective monomorphism. This means it is akernel map since the category E/0 is additive. This is also the case for if sinceR[f ] is an effective equivalence relation. Since E/0 is additive and efficientlyregular, then if .i is still a kernel map. Accordingly, E being a Baer category,R is an effective equivalence relation in E. Let q : X � Q be its quotient inE. Since we have R ⊂ R[f ], there is a factorization g : Q → Y which makes Reffective in E/Y .

Now our starting point to the way to Baer sums will be the following obser-vation:


Proposition 3.4. In any Baer category E the following downward whole rect-angle is a pullback and the following upward whole rectangle is a pushout:

EnXεX //


X ×XqX // //



��0 // //


X // //






Accordingly two objects with global support have same direction if and only ifthey have same endosome.

Proof. The downward left hand side square is a pullback and, E being penessen-tially affine, the associated upward square is a pushout. We just recall that theright hand part of the diagram fulfils the same property. Consequently EnXand dX mutually determine each other.

Our second observation will be:

Proposition 3.5. Let E be any Baer category. Then the functor En : E →Pt0E is cofibrant on regular epimorphisms. The associated cocartesian maps areregular epimorphisms.

Proof. This means that any regular epimorphism g : EnX � C in Pt0E de-termines a cocartesian map in E. Clearly the condition on g is equivalent tosaying that g is a regular epimorphism in E. Now take k : K � EnX the kernelof g in the additive category Pt0E, and R the associated equivalence relationon X given by Proposition 2.3. It is an effective relation since its endonormal-ization k is a kernel. Let q : X � Q be its quotient. Since the category E isregular, the functor En preserves the quotients. So Enq is the quotient of theequivalence relation EnR and consequently the co*kernel of its normalisationwhich is k, according to the remark following Definition 2.3. Thus the mapEnq : EnX � EnQ is nothing but (up to an isomorphism γ) our initial mapg : EnX � C which consequently appears to be the quotient of the equivalencerelation EnR. Whence a map ε given by the following diagram:








//Enp1 //




oo g // // C


// 0



p1 //X q

// //oo Q // 1

A Baer category being necessarily protomodular, the middle square is a pushoutsince it is a pullback along a regular epimorphism. This implies the universalproperty of q as a cocartesian map with respect to the functor En. By con-struction this map q is a regular epimorphism.


The last observation of this proof gives the following corollary which is ac-tually equivalent to the proposition itself:

Corollary 3.1. Let E be any Baer category. Then, along the map εX : EnX �X, there exists the pushout of any regular epimorphism in Pt0E and the involvedsquare is also a pullback:



g // // C


X q// // Q

Another immediate consequence of the previous proposition is the following:

Corollary 3.2. Let E be any Baer category. Then the fully faithful functor$∗ : Pt1E → Pt0E is cofibrant on regular epimorphisms.

3.2 An alternative description of Baer sums

We recalled that, when E is Mal’cev and efficiently regular, the functor d is acofibration whose fibres are actually groupoids (i.e. any map is cocartesian).When E is moreover a Baer category, we have, thanks to Proposition 3.4, acommutative triangle of functors:

Eg d //

En ##GG

GGPt1E = AbE



The functor En takes its values in a larger category than d and is only cofibranton the regular epimorphisms. The fact that $∗ is fully faithful implies that acocartesian map q with respect to En which is associated with a map g = $(γ)(with γ : dM = A � C any regular epimorphism in Pt1E) is also a cocartesianmap associated with γ with respect to d.

3.2.1 Level 1

Let us recall [6] that, when E is naturally Mal’cev and efficiently regular, anyfibre of the direction functor d is canonically endowed with a tensor product,namely the Baer sum. Let a : 1 → A be an element of Pt1E = AbE, M and Ntwo elements in the fibre above A. Then M ⊗N is defined as the codomain ofthe cocartesian map θ+ : M ×N � M ⊗N above + : A×A � A.

The previous remarks about the triangle of functors above allows us, in thecontext of Baer categories, the following easier construction of the Baer sum,very similar to the classical abelian case:

Theorem 3.2. Let E be any Baer category. Then the Baer sum of two objectsM and N with global support and same direction A is given by the following


pushout which is also a pullback:

$∗A×$∗AεM×εN //


M ×N

��$∗A // M ⊗N

We classically denote by H1E(A) the abelian group structure determined by

this Baer sum on the set π0d−1(A) of the connected components of the fibre


3.2.2 Level 2

Starting from a Baer category E, any fibre GrdXE is a Baer category, by The-orem 3.1. So the previous observations and constructions are the beginning ofan iterative process. A groupoid Z1 has a global support in the fibre GrdXEif and only if it is connected, i.e. such that (z0, z1) : Z1 → Z0 × Z0 = X × Xis a regular epimorphism. The direction of a connected abelian groupoid wasdefined in [7] as the pushout of s0 : Z1 � Z1 ×0 Z1 along (z0, z1):

Z1 ×0 Z1//








Z0 × Z0


Z0 × Z0

For the same reasons as above this implies that the downward square is a pull-back. In the Baer context, two connected groupoids in GrdXE have same direc-tion if and only if they have same endosome. The Baer sum of a pair (U1, V 1) ofconnected groupoids having same endosome E1 has thus its object of morphismsgiven by the following pushout in E which is also a pullback:

E1 ×0 E1

ε1U1×0ε1V 1//


U1 ×0 V1


// (U1 ⊗ V 1)1

This is a much easier way than to go through the direction.When the object X has a global support, the change of base along the

terminal map τX : X → 1 produces an equivalence of categories [7]:

Γ : Pt1E = AbE → Pt1GrdXE = AbGrdXE ; A 7→ K(A, 1)×∇X

where K(A, 1) denotes the groupoid structure (with object of objects 1) associ-ated with the group stucture A.


Recall that an internal groupoid Z1 is said to be aspherical when it is con-nected and moreover Z0 has a global support (i.e. such that Z0 → 1 is a regularepimorphism). The inverse of the functor Γ allows to define the global directionfunctor d1 : AspE → Pt1E = AbE, where AspE is the full subcategory of as-pherical groupoids (see [7]). It is given, this time, by the pushout of s0 alongthe terminal map:

Z1 ×0 Z1//










Z0 × Z0

This functor d1 is a cofibration whose fibres are categories (and no longergroupoids as at level 1) canonically equipped with a tensor product called theglobal Baer sum. Here again, the Baer categorical context will allow us to givean easier description of the global Baer sums of aspherical groupoids havingsame global direction.

Definition 3.3. Let E be a quasi-pointed category. The global endosome of agroupoid Z1 is defined as the kernel of (z0, z1) : Z1 → Z0 × Z0.

For exactly the same reasons as above, in a Baer category, two asphericalgroupoids have same global direction if and only if they have same global en-dosome. The global Baer sum of a pair (U1, V 1) of aspherical groupoids withsame global endosome A is organized by the following pushout in E which isalso a pullback:

A×AκU1×κV 1 //


U1 × V1

��A // (U1 ⊗ V 1)1

Once again this is a much easier way than to go through the global direction.We denote by H2

E(A) the abelian group structure determined by this global Baersum on the set π0d

−11 (A) of the connected components of the fibre d−1

1 (A) see[3] and [7].

3.2.3 The higher levels

The global direction of an asperical n-groupoid Zn:

Zn : Zn

z1 //


s0ooz1 //


s0ooz1 //




is defined in [18] and in [11] as a functor dn : n-AspE → Pt1E = AbE which isproduced by the following pushout in E:

Zn ×n−1 Zn //










Zn−1 ×n−2 Zn−1

It is still a cofibration whose fibres are categories canonically endowed with atensor product, still called the global Baer sum of n-groupoids. In a quasi-pointed category the global endosome of a n-groupoid Zn will be the kernel ofthe map (z0, z1) : Zn → Zn−1 ×n−2 Zn−1. When E is a Baer category, stilltwo aspherical n-groupoids have same global direction if and only if they havesame global endosome. The global Baer sum of of a pair (Un, V n) of asphericaln-groupoids with same global endosome A is organized by the following pushoutin E which is also a pullback:

A×AκUn×κV n //


Un × Vn

��A // (Un ⊗ V n)n

We denote by HnE (A) the abelian group structure determined by this global

Baer sum on the set π0d−1n (A) of the connected components of the fibre d−1

n (A).These abelian groups Hn

E (−) were shown to have a Yoneda’s Ext style longcohom*ology sequence in [18] and [11].

4 The endosome of a groupoid

Now we have emphasized the role of the endosome of a groupoid, we shall endthis work with some general observations about the endosome, when the groundcategory E is only finitely complete. Let Z1 be a groupoid in E. Let us beginby a useful property:

Lemma 4.1. Suppose we are given an internal functor h1 : R→ Z1 where R isan equivalence relation on an object Y , then the following square is a pullbackin the category GrdE:

R[h0] ∩R //





// Z1


Proof. Straightforward by commutation of limits, considering the following rect-angles, where the two squares on the left and the right hand side part on theright are pullbacks in GrdE:

R[h0] ∩R //




// ∆Z0


R[h0] ∩R //




e1Z1 // ∆Z0

��R // ∇Y ∇h0

// ∇Z0 Rh1

// Z1// ∇Z0

We are now in position to specify the internal action of the endosome En1Z1

on the object Z1 of morphisms:

Proposition 4.1. The endosome En1Z1 has a canonical action on Z1 whichis described by the following diagram where the vertical left hand side part is akernel equivalence relation and the upper square a pullback :

Z1 ×0 Z1z1 //







Z1z1 //




Z0 × Z0

Proof. The previous lemma gives rise to the following upper left hand side pull-back in E:

R[z0] ∩R[z1]z1 //




Z1 ×0 Z1z1 //








R[z0]ζ2 //







Z1 z1// Z0 Z1 z1

// Z0

Furthermore the two lower left hand side squares are pullbacks since Z1 is agroupoid. Now R[z0] ∩ R[z1] is nothing but the kernel equivalence relation ofthe map (z0, z1) : Z1 → Z0×Z0 whose underlying object is the object Z1×0Z1 of”parallel morphisms” of the groupoid Z1 which, itself, is nothing but the objectof morphisms of the groupoid Z1×0Z1. We have also z0.ε1Z1 = z1.ε1Z1 = e1Z1.All this gives rise to the right hand side pullback with the p0. The map p1 = z1.ιrepresents the canonical action of the endosome. In the set theoretical contextthe map z1 : Z1 ×0 Z1 → En1Z1 associates with the pair (α, β) : x ⇒ y ofparallel arrows in Z1 the endomap β.α−1 : y → y. Notice that the section


induced by s0 : Z0 → Z1 of this map z1 is (by the equations defining it) nothingbut the map ε1Z1 : En1Z1 → Z1 ×0 Z1 which associates with any endomapγ : x→ x the pair (1x, γ) : x ⇒ x.

We then get the following:

Corollary 4.1. Suppose E is naturally Mal’cev. Then the following square is apushout in E :

Z1 ×0 Z1 En1Z1








Proof. These are the splittings of a split pullback, i.e. a product in the fibrePtZ0 , and, the category E being naturally Mal’cev, this fibre is additive.


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Universite du LittoralLaboratoire de Mathematiques Pures et AppliqueesBat. H. Poincare50 Rue F. Buisson BP 69962228 Calais - France.

e-mail: [emailprotected]

Key words : Mal’cev, protomodular, naturally Mal’cev categories; internalgroupoids; Baer sum; long cohom*ology sequence.subjclass :


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